UI/UX IV ARTG 474 User Interface / User Experience Design IV Refactoring UI Essentials $29: https://gum.co/LsTNA/nsD3OGSKfv5tK2P0 Additional Resources Google Material Design https://developer.android.com/ design/ Human Interface Guidelines https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/ OUTLINE COURSE TEXTBOOKS // WHICH MEANS ... You will continue working on Not only will you build on what class will advance your digi- the projects from Patrick’s we’ve covered in previous UI/ tal interface design and devel- Design Research class by cre- UX courses, you will use this opment skills, and provide a ating a new digital interface. project to showcase the skills deeper understanding of these This interface will do one of you’ve acquired in the graphic processes. three things: it can be a prod- design program over your four uct unto itself; it can serve years at VIU. to enhance the functionality Everything you work on this semester will be a resource for of a product; or it can create We will be diving deeper into awareness of your product as a usability by learning about marketing platform. heuristics and laws of UX, all while honing UI skills. This your UI and UX portfolio. COURSE Class Zoom link, Mondays 3:304:30 or by appointment - OFFICE HOURS 474 https://viu.zoom.us/ j/63527069460?pwd=SGtjV1JlZWV1SmlBTGI5MzIrbXB3UT09 ARTG CLASS Mondays 11:30-2:30 Zoom/Online This is a capstone research course in user-interaction and user-interface design, focusing on user-centered design. Students will develop and design a semester-long major project, drawing on their work in usability heuristics and various design methodologies from prior courses to design a site/application for desktop and mobile devices. - Brad Harris brad.harris@viu.ca // ACCORDING TO THE CALENDAR ... 01 INSTRUCTOR UI/UX IV ARTG 474 User Interface / User Experience Design IV LEARNING OUTCOMES > Upon successful completion of this course, student will be able to: Î Establish project goals based on specific research. Î Propose supporting infor- and user flows. PROTOCOL > Have your supplies and anything you need to sketch, design and take notes. Back up your work and don’t run updates on your laptop the night before something is due. Please show up on time, class mation architecture for a starts promptly every Monday at digital prototype. 11:30am, online. The provided Î Identify essential features for your digital product that are appropriate for your user base (persona). Î Employ appropriate user interface patterns in your product. Zoom link will remain consistent throughout the term. If you’re unable to make it on time, or at all, send an email. and UX design practice. These end-of-term. assignments (and possibly a quiz) will count for 45% of your final grade. Readings from Refactoring UI will also be required. Assignments may also include multiple choice questions based on these readings to be completed on your own time. Late is late, regardless of the reason. Late work will not be Your capstone project is the culmination of the UI/UX courses to date. It is worth 50% of your final grade. Invest yourself in this; take pride in how far you’ve come by harnessing all of your skills you’ve acquired over the years in the Graphic Design program. accepted without prior approval. Deadlines are strict; treat each class as if you were about to have a meeting with a client in which they are expecting to see work completed on a project. Be prepared to have a conversation about your work. ASSIGNMENTS, QUIZZES & READINGS > I will, however, accept as- Throughout the semester, you was submitted in time, on the will be required to complete CAPSTONE PROJECT > signment resubmissions if work original due date, completed to EVALUATION >> Capstone Project - 50% Assignments / Quizzes - 45% Engagement - 5% OUTLINE term. Î Develop effective prototypes and may not be graded until the COURSE velopment environment from last however, is graded on my time, and understanding of good UI - book, access to a Webflow de- itive navigation design. will enhance your abilities 474 pens, a sketchbook or a note- Î Demonstrate mastery of intu- at least 50%. Resubmitted work, ARTG Suite CC (Adobe XD), pencils, heuristics appropriately. a variety of assignments that - Your laptop, Adobe Creative Î Implement various usability 02 SUPPLIES > */ ON ENGAGEMENT Think of engagement like class participation, only more. In addition to participating, engagement is not just raising your hand to speak up and share your thoughts; it also includes your level of interaction within group activi- “GOOD DESIGN IS OBVIOUS. GREAT DESIGN IS TRANSPARENT.” ties, how you work with your classmates, and your level of communication with me. Do not under-value this. It can be the difference between a letter grade after everything is considered. >> JOE SPARANO Engagement will be a key component in your careers as designers, and in life as higher-functioning humans. As we’ve experienced, life can get unpredictable and throw ever, this is no excuse for not communicating, not showing up in person, or deciding you will attend online without valid reasons and prior approval. If this becomes your pattern, your engagement score will be affected. It is your choice to attend classes and meetings, engaged and on time. Make the right choices and treat your time as a student as your profession. COURSE have tried to accommodate students wherever possible. How- - ty have noticed a drop in attendance and communication. We 474 Because of the turbulent last couple of years, the facul- ARTG signer - as a real human. - Reach out. I’m here to support you as a student, as a de- 03 responsible: if you need help, ask; feeling overwhelmed? OUTLINE challenges at us. But if the going gets tough, try to be COURSE CALENDAR > Feb 21 Interface paradigms / a history of styles What