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The Role:
Position Purpose
Planning and leadership of Civil & Structural (C&S) design related activities for the Project or part
thereof, with responsibility to establish and agree C&S design requirements, document the optimum
C&S design solution, facilitate processes to obtain approvals from authority, project stakeholders and
management. Ensure C&S solutions achieves compliance with the project overall design intent,
budget, timeline, quality and safety objectives.
Key Accountabilities
● Assist the Project Manager to ensure that ROAD Reviews are carried out at the earliest stage of
the C&S design process, mitigation strategies are detailed as part of the Project Risk &
Opportunity Assessment and progressively reviewed and designed out where reasonably
● Assist the Project Manager to manage the contractual requirements of the project in relation to
C&S design
● Fully appraise C&S design options and ensure Value Optimisation and Project Engineering
initiatives are encouraged and appropriately reviewed prior to implementation. Appropriately
manage risk associated with implementation of final design decision
● Assist the Project Manager in preparation / review, as appropriate, of the Project Brief (incl client
& design brief)
● Explore buildability aspects of the proposed C&S design and develop design documentation to
ensure buildability and quality expectations are achievable
● Manage the C&S design process through relevant design phases and obtaining and document
client design reviews and approvals
● Co-ordination and management of the project design team documentation deliverables and
standards – including drawing numbering systems, sheet layout, size and orientation and drawing
● Assist the Project Manager, as required, with Authorities & Stakeholder Management including
strategy, submissions, negotiations, documentation and finalising approvals. Collate all relevant
records for statutory and design verification compliance for future reference
● Ensure that the Company Policies and Procedures are adhered to with regard to the design
process and conversion
● Resolve all technical issues in line with Company quality standards including CIDD and Defects
Alerts. Ensure involvement of Lendlease design expertise, where relevant, to maximise
knowledge capture and lessons learnt including validation of consultant proposals where
significant risk is identified
● Collaboratively work with the Construction Manager / delivery team to ensure the successful
procurement and delivery of the project C&S requirements in line with all stakeholders’
● Negotiate and manage timely delivery of specialist C&S consultants/prefabrication/innovation
● Prepare, update and status detailed C&S Design Programmes & Production Schedules in
accordance with Company standards in a timely manner from commencement to completion of
C&S design deliverables for each required design phase. Coordinate and liaise with the project
management and construction team in relation to C&S foundation/overall construction program
and procurement programme requirements
● In conjunction with the Project Manager, manage the timely delivery of the C&S overall design in
accordance with the project program(s) and production schedules including the Tender Event
● Provide leadership and direction to the C&S and related consultant team throughout the life of the
● Manage C&S design team requirements including procurement of the design team, resolution of
any design team issues, professional development, and coordination of C&S related design
services to ensure appropriate management of the overall design process
● If applicable, manage and coordinate the involvement of specialist design support services
including Lendlease design and 3rd party reviews to ensure appropriate management of the design
process to achieve the optimised outcome for the client and Lendlease
● Coordinate with the project team and consultants to monitor related C&S and overall project cost
plan, including regular review of C&S consultant documents and amendment of C&S consultant
documents to meet the client’s project brief and budget
● Establishment, implementation and updating of the Design Management Plan component of the
Project Management Plan
● Establishment and update of C&S project design, operation and maintenance objectives and the
project brief
● Definition of the C&S consultants’ scope of work and the selection, engagement, coordination and
administration of payment of consultants
● Client liaison and approvals on all matters pertaining to C&S design
● Formulation of strategies for, and regular review of, design production outputs, documentation,
constructability, trade proposals, shop drawings and samples/prototypes including specialist
design and Value Management sessions related to C&S
● Regular reporting of C&S design status within the Project Team and as required to Project
Reviews & Project Control Groups
● Manage consultant team and project stakeholders to ensure effective completion of responsibilities
including project brief/PSA/scope, fees, processing claims, deliverable and / or project variations
● Manage the timely delivery to programme for the concept, schematic, detailed design and C&S
design development in accordance with the overall delivery program and agreed project
● Identify alternative construction methods and promote project engineering innovations.
● Identifying opportunities to optimise the C&S design and minimise abortive work across the
● Identify any potential variations from consultant’s design proposal or client requests
● Implement the Lendlease Building Environment, Health & Safety Management System and Global
Minimum Requirements (GMRs) across the project’s design and ensure risks are identified in the
EHS in Design/Risk And Opportunity At Design process and documented in final design
● Eliminate EHS risks identified in the above design review processes or if elimination is not
reasonably practicable, minimise the risks as required by legislation and Lendlease Global
Minimum Requirements for EHS.
● Ensure that EHS risks identified in the design review process that remain open (i.e. not eliminated)
are formally transferred to other designated areas for management, e.g. construction or end user
maintenance manual.
● Ensure that third party designers of buildings or structures for Lendlease are contractually required
to provide a report on how EHS risks were identified in their design and the outcome of the
elimination or mitigation process related those risks.
● Consider any changes to design and the potential risk implications related to environment, health
and safety for that design change and elevate any significant risks for management and control.
● Complete GMR Environment, Health & Safety Passport and Work, Health and Safety Design
● Review and action key lessons learned from incidents occurring on sites, capture specific design
related incidents and lessons learnt and ensure appropriate solutions are developed early in the
design process
● Assist the Project Manager to communicate and engage our clients and consultants with our EHS
requirements including incorporation of contractual responsibilities in consultant contracts
● Ensure the Project Conversion Process is followed and all gateways completed; ensure that cost
planning takes into account end design and operator requirements, methods and resourcing to
comply with GMRs and Means & Methods
● Support the Project Manager in setting and achieving sustainability objectives and targets (e.g.
GBI, LEED), incorporating current best practice in sustainability and industry knowledge
● Establish appropriate controls and reviews to ensure the design evolution and the final design is
compliant to sustainability objectives and the clients brief