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Relative Pronouns Worksheet

1. Mr. Anderson opened a store -----
6. We express our appreciation to the
became very profitable.
donors ----- support the fundraising event
A. who
every year.
B. which
A. he
C. they
B. who
D. he
C. some
2. The critic met the well-known author
D. also
----- published a novel last year.
7. Mr. Evans has succeeded Sharon Voss,
A. who
------ is retired from the vice president
B. which
position of Mark Corporation.
C. whom
A. who
D. whose
B. he
C. whose
3. The new book store, ----- is now under
D. his
construction, is scheduled to open next
8. The multinational company, ----
A. who
products are made in Korea, is very
B. which
C. whom
A. who
D. while
B. whose
C. that
4. Applicants, ----- want to apply for the
D. whom
director position, must have at least three
9. Green World is a non-profit organization
years of experience.
----- mission is to protect an environment.
A. who
A. which
B. whose
B. whose
C. whom
C. that
D. which
D. who
5. Candidates ----- applications are
10.We will contact candidates -----
incomplete will not be considered for the
qualifications meet the requirements for
the vacancy.
A. who
A. which
B. whose
B. that
C. their
C. whose
D. they
D. than
11.Jack Webb, the artist ----- paintings
16. Our company is seeking new
were recognized, is highly regarded in the
employees, ----- can work abroad.
A. who
A. whose
B. that
B. who
C. whose
C. their
D. which
D. they
17. Ms. Sanchez will come to the office to
12. The team will simplify the ordering
examine the problems ----- were
process ----- has been the main
discovered yesterday.
reason for customers' complaints.
A. that
A. who
B. what
B. what
C. who
C. which
D. there
D. when
13.The company only offers positions to
agencies ----- offices are located near
applicants ----- qualifications match the
your home.
company's standards.
A. whose
A. that
B. who
B. than
C. what
C. whose
D. whom
D. which
the company will hold a banquet this
If you receive the progress reports
We attached a list of real estate
To celebrate ----- fifth anniversary,
from each department manager, please
Friday night.
send ----- to Ms. Paris.
A. whose
A. them
B. theirs
B. what
C. them
C. him
D. its
D. there
20.Monte Bistro, ----- already offers the
15. Sales employees----- wish to attend
widest selection of French cuisine, plans
the product demonstration should notify
to expand its business into fast food
Mr. Gregory by Friday.
A. they
A. whose
B. who
B. these
C. all
C. which
D. you
D. they