Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Page1of1 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM TABLEOFCONTENTS 1.Ear l yI r onAgei nZi mbabwe2 2.Gr eatZi mbabwe-7 3.Mut apaSt at e-13 4.Rozv i St at e22 5.Mf ecanewar sandZul uSt at e29 6.TheNdebel eSt at e37 7.ThePor t uguesei nt heMut apaSt at e46 8.Mi ssi onar i esi nZi mbabwe61 9.I ndust r i al i sat i oni nBr i t ai n74 10. Col oni sat i onofSout her nAf r i ca80 11. Col oni sat i onofZi mbabwe94 12. Resi st ancet oCol oni sat i on108 13. Post1897t o1950sZi mbabwe117 I NTRODUCTORYI NFORMATI ON Thi smar ki nggui dewasdr af t edwi t ht hehopet hati twoul dbeusef ul t ocandi dat es pr epar i ngf ort hei ror di nar yl ev el exami nat i ons.Thequest i onsar eact ual quest i onst hatwer e askedonspeci f i edy ear sandsessi onsandexpect edr esponseswi l l gui decandi dat eson howt oanswert hem.Somear esi mi l art osomeseemi ngl ydi f f er entquest i ons.Thi swas del i ber at el ydonef ort hecandi dat est or eal i set hatdi f f er entwor di ngofquest i onsi s somet i mesusedt oconf useunsuspect i ngcandi dat es. Candi dat esar et her ef or emadeawar e t hatatt i mesexami ner susedi f f er entwor dswi t ht hesamemeani ng. Quest i onsar edi v i dedi nt oTHREE[ 3]cat egor i essot hatcandi dat esgetusedt oquest i oni ng t echni quesandknowwhati sexpect edoft hem i neachcat egor y .Candi dat esneedt or eal i se t hecommonl yusedt er mssoasnott omi sf i r ei nt heexams. Letusbr i ef l yl ookatwor dscommonl yused percat egor yandanexpl anat i onwoul dbedone ast owhati sexpect edf r om t hecandi dat es.Thecommonl yusedt er msi ncat egor y1ar e: Li st , I dent i f y , st at eandname. Candi dat esneednotwr i t eessay sonsuchquest i onsbutmustdi r ect l yanswert hem andar e bestadv i sedt onumbert hei rr esponses.Thesequest i onsr equi r est r ai ghtf or war d r esponses/ answer swi t houtel abor at i on.Responsest ot hesequest i onsmustbeshor t Page2of2 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM sent ences. I nCat egor y2, t hecommonl yusedt er msar e: Descr i be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Out l i ne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Showhow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candi dat esar er equi r edt oshowt hei rf ul l under st andi ngofwhati sdemandedbyt he quest i on.Theyneedt of ul l yexpl ai npoi nt st ogetmaxi mum poi nt s.Candi dat esar er equi r ed t oexpl ai nt he12poi nt saspermar kal l ocat i on.Mer ei dent i f i cat i onwi t houtel abor at i onmi ght r esul ti ncandi dat esunnecessar i l yl osi ngv al uabl emar ks.Wr i t i ngi npoi ntf or m wi l l r esul ti n candi dat esget t i nghal fmar ks.Candi dat esshoul dal sonot et hatatt i mest hesequest i ons maybedi v i dedi nt oTWOPARTS.I nt hi sscenar i ocandi dat esar et oexpl ai nsi xpoi nt sf ort he f i r stpar tandanot hersi xpoi nt sf orsecondpar t . CATEGORY3. quest i onsatt hi sl ev el ar eanal y t i cal /anal y si s.Commonl yusedt er ms/ Phr ases ar e: Towhat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howf ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ther ear eTHREEl ev el st oanswer i ngt hi scat egor yquest i onsandcandi dat esar eexpect ed t or eacht ot hehi ghestl ev el i ft heyar et ogethi ghermar ks. LEVEL1Onesi dedanal y si s[ mar kr ange13] . Nomat t erhowmanypoi nt sacandi dat e expl ai ns, t hemar kr angedoesnotchangei fal l t hegi v enpoi nt sar eonesi ded.Eg3+0=3, 8+0. =3 6+0=3. LEVEL2Bal ancedanal y si s[ mar kr ange46] . l ev el 2answershowst hatt hecandi dat ehas under st oodt heweaknessoft hequest i onandhast huspr esent edabal ancedr esponse. Eg 1+1=4, 2+1=4, 4+3=6, 5+4=6 LEVEL3Bal ancedanal y si spl usj udgement[ mar kr ange78] . Thi si st hehi ghestl ev el . The j udgementsent encei st husamusti facandi dat ei st ogethi ghestmar ks.Thi sj udgement st at ementcanonl ybev al i dwheni ti saddedt oabal ancedanal y si s.Theent r ypoi ntt o8 mar ksshoul dbe4poi nt s[ bal anced]pl usj udgement .Candi dat esar eencour agedt ogi v eas manypoi nt saspossi bl e. Eg2+1=7and2+2=8 Quest i onswi t ht hei rr esponsesar egr oupedaccor di ngt ot opi csandt hi swi l l gi v ecandi dat es anoppor t uni t yt oconcent r at eonapar t i cul art opi catanygi v ent i met husgi v i nghi m/ hera t hor oughpr act i cepert opi c. Page3of3 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Lat eSt oneAget oEar l yI r onAge [ Speci men] 1[ a] . Li stanysi xt y pesoff oodsf ort heLat eSt oneAgepeopl e[ 6] Fi sh, Meat , i nsect s Fr ui t s, Root s, Gr ass Tuber s ( b) . Descr i bet heeconomi cchangesi nmet hodsofpr oduct i onoff oodf r om t heLat e St oneAget ot heEar l yI r onAgei nSout her nAf r i ca. ( 12) . Far mi ngCr opgr owi ngandl i v est ockkeepi ng; Set t l edexi st ence Mi ni ng: mi ni ngofi r onandcopper ; smel t i ngt opr oducei r ont ool se, gaxes, hoes, kni v es, ar r owsandspear heads Hunt i ng: becamemor eor gani sedandef f i ci ent Tr ade: ( Bot hi nt er nal andex t er nal )i t emswer ecr ops, ani mal s, t ool s, cr af t wor k et c.Cont r ol oft r adei nt hehandsoft her i chandpower f ul e, gr ul er s. Cr af t wor k; pot t er y , basket r yandweav i ng. Rai di ng: ar esul tofbet t erandst r ongerweapons Di v i si onofl abour: I r onl edt ospeci al i sat i one, gt her eemer gedspeci al i sed met al wor ker sandspeci al i sedcr af t smen Tr i but esy st em: basi sofexpl oi t at i on.Agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, di st r i but i onand t r adecont r ol l edbyseni orandr ul i ngcl ass.Tr i but ef i nes, t axesandj udi ci al f eespai di nf or m ofcat t l e, sheep, i v or y , gol d, cl ot h, ski ns, beads, i r ont ool s andgr ai n. ( c) . Towhatext entdi dt hesechangesbenef i tt hepeopl ei nt hi sr egi onatt hatt i me? ( 8) I r onagebr oughtspeci al i sat i oni nt asksper f or medbypeopl ee, gi nmi ni ng, t ool maki ng, t r adi ngandhunt i ng, aswel l ascr opgr owi ngbywomen. Womenbecamer egar dedascommodi t i esi ndi cat i ngweal t hi nmar r i age, i , e t hemor ewi v esonehadt heweal t hi eronewasconsi der ed\ r egar ded. Ther ewasset t l edexi st ence, bet t erf oodsecur i t y ; andsecur i t yagai nst enemi es. Page4of4 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Dev el opmentofbasi cst r uct ur esofgov er nmentsy st em Speci al i sat i onbr oughtgr eat erpr oduct i onandpr osper i t y . Tr i but esy st em l edt oexpl oi t at i onofmanbyman Ther esul t i ngdev elopmentofst at esl edt osoci oeconomi ci nequal i t i es Rai di ngsy st em i ncr easedwar f ar e Dest r uct i onoft hev anqui shedandenhancementoft hev i ct or s’ st at us ( Nov2009) 2[ a] . I dent i f yanyt hr eemi ner al smi nedandanyt hr eedomest i cani mal skeptbyt heEar l yI r on Agepeopl eofSout her nAf r i ca[ 6] . Mi ner al s: i r on, gol d, t i n, si l v er , copper Ani mal s: Cat t l e, sheep, goat s, dogs [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi candsoci al l changesf r om t hel at eSt oneAget ot heEar l yI r onAge i nt heSout her nAf r i ca.[ 11] . i . Ear l yI r onAgepeopl ebegant omakei r ont ool ssuchashoes, ar r ow heads, spear heads, whi chwer emor eef f i ci entt hanst onet ool s I r ont ool senabl epeopl et ocutt r eesandcl earmor el andf oragr i cul t ur e Pr oduct i onoff oodr esul t edi nsur pl us Ther ewasal sol i v est ockr ear i ngal ongr i v erv al l ey s Ear l yi r onagepeopl emi nedi r on, gol d, copperandi r onor e Smel t edi r onf ashi onedi mpl ement s Ear l yi r onagepeopl emadecl aypot sf orcont ai ni ngwat er , gr ai nand mi l k Hunt i ngi mpr ov ed Gat her i ngi mpr ov ed I r onagepeopl ebegant ot r adesur pl uspr oduct s Fi shi ngi mpr ov ed Vassal spai dt r i but e Rai di ngofweakergr oups Page5of5 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Di v i si onofl abourbasedonski l l , genderandage i i . Av ai l abi l i t yoff oodp r eci pi t at edpopul at i ongr owt h Bui l tmor eper manentshel t er sofpol eanddagga Cl assesbegant oappearasar esul tofdi f f er entski l l ssuchas bl acksmi t hi ng, f i shi ng, t r adeandmi ni ng Pol y gamywaspr act i ced Cat t l eusedt opayl obol a Ther ewasal sot heemer genceofr el i gi ouscer emoni esandr i t ual s Set t l ement saccor di ngt ocl ansandl i neages Di v i si onofl aborbasedonski l l , genderandage Expl oi t at i onof women c. Towhatext entdi dt hesechangesbenef i tt hepeopl eofSout her nAf r i ca? i . BENEFI TS i r onagepeopl emademor ef oodandabal anceddi et wer eabl et ocl earmor el andf oragr i cul t ur e wer emor esedent ar y wer eabl et oki l l l ar gerani mal s t r adi ngdev el oped–asasour ceoff or ei gngoods st or agef aci l i t i esi mpr ov ed empl oy mentcr eat i on l i f eex pect ancyi mpr ov ed secur i t yf oundi nl ar gergr oups i i . NONBENEFI TS t her ewascompet i t i onf orhunt i ng, past ur i ngandcul t i v at i onofl and cl assesbegant o+emer ge–l owercl asseswer eexpl oi t ed womenwer eexpl oi t ede. g.Theydi dmor ear duoust asksl i kecr opcul t i v at i on manuf act ur eofi r onweaponspr omot edwar f ar eandi ncr easedki l l i ngr at e di spl acementofst oneagepeopl e r ai di ngbr oughtst r i f e Page6of6 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM l anddegr adat i on ( June2006) 3. ( a. )I dent i f yanyt hr eeI r onAgesi t esi nSout her nAf r i caandt hr eemi ner al s [ 6] ( i . ) Ext r act edbyt heEar l yI r onAgepeopl ei nSout her nAf r i ca. Gokomer e, Zi wa, abv eni , Zhi zo, Gr eatZi mbabwe, Pel i ndaba, Ly denber g, Mapungubwe, Chi nhoy i , Mal i pat i , HwangeGameReser v es ( i i . ) Gol d, i r on, copper , zi nc, l ead, si l v er , t i nandsal t ( b. ) Descr i bet heeconomi cact i v i t i esoft heEar l yI r onAgepeopl ei nSout her n Af r i ca. [ 11] Agr i cul t ur e: -cr opsgr own–mi l l et , sor ghum, cal abashes Domest i cat i onofani mal s–cat t l e, goat sandsheep Mi ni ng–gol d, copper–openshaf t s, smel t i ngandbl acksmi t hi ng Hunt i ngani mpor t antsour ceofmeat , el ephant sf ori v or y Gat her i ngofwi l df r ui t s–ber r i es, t uber s, sour ceofsuppl ement ar yf ood Gat her i ngdonebywomenwhi l stmenhunt ed Tr ade–expor t edgol ddust , i v or y , f eat her st of or ei gner s. Di v i dedi nt ot wopar t s( l ocal andext er nal ) - I mpor t edcl ot h, beads, seashel l s Cr af twor k–pot t er y , basket r y , smel t i ngandbl acksmi t hi ng Rai di ng Pay mentoft r i but e Fi shi ng ( c. ) Towhatext entdi dt hepeopl eofSout her nAf r i cabenef i tf r om t heuseofi r on? [ 8] i . BENEFI TS Mor eper manenthomesofpol eanddagga Cl ear i ngoff i el ds–mor ef ood, bet t ernut r i t i on Mor ebal anceddi et Hunt i ngmademor eef f i ci entandmi ni ngbecameeasi er Page7of7 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Bet t erweaponr yf ordef ence Popul at i ongr owt h Pol y gamy St at ef or mat i on Tool smor edur abl e Tr adedev el oped i i . DI SADVANTAGES Expl oi t at i onofpoorbyt her i chascat t l eheader s, l abouri nf i el ds Conf l i ct sov ercont r ol ofr esour cessuchasmi ner al s, past ur esandl and becamecommon For mat i onofcl asses Lossofl i v esduet oi ncr easedwar f ar e ( Nov2008) 4. ( a. ) Nameanysi xt ool susedbyt heEar l yI r onAgepeopl eofSout her n Af r i ca. [ 6] Bowsandar r ows, f i shi nghooks, hammer s, r azor s, knobker r i es, scr aper s, gr i ndi ngst ones, i r onaxes, kni v es, hoes, spear heads, swor ds, mat t ocksand woodencl ubs. ( b. ) Descr i bet heeconomi cact i v i t i esoft heEar l yI r onAgepeopl eofSout her n Af r i ca. [ 11] Agr i cul t ur e–gr owi ngt r adi t i onal Bant ucr ops–sor ghum, mi l l et , beans. Rear i ngofani mal sl i kegoat s, sheep, cat t l e Mi ni ng–gol d, copper , i r on Bl acksmi t hi ng–maki ngofi r oni mpl ement ssuchasaxes, hoes, spear s Tr ade–exchangi nggol d, i v or y , l i v est ockf orgr ai n, cl ot hbeads.Local l yand i nt er nat i onal l ev el . Cr af twor k–suchaspot t er y , weav i ngandbasketmaki ng Hunt i ngf ormeatandhi des Gat her i ngwi l df r ui t sandber r i es Lev y i ngoft r i but ef r om subj ect s Di v i si onofl abor–womenwer egat her er swhi l stmenwenthunt i ng Page8of8 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Rai di ngf orcat t l e–gr ai n Fi shi ng ( c)Towhatext entdi di r ont echnol ogycont r i but et ot her i seofcl asseswi t hi nt he soci et i esi nSout her nAf r i ca? [ 8] ( i . ) CONTRI BUTI ON I r ont echnol ogy-engender edsur pl uspr oduct i onandemer genceofhav es andhav enot I r ont echnol ogyl edt oemer genceofmi ner s, bl acksmi t hsandt r ader sas separ at ecl asses Sur pl uspr oduct i onbegotpol y gamy , asour ceofl abour ( i i . ) OTHERFACTORS Past or al economybef or ei r ont echnol ogy Li neageandcl anl eader sdev el opedi nt or ul i ngcl asses Def eati nwar sr esul t edi nv assal age t r adebef or ei r ont echnol ogy char i smaofpeopl e–madet hem candi dat esf orl eader shi p [ June2011] 5[ a] . St at eanysi xi r ont ool spr oduceddur i ngt heEar l yI r onAgei nSout her nAf r i ca. [ 6] axes, hoes, spear heads swor ds, ar r owheads, f i shi nghooks r azor s, hammer s, scr apper s [ b] . Descr i bet hesoci al or gani sat i onoft heEar l yI r onAgesoci et i esi nSout her nAf r i ca. [ 11] Soci al or gani sat i on pol y gamypr act i sed, pay mentofl obol a cat t l eusedasasy mbol ofst at us/weal t h pat r i l i neal soci et y, hel dr ai nmaki ngcer emoni es di v i si onofl abourbysex, pr act i sedkur onz er asy st em ormaf i as l i v edi nr oundshapedhut s Page9of9 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM bel i ev edi nGodMwar i bel i ev edi nspi r i tmedi umsandancest r al spi r i t s l i v edi nr i v erv al l ey saccor di ngt ot hei rl i neages hadper manentset t l ement s consul t edspi r i t ual medi umsi nt i mesofcr i si s Del egat eddut i es. [ c] . Howi mpor t antwasr el i gi ont oEar l yI r onAgesoci et i esi nSout her nAf r i ca?