are they and how do they fit with your project? We look at some influential web design trends. Activity: Webflow - buttons, many ways Homework: UI pattern assessment, read Chapter 2 Refactoring UI. Feb 28 Feb 7 Affordances and Signifiers What you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask. Activity: Advanced colours and/or Whiteboarding Homework: read Chapters 5 & 6 Refactoring UI. Advanced UI Patterns We explore common UI patterns and make decisions. Activity: Interface Testing See how your interface stands up to user testing Homework: Start building in Webflow Mar 7 Advanced Forms We look at examples and discuss usability. Activity: Webflow Responsiveness Homework: Keep building in Webflow class, assignments may change, due-dates may be pushed back or brought ects might be adjusted. Changes will be posted in the announcements section of VIULearn, after each class. VI- ULearn is your true source of accurate, upto-date information. Because of COVID uncertainty, some in- Mar 14 Wireframing, whiteboarding, and user flow What are they and why are they important? We explore what you need in your project, navigation, and a few Laws of UX. Homework: User Journey / interactive wireframe, read Chapters 3 & 4 Refactoring UI. on where we’re at as a Mar 21 Putting it all together: UI/UX portfolios We look at how to showcase UI/UX skills in a portfolio. class activities that Activity: Webflow forms possible; only time Workflows in the Real World We talk about different ways to manage projects, and we discuss career possibilities as a UI/UX designer. Activity: Webflow - adding extras are best done inperson, may not be will tell if these activities will happen! - Jan 31 eral outline; depending forward, value of proj- Activity: We look at worst possible ideas. Homework: Design Principles, decide on your product type, user objectives and goals. Read Chapter 1 Refactoring UI. Jan 24 Study Break This calendar is a gen- CALENDAR Design Principles & Innovation We dig deeper into design principles and also talk about innovation. We get creative. Homework: Hi-Fi mockup XD (build your assets library in XD), Read chapters 7 & 8 in Refactoring UI. ** STUFF CHANGES Mar 28 Project Studio Day - individual check-ins Homework: Capstone Project Apr 4 Final Class - Capstone Project Due for Critique Present your digital product. You will have 1 more week to make changes. 474 Jan 17 Usability Heuristics What are they and why are they important? A few more Laws of UX. ARTG Activity: We make toast. Homework: read ‘The Creation Myth’ https:// www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/05/16/creation-myth Feb 14 - Welcome back! An overview of what you’ll be creating for your term project. We look at the context, flow, and implementation pyramid. 04 Jan 10 ARTG 474 Capstone Project <Digital Interface> RESOURCES You will be building on the project done in Patrick’s class last term. You’ve brought your designs to a point where you can now start considering how a digital product can support, enhance, or even become your product. You’ve (presumably) conducted user research to assess the viability of your product, and, like last term’s poster design, we shift to digital. This is the next iteration of and a solidification of your may find it difficult to find product’s ‘brand’. the time for your own passion projects. When Completing this A digital interface can be many project could put you 3/4 of things. It can be a product the way there. You could poten- unto itself, such as a video tially make residual income, or streaming service, or a game; even start a business venture. it can serve to enhance the functionality of a product, CREATIVE SOLUTIONS > such as bluetooth control of Think about how a digital for- an appliance; or it can create awareness of your product as a marketing platform, in the form of a responsive website. A set of well-crafted design principles - NOT principles of design - should help guide this project. If design principles haven’t already been crafted, you will need to create these. SO WHAT? > mat can create different experiences for your users. A mobile device, for example, has potential for tracking someone’s location, giving haptic or auditory feedback, or even augmenting reality. We will be looking at creative examples of digital products with innovative user experiences. Remember all that time we spent last term looking at Art Direc- Between this and last semester, tion? Keep this in mind when you have the opportunity to designing your digital inter- create a real product. faces. How can you use Art Direction to engage your users? By the end-of-term, this proj- How can you use your interface PROJECT A digital Interface, designed in XD, and built in Webflow. you hit the ‘real world’, you CAPSTONE Final Project Format a real business venture. There should be an evolution - April 11, 2022 your product. Depending on the nature of your product, this could take many forms: a website, an application, a mobile web app - whatever best supports or enhances your project. nity to enhance your ideas. 