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The Essential 6 Month Calisthenics Workout Plan For Bar Brother
 Bar Brother Rich (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/author/admin/)  Calisthenic Beginners
(http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/category/calisthenics-workout/calisthenic-beginners/), Calisthenics Workout
Let’s get real here.
You are someone who acts, not someone who talks.
You want to work your ass o .
Day in, day out…
But you also want to know how you can do this as e ciently as possible.
Which is just as important as working hard.
The problem is that you are new to this and there are tons of routines, but which should you do?
The good news? This question has been asked over 10.000 times.
The bad news? There isn’t a one-size- ts-all for everyone.
While it di ers per individual, I believe that with this 6 month calisthenics workout plan you’ll be pretty
much covered as a beginner.
Keep what is useful, discard what is not and add what works best for you.
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If you are reading this, it’s because you -just like many other people- have asked yourself 1 simple
How should I begin Bar Brother Training?
I have decided to set up a simple 6 month plan for calisthenics workouts which an absolute beginner can
use to start training.
And to take the rst step towards passing the o
cial Bar Brother exam.
Every month has its own challenge and things aren’t going to become easier.
But you are going to get stronger…
The Requirements To Start With The 6 Month Calisthenics Workout
In order to prevent injuries or become demotivated on this plan, there are certain requirements which
you will need to meet rst.
It will help smoothen your transition from one month to the other.
To start this six month schedule you need to be able to do:
5 push ups
5 pull ups/chin ups
5 knee raises
5 dips
5 squats
Bonus Routine: Lacking the strength for these exercises? Need to start from scratch?
Don’t worry about it.
If you don’t have the basics down yet, you might need to work on those skills rst.
There is nothing wrong with starting at 0.
You can nd a complete starter guide with a 15 minute full body routine for absolute beginners to
start working on the foundational exercises.
Including a description on how to do them correctly.
Click here to download the guide (http://eepurl.com/Z6pfT)
You can also nd some posts addressing the di erent progressions:
Find a push up
here (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/5-bar-sister-routinesUltimate
12 Week routine
Training System
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Find a chin up progression routine here (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-chin-up/)
Find a dip progression routine here. (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/ring-dip-bar-workoutprogression/)
Find a leg raise progresion routine here. (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/hanging-leg-raiseexercise/)
If you meet these requirements, prepare for six months of body weight training.
Once again, I emphasise that this plan should be considered a blueprint to a new body and is not a
be-all end-all thing.
Whatever you put into your ‘calisthenics workout’ plan is up to you as long as you use the right foundation.
Or you might nd yourself using one that does more harm than good.
And we don’t want that to happen.
So where do you start?
You probably know that it’s not an easy question to answer.
Generally you would bene t more from overdoing the basics than you would from progressing too fast.
Be conservative and humble. Slow and steady beats fast and impatient.
Wanting to be too cool and skipping the basics will lead to injuries.
It’s better to underestimate than to overestimate your level of strength.
It will pay o in the long run…BIG TIME.
Practical Training Tip: Progress does not work the way you think it does.
You will have periods on this plan where if feels like you are making gains every single day and then
you will have periods where it feels like nothing is happening.
That’s because in reality progress has a very di erent path than you probably think it does.
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Ultimate 12 Week Training System
Knowing this as a beginner, will allow you to deal with periods of little improvement.
And it will keep you motivated, because you know that when you hit a plateau you are heading for a
As you move forward on this plan this will be a very familiar pattern.
Keep it in mind.
I don’t want to sound like the guy who keeps you on a leash.
But I’d like to take my responsibility and make sure that you get most out of this plan.
By managing your expectations and by making you aware of possible pitfalls.
Let’s go!
Month 1: The Full Body Workout Plan
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Your Workout Schedule
In a weekly plan, your workouts would look like the following diagram.
Assuming that you start on Monday.
With in between each day of exercise a rest day for you to recover.
Keep in mind that this is the bare minimum amount of training you will need to get consistent results.
Optionally you can add more days for leg routines, but training at least 3 days is a minimum.
In the rst month the focus is on getting your body used to calisthenics training.
By doing a full body routine you hit all the muscles.
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This means the 5 big
12 Week
Training System
If you don’t have a pull up bar, use the no equipment routine (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/wpcontent/uploads/2014/08/no-equipment-8-beginner-routine.jpg) instead of the full body routine.
If you have serious muscle soreness nd out which 5 things you can do to keep training.