[ 8] I mpor t anceofr el i gi on I tuni t edpeopl e/ peacecr eat i on Thechi efwaschosenbyspi r i tmedi ums Ki ngwasr espect edasGod’ schosenl eader I nr ai nmaki ng[r el i gi oni mpor t anti nr ai nmaki ngcer emoni es] I nsuccessi ondi sput es Ot herf act or s Mar r i age, t r adi ngbr oughtf or ei gngoods. Far mi ngwast hebackboneoft hei reconomy Pr oducedbasket sf orst or i ngandcar r y i ngf ood Mi ni ngpr oducedi t emsf ort r ade GREATZI MBABWE ( June2004) 6.( a)I dent i f yanysi xr easonswhyGr eatZi mbabwewasbui l t . ( 6) f orenv i r onment al f act or s–e. g.goodpast ur es, per enni al r i v er s–gol ddeposi t s Ast hechi eforMamboscour t Asanadmi ni st r at i v ecent r e Asasy mbol ofpower Asat r adi ngcent r e Asaf or t r essi nt i mesofwar Asar el i gi ouscent r e Page10of10 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Asadwel l i ngpl acef ornobl es ( b)Descr i bet heeconomi candsoci al act i v i t i esoft hepeopl eofGr eatZi mbabwe. ( 11) ( i )Economi cact i v i t i esofGr eatZi mbabwe Past or al i sm Kepther dsofcat t l ef orf ood–mi l kal sof orl obol a, sl aught er i ngatr i t ual cer emoni es Goat sal sor ear edf ormeat Cr opcul t i v at i on Theyal sogr ewcr opssuchassor ghum andmi l l etf orf oodandbr ewi ngbeer . Cul t i v at i onofcr opswaswomen’ swor k. Hunt i ngandgat her i ngwer eal soi mpor t antsour cesoff ood.Tr adegoods suchasi v or yandgol df or medpar tofeconomi cact i v i t i esi nt hedr yseasons. Mi ni ngofmi ner al ssuchasi r oncopper , gol d, l eadandt i n. I r onwasmai nl yusedf ormaki ngt ool sandweaponswhi l stcopperandgol d wer eusedf oror nament sl i kebangl esandneckl aces. Hencei r onsmel t i ngandbl acksmi t hi ngwer ei mpor t antact i v i t i es. Tr adewaspr act i cedl ocal l y/r egi onal l y . Exchangi ngi r oni mpl ement sf orgr ai nandl ongdi st ancet r adewi t hf or ei gner s suchast heSwahi l i andPer si ansexchangi nggol dandi v or yf orcl ot h, gl ass beads, seashel l set c. Pot t er ywasal sopr act i cedcl aypot sser v edasst or agef orgr ai nandf eat ur ed i nt r ade. Pay mentoft r i but e ( i i )Soci al Act i v i t i es Gr eatZi mbabwe, ar el i gi ouscent r e Peopl eofGr eatZi mbabwebel i ev edi ncr eat orGodcal l edMwar i Nat i onal spi r i t sMhondor o, andi nancest r al spi r i t s-Vadzi mu.Thesewer e wor shi pedt hr oughspi r i tmedi ums. Soapst oneZi mbabwebi r dsmadeassy mbol sofShi r iy aMwar i Mhondor osandMwar iwer econsul t edi nt i mesofcr i si ssuchaswar , dr ought set ct hr ought hespi r i tmedi ums-maswi ki r o Page11of11 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Spi r i tmedi umsi mpor t antati nst al l at i onofnewchi ef s Beerbr ewedcat t l esl aught er edatt r adi t i onal cer emoni es ( c)Towhatext entdi deconomi cpr obl emsl eadt ot hedecl i neoft hest at e? ( 8) ( i )Economi cf act or s Shor t ageofr esour cessuchassal tandpast ur es Exhaust i onofsoi l Successi v edr ought s-poorhar v est s Decl i nei nt r adet hr oughdepl et i onofr esour ces ( i i )Soci opol i t i cal f act or s Successi ondi sput esi nr oy al f ami l yl eadi ngt omi gr at i ons Ov erpopul at i on At t acksf r om nei ghbour s ( Nov2004) 7.( a)Li stanysi xt r adei t emsexchangedf orf or ei gngoodsbyt hepeopl eofGr eat Zi mbabwedur i ngt hel at ei r onage. ( 6) ( i )Gol d/cooper ( i i )I v or y ( i i i )Soapst one/bowl s ( i v ) Ost r i chf eat her s, i r ont ool s, gr ai ns ( v )Beadsf r om seeds/j ewel l er y , cr af twar e ( v i ) Ski nsofani mal s ( v i i )Li v est ock ( b)Descr i bet heeconomi cact i v i t i esoft heGr eatZi mbabwest at edur i ngt hel at e i r onage.( 11) Past or al i sm –keptcat t l eandgoat s Cul t i v at i onofcr ops-mi l l etandsor ghum Di v i si onofl abour Mi ni nggol d Page12of12 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ; pay mentoft r i but e Fi shi ng Cr af t wor k-pot t er ybasket r y , weav i ng Hunt i ng–f ormeatandski ns Tool maki nghoes, kni v es, ar r ows, spear s Tr ade-l ocal andl ongdi st ance Gat her i ngoff r ui t s/ ber r i es Rai di ng ( c)Towhatext entdi dt heeconomi cact i v i t i escont r i but et ot hedecl i neoft heGr eat Zi mbabweSt at e? ( 8) ( i )Economi cAct i v i t i es Shor t ageofsal t( l edt onor t hwar dmi gr at i onofNy at si mbaMut ot a) Shor t ageoff ood(duet odr ought sandsol eexhaust i on) Past ur esf orcat t l e( ov er gr azi ng) Fuel andot herr esour cesdepl et ed( env i r onment al degener at i on) Decl i nei nt r ade Ref usal t opayt r i but e ( i i )Ot herr easons Successi ondi sput es Ri seofambi t i ousl eader s Ov er popul at i on At t acksf r om nei ghbour s ( Nov2005) 8.( a)St at eanyt hr eecommodi t i esi mpor t edandanyt hr eecommodi t i esexpor t edby t heGr eatZi mbabweSt at e. ( 6) ( a)( i )Gl assbeads, cl ot h, seashel l s, br asswar e, i r onwar e, axesandhoeheads, chi sel s, chi nawar e Page13of13 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ( i i )I v or y , gol d, ost r i chf eat her s, ani mal ski ns, soapst one/bowl s, l i v est ock/cat t l e ( b) Descr i bet heeconomi candsoci al act i v i t i esoft hepeopl eofGr eatZi mbabwe( 11) ( i )Economi cact i v i t i es Agr i cul t ur e–gr ewsor ghum , mi l l et , cal abashes, gour ds Domest i cat i onofcat t l e, goat sandsheepf ormeat , mi l k, t r adi t i onal cer emoni esandl obol a Mi ni ngi r on, copper , gol ddust Smel t i ngandbl acksmi t hi ngmanuf act ur eofhoes, spear headsand ar r owheads Tr adei nt er nal t r adeexchangi nggr ai nf orhoes, spear set candext er nal t r ade exchangi ngi v or ygol ddustf orcl ot hgl assandbeadswi t hSwahi l i peopl ef r om Per si a, I ndi a Hunt i ngf ormeat, el ephant sf ori v or y Gat her i ngst i l l ani mp or t antsour ceoff ood Di v i si onofl abour–menwenthunt i ngandher di ngwhi l stwomenwent gat her i ng, cul t i v at edl and. Cr af t wor k-; basket r y, maki ngsoapst onebowl s, Zi mbabwebi r df i gur i nes Fi shi ng Tr i but e [ i i ] Soci al Act i v i t i es Gr eatZi mbabwer el i gi ouscent r e Fi gur i nesofZi mbabwebi r dexcav at edatGr eatZi mbabwe Peopl eofGr eatZi mbabwe–bel i ev edi ncr eat or GodMwar i , Bel i ev edi nexi st enceofot hersuper i orbei ngs, ancest r al spi r i t s Nat i onal andr egi onal spi r i t scal l edMhondor os Communi cat i onwi t hspi r i t smadet hr oughspi r i tmedi ums Spi r i tmedi umsusedt oi nt er pr etv oi ceofHungwe[ Fi sheagl e] Pol y gamywaspr act i ced Page14of14 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cat t l easast at ussy mbol Di v i si onofl abour Cat t l el oani ngsy st em/ kur onzer a Set t l ementsy st em/ dwel l i ngs/ accommodat i on [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt r adecont r i but est ot hedecl i neofGr eatZi mbabwe? [ 8] [ i ] . Tr adeanddecl i ne: Cont r i but edt hr oughexhaust i onofr esour ces, gol d, ost r i chf eat her s, i v or y Openi ngofZambezi t r adepr eci pi t at eddecl i neoft r adeatGr eatZi mbabwe Unf ai rt r adepr act i cese. g.r ecei v edwor t hl essgoods [ i i ] . ot herf act or s Shor t ageofsal t Per si st entdr ought s Exhaust i onofpast ur e/ soi l whi chsuppor t edagr i cul t ur e Ov er popul at i on Ther ewer eal sosuccessi ondi sput esandt hr eat sofat t acksf r om ext er nal enemi es Ci v i l war s ( Nov2010) 9( a) . Li stanysi xcr af t spr act i sedbyt hepeopl eofGr eatZi mbabwe.( 6) Pot t er y , Basket r y , Weav i ng Bl acksmi t hi ng, Scul pt ur e, Bui l di ngofst ones. Car v i ngs, Leat her wor k, Jewel l er y Smel t i ng, Dr um maki ng ( b) . Out l i net hef act or swhi chl edt ot her i seofGr eatZi mbabwe. ( 11) Fav our abl ecl i mat egoodr ai nf al l andav ai l abi l i t yofwat erf r om r i v er ssuchas t heMt i r i kwi . Absenceoft set sef l i esandgoodpast ur ewhi chsust ai nedpast or al i sm Page15of15 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Abundanceofgamef ormeat , ski nsandi v or yi nt hear ea Ar eawasaccessi bl et oi nt er nat i onal t r adewi t hSwahi l i , Ar abs, Per si ansand Chi neset hr oughSof al aandl ocal t r ade Hi l l t opwaspr obabl ychosenf ordef enceagai nstenemi esandasacent r ef or r el i gi ouswor shi p. Ri seofambi t i ousl eader swhounder t ookconquestofot herl i neagest o cont r ol t r ader out es, r esour cesandt ol ev yt r i but e Fer t i l el andsf oragr i cul t ur e Abundanceofmi ner al sf ort r adeandt ool maki ng Av ai l abi l i t yofgr ani t er ock Cat t l el oani ngsy st em( Kur onzer a\ Maf i sa) Thef al l ofMapungubwe Pol y gamy St r engt hoft hear my . ( c) . Towhatext entdi deconomi cf act or scont r i but et ot her i seoft hest at e? ( 8) Economi cf act or s Tr adegoodsusedbyr ul er st ost r engt hent hei rposi t i ons Av ai l abi l i t yofsal t Agr i cul t ur e-f oodav ai l abl e Past or al i sm Hunt i ngmeatandski ns Tr i but epay ment Mi ner al s-f ort r ade, maki ngt ool sandweapons. Av ai l abi l i t yofwoodf orf uel Cat t l el oani ngsy st emmadel eader sst r ong. Ot herf act or s Ri seofambi t i ousl eader s-l eadi ngandor gani si ngpeopl e Page16of16 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tr i but e Hi l l t opar eaf ordef encepur poses Rel i gi on, f al l ofMapungubwe. Absenceoft set sef l i es Ri seofpopul at i on Accessi bi l i t yoft hear eat hr oughr i v er s Pol y gamy Rol eoft hear my Goodr el at i onwi t hot herpeopl e [ Nov2011] 10.[ a] . St at eanysi xusesofcat t l ei nt heGr eatZi mbabwest at e. [ 6] Pay mentofl obol a( br i depr i ce) For m ofweal t h/st at ussy mbol Loani ngmaf i sacat t l ef orpol i t i cal i nf l uence Fort r ade Pay mentoft r i but e Forr i t ual cer emoni essuchasr ai nmaki ngcer emoni es, appeasi ngspi r i t s Forf oodmi l kandmeat For msoft r anspor t , r i di ng, car r y i nggoods( dr aughtpower ) Mat s, cl ot hesandbl anket s Dr ums, pay mentoff i nes, manur e, f l ourpol i sh, maki ngshi el ds, maki ng sandal s, hi desandski nsf orcl ot hi ngandbl anket s [ b] . Descr i bet hef act or st hatl edt ot her i seoft heGr eatZi mbabwest at e. [ 11] Fal l ofmapungubwe Goodr ai nf al l suppl i es Av ai l abi l i t yofgr ani t er ock Rel i gi ouspower s Page17of17 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM I t sgeogr aphi cal l ocat i on Li v est ockowner shi pespeci al l ycat t l e St r ongar my Mar r i ageal l i ances Fer t i l esoi l sf orgowi ngcr ops Cont r ol ofsur pl uspr oduct i onbyl eader s Goodpast ur esf ordomest i cani mal s, cat t l e, got asandsheep Abundantwat ersuppl i esf r om near byr i v er segMut i r i kweRi v er Pl ent yofFaunaf ormeat , i v or y Fav our abl ecl i mat e-f r eet set se-f l y -pr omot i ngcat t l er ear i ng Ri chmi ner al weal t hi nt henei ghbour hood, e, gcooper , gol d, i r on Sui t abl epl acef ort aki ngr ef ugei nwart i meNemnwaHi l l Hi l l r egar der dassacr edf orr el i gi ouspur poses Cent r al l ocat i onmadear eaaccessi bl et ol ocal andi nt er nat i onal t r ade Emer genceofi nf l uent i al andambi t i ousl eader skeenonr ul l i ngal ar ger pol i t i cal uni tandl ev y i ngt r i but e Abundanceoff uel , Abundanceofsal t , st r ongar my Dev el opmentofi r ont echnol ogy Pol y gamyl eadi ngt opopul at i oni ncr ease [ c] . Howi mpor t antwer epol i t i cal f act or si nt her i seofGr eatZi mbabwe. [ 8] I mpor t anceofpol i t i cal f act or s Fal l ofMapungubwe Emer genceofambi t i ousl eader s Cont r ol ofr el i gi on–r uker sr egar dedasdi v i nel yappoi nt edhencecommanded uni v er sal r espect n Leader s’ ambi t i onswet t edbyconsi der at i onsoft r i but ecol l ect i on St r ongar my Page18of18 