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Computer Generations: Organization & Architecture

Universiti Teknologi MARA
Computer Organization and Architecture
Edited by
Salehah Hamzah
Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics
UiTM Melaka, Kampus Jasin
Zero computer generation
First Computer Generation
Second Computer generation
Third computer generation
Fourth computer generation
Fifth computer generation
Zero Computer generation
• invented a mechanical calculating machine or
calculator to add and subtract two numbers
• perform multiplication and division through
Blaise Pascal
repeated addition or subtraction.
• The calculator was designed to help his father
workload on tax calculation.
• Invented Step Reckoner
• to add an automatic multiplication feature
Gottfried Wilhelm
to the Pascal calculating machine.
• also discover a computing machine will
easier if use binary number coding.
Zero Computer generation : Feature
Designed by Charles Babbage
First attempt is a mechanical computing device called
Difference engine. Construction was not completed
A new general design of computing device known as
Analytical Engine. Also not completely built.
logical structure of Analytical Engine has dominated
computer design in the electronic era
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytical_Engine
Analytical engine invention
Analytical engine generate new ideas :
A store to hold numbers
A mill to hold arithmetic calculations
An input consist of data using punch cards, based on Loom
computing device
• Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a loom (hundreds of cards with holes)
called as punch cards for input and output.
• Before punch cards,there was paper tape roll used as input information
An output is printer , a curve plotter and a bell
Source : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytical_Engine
Zero Computer generation
Analytical Engine
Difference Engine
Atanasoft Berry
• Invented by John Vincent
Atanasoft and Clifford Berry
• implement three critical ideas
that are still part of every modern
• Use binary digits to represent all
numbers and data
• Perform all calculations
using electronics rather than
wheels, ratchets, or mechanical
• organize a system in
which computation and memory
are separated.
Source : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atanasoff_Berry_Computer
First Computer generation : Feature
used vacuum tubes,an electronic circuit act as a
switch/amplifier for computing system circuitry,
The size is large which cause the computer size require
more space as the entire of room
Generated a lot of electrical power
Generated a lot of heat and could possibly shutdown
used machine code as programming language, code that
designates the electrical states in the computer
• Invented by J. Presper Eckert and
John Mauchly
• first programmable general-purpose
electronic digital computer
• ENIAC was complex electronic
computer system with
approximately 18,000 vacuum
tubes,70,000 resistors, 10,000
capacitors, 6,000 switches
• it was initially designed for military
Von Neumann
• A computer machine with basic computer
architecture invented by John Von Neumann
• known as First Draft of a Report on EDVAC
• The basic structure of Von Neumann
architecture proposed in the draft
• design of a new stored program computer,
referred to as IAS computer, at the Princeton
Institute for Advanced Studies.
• The IAS computer, although not completed, is
the prototype of general-purpose computers
Von Neumann architecture
IAS computer consists of
• A main memory,
• An arithmetic and logic unit
• A control unit,
• Input/output (I/O)
First Computer generation: Feature
The tube is very expensive and fragile
Air conditioning is required
Use magnetic drum as primary storage
Incapable to calculate large amount of data
Use punch card for input and print outs
High maintenance was required
Second Computer generation
Replacing vacuum tubes with transistor
Transistor reduced the size of the computers
reduced heat ,better from first generation
computers . Vast improvement!
Better in speed for calculating data compare
with first generation machine
Second Computer generation
programmers create instructions in words called
as assembly programming language, replacing
machine language.
Still has difficulty for commercial production
due to expenses in making and purchasing
still relied on punched card for input and
Third Computer generation
An integrated circuit (IC), invented by Jack
Consume less energy less heat and more reliable
Used High level programming languages.
Higher storage capacity than previous generation
Third Computer generation
Used mouse and keyboard for input.
specifically designed to handle high-speed data
processing for scientific applications
Less expensive than previous machine
Air conditioning was required. This is limitation
Fourth Computer generation
contains hundreds of thousands of ICs. It is called VLSI
(Very Large Scale Integration)
Ted Hoff produced the first microprocessor known as Intel
greatly reduce the size of computer from huge machine to
desktop, laptops and palm top size.
House hold items such as microwave oven, television set
and automobile incorporated microprocessor
Fourth Computer generation
Smaller in size
High speed processing with less power consumption
Mainly used for commercial production
No air conditioning required.
The networking features were developed
Object oriented programming are introduced
Fifth Computer generation
• a type of machine which have human
based skills such as learning,
reasoning, and solving problems
Playing chess
surgical operation
Driving a car in traffic
Robots which can work in an environment
where survival of humans can be at risk..
(e.g : mining fuel exploration),
Fifth Computer generation
• AI machines or systems are prone to less errors
and high accuracy
• very high-speed and fast-decision making,
• highly reliable and can perform the same action
multiple times
• High Cost : hardware and software requirement
very costly
• Human may become too dependent on machine
• No creativity : human can imagine some new
ideas but AI machines cannot
• https://www.javatpoint.com/artificial-intelligence-tutorial