This is your rst month of training so don’t expect any major results, remember how many years it took
your body to become the way it is right now?
You can’t expect that to change in 1 month can you?
Just keep in mind that the rst month is about adaptation of the entire body.
Make sure you do a proper warming up (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/bar-brother-calisthenicswarm-up/) before every routine to prevent and prepare yourself for injuries.
Minimize your time between exercises as much as possible, take your rest between your cycles (1-3
This month you lay your foundation for the other 5 months.
Keep in mind that training yourself into an imbalance here will lead to issues later.
While you might not notice it and feel like you are doing the same thing over and over, things will be
changing in the rst month…fast.
Or as mister Myagi from the Karate kid would say: “Wax on, wax o ”.
Training Tip: Don’t Forget Legs And Feel Free To Add Variety
If doing this routine 3 times a week (or more) gets a little too boring and you want to do something
else, just pick one of the 14 bar brother beginner routines or plans
(http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/bar-brothers-beginner-routines/)to add to the fun and
Just keep in mind that you want to hit all the 5 major muscle groups in a balanced way as much
as possible.
If you feel like this is too easy you can add more days or continue in the next month.
If you want some
or train
more than
3 (http://1ddc7qn6k8q-y260fkmpyi8w4k.hop.clickbank.net/)
times a week, add a leg routine.
Week Training
Start Now
Training both legs and upper body has shown to lead to increased levels of testosterone (which is
good for overall muscle growth), compared to only training your upper body (study
The leg exercises will de nitely be su cient for someone who only has time to workout 3 times a
week and needs a full body workout.
Month 2: Let’s Go Workout To Develop Upper Body Strength
Your Workout Schedule
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Ultimate 12 Week Training System
By now you should have developed some additional push and pull up strength.
In this second month the focus is on pushing your strength even more and building both your upper body
and triceps, which you will need for a good muscle up.
Training Tip: Focus On Quality Over Quantity
It’s cool to say that you can do 10 pull ups.
But there is a huge di erence between 10 bad pull ups and 10 good pull ups.
Drop the ego and the need to feel cool and stick to quality instead.
You will be way stronger and injury free down the road.
And if you really feel like you need to do a lot of bad quality executions.
Month 4 will show you why quality is important.
The hard way and I don’t want that to happen.
So start focusing on high quality, as soon as possible.
Month 3: Combining Workouts To Reach A New Level Of Intensity
Your Workout Schedule
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Ultimate 12 Week Training System
This month is going to require a lot of e ort since you are really going to a signi cantly higher level of
calisthenics workout intensity.
Your upper body needs to start developing the strength to start a muscle up routine, which will be of a
signi cantly higher level than you are used to.
The reason why the Full Body Routine is placed rst is because I’d rather have you do the basics perfectly
and be exhausted for the Let’s Go than to have it the other way around.
Better basics equals less injuries.
As you progress through the month and increase your strength you might want to alternate both or start
with the Let’s Go routine rst.
That’s up to you.
Training Tip: Use A Deload Workout Week To Refuel
During this month in the last week before you transition to month 4, I want you to take 1 week where
you basically do only 50% of what you normally do.
It’s called a ‘deload week’.
And it’s a tool you can use to allow your body to ‘supercompensate’ for all the adaptive pressure you
have been putting on it.
As a result you’ll become even stronger by doing less for a short amount of time.
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Ultimate 12 Week Training System
Look at it as refueling and repairing yourself completely.
To start fully energized and lled with fuel again.
Make sure you can do these routines with the right technique and quality or the next month is going
to be discouraging.
Which it will probably be anyways, but that’s part of becoming stronger.
Finding your limits and rede ning them!
Month 4: Muscle Up Hunt For The Bar Brother Requirements
Workout schedule
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Ultimate 12 Week Training System
In this month your primary focus should be on the muscle up hunt.
Just make it a priority to do this routine with high quality, no shitty repetitions.
If you are having some serious di culties with your typewriter pull ups, replace your Let’s Go Routine with
one of these shoulder routines. (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-shoulder-workout/)
Or just give yourself more time.
You really need to be obsessed at this point, because this is going to be your most di cult month yet.
You might not want to hear this, but a big part of progressing is realising that you actually suck.
Not a little bit, but big time.
Once you accept and embrace that you are a beginner again, you’ll be ready to go to the next level.
If you want to keep progressing inde nitely, never stop with ‘being a beginner’.