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Uni t y Sui t abi l i t yoft hear eaf ordef encei nwart i me I mpor t anceofot herf act or s Economi cf act or ssuchasaccessi bi l i t yt oi nt er nat i onal andl ocal t r ade Fer t i l esol i sf orgr owi ngcr ops Abundantpast ur esf orl i v est ock Abundantmi ner al weal t h Abundantf auna Sui t abi l i t yofar eaf ordef encei nwart i me THEMUTAPASTATE [ Speci men] 11[ a] . St at esi xf act or st hatl edt ot her i seoft heMut apaSt at e. [ 6] Depl et i onofr esour cesatGr eatZi mbabweandt her esul t antmi gr at i onof gr oupsofpeopl ef r om t her e. Needt ocont r ol l ongdi st ancet r adeal ongt heZambezi ( Sambav ezi )r i v er . Successi ondi sput esatGr eatZi mbabwel edt ot hemi gr at i onofdef eat ed l eader st onewar ea. Ambi t i ousl eader sl i keMut ot awant edt ost ar tnewst at es Exi st enceofbet t err esour cesi nt heNor t hEast . Gr owt hi npopul at i onofShonapeopl e. Emer genceofsev er al chi ef t ai nshi psi nt hear eal edt oamal gamat i on Mi l i t ar yst r engt hofsomel eader shel pedt hem t odomi nat eandexpand [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi cact i v i t i esoft heMut apaSt at e. [ 11] Far mi ngbot hagr i cul t ur eandpast or al f ar mi ng Mi ni ng–f ort hi ngsl i kei r on, copperandweapons Cr af t wor kt hemaki ngofhousehol di t emsl i kebasket s, pot t er ydr umsand mat s Page19of19 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tr ade–bot hi nt er nal andext er nal t r ade.Thef or meri nv ol v edexchange bet weendi f f er entgr oupsofShonae, gMi ner sexchangi ngwi t hf ar mer s; and t hel at t eri nv ol v edt heShonaandout si der sl i ket heSwahi l i andPor t uguese whobr oughti nnewi t emsl i kecl ot handmai ze Nat i onal weal t hwasal soaccumul at edt hr ought r i but epai dt ot her ul er Hunt i ng–al sopl ay edapar ti nt heeconomyoft heMut apaasi taugment ed t hef oodsuppl y [ c] . Howf ardi dt heseeconomi cact i v i t i escont r i but et ot hegr owt handexpansi on oft heMut apaSt at e? [ 8] Thesy st em ofdi v i si onofl abourhel pedt opr omot et heeconomyasdi f f er ent gr oupspl ay edt hei rpar tt oenhanceweal t h—e, gmencoul dconcent r at eon t r adewhi l ewomenpr oducedf ood. Cont r ol oft r adebyl eader sgav et hem powerandweal t hwhi chhel pedt hem domi nat eot herl essweal t hygr oups. Knowl edgeofi r onmaki ngal sogav epoweri nt er msofweaponsandhel ped t hel eadi nggr oupt oest abl i shaut hor i t yandev enexpandi t si nf l uenceov er l ar gear eas Resul t i ngexhi bi t i onofpoweral soenhancedgr owt handexpansi onwhen somesmal l eret hni cgr oupsv ol unt ar i l yj oi nedt heMut apaki ngdom. Theki ng’ sal l egedr el i gi ouspower swer econt r ol l edt hr ought hechi ef s r epr esent at i v eal soenhancedgr owt h Themi l i t ar ypr owessoft henucl eusgr oupofMut ot ahel pedt oconquerot her ar easandbr i ngt hem undercent r al i zedaut hor i t y . [ JUNE2004] 12.[ a] . Nameanysi xr ul er soft heMut apast at ef r om t he15thcent ur yt ot he17th cent ur y .[ 6] Kapar ar i dze Ny at si mbaMut ot a Ny anheweMat ope Ny ahumamukomber anwa Mamv ur aMhande Ny akambi r e/ Ny akunembi r e Page20of20 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM NegomoMapunzagut a Gat si Ruser e [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal st r uct ur eoft heMut apast at e [ 11] Thepol i t i cal st r uct ur eoft heMut apast at e Mut apast at ev er yl ar geby1450 BoundedbyZambezi r i v eri nt henor t h, Li mpopoi nt hesout h, t heI ndi an Oceani nEastandt heKal ahar i deser ti nwest Hencet her ewasneedf oref f i ci entsy st em ofgov er nment TheMut apahi msel fwast hecent r eofgov er nment basedathi s headquar t er smuzi nda[ cour t ] . Ot heri mpor t antst at eof f i ci al si ncl udedt hecour tchancel l or , t hecour t chamber l ai n, t hear mycommander , t heheaddr ummer , t hecook Thequeenmot her , ki ng’ ssi st eraswel l ast heki ng’ sni nepr i nci pal wi v es, nobl esandpagessentbyv assal s Chi efpr i est soft heMwar i cul t I nt hei mpor t antpr ov i ncessuchasGur uuswa, Mbi r e, Dande, Bar we, Many i kaandUt ev et heMut apaputt r ust edr el at i v esorf r i endst or ul e asv assal chi ef s Chi ef swer echosen/ appoi nt edi nconsul t at i onwi t hspi r i tmedi umsor mhondor os Eachv assal chi efcol l ect edt r i but eonbehal foft heMut apai nf or m of i v or y , gol d, gr ai n, cat t l eet c Sentownsonwi t ht r i but et oMut apaassi gnofl oy al t y Vassal chi ef sal sor equi r edt ol i ghtt hei rownf i r ef r om Mut apa’ sf i r e annual l y, asf ur t hersi gnofl oy al t y Rebel l i ousv assal swer eat t ackedbyt heki ng’ sar mywhi chal sohel ped t ohol dempi r e/ st at et oget her Mut apamai nt ai nedast r ongar myf ordef ence [ c] . Howf ardi dsuccessi ondi sput escont r i but et ot hedecl i neoft heMut apast at e? [ 8] Reasonsf ort hedecl i ne Page21of21 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Theki ngdom wast ool ar ge, communi cat i onwi t hal l par t swasdi f f i cul t Poorl eader shi pofcer t ai nr ul er swhol ackedt hechar i smaandmi l i t ar y pr owess–t okeepst at euni t ed Successi ondi sput ese. g.Por t ugueseagai nstGat si Ruser e, Mamv ur aMhande I nt er f er encef or mf or ei gner ssuchasSwahi l i t r ader sf orbet t ercont r act sf r om r ul er s Lat eri nt er f er encef r om Por t ugueset r ader si nt he16th/ 17thcent ur i eswhohad i nf l uenceonr ul er sl i keMamv ur aMhande, Gat si Ruser e For ei gner sf annedsuccessi ondi sput est aki ngsi desi ndi sput es Br oughtI sl am/ Chr i st i anr el i gi onwhi chdest r oy edt r adi t i onal r el i gi onauni f y i ng el ement . [ Jun2006] 13.[ a] . Li stanysi xt i t l esofof f i ci al si nMut apa’ sgov er nment [ 6] Chancel l or , ar mycommander , headdr ummer , headdoor keeper , cour tchamber l ai n , headcook, Queenmot her , ki ng’ ssi st er ,ki ng’ sni nepr i nci pal wi v es, chi efspi r i t medi um,ki ng’ ssonsi nl aw, v assal chi ef s, chi ef s, pr ov i nci al chi ef s [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal sy st em andt hesoci al sy st em oft heMut apast at e [ 8] . [ i ] . Pol i t i cal sy st em ofMut apast at e Ki ngwast hehi ghestof f i ci al , cent r eofgov er nment, commanderi nchi efof ar my , chi efj udge, r el i gi ousl eader , di st r i but orofl andandboot y I mpor t antof f i ci al satchi ef scour ti ncl udedar mycommander s, chancel l or , headdr ummer , headdoor keeper , headcook, ki ng’ ssi st er , Queenmot herand t heki ng’ sni nepr i nci pal wi v es Of f i ci al sr el at edt oMut apaSt at edi v i dedi nt opr ov i ncesundercont r ol of v assal chi ef ssuchasUt ev eofSof al a, SendadaofSav e, Chi kangaofMany i ka, andMakombeofBar we. Vassal chi ef spai dt r i but et oMut apa Vassal chi ef sr equi r edt ol i ghtf i r esev er yy earf r om Mut apa’ sf i r e Al sosentsonsasambassador st oMut apaassi gnofl oy al t y Mar r i ageal l i ances Mai nt enanceofanar myaspar tofpol i t i cs [ i i ]Soci al sy st em oft heMut apast at e Page22of22 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Shonabel i ev edi nhi ghGodMwar i Cr eat orofmanki nd Shonaal sobel i ev edi nv ar i ousspi r i t ssuchasf ami l yancest or s, cl anand Nat i onal Spi r i t scal l edMhondor os Spi r i t s–wer econsul t edt hr oughspi r i tmedi ums Spi r i t sappear edt hr oughbr ewi ngbeerandsl aught er i ngcat t l e Bel i ef si nwi t chcr af t Pr act i cedpol y gamy Kur onzer a/ cat t l el oani ngsy st em Li v i ngi nv i l l agesaccor di ngt ol i neages [ c] . Howi mpor t antwasr el i gi oni nt hepol i t i cal sy st em oft heMut apast at e? [ 8] [ i ] .I mpor t anceofshonar el i gi on Shonar el i gi onmosti nt egr at i nganduni f y i ngf act ori nMut apast at e NewMut apa–chosenandi nst al l edbyNat i onal Mhondor o Mut apar espect edasadi v i ner ul er Ki ngconsul t edspi r i t s/ mhondor osi nt i mesofcr i si s, war , f ami ne Ki ngr ul edwi t hbl essi ngofspi r i tmedi ums [ i i ]Ot herf act or s: I ncl udedmi l i t ar yor gani zat i onort hear myf ordef ence/ expansi onoft hest at e St r ongeconomybasedonf ar mi ng, past or al i sm, mi ni ng, t r adewhi chhel pedt o mai nt ai nal ar gear my Pay mentoft r i but e, r oy al f i r e Al soi mpor t anti nensur i ngl oy al t yt ost at e/ st r ongr ul er [ Nov2006] 14.[ a] . Li stanysi xi t emst hatwer eusedt opayt r i but ei nt heMut apaSt at e. [ 6] Agr i cul t ur al pr oduce, l abour , v al uabl eski ns, gol d, cat t l e, i v or y , i r onhoes, ost r i ch f eat her s, j ewel l er y / beads, guns, cer ami cs, f or ei gngoods. [ b] . Descr i bet heor i gi nsandexpansi onoft heMut apaSt at e. Page23of23 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ 11] [ i ]Or i gi ns FoundedbyNy at si mbaMut ot a Assumedt obedi r ectsuccessort oGr eatZi mbabwest at et hatcol l apsed t h ar oundmi d15 cent ur y I deadependsonor al t r adi t i onaboutMut ot a Sentagent st onor t her npl at eausear chi ngf orsal t Di scov er ednewsal tdeposi t si nnor t hsomov ementt oDandear ea/ MtDar wi n ar ea Dr oughtatGtZi mbabwe Shor t ageofr esour ces Successi ondi sput esshi f t i ngoft r adet oZambeziv al l ey Conquest sandpl underoft heTongaandTav ar apeopl e Al l i ancest ochi efDzi v agur u, l eadi ngt osuppor tbyl ocal peopl e [ i i ] . Dev el opment / Expansi on Tr adel edt oexpansi onoft hest at e Hi ssonandsuccessor, Mat ope, ext endedt er r i t or yeast war dsbyconquer i ng i ndependentki ngdomsofBar we, Mani caandSof al a, Ut ev e, Madanda Mut apaexer ci sedt hepower sofpar amountchi efov ernor t heast Mashonal andandmuchofpr esentdayMozambi quef or200y ear s Haddi r ectcont r ol ov erNEcor nerofMozambi que Ki ngsofUt ev e, MadandaandChi kangapai dt r i but e Ext endedwest war dasf arast heKal ahar i deser t [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast hear myi nt heexpansi onoft heMut apaSt at e? [ 8] [ i ] . I mpor t anceoft hear myi nst at eexpansi on Conquestofnewt er r i t or y Col l ect i onoft r i but e Def enceoft hest at e Page24of24 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Suppr essi onofr ebel l i ons pr ot ect i ngt heMut apa [ i i ]Ot herf act or s Al l i ancet oDzi v agur upr i est sandsuppor tf r om t hel ocal s[ r el i gi on] Mar r i ageal l i ances Mi l i t ar ypr owess/ char i smat i cl eader shi pofMut ot a&Mat ope Weaknessesoft hel ocal s. [ Nov2007] 15[ a] . St at eanysi xsoci al gr oupswi t hi nt heGr eatZi mbabweSt at e.[ 6] Far mer s; Mi ner s; Tr ader s; Rul i ngCl ass; Spi r i tMedi ums; Hunt er s; Pot t er s; Her bal i st s; WarCapt i v es; Bl acksmi t hs; Sol di er s; Gat her er s; Sl av es; [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal andsoci al sy st emsoft heGr eatZi mbabweSt at e.[ 11] [ i ] Pol i t i cal sy st em: Theki ngwast hepol i t i cal , j udi ci al andr el i gi ousov er l or d Ki ngwasal socommanderi nchi efoft hear myanddi st r i but orofl and Ki ngwasassi st edbyt het r adi t i onal counci l ofel der s Al soappoi nt eddi st r i ctandv i l l agechi ef st ocont r ol di st r i ct sandv i l l ages r espect i v el y Lesserchi ef spai dt r i but easasi gnofl oy al t y Theyal sohadanar myf orpr ot ect i onoft r ader sandf ormai nt ai ni ngor der Ki ngshi pwasher edi t ar y Ther ewer eal soi mpor t antof f i ci al l i ket heQueenmot her , ki ng’ swi v esand sonsi nl awandar mycommander s. [ i i ] . Soci al sy st em: Gr eatZi mbabwesoci et ywaspat r i l i neal Owner shi pofcat t l ewasast at ussy mbol Cat t l ewer eusedt opayl obol a Page25of25 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Pol y gamywaspr act i cedasasour ceofl abourandsol di er s Gr eatZi mbabwesoci et ybel i ev edi ncr eat orGodMwar i andNat i onal Spi r i t sor Mondor osandancest r al spi r i t s, Hungwebi r d Wor shi pwasdonet hr ought hespi r i tmedi ums( Masv i ki r o) Theki ngwaschosenbyspi r i tmedi umsandl edatr i t ual cer emoni essuchas r ai nmaki ngorhar v est [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast r i but ei nt heGr eatZi mbabwepol i t i cal sy st em? [ i ] I mpor t anceoft r i but e: Ensur edl oy al t yofl esserchi ef st ot heki ng Ensur edl esserchi ef swoul dnotbecomet or i ch, power f ul andambi t i ous Enhancedt heweal t h, i nf l uenceandpoweroft heki ng [ i i ] . Ot herf act or s Al soi mpor t antwasr el i gi onwhi chuni t edt hepeopl e Ki ngwaschosenbyspi r i tmedi umshencecommandeduni v er sal r espect Thear myal soi mpor t antf ordef ence, l awandor derdi scour agi ngr ebel l i ons Tr adewasi mpor t antf oraccesst of or ei gngoodsandst r engt hoft he economy Agr i cul t ur ewasi mpor t antf orast r ongeconomyandf orf eedi ngt hepopul ace. [ Nov2008] 16.