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Public Health & Nutrition Course Content

Government of Pakistan
National Vocational and Technical Training Commission
Prime Minister’s Hunarmand Pakistan Program
"Skill for All"
Course Contents
Certificate in ‘Youth Communicator for Development’
By Agency for Italian Development Cooperation and Luiss Business School
Course Title: Public Health and Nutrition
Duration: 3 Months
Course Details / Description & Preliminaries
Course Title
Instructor Name
Objective of Course
Course Contents:
Public Health and Nutrition
Prof. Luciano Monti
- Introducing students to the main concepts of public health and nutrition issues, which are
challenges to the ‘science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting
health through the organized efforts of society
- Imparting the students with the basics to the practice of public health and nutrition
- Imparting basics to the practice of public health and nutrition
- Imparting the students with the understandings on protecting and promoting the public’s
health; preventive activity; the health determinants and diseases risk factors; multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approaches, with partnerships of many kinds, including the
populations served as applicable to the Pakistan field.
Affective, Psychomotor
Introduction to Public Health
The global burden of disease of nutrition related diseased
The continuum of prevention
Health care systems and organizations
Assessing health and nutrition status
Assessing health and nutrition needs
The Pakistan Multi-sectoral Nutrition Strategy 2018-2025
How healthcare systems are addressing the Covid-19 pandemics at country and local level.
Direct action in Public Health
Introduction to Public Health and Public Health Communication
The continuum of prevention
Basic concepts of public health policy and planning
Epidemiology and Prevention of Human Communicable Diseases (i.e. Diseases spread by Food and
Water). Vaccination policies and other public health interventions available in Pakistan
Practical Targets
How to implement the Pakistan National Nutrition Strategy in rural communities starting from
public health strategies to control an epidemic outbreak
The overall objective of this training is to provide students with the skills to understand the
importance of prevention and public health for nutrition.
The concepts and tools presented in class shall be thoroughly contextualized according to the
nutritional status and situation in all parts of Pakistan through the data gathered in the analysis phase
The course is organized with a series of lectures that will be flanked by exercitations both theoretical
and practical, giving the opportunity to the students to basic public health skills. Exercitations will
cover about 40% of the total course time-length, through a clear explanation of aims, methodologies,
sources, tools of investigation and presentations. These methods shall be grounded on a multidisciplinary approach to improve the health and nutrition status of people in the involved territories
of Pakistan. By doing so, local coordinator’s help can be sought for local examples.
Entry level of trainees Since intake level is Intermediate and so expectations from the trainees are:
To have knowledge of basic computer system
To understand the use of internet and browsing.
To have knowledge of using social media platforms.
To have the knowledge of emailing.
Upon completion of this course, the trainees will be able to:
Learning Outcome of the
Understand various aspects of health and nutrition needs
Analyze various aspects of health status, needs assessment
Demonstrate the capability to support with evidence various public health policies/initiatives
Upon completion of the practical components, the trainees will be able to:
The students are to develop, in a period of about 1 month and half, an Action Plan for a project
idea in two steps:
Step 1 - Analysis of the social context
Based on the SDG indicators in Pakistan, teachers of sectoral courses invited students to identify
relevant problems by producing SWOT analyses of the different sectors in their territories. This
preliminary work, supported by the Pakistani teachers involved in the training activities, shall produce
a set of team project ideas spanning different territories, demographics and universities.
Step 2 - Action Plan.
Each student team is to identify the audience of their Communication, the communication
goals of the student project, the specific steps and communication channels, the resources and
the measures of success. To do so, the students are required to go into the field to meet with
local stakeholders. Leveraging on Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund PPAF’s Program of
Poverty Reduction (PPR) network of partner organizations and communities, students are to
meet with local communities, gather relevant documents (Community Development Plans,
District Strategic Plans, etc.) via survey techniques, and interview experts (including local
Government officials and experts from AICS related projects and activities in Pakistan).
More specifically, the structure and the contents of the action plan will be as follows:
The problem: what is the problem, why does the problem exist, who is causing
the problem, who is affected by it, to what extent is the problem significant.
Location-specific issues are to be studied as well.
Course Execution Plan
Companies offering Jobs
in the respective trade
Job Opportunities
The communication goals: which social changes do the student participants
wish to promote as a result of their field project? What behaviors need to be
encouraged or discouraged?
The target population: who are the people or groups who can play a decisive
role in promoting/hindering social change? How do they perceive the
problem/situation? What level of involvement/ commitment are we seeking:
information, consultation, shared decision-making?
The communication strategy: all the steps, activities, channels, ways which
participants can include in the communication strategy targeted to the
respective audience
Indicators for measuring success: quantitative indicators to measure the
success of the future project. Based on the interviews / surveys/ or the data
gathered, what is the “baseline” – the situation now – and what should be the
ideal target value to be reached for each indicator?
Total Duration of Course: 3 Months (13 Weeks)
Class Hours: 4 Hours per day
Theory: 20% Practical: 80%
Weekly Hours: 24 Hours Per week
Total Contact Hours: 300 Hours
1. Novartis Pharmaceutical
2. Pfizer Pharmaceutical
3. Ministry of Health
4. Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives
5. Prime Minister’s Health Care Centres
6. Non-government health policy centres
7. Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI)
8. National Institute of Health (NIH)
9. Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)
10. National Ehsaas Income Support Program
In the Post-COVID19 world, the importance of health and nutrition is not widely accepted by World
Health Organization (WHO) and other health-sector organizations. Following are the opportunities
you can go after completing this course:
 Health Management
 Health Policy
 Planning & Monitoring
 Freelance Content Writer in Health Journals and Newspapers
 Further study opportunities in health-related trades
No of Students
Learning Place
Instructional Resources
Classroom / Lab
Suggested readings:
Guest C, Ricciardi W, Kawachi I, Lang I. Oxford Textbook of Public Health, III Edition
(2013), Oxford: OUP
https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/food-safety Pakistan Multi-sectoral
Nutrition Strategy 2018-2025 https://www.pc.gov.pk/uploads/report/Pakistan_%20201825.pdf
List of Machinery / Equipment
Name of item as per curriculum
Desktop Computers
Laser Printer
Software List
Name of item as per curriculum
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Prezi, Trello
Laser Printer
Quantity physically available at
the training location