Chapter VII Wave Statistics & Wave Spectra Previously, the regular waves (signle frequency and amplitude) have been studied. However, ocean waves are almost irregular. 7.1 Introduction 1. How to use wave statistics and wave to describe (or simulate) irregular waves. 2. How to use the previous knowledge based on (regular) linear wave theory to calculate the properties of irregular waves. 3. Wave Statistics 4. Wave Spectra 5. FFT (decompose) and IFFT (superposition or simulation) Regular and Irregular Waves Ocean waves are almost always irregular or random. Irregular waves can be viewed as the superposition of a number of regular waves (wave components) with different frequencies and amplitudes. A regular wave (wave component) has a single frequency (wavelength) and amplitude (height). Irregular Waves: long-crested & short-crested All wave components are in the same direction ---- Uni-directional irregular waves, aka, long-crested irregular waves. Wave components are often multi-directional, ---- directional irregular waves, aka, short-crested waves. T 1 0 . 8 0 . 6 0 . 4 0 . 2 0 -0 . 2 -0 . 4 -0 . 6 -0 . 8 -1 0 2 4 6 8 1 0 1 2 Regular Time t Irregular 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 Wave Pattern Combining Four Regular Waves FFT & IFFT – (Inverse) Fast Fourier Transform. Actual (multi-directional) vs. Design (uni-directional) Seas 7.2 Wave Height Distribution Different from a regular wave train, in an irregular wave train, wave heights and wave periods are not uniform How to count the wave heights and wave periods in an irregular wave train. Zero up-crossing and zero down-crossing method. Ocean (Irregular) Waves Definitions of Zero-Upcrossing & Downcrossing Root-mean-Square (RMS), Skewness and Kurtosis Ochi (1998) Ocean Waves 7.2 Wave Height Distribution (conti.) Probability Density Function (PDF) Probability density function (pdf), is a function that describes the relative likelihood for this random variable to take on a given value. The probability for the random variable to fall within a particular region is given by the integral of this variable’s density over the region. The probability density function is nonnegative everywhere, and its integral over the entire space is equal to one. Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) Cumulative distribution function (CDF), describes the probability that a realvalued random variable h with a given probability distribution will be found at a value less than or equal to H. Relationship Between PDF & CDF Let P is the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of H and p be the related Probability Density Function (PDF) H P (h H ) p (u )d u ; p (H ) d dH P (H ) Example When measured 5 wave heights are 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.2, 5.0(m), respectively Find mean wave height Find the rms wave height. Find Prob[H>4.1m] Narrow-Banded Spectra: The Rayleigh Distribution An irregular wave train with a narrow-banded spectrum is that the frequencies of all its wave components of significant energy are concentrated near its peak frequency. Its wave height CDF satisfies Rayleigh distribution. H ) exp[( )2 ] P( H H H rms H ) 1 exp[( or P ( H H )2 ] H rms The related PDF is d H 2H p( H ) [ P ( H H )] 2 exp[( )2 ] H rms H rms dH Examples of using Rayleigh PDF for computations Hp ( H )dH H H1 0 p ( H ) dH 2H 2 H 2 2 exp[ ( ) ]= H rms H rms 0 0 H 1/3 Hp ( H ) dH 1/3 H 1.416 H rms p ( H ) dH 1/3 H H 1/10 Hp ( H ) dH 1/10 H 1/10 H 1.80 H rms p ( H ) dH 2 H rms Example When The root-mean square height of a narrow-banded sea is equal to 4.24m, using the Rayleigh distribution to Find Probability when [2m<η<4m] What is the significant wave height Hs? What is the probability [H<12m] If 600 waves are measured, how many waves are expected to exceed H=1.2Hs? What is the expected maximum wave height? 7.3 Wave Spectra Wave Spectra 1. Discrete Spectra Wave Energy Density Spectra Wave amplitude spectra 2. Continuous spectra Wave Energy Density Spectra** Wave Amplitude Spectra See Figure 7.2 at pp194 7.3.1 Spectral Analysis 1. How to obtain an energy density spectrum First deriving the discrete wave amplitude spectrum (FFT) based on measured elevation Secondly deriving the discrete energy density spectrum Then deriving the continuous energy density spectrum In simulating an irregular wave train, the above three steps are reversed. 2. How to simulate an irregular wave train according to a given wave spectrum (later) 7.3.2 Fourier Analysis A wave elevation measurement for a duration T (sec). The basic frequency or frequency increment is f 1 / T and 2 f . 1, cos ( n t ), and sin( n t ) are a set of orthognal functions over [0, T ], where n 1, 2,... (integer) The integration of the product of any two different functions from the orthognal function set over [0, T ] is equal to zero. 7.3.2 Fourier Analysis T T cos sin (n t )dt ( n t )dt 0, 0 T cos 0 0 0 if n m T / 2 if n m ( n t ) cos( m t )dt 0 T sin (n t ) sin(m t )dt 0 0 if n m T / 2 if n m T cos (n t ) sin(m t )dt 0 for all m and n 0 They can be proved using the trignometry identities. 7.3.2 Fourier Analysis (conti.) Let (t ) be an elevation (continuous) measurement for the time duration [0, T ]. Then it can be decomposed as a Fourier series. (t ) a0 [ an cos ( n t ) bn sin ( n t )]. 1 How to obtain theose Fouier coefficients (a0 , an and bn ) T a0 1 (t )dt 0, T 0 T T an 2 bn (t ) sin( n t ) dt. T 0 2 (t ) cos( n t ) dt , T 0 7.3.2 Fourier Analysis (conti.) a n cos ( n t ) bn sin ( n t ) An cos( n t n ) Notice An cos n cos( n t ) An sin n sin( n t ), By comparing the terms on the two sides of the above equ. a n An cos n and bn = An sin n Therefore, An a n2 bn2 , n tan 1 (bn , a n ) where An is the amplitude of the wave components of the frequency and n the related initial phase. The related energy density of this wave component 1 gAn2 2 Since g is constant, the en ergy density in a discrete En energy density spectrum is represneted by An2 / 2. To compute the Resultant wave properties Resultant wave elevation (t ) A0 An cos( n t n ). 1 If we measure the elevation by setting 0 at the calm water level, then A0 0. For practical reasons, the high frequency is truncated at a cutoff frequency, f c . f c Nf and hence N f c / f 2 f c / . Since (t ) A0 An cos( n t n ) is measured at x 0, 1 For the wave elevation at other locations is given by, N (t ) An cos( xk n n t n ). 1 When water depth is h, the resultant potential N (t ) 1 An g cosh[ k n ( z h )] sin( xk n n t n ). n cosh( k n h ) k n is related to n t through dispersion relation, ( n ) 2 gk n tanh( k n h ) Resultant wave properties Resultant wave velocity N A k g cosh[ k n ( z h)] u ( x, z , t ) = cos( xk n n t n ). n n n cosh( k n h) x 1 N A k g sinh[ k n ( z h)] w( x , z , t ) = sin( xk n n t n ). n n n cosh( k n h) z 1 Resultant wave velocity N cosh[ k n ( z h )] du u a x ( x, z , t ) sin( xk n n t n ). An k n g dt cosh( k n h) t 1 sinh[ k n ( z h )] dw u N a z ( x, z , t ) An k n g cos( xk n n t n ). dt t cosh( k n h) 1 Wave induced dynamic pressure head N cosh[ k n ( z h)] P ( x, z , t ) 1 = An cos( xk n n t n ). g t cosh( k n h) g 1 Parseval’s Theorem Remembering that the potential energy density T 1 1 P.E 2 (t )dt T 02 Since potential energy density is equal to kinetic energy density based on linear wave theory, the energy density is T 1 E 2 P.E 2 (t )dt. T 0 N Substituting (t ) a0 [ an cos ( n t ) bnsin ( n t )] into above equ, 1 T N 1 E {a0 [an cos (n t ) bnsin (n t )]}2 dt T 0 1 N an2 bn2 1 2 2 E (t )dt a0 [ ] T 0 2 1 T Continuous wave spectra There are many theoretical spectrum to present ocean waves. The most common ones are: 1. JONSWAP spectrum (North sea) 2. Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum Wave energy density spectra: P-M & JONSWAP Types Pierson-Moskowitz Spectrum 4 g 5 f EPM ( f ) exp 4 5 fp 4 2 f where --- constant depending on wind 2 JONSWAP Spectrum f f 2 p 4 exp 2 2 2 f p g 5 f E JN ( f ) exp 4 5 4 fp 2 f where --- constant depending on wind 2 a f f p sharp factor =1 - 7 (average 3.3) b f f p P-M (Pierson-Moskowitz) spectrum Fully-developed sea: 1-parameter: Vw 2-parameter: Hs & Tp JONSWAP (JOint North-Sea WAve Project) spectrum: storm sea 3-parameter: Hs & Tp & (overshoot parameter; 2-3) JONSWAP Spectra & H1/3 and Tp 5 S ( f ) J H T f exp[ (Tp f )4 ] d 4 0.06238 where J [1.094 0.01915 In ] 1 0.230 0.0336 0.185(1.9 ) 2 4 1/3 p d exp[ 1 , fp Tp 5 ( f / f p 1)2 2 2 ] (sharp factor) 1 ~ 7(mean 3.3), 0.07 f f p 0.09 f f p Goda (1987) k-th moment of wave spectrum mk S ( ) d k mk k S ( ) d Mean period T1=2π mo/m1 Mean period T2=2π √mo/m2 From a discrete energy spectrum to a continuous energy spectrum A n2 s ( fi ) , and 2 f f c is th e c u to ff fre q . 7.4 Numerical simulation of an irregular wave train How to simulate an irregular wave train according a given wave spectrum Given significant wave height & Peak period Choose the type of a energy density spectrum, for example, JONSWAP Determine the simulation duration, say T. The basic frequency or frequency increment f=1/T. Discretize the related energy density spectrum Determine the cutt-off frequency 7.4 Numerical simulation (conti.) At each discrete frequency nf, the amplitude of nth wave components is given by An 2* S ( fi ) * f , where fi nf and f 1/ T is the frequency increment. The initial phase of each wave component is randomly selected between –pi and pi. The resultant wave elevation is hence given by N (t ) A n cos( xk n n t n ). 1 W hen w ater depth is h, the resultant potential (t ) N 1 An g cosh[ k n ( z h )] sin( xk n n t n ). n cosh( k n h ) Discretize a energy spectrum A n2 , S ( fi ) 2 f w h e re f is th e fre q u e n c y in c re m e n t 15. 0 s m 2 s Wave amplitude of wave component j: 7.5 Aj 2s j max (cuttoff frequency) min 0.75 rad s 1 1.5 Nyquist Criterion: η(t)=ΣAj cos(ωjt+ej) Tmax=2π /∆ ω : repeated after this! Solution: use irregular ∆ ω or perturb central component frequency ωj ∆t < π / ωmax Discrete spectrum to Continuous spectrum: By using FFT, we get Aj. Then, S(ω) = Aj²/2∆ω Relationship b/w Hs and Tp in GOM For H S 6 m Tp 6.35 H S0.385 (s) For H S 5 m Tp 5.39 H S0.382 (s) Revised GOM Design Condition Wind(m/s) Hs (m) Current m/s West-100 39.9 13.1 2 West-1000 49.9 16.4 2.5 WesC100 38.1 12.3 1.9 WesC1000 47.6 15.4 2.4 Cent-100 48 15.8 2.4 Cent-1000 60 19.8 3 East-100 38.4 12.2 1.9 East-1000 48 15.3 2.4 Return Period & the Probability of the Occurrence of the Storm in A Given Year The Return period of a storm, such as 100-year period , 50-year period, etc, indicates the probability of the storm (with the related strength) occurring during any given year. mk k S ( ) d For example, 100-year return period means the probability of the occurrence of the related storm is equal to 0.01 in any given year. Similarly, 50-year return period is related the probability of 0.02. The probability of occurrence in a given year = 1/(return period). Return Period & the Probability of the Occurrence of the Storm in the Life Span of A Platform Assuming that the service life of a floating structure is 25 years, what is the probability of 100-year storm occurring at least once during its service life? mk k S ( ) d The probability depends on the length of service life and the return period. How to compute it? Return Period & the Probability of the Occurrence of the Storm in the Life Span of A Platform How to compute it? In each year, the probability for the occurrence of a storm of 100-year return period is u 0.01 Inversely, the probability for the absense of a storm of 100-year return period is 1- u mk k S ( ) d Since the probability for the occurrence or absense of each year in the life span (say, 25 years) of a structure is independent, the probability for the absense of a storm of 100-year storm in the life span is (1- u ) 25 Thus, the probability for the occurrence (once or more) is equal to P 1- (1- u ) 25 =1- 0.7778 0.2222 Return Period & the Probability of the Occurrence of the Storm in the Life Span of A Platform Binormal Distribution p ( x) Cnx u x v n x mk k S ( ) d where u v 1 and x 1, 2,...., n, Cnx n! x !(n x)! Let u stand for the probabilty of the occurrence of a storm of given return period in a given year, v 1 u for the probabilty of the absence of a storm of given return period in that year, n be the years of service life, and x the number of the occurrence of the storm during the service life, p ( x) is the probability of that storm occurring x times during the life span (n years). Return Period & the Probability of the Occurrence of the Storm in the Life Span of A Platform p ( x) Cnx u x v n x For the 100-year return period storm mk k S ( ) d u 0.01 and v 1- u 0.99 the service life n 25 what is the probabilty for the 100-year storm occurring at least once? 25 25 x 1 x 1 P p ( x) C25x u x (1- u ) n- x 1 (1 u ) 25 where the probability for the storm occuring once during the service life is 1 p(1) C25 u (1- u ) 24 . the probability for the storm occuring exact twice during the service life p (2) C252 u 2 (1 - u ) 23 .