[ a] . St at eanysi xpr ov i ncesoft heMut apaSt at eatt hepeakofi t spower . [ 6] . Gur uuswa[ Tor wa] , Mbi r e, Chi di ma[ chi demo] , Bar we, Many i ka, Ut ev e, Madanda [ b] . Descr i bet her i seandexpansi onoft heMut apaSt at eupt o1480. [ 11] [ i ] . Ny at si mbaMut ot a–ambi t i ousbutunsuccessf ul cl ai mantt ot het hr one[ 14201450] 1420Mut ot asetoutt oDandeRegi oni nsear chofsal t, gol d, i v or y , past ur es, f er t i l el ands Al sot ocont r ol t r ader out eonZambezi Ri v er . Mut ot aconquer edt heTonga, Tav ar aandKor ekor eoft heDandeRegi on Page26of26 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Wasgi v enpr ai sename‘ MweneMut apa’ Owneroft heconquer edl andswhi chbecameady nast i ct i t l e Mut ot aest abl i shedt hecapi t al atChi t akoChangony anearMtFur ai nDande Mut ot adi edi n1450bef or ecompl et i nghi sexpansi oni stpol i cy Rel i gi onenhanceduni t ye. g.Dzi v agur ucul t ( i i . ) Ny anheweMat ope, Mut ot a’ ssoncont i nuedt heexpansi oni stpol i cy . - Conquer edandabsor bedBar we, Many i ka, Ut ev eandMadanda - St i l l desi r edt ocont r ol t r ader out es, t r i but e, gol dandi v or yr esour ces. - Mut apaSt at ewasati t szeni t hdur i ngMat ope’ sr ei gn. I nt heeasti twasboundedbyt heI ndi anOcean, i nt hewestbyt heKal ahar i Deser t , i nt henor t hbyt heZambezi Ri v er , andi nt hesout hbyt heLi mpopo Ri v er .Mut ot aandMat opecr eat edav er yv astempi r ehadt oappoi ntv assal chi ef st ocont r ol pr ov i nces. ( c. ) Di dt hepeopl eoft heMut apaSt at ebenef i tf r om t heexpansi onoft hest at e dur i ngt heper i od?Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] ( i . ) BENEFI TSFROM MUTAPASTATE Peaceandpr ot ect i onbyst r ongst at ear my Wer econduci v et ot r adeandf ar mi ng Accesst of or ei gngoodst hr ought r ade Rul i ngcl assl ev i edt r i but ef r om v assal chi ef s Accesst omor er esour ces–gol d, gameani mal s, i v or y , f er t i l esoi l Uni t yenhancedbyr el i gi one. g.t heDzi v agur ucul t ( i i . ) NONBENEFI TS Rebel l i onsbyv assal chi ef s–causeddeat hsanddest r uct i ons Successi ondi sput esbyambi t i ousmember soft her oy al f ami l y Cont r ol ofv astempi r ewasdi f f i cul thi nder edbypoor communi cat i on Or di nar ypeopl eandv assal chi ef shadt opayt r i but e Or di nar ypeopl ef oughti nKi ng’ sar mi esandper i shed. Page27of27 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ Nov2009] 17( a. ) [ 6] Nam eanysi xr ul er soft heMut apaSt at eupt ot he18thcent ur y . Ny at si mbaMut ot a Ny anheweMat ope Chi kuy oChi samar engu Mav ur aMande( Phi l l i p) Gat si Ruser e NegomoMapunzagut u( Sebast i an) Ny amboKapar ar i dze Mukombwe Chi v her eNy asor o Ny ahuma Ny akunembi r e/ Neshangwe Ny amhi t aNehanda ( b. ) Descr i bet hepol i t i cal andr el i gi ousor gani zat i onoft heMut apaSt at e. [ 11] ( i . ) POLI TI CAL Ther ul erwasov er al l i nchar ge, chi efadmi ni st r at or , chi efj udge, commanderi nchi efoft hear myanddi st r i but orofl and.[ maxof3 dut i es] Rul erwascal l edbyt i t l eMunhumut apa( MweneMut apa Ki ngshi pwasher edi t ar ypassi ngont ot heel destsonaf t ert hedeat h oft heKi ng Theki ngwashel pedt or ul ebypr ov i nci al r ul er si nt hepr ov i nces Di st r i ctchi ef swer ei nchar geofchi ef doms Ther ul erhadmanyof f i ci al ssuchascour tchamber l ai n, ar my commander s, cooks, door keeper , t axcol l ect or s, messenger s, ambassador s.[ maxof2] Al soi mpor t antwast hequeenmot herandt heki ngsni nepr i nci pal wi v es. Page28of28 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Lesserchi ef spai dt r i but et oMut apaasasi gnofl oy al t y TheMut apaal sor equi r edl esserchi ef st ol i ghtt hei rf i r esf r om t he Ki ng’ sf i r eannual l y( r oy al f i r e) Ki ngal sohadanar myt omai nt ai nl awandor der . ( i i . ) RELI GI OUS Thepeopl eoft heMut apaSt at ebel i ev edi nt hecr eat orGodMwar i , Nat i onal Spi r i t s( Mhondor os)andancest r al spi r i t s.[ MAX3] Thesewer ewor shi pedt hr ought hespi r i tmedi ums( masv i ki r o) .Spi r i t s pl ay edani m por t antr ol ei nt hei nst al l at i onofki ngs( ki ngschosenby spi r i tmedi ums) TheMut apasconsul t edspi r i tmedi umsi nt i mesofcr i sessuchaswar , dr ought , epi demi cs, successi ondi sput eset c Rai nmaki ngcer emoni es Bel i efi nl i f eaf t erdeat h Bel i ev edi nwi t chcr af t ( c. ) Howf ardi dr el i gi oncont r i but et ot hest abi l i t yoft hest at e? ( i . ) [ 8] i mpor t anceofr el i gi on Hel pedi nchoosi ngki ngsandi nt hei ri nst al l at i on Wer econsul t edbyki ngsandchi ef si nt i mesofcr i sessuchaswarand dr ought Tr eat i ngofi l l peopl e Rel i gi ouscer emoni essuchasr ai nmaki ng Al l i ancewi t ht heDzi v agur ucul t ( i i . ) Ot herf act or s Thear myf ormai nt ai ni ngl awandor der Tr i but epay mentensur edt hel oy al t yofl esserchi ef s Col l ect i onofr oy al f i r eal soensur edl oy al t yt ol esserchi ef s St abl eeconomymeantast abl egov er nment Tr ade Rai di ng Mar r i ageal l i ances Page29of29 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Kur onzer a [ Nov2011] 18[ a] . Nameanysi xpr ov i ncesoft heMut apast at e. [ 6] Chi koy a, Madnda/ Sedanda Ut ev e/ Qui t ev e, Many i ka/ Mani ca Bar we, DandeChi di ma. Mbi r e, Gur ur swa/But ua Fur a, Sango [ b] . Out l i net hemi l i t ar yachi ev ement sofMut ot aandt hepol i t i cal sy st em t hathe dev el opedi nt heMut apast at e. [ 11] Mi l i t ar yachi ev ementofMut ot a I n1420, Mut ot abr okeawayf r om Gr eatZi mbabweast heheadoft hear my Heconquer edt heTonga, Tav ar aandKor ekor eoft heDande-Chi di maar easof t heZambezi Val l ey . Hi sname, Mut ot ameantt hathecont r ol l edconquer edl ands Heusedt hear myt oest abl i shal ar gest at e Heest abl i shedhi scapi t al atChi t akoChangi ny aHi l l nearMtFur a Mut ot af or medt heMut apast at e Ti t t l e Pol i t i cal sy st em Dev el opedi nt heMut apaSt at e Mut apawast heov er al l l eaderwi t hpol i t i cal , r el i gi ousandadmi ni st r at i v e power . Ki ngdi st r i but edl and, ar mycommander Heappoi nt edl esserchi ef st ogov er npr ov i nces Lesserchi ef spai dt r i but easasi gnofl oy al i t y Lesserchi ef swer eal sor equi r edt or el i ghtcour tf i r esannual l yf r om t her oy al f i r e TheMut apaal sokeptanar myt oenf or cel awandor deri nt hest at e Al l i ancewi t hDzi v agur u Ther ewasal soal ar genumberofcour tof f i ci al ssuchast hecour t Page30of30 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM chamber l ai n, headdoorkeeper , ar mycommander , spi r i tmedi ums, wi v es queenmot heret c Ki ngshi pwasher edi t ar y [ c] . Towhatext entdi dMut ot a’ smi l i t ar yachi ev ement scont r i but et ot her i seoft he Mut apaSt at e? [ 8] Cont r i but i onofmi l i t ar yachi ev ement s Conquestoft heZambezi v al l ey Shi f t i ngoft hecapi t al t ot heNor t h Useofal ar gear myt ocr eat eal ar gest at e Ti t t l eMunhumut apa Cr eat edast r ongst sat e Ot herpoi nt si nB1 Cont r i but i onofot herf act or s Reasonsf ort hef al l ofGr eatZi mbabweal soqual i f y Cont r ol ofl ongdi st ancet r ade Cont r ol ofgol dmi ni ng Sear chf orsal t Fer t i l el andf orcul t i v at i onweal t hi nf or m ofcat t l eabsenceoft set sef l i es Weaknessesofl ocal peopl e THEROZVISTATE [ NOV.2003] 19.( a. ) Li stt hr eedut i escar r i edoutbymal emember sandt hr eedut i escar r i ed outby Femal emember si nt heRozv i soci et y . ( i . ) [ 8] MALE Hunt i ng, her di ngcat t l e, mi ni ng, t hat chi nghut s, al socul t i v at i on, smel t i ng, t r ade, f i shi ng. [ 3] ( i i . ) FEMALE Page31of31 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cr opcul t i v at i on, gat her i ng, househol dchor es, l ooki ngaf t erchi l dr en. [ 3] ( b. ) Out l i net heeconomi candsoci al wayofl i f ei nt heRozv i st at e. [ 11] ( i . ) ECONOMI C Cr opcul t i v at i on–f i ngermi l l et , bul r ushmi l l et , sor ghum, cowpeas, mai ze, r apoko. Past or al i sm –cat t l e, af or m ofweal t h–i mpor t antf orweal t handt i mes ofdr ought . Mi ni ng–gol d, i r on, copper .Pr act i cedopencastmi ni ng. Hunt i ng–t ogetmeat , enj oy edasaspor tbymen; i v or y , ski ns. Tr ade–l ocal andext er nal t r adewi t hPor t uguese.Useofv ashambadzi . I v or yandgol di mpor t antt r adei t emst oobt ai ncl ot h, beads, seashel l s, et c. Bl acksmi t hi ng–ani ndust r yt opr oducet ool sandweaponssuchas kni v es, r azor s, spear s, ar r owheads. Weav i ng–cl ot h–cr af t wor k Pot t er ybywomenandbasket r ybymen Tr i but ecol l ect edbyt hear myf orChangami r e Di v i si onofl abouraccor di ngt osex, ageandski l l . ( i i . ) SOCI ALWAYOFLI FE Rel i gi on-bel i ev edi nMwar iandt hei mpor t anceofancest or sand spi r i t ual bei ngs. Shonapr i est s–ani mpor t antl i nki nt hesoci et y Bel i ev edspi r i tl i v edi nMount ai ns, bi gpool sofwat er , t hi ckf or est s. Wi t chcr af t . Maf i sa–sy st em –asy st em ofkur onzer apeopl ewhodi dnotown cat t l el ookedaf t erot herpeopl e’ scat t l e, andwoul dbegi v ensome ev ent ual l y . Mar r i age–r oor apai d.Pol y gamypr act i cedesp.byt hosewhoowned manycat t l e, andbl acksmi t hs. Apat r i l i neal soci et yi . e.r el at i onst r acedt hr ought hemascul i negender Page32of32 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Et hni cdancesoni mpor t antoccasi onsandasl ei sur ee. g.r el i gi ous cer emoni es. ( c. ) Expl ai nwhyt hi sst at edecl i ned. [ 8] Reasonsf ordecl i ne ( i . ) I nt er nal f act or s–ser i ousdr ought s, ci v i l war s, economi cdecl i ne, successi ondi sput es, di sput eswi t hChi kangaofMany i ka, al soBar we chi ef s ( i i . ) Ext er nal Fact or s–Nguni i ncur si onsandPor t uguesei nv asi ons.Nguni gr oupswer eZwangendaba’ sNgoni ; Ny amazana; t heNdebel e; Nxabaandt heNgoni al sobr i ef l yi nv aded. [ Nov2004] 20[ a] . St at eanysi xeconomi cact i v i t i esoft heRozv i St at e. Cr opcul t i v at i on–mi l l et , sor ghum Past or al i smcat t l e, goat s Tr adei nt er nal andext er nal t r ade Hunt i ngf ormeatandani mal ski ns Cr af t wor kt ool maki ng/ bl acksmi t hi ng Pay mentoft r i but e Mi ni ng Fi shi ng/ gat her i ng/ r ai di ng [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal or gani zat i onoft heRozv i St at e. [ 11] . Rozv i r ul er sknownasMamboorChangami r e Mambowasov er al l i nchar geoft hemi l i t ar y, r el i gi ousandpol i t i cal power Posi t i onofMambowasher edi t ar y Thepoweroft heki ngr est edmai nl ywi t ht hear my Hadadv i sor st oassi st–mai nl ypr i est sandar mycommander s Pr ov i nci al chi ef swer ei nchar geofpr ov i nces. TheMambowasi nchar geof t hei ri nst al l at i on.Al sohadher edi t ar yposi t i ons Chi ef s( i she)wer ei nchar geofchi ef domsandwer eappoi nt edbyt heMambo Page33of33 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Undert hechi ef swer eheadmen( sadunhu) Al l egi ancet ot heMambowasdonet hr oughpay mentoft r i but e. Tr i but ewas col l ect edbyt hear my . Rel i gi ousl eader si nv ol v edi nt hei nst al l at i onoft heMambo. Tumbar eact edasr egentaf t ert hedeat hofChangami r e. NB: Mambo( ki ng) I she( chi ef ) Sadunhu( Headman) [ c] . Howf ardi dpol i t i cal pr obl emscont r i but et ot hecol l apseoft heRozv i St at e? [ i ] .Cont r i but i ont ot hef al l : Rozv i st at et oobi g–hencepoorcommuni cat i on Successi ondi sput es Pol i t i cal di v i si ons, Ci v i l war sf ai l ur et of ul l yi ncor por at esomechi ef domsl i ke Kal anga, ( chi ef dom r ebel l i ons) Pr act i ceofTumbar eact i ngasar egent [ i i ] Ot herf act or sf ort hecol l apse Successi v edr ought s Decl i neofgol dpr oduct i on Di sr upt i onoft r ade, especi al l ybyPor t uguese I nv asi onoft heSt at ebyMf ecanegr oupse, gNdebel eandNgoni Depl et i onofr esour ces [ Nov2005] 21[ a] . Nameanyt hr eeRozv i t ownsandanyt hr eeRozv i r ul er supt ot he18thcent ur y . Khami ( Dl odl o) ; Nal et al e; Danangombe; Many anga; Nhav aYaTumbar e Changami r eDombo; Changami r eRupangaManhanga; Changami r e Chi r i samhur ui i [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal sy st em andr el i gi oussy st em oft heRozv i St at eupt ot he 19 cent ur y . [ 11] t h Rozv i pol i t i cal sy st emRozv i Mambo-washeadofst at e; andcommander i nchi ef. Successi ont ot het hr onewasher edi t ar yandcul t ur al Page34of34 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ondeat hofmambo-Tumbar e( Rozv i gener al )act edasr egent–t i l l appoi nt mentofnewmambo. Pr ov i nceswer eunderv assal chi ef si nst al l edbyt heMamboorhi s r epr esent at i v e Vassal Chi ef spai dt r i but et oMamboassi gnofl oy al t y ; Tumbar e( Rozv i gener al )wasr esponsi bl ef orcol l ect i