474 DUE DATE ect has the potential to become ARTG 50% of Final Grade For your final project, you will be creating a digital interface for your product, and an opportu- - PROJECT WEIGHT YOUR OBJECTIVE > 01 Me, Refactoring UI, the web, your classmates. Additionally, the quality of matted Word document won’t cut your writing will be taken effectively, you need to under- Users are habituated to cer- it, in fact, I won’t read it. into consideration. stand your users. Grammar, tain patterns, that if deviated Harsh? I don’t think so. Your spelling, and well-articulated content, imagery, etc. would from, can create a poor user design skills should bleed into thoughts count. Even if you are your audience engage with most? experience. everything you put into the the best visual designer in the world. land, sloppy writing can quick- Part of your grade will be different expectation and based on creativity. ferences in these patterns - But there’s a huge caveat to al. If you have trouble with hasn’t all been done before this is yet another reason for this: good design doesn’t mean this, get someone to proof-read - that is a super weak (and understanding your users. flashy colours and illustra- your work before handing it in. tions. You should care a lot about dif- It means appropri- Foundational are Apple’s Hu- ate design. made every day, and there will man Interface Guidelines and well-designed document can also wants showcase how tremendously always be more opportunity for Google’s Material Design Sys- be inappropriate. talented our graduates are - so creative solutions. believe. Innovations are being An aesthetically Know where this. More selfishly, VIU tem. Working with these de- to design, and where not to - heartedly encourage solutions sign systems will enhance your this is super key in digital that haven’t been seen before. understanding of common, us- interface design (remember the Need Free Help with writing? er-friendly UI patterns. Un- icons in gov,uk?). Build from Contact The Writing Centre: derstanding these systems will well-chosen fonts, make the in- https://vancouver.mywconline. We will be looking more closely make you more competent - and formation readable, and create com at UI patterns this term. Along more efficient - designers. a strong visual hierarchy. WRITING & DOCUMENTATION To take this a step further, ON PATTERNS I whole- > with this we will be exploring psychological patterns such as Jakob’s Law: “Users spend most > your documents should reflect the visual systems already of their time on other sites, and they prefer your site to Written assignments should look established in your product. work in the same way as all the well-ordered and aesthetically Doing so will ensure you have other sites they already know.” appealing;All assignment sub- cohesive documentation of your This is where leveraging well- missions this term should be process that would be suitable known user interface patterns well-designed. for a UI/UX portfolio. in your design is an essential room in this class for poor- There is no don’t tarnish this, okay? PROJECT tremendously boring) thing to ly make you look unprofession- CAPSTONE No, it - Even between iOS and Android users, there are 474 What type of ARTG To do this ly-crafted documents. An unfor- - ers will relate to? part of its usability. 02 to tell a story that your us- weekly in VIULearn. or a marketing platform for Refactoring UI will play a find other successful products your product. large role in building your designs, and will be required reading weekly for the first half of the semester. I will reinforce these concepts during the second half of the semester while you build your designs. Next, you will that include effective UX and UI that you can use as inspiration for your interface. TASK 3 - JOURNEY MAPPING / WIREFRAMING > Now to decide what you need in Your design principles are the guiding light to your interface design. Even though this may have been established during your design research class, we need to look at this through the lens of digital interface design. Well-crafted principles are an important foundation for any design-centered project, especially for a team. TASK 2 DEFINING YOUR PRODUCT / PATTERN ASSESSMENT > As a class, we will look at what digital interface options are available to you, then de- active prototype. Within this, it’s very important to create a solid assets library for your design. This should include colours, typography, and components so that making those Some of these tasks may change TASK 1 DESIGN PRINCIPLES / PRODUCT AUDIT > In XD, you will build an inter- your interface and where to put it. Sorting your content into inevitable changes will be fast and efficient. Presumably, your aesthetics have already been determined in your previous class. Now, we can put them to use in your new interface design. You will need to determine the main user objectives achieve their goals. To do this properly, try to be problem-oriented, rather than solution-oriented; understanding the users’ problems is key to finding the proper solutions. Use your persona developed last term to start constructing a user journey and determine how you want them to navigate through your product. Start mapping this as an interactive prototype using resources I’ll be sharing in class. TASK 5 USER TESTING >> It’s time to put your ideas to the test. at your disposal to build this in Webflow, including pre-made components - just make sure to make them your own!. PRESENTATION & CRITIQUE >> For the end-of-term critique, you will reveal your completed digital interface to the class by sharing your screen and talking about your work. You will have one week from this day to make changes and a logical hierarchy of importance is the first step. a few. You can use any method You will be test- ing your prototypes in groups and using different qualitative research methods to assess the effectiveness of your design, and garner useful feedback from your classmates. TASK 6 BUILD IT >> We spend the rest of the term building your designs in Webflow using the assets we’ve covered up until this point: Refactoring UI, Apple’s Human submit this on April 11, to VIULearn along with your cumulative documentation. PROJECT that will enhance your product; gle’s Material Design to name CAPSTONE given each class and posted standalone product; a product - lowing tasks, with more detail face. There are 3 options: a Interface Guidelines, and Goo- 474 We will be completing the fol- TASK 4 USER INTERFACE DESIGN >> ARTG cide the purpose of your inter- - > 03 YOUR TASKS