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English 12 Short Story Literary Response Assignment

English 12
Short Stories
Literary Response
In a formal, well-structured multi-paragraph response of about 500 (max: 800) words, please
respond to one of the following prompts, in proper MLA format (no title page).
Note: This is NOT a compare & contrast.
1. Discuss conformity and/or tradition in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” Is their tradition
2. What message does LeGuin send in "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" about guilt
and responsibility?
3. Discuss the conflict between society and individual in “The Lottery” OR “The Ones Who
Walk Away from Omelas.”
4. Explain how all the characters (Mary, Patrick, the detectives, and the unborn baby)
could be the 'lamb to the slaughter' (a Biblical reference that is used to describe
someone who is innocent/ignorant/doesn’t know something bad will happen)
5. Roald Dahl means for his readers to identify with Mary Maloney, to be on her side, and to
“giggle” with her while the investigators munch on the murder weapon. Discuss the
strategies, language/diction, and literary devices Dahl uses to make Mary Maloney a
sympathetic character (and Patrick Maloney an unsympathetic one).
This response will be due ___________________________________.
Writing Tips:
Integrate quotes between your own words and cite them (citation always goes at the
end of the sentence, right before the period)
Explain your evidence; don’t assume readers will just “get it.”
Do NOT summarize the plot; ask yourself “is what I’m saying related to my thesis?”
Write in present tense
No contractions (shouldn’t, can’t, don’t, etc.)
Use transition words/phrases to move between main ideas, evidence, and explanation
Follow the P.E.E.L format
Do not over-use the thesaurus (sometimes simple is good!)
Proof-read! (reading aloud is the best way to catch any errors)
Come see me if you are unsure or need help! :)
English 12
Short Stories
Literary Essay Rubric:
this meets or exceeds all criteria
superior and/or exceptionally engaging
may draw upon: maturity of style; effectiveness of argument; use of literary devices; use of
rhetorical devices; depth of discussion; sophistication of wit; quality of imagination,
insightful and pertinent references; sophisticated quotation integration , MLA format
any errors are minimal
this is an example of proficient writing
displays some manipulation of language to achieve a desired effect
strong voice and clear sense of audience
references convincingly support a thesis; proficient quotation integration
any errors do not detract from the reader’s understanding
vocabulary and sentence structure are varied and serve the writer’s purpose successfully
this composition is competent
assertions are simplistic
no significant errors in understanding
references are present, but limited to only part of the passage; competent quotation
diction and syntax are usually appropriate, but lack variety
structure is predictable and relatively mechanical
conventions of language are usually followed, but the reader is aware of errors
this paper is barely adequate
understanding of the topic and/or passage may be partially flawed
references and support may be long and unconnected or meager or repetitive; flawed
quotation integration
transitions may be weak or absent
little variety in diction and sentence structure is discernable
although the reader may be aware of some purpose, errors impede the fluency of
this paper is inadequate
there is an attempt to address the topic
understanding of the passage or the task is seriously flawed
underdeveloped ideas are simply and/or awkwardly expressed, as they might be in casual
conversation or by one not fully conversant in the English language
reflects little knowledge of the conventions of language and/or structure, lacks quotation
errors are frequent and rudimentary
his paper is unacceptable
it does not meet the purpose of the task or may be too brief to address the topic
compromised by its brevity, and/or its deficiency of composition, content, diction, syntax,
structure, voice and conventions of language so as to render its meaning/purpose almost