onoft r i but e. Sadunhu, Mambo’ sseni orwi v esandsonsi nl awwer ei mpor t antof f i ci al sof t heki ng’ scour t . Rozv i r el i gi ont heRozv i wor shi pedt hesky -GodMwar i -Cr eat orofManki nd andal l cr eat i on; Rozv i al sobel i ev edi nspi r i t sancest r al spi r i t sr egi onal and nat i onal spi r i t scal l edMondor o Spi r i tmedi umswer ego-bet weenoft hepeopl eandMondor o-consul t edi n cr i ses–f ami ne, war , dr ought Mambobel i ev edt obeadescendantofMwar i Wasar el i gi ousl eader [ c] .Howi mpor t antwast her ol eoft hear myi nt heRozv i pol i t i cal sy st em? [ 8] [ i ] . I mpor t anceoft heAr my Usedt oconquerorr ai dnei ghbour sf orcat t l e, ext endt er r i t or y Usedt odef endt hest at e Ar mywasal sousedt ocol l ectt r i but e–puni shr ebel l i ouschi ef s-f ai l i ngt opay t r i but e [ i i ] . Ot herf act or s Mosti mpor t antel ementi nt heRozv i st at ewasr el i gi onwhi chuni t edpeopl e Mambowasconf i r medi nof f i cebyspi r i tmedi ums Mambor egar dedasdi v i ner ul er Al soi mpor t antwast hest r ongeconomyoft hest at ebasedonagr i cul t ur e, past or al i sm, t r ade Kur onzer auni t edpeopl e Mar r i ageal l i ances [ Nov2007] Page35of35 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 22[ a] . Li stanysi xgov er nmentof f i ci al soft heRozv i St at e. [ 6] Ar mycommander s Pr ov i nci al chi ef s Di st r i ctchi ef s Queenmot her Ki ng‘ ssons-i nl aw Spi r i tmedi ums Tumbar e Vi l l ageheads Ki ng Sadunhu( Headman) Cour tcounsel l or s [ b] . Out l i net hesoci al act i v i t i esoft heRozv i St at e. [ 11] Rozv i soci et ywaspat r i l i neal Successi ont ot het hr onewast hr oughf at her ’ sl i ne( pat r i l i neal ) Owner shi pofcat t l ewasast at ussy mbol andcat t l ewer eusedt opayr oor a Weal t hi ncat t l ecoul dbel oanedsomebyt heweal t hi ert hr ought hekur onzer a sy st em orMaf i sasy st em Di v i si onofl abourwasmai nl ybasedongender TheRozv i wor shi pedcr eat orGodcal l edMwar i , Nat i onal spi r i t s( Mondor os) andf ami l yancest r al spi r i tmedi ums( Masv i ki r o) j ustl i ket heshonaofgr eat Zi mbabwe. Consul t edancest or si nt i mesofcr i si s Rozv i Mambowaschosenbyspi r i tmedi umsandl edatr i t ual cer emoni es suchasr ai nmaki ng TheRozv i bel i ev edt hatspi r i t sr esi dedi nmount ai ns, l ar gepool sandt hi ck f or est s Ther ewaswi despr eadbel i efi nwi t chcr af t Page36of36 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ c] . Towhatext entdi dsoci al act i v i t i esst r engt henedt heRozv i St at e? [ 8] [ i ] . I mpor t anceofsoci al act i v i t i es: Rel i gi onwasuni f y i ngf act or TheMambowaschosenbyspi r i tmedi umsandl edatr i t ual cer emoni es Kur onzer asy st em hel pedt or educepov er t yandmai nt ai ni nf l uenceov er i mpor t antl i neagesandt hepoor Pol y gamyhel pedt oest abl i sht i esandi nf l uence.I twasal soasour ceof l abourandsol di er s.Somemar r i ageswer ef orpol i t i cal al l i ancet omai nt ai n peace Si ncet heMambohadt hehi ghestnumberofcat t l e, hewast heweal t hi estand washel di nhi ghest eem. [ i i ] . Ot herf act or s: St r ongeconomybasedonagr i cul t ur ehel pedt omai nt ai npeaceandst abi l i t y Tr adewasasour ceoff or ei gngoodsandhel pedt ost r engt hent heeconomy andenr i cht heMambosi ncehecont r ol l edt r ade Al sopay mentoft r i but e–ensur edl oy al t yt ot heMamboandensur edt hat chi ef sdi dnotbecomet oor i chandpower f ul . Ast r ongar mywasal soi mpor t antf ordef enceoft hest at eandput t i ngdown r ebel l i ons. ( Nov2010) 23. ( a) . Li stanysi xr esponsi bi l i t i esoft heRozv i r ul er . ( 6) Di st r i but i onofl and, Chi efj udge, Rel i gi ousl eader Chi efadmi ni st r at or , Cust odi anofst at epr oper t y I nst al l at i onofl esserchi ef s, commander i nchi efoft hear my Recei v i ngandshar i ngt r i but e Cont r ol ofhunt i ngact i v i t i es, Concl udi ngal l i ances Decl ar i ngwar , Cont r ol l i ngt r ade, pr ot ect i ngci t i zens Cont r ol l i ngmi ni ngact i v i t i es, r ecei v i ngf or ei gnv i si t or s Pr esi di ngov ert hecounci l . Page37of37 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ( b) . Descr i bet hesoci al or gani sat i onoft heRozv i st at e. ( 11) Bui l tpol eanddaggahut s Li v edi nHomest eadsl i v edaccor di ngt ol i neages Bel ongedt ot heMoy ot ot em Rozv i mar r i ageswer eexogamous Pr act i sedpol y gamyandpai dl obol ai nf or m ofcat t l eandi r ont ool s Owner shi pofcat t l ewasast at ussy mbol Pr act i sed‘ maf i sa\ kur onzer acat t l el oani ngt opeopl ewi t houtcat t l e Di v i si onofl abour Pat r i l i neal soci et y Wor shi pped‘ Mwar i ’ , t heSupr emeBei ngandCr eat orofev er y t hi ngonear t h Bel i ev edi nnat i onal orr egi onal spi r i t s( Mhondor os)andf ami l yancest r al spi r i t medi ums Theki ngwast her el i gi ousl eaderandl edt r adi t i onal cer emoni es Br ewedbeerandsl aught er edcat t l eatcer emoni escal l ed‘ Bi r a’ andhel dr ai n maki ngcer emoni es Bel i ev edt hatl ar gerpool s, f or est sandmount ai nshar bour edspi r i t s Ki ngcommuni cat edwi t hMwar i onbehal fofpeopl e Bel i ev edi nl i f eaf t erdeat handwi t chcr af tandny angas. ( c) . Howi mpor t antwassoci al or gani sat i oni nt hepol i t i cal sy st em oft heRozv i St at e? ( 8) Rel i gi onwasauni f y i ngf or ce Ki ngwaschosenbyspi r i tmedi ums Ki ngl edt r adi t i onal cer emoni es Cat t l el oani ngsy st em hel pedt omai nt ai ni nf l uenceandpeace Pol y gamyusedbyr ul i ngcl asst omai nt ai nal l i ancesandi mpor t antl i neages Ot herf act or s Page38of38 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tr i but easasi gnofl oy al t y Ar myf orl awandor der , andsuppr essi ngr ebel l i ons Ast r ongeconomyensur edst abi l i t y [ June2011] 24[ a] . Nameanyt hr eeet hni cgr oupsandt hei rr espect i v el eader swhof oughtt he Rozv i bet ween1800and1890 [ 6] Khumal o-Mzi i kazi Jer e–Ngoni -Zwangendaba Ngoni -Ny amazana Shangane-Soshangane MseneNgoni -Nxaba [ b] . Descr i bet hedut i esoft heRozv i Mambo. [ 11] Cont r ol l edt r ade, Reci v edv i si t or s. Commanderi nChi efoft heRozv i ar my Mambowast heheadofst at e, di st r i but edl and Wast hechi efj udge, sel ect edpr ov i nci al chi ef s, di st r i ctchi ef sandsubchi ef s Recei v edandhandl edr epor t sf r om v ar i ouspar t soft heki ngdom Appoi nt edt heCounci l ofAdv i sor s, sanct i onedr i t ual cer emoni es Mambowast her el i gi ousl eader , sentt hear myf orr ai di ngexpedi t i ons Recei v edt r i but ef r om t hechi ef s, appoi nt edar mygener al s Wor kedhandi nhandwi t hr el i gi ousl eader s Hadpowert or el i ev ehi sappoi nt eesoft hei rdut i es Dut yt odef endt hest at ef r om enemyat t acks Hadcust odyov ercapt i v es Di st r i but edf oodi nt i mesofdr ought , decl ar edwar s, si gnedt r eat i es, and di st r i but edl oot y . Page39of39 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ c] . Wast heMambo’ sl eader shi pt obl amef ort hedecl i neoft heRozv i ki ngdom? Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] Mambo’ sweaknesses Ot herl eader swer el esschar i smat i ct hanDomboChangami r e Appoi nt edi ncompet entsubor di nat es Appoi nt ment sofof f i ci al swer eonaki nshi pbasi s Fai l edt or ul et hev astempi r e Fai l edt opr oper l ydecent r al i sehi spol i t i cal power s Fai l edt or epel Nguni i ncur si ons Ot herf act or s Successi ondi sput es/ col l at er al sy st em ofsuccessi on Ser i ousdr ought s, Ci v i l war s Economi cdecl i nee, gmi ni ng, t r ade Di sput eswi t hChi kangaandBar wechi ef s Nguni i ncur si onse, gMzi l i kazi ’ sNdebel e, Zwangendaba’ sNgoni and Ny amazana’ sNgoni . Cl asheswi t ht hePor t uguesel ef tt heRozv i st at eweakened Br eakaway , Tumbar ebecamet oopower f ul , Hi y aef f ect s. Mf ecaneandt heZul uSt at e [ Speci men2003] 25. [ a] . st at esi xf act or st hatcausedt heMf ecanei nNguni l and [ 6] Gr owt hi npopul at i onandpr essur eonl and Desi r et ocont r ol t r ade, especi al l ywi t ht hePor t ugueseatDel agoaBay I mpor t anceofcat t l ei nsoci et yanddesi r et oacqui r emor e Desi r et ocont r ol hunt i nggr oundsespeci al l ywher ei v or ywasconcer ned Desi r et ocont r ol t hegr azi ngl andsf ort hei ncr easi ngnumberofcat t l e Dev el opmentofadv ancedmi l i t ar yt act i cswhi chpr omot edaggr essi on Page40of40 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Emer genceofambi t i ousAf r i canl eader swhodesi r edt odomi nat eot her s Fami ne[ Madl at ul eFami ne]t hatoccur r edcausedr i v al r yasf oodshor t agespr ead Cr eat i onofl ar gepower f ul ki ngdomssuppor t edbysmal l erones, egTheMt het hwa; t he Ndwandwe; t heNgwane; et c, t hesmal l Zul uet hni cgr oupsi dedwi t ht heMt het hwa [ b] . Descr i bet hef i ght i ngt hatt ookpl acebet weent heet hni cgr oupsi nNguni l and dur i ngMf ecanef r om 1818t o18123. [ 11] 1816r i v al r yoft heNdwandweandNgwanebeganov erl andt hel at t erwer edef eat ed andpushedawaynor t h 1818NdwandweunderZwi deat t ackedMt het hwaofDi ngi sway o Di ngi sway owascapt ur edandki l l edandt heMt het hwawer edef eat edandscat t er ed Ndwandweat t ackedt heot hergr oupsi nt hear eaeastoft heDr ankensbur g Somer emnant soft heMt het hwaf l edgi v i ngZwi def r eer ei gni nt hear eaofNguni l and Zwi det hendeci dedt of i ghtt hesmal l Zul ut r i benowunderTshaka Themi l i t ar yt act i cshedev el opedi nt heear l yst agesoft hemf ecanegav eTshakaa deci si v eadv ant ageov ert heNdwandwe Tshakat henr eassembl edt heMt het hwaandt heZul usi nt oapower f ul mi l i t ar ymachi ne Weakert r i beswhocoul dnotf l eedeci dedt oseekr ef ugeunderTshakaandbecamepar t oft heempi r e Thr eatoft hewhi t esf r om t hesout hal sohel pedt hepeopl et or al l ybehi ndt hemost power f ul l eader , t husbecomi ngpar tofanenl ar gedst at e Tshakaadopt ednewf i ght i ngmet hods, l i ket hecowhor nf or mat i onandbegant oat t ack hi snei ghbour s.Hi ssmal l Zul uki ngdom begant oex pandandbeachal l enget ot he Ndwandwe 1818Zwi dedeci dedt ocr usht heemer gi ngZul ust at e.I nt hef i r stbat t l et heNdwandwe wer edef eat edanddr i v enof f Endof1818hesentaf ul l ar myacr osst heMf ol ozi Ri v er .Tshakaatf i r sthewi t hdr ewhi s whol epopul at i onandweal t h.Zwi def ol l owedacr ossdeser t edcount r ywi t hnof ood. Ndwandwear mybecameweakenedandbegant or et r eat .Tshakat henat t ackedand dr ov et heNdwandwebackt ot hei rcapi t al whi chher ansacked.Ndwandwewer e def eat ed. Tshakadr ov et heNdwandwegener al sZwangendabaandSot shanganaaway .Theyf l ed af t erZwi dewasdef eat ed Zwi def l edt ot her egi onofupperNkomat i Ri v er Soshanganal ef ti n1821at t acki ngt r i best ot heNor t handendedupi nGazal and, near moder ndayChi pi nge/ chi r i nda. Page41of41 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ot hersmal l ert r i besf l edt ot hewesti nt ot heSot hoandTswanaar eaIt er r orandi nt ur n spr eadt het er r oront hei rway Tshakapr oceededt oat t ackt r i besbet ween1819and1822andsubduedt hem and i ncor por at edt of or m al ar geZul uki ngdom [ c] . Howf ardi dt heMf ecanel eadt ot her i seoft heZul ust at e? Mf ecanewar sal l owedTshakat odev el opt heZul ust at e . Deser t i onbyt hekeyr i v al s, e, gMzi l i kazi oft heKhumal o. [ JUNE2004] 26. [ a] . St at eanyt hr eest at esandt hei rr espect i v el eader swhi chemer gedamongstt he t h Nor t her nNguni i nt heear l y19 cent ur y . [ 11] TheMt het hwaunderDi ngi sway o TheNdwandweunderZwi de TheNgwaneunderSobhuza TheNgwaneunderMat i wane [ b] . Out l i net hemi l i t ar yr ef or msi nt r oducedbyTshakai nt heZul uKi ngdom. [ 11] Tshakagai nedcont r ol oft heZul ucl anont hedeat hofSenzangakhonai n1816. Adopt edandper f ect edmi l i t ar yi nnov at i onsbyDi ngi sway osuchasbanni ngof ci r cumci si onanddr af t i ngboy si nt oagesetr egi ment s Eachr egi menthaddi st i nctdr essandcol or Tshakabannedt heuseofsandal si nt hear my ; sol di er swer et owal kbar ef ootf orspeed Equi ppedhi ssol di er swi t ht heshor tst abbi ngspear[ assegai ]f orhandt o-handf i ght i ng andl ar gemansi zeshi el ds Sol di er swer epuni shedbydeat hf orl osi ngweaponsespeci al l yt heassegai Tshaka’ sar mi esempl oy edt hecowhor nbat t l ef or mat i on Adopt edsur pr i seat t ackonenemyasast r at egy Empl oy edspi est ogat heri nf or mat i onabouthi senemi es Madeuseofsmokesi gnal sf orcommuni cat i on Bannedmar r i edofal l menbef or et heageof40orbef or emi l i t ar yser v i ce Empl oy edy oungboy sasbaggagecar r i er sf orsol di er s I sol at edsol di er sf r om communi t yandf edsol di er sonbeef Bel i ev edi nt ot al dest r uct i onoft heenemy , ki l l i ngt her ul i ngf ami l