Training Tip: Use Exercise Progression And Aim For 5 Repetitions In A Cycle
Always aim for 5 reps for 3 cycles at least where possible.
If you are unable to do 1 rep of the given exercise, regress to an easier progression.
Instead of typewriters do wide grip pull ups for example, minimum of 5 reps in the given amount of
If you can do 1 typewriter, do 1 and regress to 4 more wide pull ups.
If you can do 2 typewriters,
2 and System
regress to
wide pull ups etc.
Ultimate 12 Week
Always aim for those 5 reps of 3-4 sets.
The same rule applies for clapping pull ups. Replace clapping pull ups with normal pull ups until
you’ve developed enough strength for the explosive force.
It will be a bit of trial-and-error. You’ll discover where you need to take it down a notch and where you
can add a more.
Doing these exercises with high quality standards will make transitioning to more advanced moves much
If you have di culties doing these, chances are that you have been doing some of the previous
months with less quality that you should have.
If you can do all of the above muscle up hunt moves for at least 5 reps of 3 cycles, you will have
enough strength for the next month.
This is de nitely a month which can take you longer to complete depending on your development and
baseline strength.
Patience is key.
Month 5: Muscle Up Progression Up To Get Your First Clean Muscle Up
Bar Brothers Florida muscle up tutorial
Your Workout Schedule
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Ultimate 12 Week Training System
This month the training is going to change a little, because right now you should have the fundamental
strength to do all the basic full body exercises.
In addition to that, you have developed upper body strength to progress into a muscle up by doing the
muscle up routine.
So what you can do now is focus on the muscle up technique and strength by doing:
The pulling: Explosive pull ups 5 reps
The transition: Explosive pull ups with hand rotation 5 reps
The strength: Jumping into the muscle up and go back into a negative pull up 5 reps
Do this 3-4 sets and then progress into the muscle up routine (At least 5 reps for 3 cycles).
If you don’t have the strength to do an additional upper body routine, progress into the full body routine
or add a leg routine.
You can add some variety here, just make sure you spend plenty of time on the ‘technical part of the
muscle up’ which is the transition.
Training Tip: Focus On Skill Through High Volume Repetitions
One of the major reasons why people never get their rst muscle up, despite having the strength to
do so is because they are lacking the skill.
Or the ability toUltimate
time, which in reality is also a function of
Systemat the
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But to keep things simple we’ll refer to it as skill.
Things such as the muscle up transition need to be hardwired in your brain.
Your body needs to recognise the ‘transitional moment’ without you having to consciously think about
How? Repetitions. Repetitions. Repetitions.
Those repetitions will accumulate over time and before you know it, you don’t even need to think
about it any more.
It just happens.
Once that’s the case, you are ready to face the Bar Brother requirements for beginners.
Month 6: The Bar Brother Beginner Challenge To Set The Base For The
O cial Challenge
Tycho Bar Brothers Groningen Examen
This is the Bar Brother Beginner Challenge, consisting of:
4 muscle ups
15 dips
20 pushups
10 jumping squats
10 leg raises
4 muscle ups
3 minute time limit
Now it’s time for you
to do 12
Training System
Now (http://1ddc7qn6k8q-y260fkmpyi8w4k.hop.clickbank.net/)
Make sure you do a good warming up and go for it, six months of hard work will surely allow you to pass
There is no doubt in my mind.
My suggestion is that you stick to the workout plan in month 5 during this month, while trying to do the
beginner challenge at least once a week as shown in the workout schedule.
My piece of advice for passing the challenge?
Get a group of friends who join you in your training and make it a goal to try the challenge at least once.
Support each other.
It builds a bond. A strong body and a strong character.
Because in the end it’s not about what you can do, but about who you become because of it.
Training Tip: Rest Better To Work Harder
On this workout plan you might reach a point where you feel like resting is for weak people.
Well, the proper amounts of rest are the only way you’ll get strong.
You need to realise that the harder you work, the harder you need to rest.
Muscle construction DOES NOT happen when you train, it happens when you rest.
If you want to train
a Training
week, you
on ‘high quality’ rest.
How? Sleep is the most potent anabolic activity known to man. Yes, you build more muscle while
sleeping than with anything else.
But only if you force the muscle to adapt while you are awake.
What do you need to do to optimise this? It’s simple, but not easy.
Sleep at least 8 hours a night.
Make sure your nutrition is in check and focus on speci c exercises and nutrients that promote
recovery (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/elbow-pain/).
