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10 Tips for Healthy Skin: Skincare Routine Guide

10 tips for a healthy skincare routine.
Don't have time for skincare? You can still take care of your skincare routine, with some
easy steps. Good skincare and a healthy lifestyle can prevent you from ageing earlier
and skincare problems.
Healthy eating lifestyle.
Skin Older cells are continuously replaced with new ones. Key nutrients are important
for the skin. Healthy eating and the correct balance of food can help you to have
nutrients that are essential for your skin.
Eat fruits and vegetables
Vegetables are important for the skin. It contains antioxidants, which prevent skin from
damage. Betacarotene, in fruits and lutein in vegetables, are essential for cell
development and healthy skin
Vitamin C and Vitamin E
Vitamin C is a super antioxidant. It strengthens the immune system, also helps skin
spots to heal properly. Moreover, fruits such as Oranges, strawberries and sweet
potatoes are best for the skin.
Vitamin C helps in making new cells in the body.
Similarly, Vitamin E is also important for skin. vitamin E include hazelnuts, almond,
avocado, sunflower and corn oil.
Avoid Sun and Dust.
Sun contains UV radiations, which harm the skin. With time skin starts damaging and
becomes worse day by day. UV radiations can cause severe burns, which by the time
can also lead to permanent skin damage and skin cancer as well.
Use a hat, glasses, sunscreen (according to your skin) and avoid direct sunlight, to
protect from skin damage.
Similarly, dust carries particles that are damaging to the skin. This can result in skin
irritation, itchy, rashes, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. To prevent dust, wash your
face repeatedly. If possible use face wash, to have an extra layer on the face, which
protects from dust.
It’s important for skincare to avoid sun and dust as much as possible.
Drink Water.
Skin needs moisture to stay fresh. Dehydration will make your skin look dry and dull.
According to research, humans should drink at least 8 glasses per day for healthy skin.
This remedy is essential for a healthy skincare routine.
If you work, keep a bottle of water in front of you, so you don't forget to drink water.
However, some fruits and vegetables also contain water, such as watermelon,
cucumber etc.
Green tea.
Green tea has countless benefits.
Protects from skin cancer
Prevents from early ageing
Reduce acne
Moisture skin
Prevent skin irritation
Smoking is awful for healthy skin. It causes numerous problems to the skin.
● Premature ageing
● Skin cancer
● Healing problem
● Skin disorders
According to research, skincare problems in smokers are more than non-smokers.
Stress produces a chemical response, in the body that makes your skin sensitive and
reactive. Stress make hormones like cortisol, which makes skin more oily. Oily skin is
more vulnerable to acne.
Moreover, some people take the stress of skin problems, which adds more stress.
Because of which skin causes more problems.
If a skin problem keeps coming back to you. Rethink, how you should handle stress.
Treat your skin gently.
Healthy skincare routine, can benefit you. These tips can help you to have healthy skin.
Bath time. Hot showers and long showers remove oil from your skin. Limit time of your
shower and use warm water instead of hot water.
Shave carefully. Shave with care, apply shaving cream. Use a sharp razor and apply
the razor, in which hair grows.
Use the towel gently. After washing your face or bathing, use the towel gently. so that
a few oil remains on the face.
Dry skin. Use moisture on dry skin. For daily use, use moisture that contains SPF.
Cleanser for skin.
Skin cleanser has number of benefits. A cleanser should be in a daily skincare routine. Washing
the face twice a day with a cleanser gives a glowing effect and also removes dirt
Moreover, Cleanser removes oil, dirt, and dead cells from the skin without irritating the skin.
● Facial massage.
● Once a month, Facial massage is essential for a skin
● Facial massage is anti-ageing and reduce wrinkles and gives a glowing effect to your
● Reduce acne
● Skin blood flow
● Manage scar tissue
Daily exercise can help you to get healthy skin. Exercise increases blood circulation in
the body, which benefits skin cells.
Moreover, exercise also reduces stress and stress is interconnected to various skin
Exercise also produces new cells, which give a glowing effect to your skin. However, be
careful with outdoor exercise. Excess heat directly to skin can cause problems.