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Sanjana Kundu
Rakanjana Sen
Indian Writing in English
“Enterprise” by Nissim Ezekiel
Ezekiel was born on 16 December 1924 in Bombay (Mumbai) in Maharashtra. His father was
a professor of botany at Wilson College, and his mother was principal of her own school. The
Ezekiel’s belonged to Mumbai's Marathi-speaking Jewish community known as the Bene
In 1947, Ezekiel earned a BA in Literature from Wilson College, Mumbai, Bombay
University. In 1947-48, he taught English literature and published literary articles. He studied
philosophy at Birkbeck College, London.
Ezekiel's first book, A Time to change, appeared in 1952. He published another volume of
poems, The deadly man in 1960. He became art critic of The Times of India (1964–66) and
edited Poetry India (1966–67). In 1969, at the Writers Workshop, Ezekiel published his Three
Plays which includes Nalini, Marriage Poem, The Sleep-walkers. A year later, he presented
an art series of ten programmes for Indian television. In 1976, he translated Jawaharlal
Nehru's poetry from English to Marathi, in collaboration with Vrinda Nabar, and co-edited a
fiction and poetry anthology.
Nissim Ezekiel is often considered the father of Modern Indian English poetry by many
critics. He was honoured with the Padmashri award by the President of India in 1988 and the
Sahitya Akademi cultural award in 1983.
After a prolonged battle with Alzheimer’s disease, Nissim Ezekiel died in Mumbai, on 9
January 2004 (aged 79).
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Sanjana Kundu
Rakanjana Sen
Indian Writing in English
Enterprise’ by Nissim Ezekiel is an allegorical poem describing the journey of life and the
poet’s realization at different stages of his journey.
In ‘Enterprise’ the poet, Nissim Ezekiel talks about going on a pilgrimage. He is not alone in
the journey. There are other pilgrims too in that group. They have set out to reach a
destination that is unknown to the readers. It is not disclosed even at the end of the poem.
There is a hint in the poem that the place is somewhere near the sea. The poet divides their
journey into some stages. In each stage, the path they have chosen is not that smooth. They
have to face some difficulties in order to reach their goal. Some members leave the group for
their difference of opinion. One such person is an intellectual and prose writer.
The situation worsens when they are close to their destination. But the ending is paradoxical.
Even after suffering from hardships to reach their coveted goal, they feel dejected after
reaching there. At last, the poet paradoxically remarks, “Home is where we have to gather
Enterprise’, a poem by Nissim Ezekiel, has manifold layers on its actual meaning. Readers
can interpret the poem in their own way. It being a well-written piece of art, welcomes
various critical appreciations. Apart from the meaning of the text, the essence of Indianness is
there in the poem. These elements make it so dear to the Indian readers. The language used in
the poem isn’t so tough that one cannot understand the meaning after reading it for the first
The first line is an example of sarcasm. The poet says that their journey isn’t an ordinary one.
It was like a pilgrimage for the group. It is meant to bring a sense of humor at the same time a
Kundu, page3
Sanjana Kundu
Rakanjana Sen
Indian Writing in English
smell of irony in the poem. There are some other instances where the poet uses the same
literary device. Such lines are, “We stood it very well, I thought”, “On how to cross a desert
patch” and “…I tried to pray”.
In the last line of the first stanza, the sun is personified. In the second stanza, “The way of
serpents and of goats” is a metaphor. “Serpents” is a metonym of mischievous persons with
whom the poet met during the enterprise. In the 4th stanza, readers can find another
metonymy in the word “section”. Here “section” stands for the persons in the poet’s group. In
the line “he smelt the sea”, the poet uses another metonymy. Here the sea symbolizes the sea
In the last stanza, Ezekiel invests the abstract idea “trip” with the ability to blacken their face.
It is definitely a use of personification. The last two lines of the poem contain a deep meaning
which seems absurd to the readers at this juncture of the poem. Here the poet uses a literary
device which is called epigram in the art of rhetoric.
Nissim Ezekiel is one of the prolific Indian writers in English of the 20th century. He was
playwright, editor, critic and poet. Ezekiel’s poetry has different themes and styles. His
poems are a depiction of his craftsmanship, restraint and intellectual approach to everyday
life. It revolves around a metaphorical journey of man on this earth followed by hardships
and failures which man is subjected to by the very nature of the earthly life that he leads.
The poem ‘Enterprise’ is written in a conventional form. The poem consists of six stanzas,
each having five lines. The poet has used verbal antithesis to achieve a balance. Antithesis is
a contrast or opposition in the meanings of contiguous phrases, lines or stanzas.
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Sanjana Kundu
Rakanjana Sen
Indian Writing in English
‘Enterprise’ is a symbolic poem. Symbolism refers to the use of symbols to represent ideas or
facts. The various symbols used in Enterprise are listed below:
*Pilgrimage in the poem symbolizes life.
*The ‘crowd of pilgrims’ symbolizes a group of men, who undertake to achieve common
goal which begins with excitement and hope but ends with disillusionment and frustration.
*The ‘Sun’ is the symbol of hostility of nature towards human aspirations and ambitions.
*A ‘desert patch’ is symbolic of the challenges and hardships which the group faces or the
differences that rise among them.
* ‘A shadow falls on us and grows’ is symbolic of the differences in opinion that leads to a
discord in the enterprise and consequently, a member leaves the group and the disharmony
* ‘A straggling crowd of little hope’ symbolizes a group of people who had a well focused
goal and during the course of their journey loses their zeal and becomes a crowd of aimless
and frustrated wanderers.
* ‘Thunder’ is symbolic of man’s inner voice.
* ‘Home’ symbolizes remaining rooted to the soil or remaining true to oneself.
. The poem ‘Enterprise’ is allegorical in nature. The group of men all set for the journey,
enthusiastic and full of vigour set out for the spiritual quest. The journey here is a metaphor
of life. The poem is a stark depiction of the condition of men on this earth who are subjected
to such failures, hardships and disillusionment during their course of journey of life.
Kundu, page5
Sanjana Kundu
Rakanjana Sen
Indian Writing in English
Work Cited Page
"Nissim Ezekiel - Wikipedia". En.M.Wikipedia.Org, 2022,
"Poem Analysis | A Database Of Poetry Analysis And Summaries". Poemanalysis.Com, 2022,