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Cricket Scheme of Work: Year 7, Marine Academy

Marine Academy’s Scheme of Work: CRICKET
Key Stage: 3
AIM: In this unit, pupils will learn the basic principles of the game. They will develop the necessary basic skills of batting, fielding and bowling, and then be
able to demonstrate them in a game situation. Students will learn the basic rules of the game, and begin to learn how to score. In all practices and games,
pupils will begin to think about how to use skills, strategies and tactics to outwit the opposition. Students will develop their confidence, communication and
leadership as well as develop and understanding of the benefits rounders has on physical, mental and social health.
Prior learning
Key Vocabulary (Tier 2 and 3)
Pupils may have had some cricket experience from primary school or
have played adapted versions of the game.
Each lesson contains a set list of key
vocabulary specific to the lesson outcome.
Developed an understanding of field placement.
Where to hit the ball to increase chances of scoring
Experienced a range of batting, bowling and fielding
Key Concepts and Processes:
Physical Me - Performance & Physical Literacy.
Students will learn the basic fielding, bowling and batting skills, which will be
demonstrated in isolation and in progressive skill practices/small-sided game play.
Students will attempt to apply the skills to outwit opponents when fielding and batting,
demonstrating correct decision-making.
Cricket bats (Various size)
Cricket balls
Information on local clubs
Social Me - Communication, Leadership, Resilience
Students will have a vast range of opportunities to develop confidence, leadership,
communication and other social skills though a range of strategies in this unit. This
will include leadership roles such as umpiring/scoring and small team practices,
which will involve working with peers outside of their normal friendship groups.
Students will be encouraged to problem solve and work together to develop
strategies to overcome challenges as individuals and as a team.
Healthy Me - Personal Health and Activity Levels
Thinking Me - Analysis & Evaluation and Decision Making
Students will develop a basic understanding of how rounders can improve fitness and
health (mental, physical and social). Students will be encouraged to work hard and
try their best despite their ability level. Students will be exposed to and demonstrate a
range of fitness components required to play Cricket.
Students will learn about the basic principles involved with batting, fielding and
bowling that will allow them to outwit opponents. They will develop a basic knowledge
of rules, tactics and be able to explain using specific Cricket examples. Students will
demonstrate basic decision making though a range of tasks and games.
Cross Curricular Links:
Literacy – Key words
Numeracy – through scoring, umpiring, angles.
Students will be assessed using the Marine Academy’s Assessing ME process,
which incorporates all four of the areas in the boxes above as well as effort and
behavior throughout this unit of work.
Learning Outcomes
Ball Familiarisation
1. To understand the importance of
hand eye co-ordination
2. To Replicate a basic throw and
catch technique
3. To begin to think about outwitting
the opposition in a conditioned
game throw ball placement.
Ball Familiarisation (Game lesson)
1. To understand fielding roles and
2. To perform a replicate a
combination of skills in a game
3. Begin able to evaluate the strengths
and areas of improvement of their
own and others
Warm up – Student led using Marine Academy’s warm up
within the pitch markings to familiarise themselves with the
dimensions (Kwik Cricket).
1. In 2’s pupils stood 2m apart, bent knees. Throw +
Catch, adopt ready position. How many consecutive
catches can they achieve? Demo catching styles,
bring hands to chest, keep eye on the ball, cushion
2. Into teams
3. Team practice of beat the ball
4. Teams play against each other. Teams to make x
amount of consecutive passes, to score points.
Cannot run with ball. Opposition try to intercept.
Dropped ball lose procession.
Warm up – Student led using Marine Academy’s warm up
Drill - In 2’s pupils stood 2m apart, bent knees. Throw +
Catch, adopt ready position. How many consecutive catches
can they achieve? Demo catching styles, bring hands to
chest, keep eye on the ball, cushion ball.
1. Kwik Cricket - Divide players into two teams and then
pair up all your players. Ball is thrown in the air to
batter, stopped by catching, thrown out to. Also if
a ball is thrown near a fielder they are allowed to
have one step to catch fielder out. Each pair
should get to bat for two overs each. Each pair starts
with 20 runs and can be out if they are bowled,
caught, stumped, run out or if you hit your own
wicket. Every time a batter is out 5 points are
knocked off their total and batters swap places. The
winning pair is the one which finishes with the most
Distance between partners
Size of working area
Increase or reduce the
playing area.
Increase or reduce the size
of the wicket the batter
must defend.
Introduce boundaries and
boundary scores.
1. To be able to throw the ball
overarm and underarm, depending
on game situation
2. To replicate the long barrier and
use it in a game.
3. To develop communication skills to
promote team work and successful
outwitting of opponent.