Especially when you start having sore elbows.
Don’t make excuses when it comes to working out.
And don’t make excuses when it comes to resting, but only after you’ve earned it.
What Do You Need To Do After You Have Passed The Beginner
So you’ve decided to go all the way?
Well…you’ve taken the rst step. In reality that wasn’t a step.
It was a leap of faith. You might still be a beginner, but not the beginner you were before you started.
I’m sure you aren’t planning to stop anytime soon.
So what’s next?
Continue training for the o cial challenge (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/bar-brotherrequirements-beginner-advanced-videos/), which you should be able to do in the following 6 months.
Upgrade your training to the 12-week workout system (http://1ddc7qn6k8qy260fkmpyi8w4k.hop.clickbank.net/) by Lazar and Dusan.
And keep in mind that training is one part of becoming stronger and that the other part is a healthy
calisthenics diet. (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-meal-plan/)
The healthier you eat while on this 6 month training schedule, the stronger you will be at the end of it.
And the better your results.
Even small changes in your daily habits and diet can have enormous e ects.
And the sooner you get started, the sooner those goals of yours will start becoming real.
Just like the dream of the person you want to be.
Ultimate 12 Week Training System
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Beast mode ON!
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1,412 thoughts on “The Essential 6 Month Calisthenics Workout Plan For Bar Brother
Older Comments (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/comment-page-59/#comments)
August 21, 2017 at 2:24 am (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/comment-page-60/#comment-33745)
Hey Rich,
I’ve been doing the Bar Brothers 12 Week Program for a while now, but I feel like my nutrition is holding me back. I go online and try and get
help, going from Reddit page to Reddit page trying to nd the help I need. I found some of you’re eBooks and I read them all but I still just
need a question answered that I haven’t been able to get answered anywhere yet. So I am 14 years old and I weigh in at about 120, with my
height being 5 6′, so the question I have is what do I do? Do I eat a surplus to gain muscle or do I eat a de cit to shred the fat o my stomach
to get my abs to show then do a surplus? I read on here I should eat a de cit to get my abs to show then from there I go ahead and do a
surplus of calories… But I’m just soooo stuck and everyone is telling me di erent things like, “You should do weight lifting, calisthenics won’t
work out” and “Eat 3,000 calories a day” to “Eat 2,500 calories a day.” I’m just sooo confused on what to do, so I am wondering if you could
please help me out so I can succeed, so I can get my dream body, and so I can get the con dence I have always lacked.
Thanks, and BEAST MODE ON!
August 21, 2017 at 7:58 am (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/comment-page-60/#comment-33751)
Hey Michael,
Thanks for your message!
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Ultimate 12 Week Training System
This is something called: “Paralysis by analysis”. You are consuming too much information and looking for the magic solution, guess what?
It becomes confusing and there isn’t a perfect solution. Not a single body on this planet is the same as yours, so there are 1001 tips and
tricks that work. Instead nd 1 plan and stick to that plan for 4-8 weeks.
You can nd my free diet guide, it contains all the principles which you need to know. Or if you feel something else sounds better, stick to
that, but don’t jump from source to source and plan to plan without actually doing stu . Stop reading more, start DOING more.
Keep in mind that getting your dream body isn’t going to give you con dence, the road to getting it is what will.
Beast mode ON!
August 21, 2017 at 12:47 pm (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/comment-page-60/#comment-33755)
Thanks Rich,
I am just confused though, so do I cut to get my abs showing then bulk? Or should I just keep bulking and eating clean?
August 21, 2017 at 12:48 pm (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/comment-page-60/#comment-33756)
Thanks Rich,
I am just confused though, so do I cut to get my abs showing then bulk? Or should I just keep bulking and eating clean?
Beast Mode ON!
August 21, 2017 at 9:01 am (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/comment-page-60/#comment-33752)
Is nishing this routine a prerequisite for startingthe twelve week program?
August 21, 2017 at 9:18 am (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-workout-plan/comment-page-60/#comment-33753)
Hey Biswadeep,
Great question.
Not necessarily, but it can de nitely help you prepare.
You can nd more information on the online program here: http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/the-system-bar-brothers/
Beast mode ON!
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 7 Drills To Increase Your Hamstring Flexibility + 11 Things You Don’t Know (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-hamstring/)
How To Find One Of The 3163 Calisthenics Parks Near You  (http://www.barbrothersgroningen.com/calisthenics-park-near-me/)
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