yofdef eat edt r i besand Page42of42 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM t ot al l yi ncor por at i ngdef eat edt r i bes. [ c] . Expl ai nwhyShakawasassassi nat edi n1828. [ i ] . Reasonsf orShaka’ sassassi nat i on Shakabecamedi ct at or i al . Di dnotconsul tt r adi t i onal counci l ofadv i sor sonnat i onal i ssues Nordi dheconsul thi si ndunasf r equent l y Mai nt ai nedacr uel sy st em ev enwheni twasnol ongerj ust i f i ed Shaka’ sst r i ctdi sci pl i ne-andcr uel t yki l l i ngofsubj ect sf ormi norof f ences [ i i ] . Shaka’ sal sokepthi ssol di er sonceasel esscampai gns Ar mybecameexhaust ed Howev er , Shakasuccessmadehi sr el at i v esuchashal fbr ot her s, Di nganeand Mhl angana, auntMkabay ij eal ousandambi t i oust or ul e. Mkabay i suspect edShakaofhav i ngki l l edhi sownmot her Subsequent l yki l l edl ar genumber sofpeopl ef orf ai l i ngt omour nhi smot herNandi Shaka’ sbr ot her swer eal soqui t eambi t i ous. [ NOV2004] 27. [ a] . Li stanysi xmi l i t ar yr ef or msi nt r oducedbyTshaka. [ 6] Useofl ongshi el dscowar di cepuni shedbydeat h Useofashor t st abbi ngspear[ assegai ] Conscr i pt i onofal l menunder40y ear si nt ot hear my r unner st or el aymessages Goi ngt owarbar ef oot ed Youngboy st ocar r ybaggagef orsol di er s Cr eat i onofast andi ngar my Tot al dest r uct i onofenemi es I mpr ov ementoft hecowhor nf or mat i on Useoff emal er egi ment s Bannedci r cumci si oncer emoni es Usedspi es, ny anga/ sangomast ot r eatsol di er s Useofsmokesi gnal sf orcommuni cat i on Usedmockbat t l esast r ai ni ng Page43of43 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ b] . Out l i net hepr obl emsf acedbyTshakaaski ngoft heZul uSt at e [ 11] . Expansi onpol i cychar act er i zedbyv i ol entwar f ar e, pl under i ngandr ai di ngot herst at es t huscr eat i nghat r eds Thedeat hofNandi , hi smot her , cr eat edpr obl emsf orhi m asheki l l edmanypeopl e.Ev en hi ssi st ersuspect edt hatTshakawasr esponsi bl ef orNandi ’ sdeat h.Tshaka’ s mot herwashi sadv i sor . Jeal ousr el at i v eswhoul t i mat el yassassi nat edhi m Hi ghr at eofexecut i onscr eat edenemi esf orTshakaamongt hear my Mzi l i kazi ’ sr ebel l i oni n1822. Thr eatf r om t heexpansi oni stBoer sandBr i t i sh Bat t l edt ocont r ol t heDel agoat r ader out e Shor t ageofr esour cesegl and Lackoft r ustbycommander s [ c] . I si tt r uet hatTshakawasr esponsi bl ef orhi sowndownf al l ?Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ i ] . Tshaka’ sownr esponsi bi l i t yf ordownf al l : Wasadi ct at or al l poweri nhi shands I gnor edt r adi t i onal chi ef s Fai l edt owor kwi t hbr ot her sandsi st er swhoshoul dhav eassi st edhi m Fr equentr ai dsexposedhi mnotenoughpr ot ect i on Rat hercr uel , egi ssai dt ohav eki l l edmanypeopl ewhenhi smot herdi ed especi al l yt hosenotshowi ngenoughsi gnsofgr i ef Al l owedKhumal ot or emai naut onomous [ i i ] . ot herf act or s Jeal ousbr ot her sandsi st er senv i edTshaka’ ssuccess Ambi t i ousl eader swhoal sowant edt or ul e Sol di er st i r edofcont i nuousr ai ds Tshakawasani l l egi t i mat echi l d Usur pedpowerf r om br ot herSi guj ana Thr eat sofwhi t es [ NOV2009] 28. [ a] . I dent i f yanyt hr eeNor t her nNguni l eader sandt hei rr espect i v echi ef domswhower e Page44of44 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM i nv ol v edi nt heMf ecanewar s. [ 6] Di ngi sway o–Mt het hwa SobhuzaNgwane Zwi deNdwandwe TshakaZul u Di nganeZul u Mzi l i kazi Ndebel e NxabaNgoni SoshanganeShangane ZwangendabaNgoni [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal or gani zat i onoft heZul uSt at e [ 11] Ki ngwast hesupr emer ul er Ki ngwascommanderi nchi ef Cont r ol l erofl abour , r el i gi on, t r adeandl and Ki ngassi st edbychi ef sandcounci l l or smostofwhom wer er el at i v esandt hose het r ust ed Powerdi st r i but edatt hr eel ev el s, t heki ngatt het op; member soft her ul i ngZul ul i neage; t hei ncor por at edt r ust edchi ef s Bel owt hem wer eot hersmal l erchi ef swhower esupposedt or egar dt hemsel v es asZul uandwoul dbeal l owedt obecounci l l or s Ot herchi ef swer et hosenotr el at edt ot heZul uhadpr i v i l egesbuthadt opay t r i but e, excl udedf r om maki ngi mpor t antdeci si ons Ar myusedbyt heki ngt ocont r ol t hest at e.Hadast andi ngar my Zul uwast heof f i ci al l anguage St at edi v i dedi nt or egi ment al t ownsunderi zi nduna Thei nkat hawasasy mbol ofuni t y Rel i gi ousl eader si nst al l edchi ef s [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast hear myi nt heZul upol i t i cal sy st em? [ i ] . i mpor t anceofar myi npol i t i cal sy st em Usedt oexpandt hest at e Usedt ocol l ectt r i but e Page45of45 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Usedt or ai dot herst at es Pr ot ect edt heki ngandt hest at e Usedt opr ot ectt r ader out es/ hunt i nggr ounds Usedt opuni shr ebel l i ouschi ef s [ i i ] . ot her sal soi mpor t ant : Chi ef s, counci l l or sandki ng’ sr el at i v eshel pedt oadmi ni st ert hest at e Tr ader swer et hesour ceoff or ei gngoods Tr i but epay mentbysubj ect s Rel i gi onusedasauni f y i ngf or ceegI nxwal af est i v al I nt er mar r i ages Theki ng’ sper sonal i t y [ JUNE2006] 29. [ a] . St at eanyt hr eel eader sandt hei rr espect i v egr oupswhom Zwi def oughtdur i ngt he Mf ecane [ 6] . SobhuzaNgwane Di ngi sway oMt het hwa Tshaka- Zul u [ b] . Out l i net hecausesoft heMf ecanei nNor t her nNguni l and [ 11] Popul at i onexpl osi oni nNguni l and Compet i t i onf orpast ur es, f er t i l esoi l s Cr eat i onofl ar gerchi ef domsf orpr ot ect i on Tr adei nski nswi t hPor t ugueseatDel agoaBay t ogetcl ot h, beads, guns Needt ocont r ol ar easr i chi ni v or y , accesst ot r ader out escausedconf l i ct s Cr eat i onofagesetr egi ment s Amabut hof orhunt i ng, f ar mi ng andr ai di ngf orcat t l eandgr ai n TheMadl at ul eandl ongdr oughtpr eci pi t at edconf l i ct sov erpast ur e, gr ai nandcat t l e Eur opeanexpansi oni nt oi nt er i or Demandf orl abourl edt or ai dsf orsl av esbyBoer s, Kor ans, Por t uguese Expansi onofZul uki ngdom underTshakacr eat edchai nr eact i onofconf l i ct si n Nguni l and Ci v i l war sandambi t i ousl eader s Page46of46 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ c] . I si tt r uet hatt heMf ecanewascausedbyt heEur opeans?Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ i ] . Eur opeani nf l uenceonMf ecane; Mf ecanel ar gel yat t r i but abl et owhi t eexpansi oni nt oi nt er i or . Boerdemandf orl abouri ni nt er i or Por t ugueseal sor ai di ngf orsl av esf orexpor t chi ef domsf oughtt ogetpeopl et o sel l assl av es [ i i ] . ot herf act or s; Howev er , Mf ecaneal sot r aceabl et opr obl emsl i kepopul at i onexpl osi onwi t h r esul t antcompet i t i onf orscar cer esour cessuchaspast ur esf er t i l el and Mf ecanepr eci pi t at edcr eat i onofager egi ment sf orr ai dsonnei ghbour s Madl at ul e/ dr ought Tshakaandt her i seoft heZul unat i on [ Nov2007] . 30. [ a] . Li stanysi xr easonsf ort her i seoft heZul uSt at e. [ 6] . Mai nNguni ki ngdomsf oughtanddest r oy edeachot hergi v i ngachancet ot heZul u I nf l uenceofDi ngi sway oonTshaka Shaka’ sabl el eader shi p Shaka’ sr eor gani zat i onofdef eat edMt het hwaandhi sZul ust at ei nt oawar machi ne Thedef eatoft heNdwandwebyt hecombi nedMt het hwa/ Zul uar mi es[ nowcal l ed t heZul u] . Conquestofal l sur r oundi nget hni cgr oupsandchi ef domsbyZul uar mi es Newmi l i t ar yi nnov at i onsi nt r oducedbyTshaka Rol eoft r ade Popul at i onpr essur e, Madl at ul e/ f ami ne [ b] . Out l i net hemi l i t ar yr ef or msi nt r oducedbyTshaka. [ 11] Theuseofl ongshi el ds Theuseofshor tspear s[ assegai ] Page47of47 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Conscr i pt i onunt i l 40y ear sofage St andi ngsar mi esi ndi f f er enti ndi f f er entar easofki ngdom awayf r om soci et y St r i ctmi l i t ar ydi sci pl i ne Useoft hedeat hpenal t yf ormi nor / maj orof f ences Mockbat t l esandmi l i t ar ydr i l l s Useoft hecowhor nbat t l et act i cs Femal er egi ment s Yout hscar r i edf orsol di er s Useoft ot al wari nwhi chenemyst r uct ur eswer ecompl et el ydest r oy ed, i ncl udi ng r oy al f ami l y Useofspi esandsmokesi gnal sf ori nf or mat i on Mi l i t ar ydemandsl edt obanni ngofci r cumci si onbecausei tt ookl ongt oheal Theuseofspeedi nwar [ f i ght i ngbar ef oot ed] Useoft r adi t i onal heal er s Warcr y Fedsol di er sonbeef Useofsur pr i seat t acks Mf asi mba[ di st i nctheaddr ess] Per enni al war f ar e [ c] . Howef f ect i v ewasShakai nhi suseoft heser ef or ms? [ i ] Thet act i csbr oughtsuccesses: Ef f ect i v eness Succeededi nbui l di ngav er yst r ong/ power f ul Zul uki ngdom –f ear edt hr oughout Sout her nAf r i ca Conquer edandcont r ol l edmanyot herst at esf orhi sownper sonal gl or y Managedt obecomet heki ngoft heZul ust at ef r om t hest at usofasmal l chi ef dom att hebegi nni ngofMf ecane Managedt obui l dav er yst r ongeconomybasedoncat t l e TheZul ucul t ur eandt act i csofsur v i v al wer eadopt edi nt hear eaandot her r egi onsi nSout her nAf r i ca [ i i ] . Ther ef or mshadnegat i v eef f ect s; Cr eat edav er ybi gst at ewhi chhef ai l edt okeept oget her Page48of48 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Hi sdi ct at or i al t endenci escr eat edmor eenemi es.Tshaka’ shal f–br ot herand si st erpl ot t edhi sdownf al l Themi l i t ar yr ef or msl edt omassi v eexodusofexper i encedandski l l edper sonnel Hemai nt ai nedacr uel sy st em wheni twasnol ongernecessar yasar esul toft he ef f ect i v enessoft her ef or ms Depopul at i on Thear mynol ongerenj oy edmi l i t ar ycampai gns Ledt odeat hofmanypeopl eanddest r uct i onofpr oper t y [ NOV2006] 31. [ a] . I dent i f yanyt hr eepeopl ewhopl ot t edt heassassi nat i onofShakaandanyt hr eer eason f or hi s assassi nat i on [ 6] [ i ] . Di ngane, Mbopha, Mhl angana,Mkabay i [ i i ] . Tshaka’ saut ocr at i cr ul e j eal ous Tshaka’ sendl esswar f ar e St r i ctdi sci pl i ne I ncr easedexecut i onf orpet t yof f ences Execut i onofpeopl ef ornotmour ni ngTshaka’ smot her / hi scr uel t y [ b] . Out l i net hepol i t i calandsoci alor gani zat i onoft heZul ust at edur i ngTshaka’ sr ei gn. [ 11] [ i ]Pol i t i cal or gani zat i on Tshakacr eat edacent r al i z edst at e Def eat edchi ef swer eof t endeposedandr epl acedbyTshaka’ sappoi nt ees Ki ngdom wasor gani zedonmi l i t ar yl i nes Ager egi ment saccommodat edi nr egi ment al t owns Regi ment al t ownsadmi ni st er edbyani ndunahel pedbyaf emal ememberoft he r oy al f ami l y Regi ment al t ownsal l ocat edr oy al cat t l et ol ookaf t er Ki ngwast hechi efj udge Counci l ofadv i sor sr ender edi r r el ev antasTshakabecameaut ocr at i c Ki ngwasar mycommander Page49of49 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tr adi t i onal chi ef sr educedt oadmi ni st r at i onofl ocal af f ai r s I nkat haasy mbol ofuni t y [ i i ] Soci al or gani zat i on Mar r i agewasonl yal l owedt omenaf t err et i r i ngf r om ar my Femal esor gani zedi nt or egi ment s Regi ment sofwomen–usedt ocul t i v at el andandf orcer emoni al dancesand di spl ay s Di v i si onofl abour Soci et ywaspat r i l i neal Theki ngof f i ci at edatt heI nxwal acer emony ,Ki ng’ sspi r i t ual powerwasr enewed t hr ought r adi t i onal medi ci nes Set t l ementsetup [ c] . Di dt hepol i t i calor gani zat i onoft heZul ust at ebenef i tt heZul unat i on?Expl ai ny our answer . [ i ] . Benef i t sofTshaka’ spol i t i cal or gani zat i on; Or gani zat i ononmi l i t ar yl i nesst r engt henedst at eagai nstext er nal aggr essi on dur i ngMf ecane Mi l i t ar ypoweral sonecessar yf orr ai dsonnei ghbour s Fost er eduni t yamongsty oungadul t sr ecr ui t s/ r ai dedpeopl e I ti ncapaci t at edv assal chi ef sf r om r ebel l i ngt hwar t i ngci v i l war s [ i i ] . Di sadv ant ages/ NonBenef i t s; Regi ment al / i but hosy st em r esent edbyy oungmenf ordel ay i ngmar r i ageandf or per enni al war f ar e Pol i t i cal sy st em madeki nganaut ocr at i cr ul erwhoi gnor edi ndunas, t r adi t i onal chi ef s’ adv i ce [ June2011] 32[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xet hni cgr oupst hatexi st edsout hoft heLi mpopo. [ 6] Zul u, Khumal o, Qhwabe Ndwandwe, Mt het hwa, Swazi Hl ubi , Ngwane, Mpondo. [ b] . Descr i bet heef f ect soft heMf ecanesout hoft heLi mpopo.[ 11] Depopul at i on-l ar gear easofNATAL, Or angeFr eest at eandTr ansv aal wer el ef t depopul at edaspeopl esoughtsecur i t yel sewher e Page50of50 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Lossofl i v es–manypeopl el ostt hei rl i v esaswar f ar ewast heor deroft heday Hungerandst ar v at i on–f ar mi ngwasdi sr upt edandpeopl er esor t edt osur v i v al t echni quessuchasf eedi ngongamemeatandwi l df r ui t s Dest r uct i onofpr oper t y–mostoft heaf f ect edgr oupsl ostt hei rv al uabl epr oper t i es i ncl udi ngl i v est ockasr ai di ngt ooki t st ol l Uni nhabi t edl ands-at t r act edBoert r ekker sf r om t heCapeCol ony Canni bal i sm-casesofcanni bal i sm i ncr easedduet oshor t ageoff ood Dest r uct i onofst at es–newandol dst at eswer edest r oy ed Empi r ebui l di ng-et hni cgr oupswhi chf l edt heMf ecanebui l tnewempi r ese, g Sobhuza Emer gencyofdef ensi v eki ngdomssuchasSwazi , Bapedi andBasot ho Spr eadofNguni r el i gi one, gI nxwal a Di sr upt i onofDel agoaBayt r adewi t ht hePor t uguese Spr eadofNNguni war f ar et act i cs Spr eadofNguni l anguage [ c] . Towhatext entwast heMf ecaner esponsi bl ef ort hef al l ofki ngdomsi nCent r al Af r i ca? Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] Ef f ect sofMf ecanewar s Mov ement sofv ar i ousgr oupsi nsear chofl and Bet t erf i ght i ngmet hods, bet t erl eadesr shi pqual i t i es UseofAssegai andl ongshi el dspr ead Est abl i shmentofmi l i t ar yt owns, bet t erl eadesr shi pmet hods Rai di ngandi ncor por at i onofdef eat edpeopl e Hungerandst ar v at i on, wi despr eaddeat hsanddest r uct i onofpr oper t y Const antf aerofr ebel l i ousel ement s, bet t erf i ght i ngmet hods Ot heref f ect s Successi ondi sput es, Ci v i l war s Weakl eader shi p, dr ought Decl i nei nt r ade, col oni al i sm Di suni t y , mi l i t ar yweakness Page51of51 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM TheNdebel e St at e [ NOV2003] 33. [ a] . I dent i f yanyt hr eegr oupsandt hei rr espect i v el eader st hatf l edf r om Tshakadur i ngt he Mf ecane[ 6] Ndebel eMzi l i kazi Ngoni ZwangendabaJer eNgoni ShanganeSoshangane Ngoni MseneNxaba [ b] . Descr i beMzi l i kazi ’ sj our neyf r om Zul ul andt oZi mbabwe. [ 11] Mzi l i kazi wasachi efoft heKhumal oundert hel eader shi pofShaka, t heZul u Hef l edZul ul andaf t erhewasat t ackedbyTshaka’ sar myf orf ai l i ngt osur r ender l oot yt ot heki ng I n1822Mzi l i kazi cr ossedt heDr akensbur gmount ai nswi t habout300menand women Ont hei rwayt heyest abl i shedset t l ement sandf oughtv ar i ousgr oups ; i ncor por at i ngsomeoft hem Ekuphumul eni i ncor por at edandr ai dedl ocal peopl e.Mov edf r om t hi spl ace ar ound1826becauseofat t acksbyt hePedi , near nesst oZul uanddr ought s Mhl ahl andl el ai nt hekwenal andr ai dedSot hof orpeopl eanddomest i cani mal s. Al sor ai dedt heTswana. MetR. Mof f atoft heLondonMi ssi onar ySoci et yandt he t wobecamef r i ends Lef tMhl ahl andl el abecauseofext er nal t hr eat sf r om Di ngane, Kor aKhoi san, Gr i quaandRol ong, andset t l edar oundt heMar i coRi v eri nabout1832. I n1837Mzi l i kazi ‘ scapi t al Mosegawasat t ackedbymanygr oupssuchast he Gr i quas, Kor aandBoer s.Thi sf or cedt heNdebel et omov enor t hwar dsacr osst he Li mpopo, af t erdi v i di ngupi nt ot wogr oups. TheNdebel emov edi nt wogr oups; mai ngr oupl edbyaseni ori ndunaGundwane Ndi wenit oget herwi t hMzi l i kazi ’ ssonNkul umane; t hesmal l ergr oupl edby Mzi l i kazi t r av el l edwest war dsv i at heTswanal and.Themai ngr oupcr ossedt he Li mpopoRi v erandset t l edi nt heRozv i count r yatDanangombe[ Dl odl ot oday ] af t erl i t t l er esi st ance. I n1840t het wogr oupsr ej oi nedwhent hei ndunasoft hemai ngr ouphaddeci ded t oi nst al l Nkul umaneast hei rnewki ng.Mzi l i kazi r egar dedt hi sasanactof t r easonandki l l edt hosei nv ol v ed.Mzi l i kazi wasano–nonsensebl oodyl eader Mzi l i kazi est abl i shedhi snewcapi t al atI ny at hi andabsor bedt heShonapeopl e [ c] . Expl ai nwhyMzi l i kazi wasabl et ol eadt heNdebel ef orsol ong Page52of52 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Fact or swhyMzi l i kazi wasabl et ol eadf orsol ong: [ i ] . Super i ormi l i t ar yt act i cs Mi l i t ar yl eader shi pofMzi l i kazi Ast r ongmi l i t ar ysetupt hatemphasi zedl oy al t yt oMzi l i kazi Def eat edgr oupswer ei ncor por at edi nt oNdebel esoci et y Hadsuper i orweapons Anononsensest r ongmanofunpar al l el edabi l i t i es [ I I ] . Hadf r i endl yr el at i onswi t hRober tMof f at -Tr ust edbyhi speopl ewhom hel edf ormanyy ear sandexper i encedpr obl emst oget her -Thr eat sf r om enemi eskeptt hem t oget her [ NOV2003] 34. [ a] . Li stsi xact i v i t i est hatf or medt hebasi soft heNdebel eeconomy . [ 6] Cr opcul t i v at i on Rear i ngofcat t l e Tr ade Rai di ngt henei ghbour i ngar eas Tr i but epay ment Mi ni ng Hunt i ng Cr af t wor k[ bl acksmi t hi ng, pot t er y ] [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi candsoci al st r uct ur eoft heNdebel est at e. [ 11] [ i ] Economi c Cr opcul t i v at i onpr act i cedespeci al l ybyf or merShonamember soft hesoci et y Gr ewmi l l et , r apokoandl at t ermai ze.Eachv i l l agehadacommonf i el df ort heki ng whosepr oducewentst r ai ghtt ot her oy al gr anar y Rear i ngofcat t l epl ay edamaj orr ol ei nt heeconomy .aper son’ sweal t hwas measur edbyt henumberofcat t l et heypossessed.Mostcat t l ebel ongedt ot heki ng Tr adei v or y , gol d, cat t l eandgr ai nexchangedf orcl ot h, beadsandguns Rai dsofnei ghbour i ngar easy i el dedweal t hsuchasgr ai nandcat t l e Tr i but epai dbysubj ect sandsubduedst at eswhopai dt oav oi dbei ngr ai ded Mi ni ngofgol dandi r onal soi mpor t ant / bl acksmi t hi ng Page53of53 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ i i ] . Soci al Ndebel esoci et yhad3cl asses Zansi pur eNguni Enhl aSot ho, Tswanawho wer ei ncor por at edwhi l ei nSout hAf r i ca Hol eShonawhower econquer edandi ncor por at edi nt ot heNdebel esoci et y For m ofcast esy st em pr act i cedl owercl assmenpr ohi bi t edt omar r yuppercl ass women Rel i gi oussy st em/ pol y gamy / ukul agi sa Zansi pr ov i dedt her ul i ngcl ass I nt er mar r i agepr act i ced, l anguageandi nt er mar r i agepr omot eduni t y , ageset s Lowercl asspeopl ewer enotal l owedt or i sei nt hemi l i t ar yr anks [ c] . Wast hesoci al st r uct ur ebenef i ci al t oal l t hepeopl ei nt heNdebel est at e?Expl ai ny our answer . [ i ] BENEFI TS: Ukul agi sa–f or geduni t yandal l egi ance Languageandi nt er mar r i agepr omot eduni t y Al l peopl ei nt heexpect edt of ol l owNdebel ecust omsandspeakNdebel el anguage Ndebel eadopt edShonar el i gi on Ageset sal sopr omot eduni t y [ i i ] NONBENEFI TS: Cast esy st em wasdi v i si v e Rai di ngwasdi v i si v e Shona/ Hol enotal l owedt or i set ohi ghmi l i t ar yr anks Hol epr ohi bi t edt omar r ycl asswomen [ NOV2004] 35. [ a] . I dent i f yanysi xgr oupswhi cht heNdebel ef oughtont hei rwayt owest er nZi mbabwe. [ 6] Zul u,Kor a,Gr i qua,Taung,Tswana,Boer s,Kol ol o,Sot ho. [ b] . Gi v eanaccountoft heNdebel emi gr at i ont owest er nZi mbabwebet ween1822and 1840. [ 11] Mzi l i kaziwasl eaderoft heKhumal owi t hi nt heZul ust at e Page54of54 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM I n1821Mzi l i kazi r ef usedt ohandhandov erboot yt oTshakaasr equi r ed.Tshakasent anar myt opuni shMzi l i l kazi whi chr esul t edi nawar .Mzi l i kazi f l edi nt ot hei nt er i or cr ossi ngt heDr akensbur gwi t haKhumal ogr oupofnotmor et han300peopl e. Set t l edatEkuphumul eni i nabout1824, r ai dedl ocal peopl e, capt ur i ngwomenand chi l dr eni nor dert oi ncr easehi speopl e Sot hor ef er r edt ot hem asmat abel eor i gi noft hei rname Bet ween1825and1829Mzi l i kazi mov edf r om ekuphumul eni t oCent r al Tr ansv aal , set t l edatEmhl ahl andl el a Foughtwi t ht heZul usentbyDi ngane, Gr i qua, Boer sandot hergr oups MetRober tMof f atatKur uman Set t l edatMosegabet ween1833and1837. For cedt of l eebecauseofat t acksby Boer s, Tswana, Gr i quasandZul ui n1838 Bef or ecr ossi ngt heLi mpopoRi v er , t heNdebel espl i ti nt ot wogr oups, onegr oupl ed byMzi l i kazi whi chwentv i at heTswanacount r y , andt hesecondgr oupl edbyan i ndunaNdi weni Gundwanewast hebi ggerwi t hNkul umane, hei rappar ent Thegr oupl edbyNdi weni ar r i v edi nwest er nZi mbabwei n1840andsubduedt he l ocal peopl eRozv i oft heMoy ot ot em Mzi l i kazi ’ sgr oupar r i v edl at eraf t eraboutay earandr euni t edwi t ht heot hergr oup af t erabi t t erci v i l war , execut i onofr ebel s Est abl i shednewcapi t al atI ny at hi [ c] . Towhatext entwer et heKhumal oaf f ect edbyt hi smi gr at i on? Mar r i agewomenofot hergr oupsj oi nedt hem Col l ect i v enameoft hest at ebecameNdebel ef r om t henamegi v ent ot hem bySot ho. Thi sav oi deddi v i si onandf ost er eduni t y War swi t hmany–becameawar eoft heef f ect sofguns Est abl i shedf r i endshi pwi t hRober tMof f at aChr i st i anmi ssi onar y Adapt edt ocul t ur al pat t er nsofot herpeopl eespeci al l yt heshona Languagekepti nt act , wi t hmi noraddi t i ons Mai nt ai nedt hei rsuper i or i t y t heZansi gr oup, butcr eat edt woot hergr oups Ar myt act i csandt y peofweaponsst i l l usedwhent heyar r i v edi nwest er nZi mbabwe Mzi l i kazi st i l l t hel eader , andr emai nedoneunt i l 1868 Becamel essandl essdependentonr ai di ngandset t l eddownt osubsi st encef ar mi ng Tr adedi sr upt ed/ di st ur bed Const antf earofr ebel l i onsf r om t heabsor bedgr oups Page55of55 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Execut i onofr ebel s [ NOV2005] 36. [ a] . Li stanysi xgr oupst hatMzi l i kazi f oughtSout hoft heLi mpopoRi v erupt o1836. [ 6] Dzudza, Kwena,Pedi , Hur ut se, Gr i qua, Boer , Sot ho, Tswana, Kor a, Tl api ni [ b] . Out l i net hef act or swhi chl edMzi l i kazi t oabandont hev ar i ousset t l ement ssout hoft he Li mpopo Ri v er[ 11] Ndebel eset t l ement satekuphumul eni Wasneart heupperOl i f ant sRi v er I nNdzundzaar ea Ekuphumul eni wast ooneart heZul uandt hePedi Wasmeantasr est i ngpl ace Lackedenoughpast ur eespeci al l yaf t erdr oughtof1823 Al soabandonedbecausei twast oocl oset oZul ul and.Zul uwar r i or sat t acked Ndebel ei n1830 Ot herNdebel eenemi esi ncl udedKor a, Gr i qua, andRol ongwhohadguns Nex tNdebel eset t l ement swasMosegaar oundt heMar i coR, Pl acewascl oset o Mzi l i kazi ’ sf r i endRober tMof f at Wasgoodcat t l ecount r y , her eNdebel ewer eat t ackedbyGr i quaandKor aaswel l as t r ekBoer sunderHedr i ckPot gi et er 1837 Fi nal l yat t acksf r om Boer s, Gr i qua, Tl okwa, Rol ongf or cedMzi l i kazi andt heNdebel e t ocr ossLi mpopoi nt omoder nZi mbabwe. [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt heseset t l ement scont r i but et ot hebui l di ngoft heNdebel enat i on? [ i ] . I mpor t antofset t l ement si nbui l di ngofNdebel enat i on. Ar oundt heset t l ement sMzi l i kazi haddef eat edl ocal i nhabi t ant sHur ut se, Kwena, Sot hoNdzundzaabsor bedt hem t oswel l upnumber sofhi sgr oup. Khumal ogi v enNdebel ebySot hoTswana Rai dsonnei ghbour sy i el dedcat t l e, gr ai nf orNdebel eeconomy Boy sofmi l i t ar yagef orhi sager egi ment s [ i i ] . Ot herf act or s; Mzi l i kaziwasageni usasami l i t ar yl eader Al sohadpol i t i cal wi sdom Weaknessesofot hergr oupi ncor por at ed Page56of56 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Mar r i ageal l i ances, l anguageuni t edt hepeopl e Cont i nuoushar dshi pshel pedt hem t obui l duni t y Hi sf r i endshi pwi t hR.Mof f at [ JUNE2006] 37. [ a] . Namet het hr eeNdebel esoci al cl assesandt hegr oupsofpeopl ewhi chbel onged t oeachoft hem. [ 6] Zansi or i gi nal Nguni orKhumal of r om Zul ul and Enhl aSot ho–Tswanaabsor bedsout hofLi mpopoRi v er Hol eKal anga/ Shona/ Rozv i absor bedi nZi mbabwe [ b] . Descr i bet heShonaNdebel er el at i onsbet ween1840and1868. [ 11] . Tr i but ar yr el at i onsShonachi ef doms–semi i ndependentpai dt r i but eassecur i t yt o pr ev entr ai ds War sofconquest sNdebel eexpl oi t edShonadi v i si onsbutal sot r adedwi t hShonat o getgr ai n Shonei nNdebel ecent r al st at ei dent i f i edwi t hNdebel e, wer er egar dedasl owcl ass ser v ant sofNdebel e Cat t l eal l i ancesNdebel eki ngl oanedcat t l et oShonachi ef st omai nt ai npeace/ ensur e accesst ot r ader out esi nZambezi Val l ey Tr i but ar ychi ef domsal sosuppl i edNdebel ewi t hl abourandboy sofmi l i t ar yageas wel l asbeaut i f ul women Ndebel egov er nor sputi nchar geoft r i but ar ychi ef doms I nr ar ecasest r ust edt r i but ar ychi ef sr ecogni z edasi ndunas I nt er mar r i age Rai di ngar eaShonachi ef s; Rai dedi nar easofMangwende, Mashay amombe, Chi namor a, Masv i ngoet cf orboot y suchasgr ai n, cat t l e, women 1850Mut i nhi maRozv i hei rr al l i edShonat or esi stNdebel edemandsf orl abour 1868Mzi l i kazi f i nal l ysubduedRozv i capt ur i ngSi bambamu, t hel astRozv i hei r Ndebel eadopt edShonar el i gi on [ c] . Howf ar wer et her el at i onsbet weent heShonaandt heNdebel edet er mi nedbyNdebel e economi cneeds? Ndebel eShonar el at i onsandNdebel eeconomy Page57of57 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ndebel eShonar el at i onsl ar gel ydi ct at edbyNdebel eeconomi cneedse, gt r i but ar y chi ef domspai dt r i but e, suppl i edl abourt oNdebel e, boy sofmi l i t ar yage Cat t l eal l i ancesensur edpast ur esf orNdebel ecat t l e Annual r ai dsonShonaf orboot y , cat t l e, women, gr ai n Accesst ot r ader out es Ot herf act or s Cat t l eal l i ancesser v edt opr ev entconf l i ct / peacef ul coexi st ence Tr i but ar ychi ef domsspar edr ai ds Rai dsonShonaal someantt or emov et hr eat sofat t ack Shoneeconomi cneedsal sonecessi t edr ai dsofNdebel e Cat t l e–r el i gi ousneeds, Ndebel eadopt edShonar el i gi on, egr ai nmaki ngcer emoni es [ NOV2006] 38.