Fielding (Game lesson)
1. To understand fielding roles and
2. To perform a replicate a combination of
skills in a game situation
3. To Begin able to evaluate the strengths
and areas of improvement of their own and
Warm up – Student led as above, leading into Cricket specific
w.up. Two teams inside playing area. Can’t run with ball,
must pass and move. Dropped ball lose procession. Score
points by stumping ball on wicket. Introduce other conditions
e.g. more than one ball, Set no of throws before stumping
1. Off the back of conditioned game, discuss when
overarm and underarm throws would be used. In 2’s
run throw technique of each throw.
2. Introduce long barrier. In 2’s roll ball to each other,
stop with long barrier throw back, then work between
cones, roll ball on an angle, partner moves to get
behind ball and stops using long barrier.
3. As above, both pupils have cones either side of
them; aim to score a goal through their partners’
cones by rolling. Use long barrier to stop ball.
Warm up – Student led using Marine Academy’s warm up
Size of practice area
Speed of roll
No of expected throws.
Distance between partners
Increase or reduce the
playing area.
Increase or reduce the size
of the wicket the batter
must defend.
Drill - In pair, both pupils have cones either side of them;
aim to score a goal through their partners’ cones by rolling.
Use long barrier to stop ball.
1. Kwik Cricket - Divide players into two teams and then
pair up all your players. Ball is rolled to batter,
stopped using long barrier, thrown out to. Also if
a ball is thrown near a fielder they are allowed to
have one step to catch fielder out. Every time a
batter is out 5 points are knocked off their total and
batters swap places. The winning pair is the one
which finishes with the most runs.
1. Accurately replicate a bowling
2. Understand what makes a legal ball
and incorporate this into a game
3. Know the consequences of
persistent no balls
W.up – Student led as above. Cricket specific w.up In 2’s, 1
ball, 2 cones. Set cones approx. 12m apart. One player
stands by a cone will throw the ball overarm to their partner,
the other partner catches the ball puts it on top of the other
cone they swap places. The same player will always throw
and the other always catch. Make it into a game how many
switches can you make in a set time? Switch roles.
1. Recap underarm/overarm technique from last lesson.
Allow pupils to practice.
2. Highlight technique needed for bowling, Highlight
grip, delivery-figure of 8, coil –line & length. Allow
pupils to throw ball up to themselves to experience
the grip.
3. Pairs; to explore delivery from standing. Progress to
small run up. 3 v 3 – Bowl at each other’s wickets.
Target–box/stumps, points for box/stumps. Winner
up/loser down. Pairs cricket game.
Bowling (Gameplay lesson)
Warm up – Student led using Marine Academy’s warm up
1. To understand fielding roles and
2. To perform a replicate a combination of
skills in a game situation
3. Begin able to evaluate the strengths and
areas of improvement of their own and
Drill - 3 v 3 – Bowl at each other’s wickets. Target
Increase or reduce the
playing area.
Increase or reduce the size
of the wicket the batter
must defend.
box/stumps, points for box/stumps
1. Kwik Cricket - Divide players into two teams and then
pair up all your players. Each pair should get to bat
for two overs each. Each pair starts with 20 runs and
can be out if they are bowled, caught, stumped, run
out or if you hit your own wicket. Every time a batter
is out 5 points are knocked off their total and batters
swap places. The winning pair is the one which
finishes with the most runs. Bowlers will be aiming
for spotted mat by the batting crease, if the
bowlers hit these mat they get extra 5 points.
Note: the batters will use cricket bats in this
game although, they have not been taught the
correct technique – allow for guided discovery to
take place
Distance between
Height of hoop
Speed of ball
1. To replicate bowling technique.
2. Understand the importance of ball
placement in relation to fielders.
3. To develop tactical ideas with their
improved knowledge of the
rounders game.
Batting (Gameplay lesson)
1. To understand fielding roles and
2. To perform a replicate a combination of
skills in a game situation
3. Begin able to evaluate the strengths and
areas of improvement of their own and
W.up – Student led Marine Academy’s W.up as above.
1. Highlight batting technique Stance & Grip, action,
high elbow, and head over ball and follow through.
2. In 4’s one batter, one backstop, two fielders, practice
hitting off batting tee. If not one of the fielders bowls
from the beginning. They have 5 goes and rotate
around positions.
3. Develop – bowl into box – batsmen plays 7 drives –
points for shots. Pairs cricket game. 8’s per pitch.
Warm up – Student led using Marine Academy’s warm up
Drill – In pairs, practice hitting off batting tee, they have 5
goes and then rotate. Pairs to give eachother peer feedback
1. Kwik Cricket - Divide players into two teams and then
pair up all your players. Each pair should get to bat
for two overs each. Each pair starts with 20 runs and
can be out if they are bowled, caught, stumped, run
out or if you hit your own wicket. Every time a batter
is out 5 points are knocked off their total and batters
swap places. On the field, place a number of gates
on the off side – Batters will get extra points for
hitting through theses gates
2. The winning pair is the one which finishes with the
most runs
Fielders can be used as
targets to encourage
Hitting tee used in game
Increase or reduce the
playing area.
Increase or reduce the size
of the wicket the batter
must defend.