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Dolphin Report: Facts, Habitat, Life Cycle & More

By: Maha
Animal Facts
Dolphins are a few different
colors like gray, blue,
black, white and some even
pink! The size of a dolphin
is 30 feet and 9 meters
long. The dolphin has
smooth rubby skin. The
dolphin wights 100 and
20,000 45 and 9,100.
The Dolphin eats fish,
squid and shrimp and
a Dolphin is a
carnivore because it
eats other animals
The Dolphin swims
very fast. The dolphin
always leaps out of the
water to breath. The
waves help push the
Dolphins through the
water. The Dolphins
sometimes swim in
groups. When dolphins
swim in the water thy
make a zigzag.
A pic showing
your animal.
Map showing
where your
animal lives
Picture showing
your animal in its
dolphins habitat is places where there is a lot of fish. The Dolphin
swims away to another place with lots of fish if predators come.
Dolphins share there homes with other Dolphins live in all oceans
and some even in rivers. The Dolphins. Some Dolphins are even in
zoos and in aquarims.
Life Cycle
A Dolphin has live birth. 1 baby a
time and baby Dolphins are called
calfs and baby Dolphins look like
their parents. The mom takes care
of the calf until the baby Dolphin
is grown up. It takes 2 months for
a Dolphin to be born
A picture of the
animal as a
grown/ mature
Adult Dolphins live in groups.
Adults are mostly gray and adults
live for about 30 years. Dolphins
live in groups and there are not a
lot of Dolphins in the groups.
Animal Interactions
Dolphins swim away fast and if the Dolphins need
help they would make clicks so that other Dolphins
can come and help. The Dolphin would leap out of
the water to find help or to go away from predators
or to swim away.
Sharks are a big
predators to
Pic of enemy, predator,
prey, etc.
Pic of animal adaptation
that allows it to protect
Dolphins always
swim away if no
The predators are sharks and humans. Humans are
predators because sometimes when humans catch
fish they sometimes get Dolphins in there nets witch
kill some of the Dolphins.
Interesting Facts
There are about 36
different Dolphins
in the world. Killer
whales are
Dolphins too!!
A pic to accompany
fact #1
A pic to accompany
fact #2
COLORS. Dolphins
are about 6
different colors.
Dolphins have
spade shaped
A pic to accompany
fact #3