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TERM TWO 2021-2022
The learner`s effort in each of the following outcomes has been assessed according
to three different levels as follows:Emerging
The learner has just been introduced to the year level content and need support to be
able to demonstrate knowledge, skills and understanding at the expected level.
The learner is familiar to the year level content and demonstrates and understanding of
some aspects but still requires practice and support to reach the expected level.
The learner consistently demonstrate breadth and depth in understanding the year level
content and has highly developed learning skills and higher order thinking skills.
Prime Area: Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Building Relationships
1. says when he/she does or doesn’t need help
plays cooperatively and takes turns
2. Takes account of one another’s ideas about how to
organise their activity
3. Shows sensitivity to others’ needs and feelings
Self-confidence and Self awareness
2. Confident to speak in a familiar group and talk about
their ideas
Knows how to recite full name, age, gender
Self- regulation
1. shows concern for others
2. Talks about his/her own and others behaviour, and its
consequences, and know that some behaviour is
unacceptable and Seeks teacher’s help during a conflict
3. Works as part of a group or class, and understands and
follows the rules
Prime Area: Communication, Language and literacy
Listening and Attention
2. Listens to stories, accurately anticipating key events
3. Responds to what they hear with relevant comments,
questions or actions
1. Expresses his/herself effectively, showing awareness of
listeners’ needs
2. Uses past, present and future forms accurately when
talking about events that have happened or are to happen
in the future
3. Develops own narratives and explanations by connecting
ideas or events
Prime Area: Physical Development
Moving and Handling
1. Shows good control and co-ordination in large and small
2. Moves confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating
3. Handles equipment and tools effectively
Specific Area: Literacy
Pre- Reading
1. Can read pictures from print media( e.g. books, charts)
2. Able to listen and pronounce phase 1 phonic sounds
correctly(s, a, t, p, i ,n c, ,k))
3. Able to recognize phase 1 phonic sounds(s, a, t, p, i ,n c,
4. Able to recognize beginning sounds of pictures and words
Pre- Writing
1. can match sounds to sounds and to pictures
2. Sometimes gives meaning to marks as he /she draws or
paint (e.g. this is mummy)
3. can color in sounds and pictures
4. can trace on dots to form sounds
4. Holds a crayon effectively for writing
Specific Area: Mathematics
1. Counts reliably with numbers from 1 - 10
2. Places numbers 1-5 in order
3. Can recognize numbers 1-5
4. can count pack of up to 5
5. Able to identify basic shapes( circle, star, triangle,
Shape, Space and Measure:
1. Uses everyday language to talk about size
9. Recognises, creates and describes patterns
10. Explores characteristics of everyday objects and shapes
and use mathematical language to describe them
Specific Area: Understanding the World
People and Communities
1 Able to identify family members and how they relate to
each other
Can name parts of the body
2. Knows about similarities and differences between
themselves and others
Knows name of the school
Knows people found at school
Knows places around the school
3. can recall and talk about special events
The World
1. Knows about similarities and differences in relation to
places, objects, materials and living things
Able to identify textures of objects(soft, hard, hard,
Able to talk about senses and their functions
3. able to recreate what he/she see to his/her own model
through models and play activities
4. Explains why some things occur, and talk about changes
Specific Area Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring & Using Media & Materials
1. Sings songs and experiments with ways of changing them
2. Makes music and experiments with ways of changing it
3. Dances and experiment with ways of changing them
4. Safely uses and explores a variety of materials, tools and
5. Experiments with colour, design, texture, form and
Being Imaginative
1. Uses what they have learnt about media and materials in
original ways, thinking about uses and purposes
2. Represents his/her own ideas, thoughts and feelings
through design and technology
3. Represents his/her own ideas, thoughts and feelings
through art
4. Represents his/her own ideas, thoughts and feelings
through music
5. Represents his/her own ideas, thoughts and feelings
through dance
6. Represents his/her own ideas, thoughts and feelings
through role play
7. Represents his/her own ideas, thoughts and feelings
through stories
Next step to support learning development in school and at home
Engage ava in listening to rhymes and songs to continue developing her love for songs and in
turn improve her listening skills
Include her in activities like kneading dough to enhance her fine motor skills
Consider reading stories to her at home to improve her attention skills
I will engage her in activities that will help her pursue her interests and make learning fun
Teacher’s Comments:
It’s a great pleasure to be Ava’s teacher, she is a quick learners and always demonstrate an
advanced level of understanding. She always participates actively in class and have great
problem solving skills. You are a star! Ava
Teacher’s signature:
Head teacher’s Comments:
Teacher’s signature: