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Financial Services Disruption & Communication Challenges

Services Industry and the
Communication Headaches that
Tracey Gordon, Founder, TargetPitching LLC
There was a time – actually not that long ago – when financial
services firms were able to introduce new ideas or products
and solidify first-to-market brand awareness before others
emulated the success. Fidelity, Vanguard, and Blackrock did it
in asset management. Schwab did it in the brokerage industry.
Amex did it with cards. PayPal did it with online payments.
Times have changed as new companies disrupt old, rush to
market with new ideas, new technologies and new ways of
expanding how people invest and spend their money.
The speed at which this fundamental alteration of the
traditional landscape is happening so rapidly, that the fear
of stagnation, of being left behind, has irrevocably altered
how fast decisions on business strategy, marketing campaigns
and messaging have to be made.
Firms used to be able to establish early dominance with smart
ideas that were so attractive to customers that the company
became synonymous with not just the idea, but the entire
market that grew around it. And the numbers were astounding.
In each of the examples above, growth numbered in the
trillions of money flows or spending transactions
When the numbers are that large and the potential so great,
something else happens.
It’s not exclusive to financial services, but occurs across
all industries when new, very popular ideas come to market.
With so much at stake, a very expensive differentiation battle
begins. Competitors who want to remain relevant don’t sit idly
by. The idea originators who have become the leaders in the
space don’t intend to relinquish what they’ve built. Very
quickly billions are being spent across every channel that
reaches a potential customer – sales, advertising, marketing,
public relations, and social media.
Over the years, the communication cottage industry spinning
around financial services has created many memorable and
innovative campaigns. This gave practitioners an important
seat at the table in the success stories for leading firms
like Vanguard, Schwab, Fidelity, Amex, JP Morgan etc.
The fact that this industry is so prone to disruption has
created continual need and opportunity for smart communicators
who can quickly adapt to change.
But, today change is happening faster than ever, impacting
more of the industry than ever, and with greater consequences
than ever before.
In the past, putting aside extreme market downturns, but
focusing on new product or service introductions, the time
allowed for adjusting could be slower, companies could react
more methodically while building the communication campaigns
around them.
Today, the speed of change is not just fast, but also
splintering every segment of the industry, from investment
management, to banking, Wall Street, payments, lending,
funding and every part of the technology and component
elements of the back and front-end that support and drive the
space. Thank you very much blockchain.
What this means, is that communication and differentiated
storylines have to happen at all levels, from the overall
company, the separate channels that reach different customers,
and if it’s a global company with multiple business lines
across time zones, it all has to be adapted and localized for
non-US regions.
So, how are marketing and communicators handling all the
Let’s just say it’s all a work in progress as in-house teams
and consulting firms figure how to message about the new
competitors, plan for their own reaction product, and then
wrap the specific messaging into the overall firm’s
communication and branding.
And, that all has to happen in a media and advertising arena
that too has fundamentally changed, but that’s a discussion
for another time.
The most important thing for any communicator to know now, is
that we must go deep into the changes and their impact. What’s
happening is complex and knowledge gets us that seat at the
table. Being just a communicator means we’re outside the early
decision making. It’s why the very best are industry and trend
experts first and foremost. We must have the business
knowledge and understand both the details and the broader
trends. Only then can we provide the very best advice on how
to tell a company’s story.
became one of the most sought-after
communication strategists during her
years with four of the most
prominent global financial firms –
Fidelity Investments, Morgan
Stanley, Charges Schwab and ING,
where she acquired a reputation among
reporters and executives for crafting
some of the most impactful industry campaigns. Her ability to
understand both the complexities of the business and shifting
media landscape helped her become an important advisor to the
C-suite. That, coupled with her intuitive sense of what will
connect with the marketplace, helped these firms become the
industry leaders they are today. As a senior executive with
Edelman’s Corporate Group, Tracey counseled many of their
largest clients, and was part of the global Executive
Positioning team.
Today, she is mirroring those achievements through her own
firm www.targetpitching.com, which designs differentiation
strategies for companies looking to stand out in a crowded
media world, grow market share, and frustrate disruptors and