Carnegie Reading -Profit sharing -Cooperation - Cooperation with labor, Labor is on equal terms, a lot of freedom to negotiate. -Unions: Is in favor as an effective way of improving labor relations. Arbitrations: employers directly working and talking to each other -Makes workers partial owners of the company -Strikes and lockouts: Thinks there useless and not necessary, they share no actual purpose -Pinkertons: Carnegie employed them to subdue a strike at the homestead strike. Tawney Reading -in 1920 people are failing to be motivated to work. -Using Scare and fear tactics -Spira de cor : Embodying the philosophy of a company and being motivated to work and proud of their work -Tawney thinks for labor to cooperate you need to trust and be motivated by management -Motivators: Character of training, Pride of craftsmanship, Tradition of service, public opinion, Esteem and reputation, interest in one's work, Laurence Reading -Clifford (Theory X): thinks that the industry is responsible for workers not going hungry and providing that resource and people would be motivated by hunger and fear. Early stages of labor, people want direction and need to be bossed around although people don't like working and are motivated by fear and punishment -Lady Chatterley(Theory Y): Sympathy to the workers. Works are being controlled under inhumane work. People should be motivated to come to work themselves. -Characters in this story represent capitalism instead of socialism -Cant have a successful society without thinking about the individual first Mcgregor Reading -Theory Z: Team oriented, people can be trusted and take responsibility, High level management where you are able to trust the workers. Workers are the driving force. Not as many promotions but everyone is more on the same playing field. Motivated by the labor force. THEORY X: People want direction,People dislike work,People will avoid work, Manager motivates employees with punishment THEORY Y: People want responsibility, People enjoy problem solving, people like work –seeing it as natural, people will work depending on rewards offered to them, manager motivates employees with rewards THEORY Z: Team-oriented, People can be trusted, People can take individual responsibility, slow evaluation and promotion, fewer levels of management