( a)Li stanysi xi t emst hatt heNdebel eKi ngr ecei v edast r i but ef r om nei ghbour i ng chi ef doms.( 6) Gr ai n, gol d, ski ns, cat t l e, goat s, i r ont ool s, guns, cl ot h, l abour , ost r i chf eat her s, beads, women, boy s, chi nawar e, i v or y ( b)Descr i bet hesoci al andr el i gi ouspr act i cesoft heNdebel eupt o1893. ( 11) Soci al Mar r i age-pol y gamypr act i ced.Menal l owedt omar r yaf t erbei ngsuccessf ul i nwar . Cat t l eusedi nmar r i age I nxwal a-a0t hanksgi v i ngcer emonyf orgoodcr opst obeobser v edbyev er y onei nt he st at e Soci et ydi v i dedi nt ocl asses-Zansi Enhl aandAmahol e Peopl ei nt hest at eencour agedt ospeakt heNdebel el anguage Mar r i agebet weent heZansi andot hercl assesnotal l owed, buti npr act i cepeopl e mar r i edacr osscl asses Ukusi sa Set t l ementpat t er n Pat r i l i nealsoci et y [ l i neage] , ex t endedf ami l y Di v i si onofl abour Rel i gi ous Bel i ev edi nancest r al spi r i t s( amadl ozi )whi cht heybel i ev edl ookedaf t ert hem and Page58of58 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM br oughtr ai n Bel i ev edi nt heGr eatGod, Ml i moorMwar i Seni ormember soft heKhumal obel i ev edt obei mpor t antr ai nmaker s Ndebel er espect edmedi umsoft hegr eatShonaspi r i t spai dt r i but et ot hem I nxwal acer emoni es Ki ngasar el i gi ousl eader Khumal oadopt edandmadeuseoft heShonar ai nmaki ng Tr adi t i onal woul df or t i f yt hear mybef or egoi ngt owar ( c) Howf ardi dt heNdebel er el i gi ouspr act i cescont r i but et ot heUni t yoft hest at e? Expl ai ny our Answer . ( 8) ( i )Rel i gi ouspr act i cescont r i but i ont ouni t y I nxwal acer emoni esbr oughtpeopl e Abl et or enewt hepoweroft heki ngwi t ht r adi t i onal medi ums Commonbel i ef si nMl i mobr oughtpeopl et oget her Ndebel eandShonawor kedt oget herasar esul tofcommonbel i efandr espectf or gr eatShonaspi r i t s ( i i )Ot herf act or sal socont r i but ed Pol i t i cal or gani zat i on Ukusi sa Local t r ade i nt er mar r i ages Agesetr egi ment s Speaki ngofNdebel el anguage Di st r i but i onoft r i but eandr ai dedi t ems[ boot y ] [ NOV2009] 39( a)I dent i f yanysi xgr oupswhi chcl ashedwi t ht heNdebel edur i ngt hei rmov ementf r om Zul ul and. ( 6) ( a)Zul u, Hur ut she, Sot ho, Khoi san, Boer s, Kor a, Tswana, Thl api n, Gr i guas, Kwena, Pedi , TLokwa, Rol ong, Ndzundza ( b)Descr i bet heNdebel emov ementf r om Mosegat owest er nZi mbabwe ( 11) Page59of59 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ( b)Mov ement Ndebel eatMosegaadv i sedbyMof f att omov eNor t h Ndebel ewer eat t ackedbyacombi nedf or ceofBoer s, Gr i guasandSot ho, Zul u Topr ot ecthi speopl e, Mzi l i kazi mov edaway Ndebel espl i ti nt ot wo; onegr oupl edbyMzi l i kazi wentv i apr esentdayBot swana Thesecondgr oupl edbyGundwanet r av el l edN/ Ecr ossi ngt heLi mpopo( 1838) Mzi l i kazi andhi speopl ewentasf arasZambezi Gr oupdeci dednott opr oceed: di f f i cul tt ocr osst heZambezi ; f earoft hekol ol oand at t acksbyt set sef l y Gundwane’ sgr oupset t l edi nWest er nZi mbabweamongt heShonawhodi dnotr esi st much Af t ermor et hant woy ear sofsepar at i on, Gundwane’ sgr oupt houghtMzi l i kazi woul d notcomebacksoi twasdeci dedt ochooseanot herki ng.Nkul umane, Mzi l i kazi ’ s el destsonbecame WhenMzi l i kazi r ej oi nedt hegr oupi n1840, her egar dedt hi sactast r eason.Heki l l ed t hoser esponsi bl e Mzi l i kazi set t l edatI ny at hi ( c) Whydi dt heNdebel eset t l ei nWest er nZi mbabwe? ( 8) ( c)i .Pul l f act or s Tset sef r eear ea Weakshone Goodpast ur es I nt er nal t r ade Av ai l abi l i t yofr esour cese. gwi l dl i f e I iPushf act or s Dr i v enawaybyenemi ese. gBoer s, Kor ana, Gr i guas, Zul uet c Exhaust i onf r om pr ev i ouswar s Adv i sedbyRober tMof f at [ NOV2007] 40. [ a] . Li stanysi xi t emsusedbyt heShonat opayt r i but et ot heNdebel eKi ng. [ 6] Li v est ock[ cat t l e, goat s] , gr ai n, ani mal ski ns, i r ont ool s, t obacco,f i r ewood,l abour , gol d, i v or y , pot t er y ,copper , y oungboy sandgi r l scl ot h, seashel l s Page60of60 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal andsoci al sy st emsoft heNdebel eSt at e [ 11] [ i ] . Pol i t i cal sy st em; Ndebel est at ehi ghl ycent r al i zed, l essv asti nar ea Theki ngwasanabsol ut er ul er , hi ghestj udge, commander–i nchi efoft hear my , r el i gi ousl eaderanddi st r i but orofl and Ki ngr ul edwi t hhel poft woadv i sor ycounci l st heMphakat hiofsel ect edchi ef sand r oy al f ami l ymember sandt hei zi khul uconsi st i ngofal l chi ef s St at edi v i dedi nt or egi ment al set t l ement sordi st r i ct seachunderani nduna.Di st r i ct sf el l undercont r ol ofoneoft hef ourpr ov i nci al i ndunaenkul u Regi onal gov er nor si nf or medki ngonaf f ai r sofpr ov i nces Conquer edShonagr oupspai dt r i but e Ther ewasast andi ngar my, 200wi v es, el ect edashi sey esear s [ i i ] . Ndebel eSoci al sy st em Ndebel esoci et ywasdi v i dedi nt ot hr eecl asses/ cast s: TheZansi t hehi ghestcl ass–t heor i gi nal Nguni f r om Nguni l and; t heEnhl aconsi st i ng oft heSot hoandTswanaf r om t heTr ansv aal andt hel owestcl asst heHol ecapt ur ed i nZi mbabwe[ Shona/ Rozv i ] Mar r i ageacr osscast el i nedi scour agedbutmar r i aget ookpl ace Ndebel ebel i ev edi nHi ghGodNkul unkul u Al sobegant owor shi pSot hogodMl i moandt hei rancest or sMadl ozi Adopt edShonaMhondor or ai nmaki ngr el i gi ouspr act i ces Pr act i cedI nxwal a-f i r stf r ui t scer emony Ukusi sa Owner shi pofcat t l ewasast at ussy mbol , pay mentofl obol a, earpi er ci ng Ndebel er ecogni zedast heof f i ci al l anguage Di v i si onofl abour Pat r i l i neal soci et y Pol y gamy [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt heNdebel esoci al sy st em cont r i but est ot heuni t yoft hest at e? [ i ] . Cont r i but i onofsoci al sy st em t ouni t y I nxwal acer emony at t endedbyr epr esent at i v esf r om al l gr oups, wasauni f y i ng cer emony Page61of61 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Maf i ascat t l eensur edl oy al t yofdef eat edShonachi ef st oNdebel eki ng Adopt i ngofShonaMhondor ocul tsy st em al souni t edNdebel eandShona I nt er mar r i ages UseofNdebel el anguage [ i i ] . Ot herf act or s: Agesetr egi ment suni t edal l boy sofmi l i t ar yageassol di er soft heki ng Tr i but epay ment Speaki ngofNdebel el anguagemadeal l peopl et or egar dt hemsel v esasNdebel e Tr ade ( Nov2010) 41. ( a) . Nameanysi xgr oupst hatt heNdebel ef oughtsout hoft heLi mpopoRi v er .( 6) Zul u, Pedi , Boer s, Gr i qua, Hur ut se Taung, Kor a, Sot ho, Tl okwa Tswana, Rol ong, Khoi san, Kwena, Tl api n, Gwaket se. ( b) . Descr i bet heNdebel emi gr at i onf r om t heTr ansv aal andt hei rset t l ementi n West er nZi mbabwebet ween1837and1840. ( 11) Ndebel edef eat edbyacombi nedf or ceofBoer s, Gr i qua, Kor aandTl okwa. Rai dedbyDi ngane’ sZul u Mzi l i kazi di v i dedhi speopl ei nt ot wogr oups; mai ngr oupl edbyI nduna GundwaneNdi weni , i ncl udedol dpeopl e, chi l dr en, Mzi l i kazi ’ swi v esand l i v est ock.I tal soi ncl udedMzi l i kazi ’ ssonsNkul umane, t hehei rappar entand Lobengul a.Thegr oupf ol l owedashor t err out e, cr ossi ngt heMacl out si Ri v er , andShasheRi v er , andf ol l owedMzi ngwaneRi v erv al l ey .Set t l edatGi bi xhegu nearMat oposHi l l s.Hav i ngdespai r edoff i ndi ngMzi l i kazi t hegr oupi nst al l ed Nkul umaneaski ng. Thesmal l ergr oupwasl edbyMzi l i kazi andMaqhekeni St hol eandot her chi ef s.Tr av el l edwest war dst hr oughNgwat ot er r i t or y .Theyt ur ned nor t hwar dst ot heZambezi i npur sui toft heKol ol o.Fai l edt odef eatt heKol ol o. Tur nedsout hwar dsi nor dert omeett hemai ngr oup.Mzi l i kazi hear dof i nst al l at i onofNkul umaneaski ng.Her ushedt oGi bi xhegu.Ndi weni andot her chi ef sr esponsi bl ef ori nst al l i ngwer eexecut edf ort r eason.Nkul umane’ sf at e i suncl earbutsomesayhewasexi l ed. Mzi l i kazi est abl i shedhi scapi t al atI ny at hi nearmoder nBul away o. Page62of62 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Mzi l i kazi mar r i edNy amazana, aNgoni l eaderwhohadbr okenawayf r om Zwangendaba. Bl owt oRozv i , t hel ocal Shonapeopl eof f er edl essr esi st anceandf el l under Mzi l i kazi ’ scont r ol . ( c) . Di dt heNdebel eset t l ementi nwest er nZi mbabwebr i ngsecur i t yt ot heNdebel est at e? Expl ai ny ouranswer .( 8) Secur i t y Set t l edi nt heRozv i count r ywher et her ewasl i t t l er esi st ance Mar r i edNy amazana, aNgoni l eaderwhohadki l l edt heRozv i ki ng, Chi r i samur ui i Abl et ocr ushi nt er nal r ebel l i ons Nei ghbour i ngTswanawer eweak Tr adewi t ht hel ocal peopl e Farawayf r om Boer s, Gr i quaorZul us. Av ai l abi l i t yofr esour ces, past ur es, f av our abl ecl i mat e, f er t i l esoi l s. Fr eef r om t set sef l i es I nsecur i t y Rozv i r esi st edNdebel ei nt r usi on-somemov edaway . I ndependentShonachi ef domst ot heeastr esi st edNdebel er ai ds. Conf l i ct swi t ht heNgwat oov erpast ur es. Ndebel ewer er ai dedbyt heBoer sf r om Tr ansv aal Ar eawaspr onet odr ought I nf i l t r at i onoft r ader s, hunt er s, expl or er sandconcessi onseeker s. I nv asi onbyBSAC. [ Nov2011] 42. [ a] . Namet hr eeset t l ement sest abl i shedbyt heNdebel esout hoft heLi mpopor i v er , and anyonegr oupofpeopl et heyf oughtateachoft heseset t l ement s. [ 6] Ekuphumul eni —Ndzudza, Pedi Mhl ahl andl el a—Sot ho, Tswana, Kor a, Kwena, Gr i qua, Rol ong, Zul u MosegaHur ut se, Boer s, Gr i qua, Zul u, Khoi san Enqugwi ni Zul u, Hur ut se, Gr i qua, Boer s Eni naneni Zul u, Hur ut se, Gr i qua, Boer s Page63of63 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Egabeni —Kkor a, Sot ho, Tswana, Zul u. Tsweny ane—Hur ut se, Boer s, Gr i qua, Zul u, Kor a, Khoi san. [ b] . Out l i net hepr obl emsf acedbyt heNdebel edur i ngt hei rmi gr at i onf r om Nguni l andt o west er nZi mbabwe. [ 11] Lackofgr azi ngar eas Lackoff ood Dr ought s War swi t ht hePedi , Zul u, Gr i qua, Rol ong, Boer set c Lossofl i v est ockegCat t l e Lossofl i v es.Manypeopl ewer eki l l eddur i ngwar s Ndebel ehomeswer ebur nt Rebel l i ons Di seseasese, gMal ar i a Tset sef l ypr obl em At t acksf r om wi l dani mal s Di st r upt i onoft r adeandf ar mi ngact i v i t i es Dr i nki ngwat er Li v edi nconst antf earofat t acks Popul at i onr educed Longdi st ancesl edt of at i gue Cr ossi ngmount ai nse, gDr akensbur gwasapr obl em Capt ur eofwomen, Chi l dr enbyot hergr oups Langugepr obl emsduet oi ncor por at i onofmanygr oups I nf er i or i t yofweaponst oot hergr oupsegBoer s. Pr obl emscr ossi ngl ar ger i v er s Cul t ur al di l ut i on-l anguagepr obl emsonmi xi ngwi t hot her s. [ c] . Towhatext entdi dwar swi t hot hergr oupsuni t et heNdebel e? [ 8] Uni t yasar esul tofwar Cr eat eaf or mi dabl edef ence Pr ot ectt hei rpr oper t y Page64of64 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cr eat east r ongr ai di ngar my Fearofat t acksf r om t heZul u Est abl i shast r ongnat i on Uni t ycausedbyot herf act or s Fewi nnumber s/numer i cal i nf er i or i t ybr oughtuni t y I nxwal af est i v al FearofMzi l i kazi Language Abl el eader shi pofMzi l i kazi Weaknessofconquer edl ocal gr oups I nt er mar r i ages Tr i but e Har dshi pst hatt heyf aced Tr ademaf i assy st em PORTUGUESEI NZI MBABWE [ Speci men] 43. [ a] . I dent i f ysi xt r adecent r esest abl i shedbyt hePor t ugueseont heMozambi can coast andi nt hei nt er i oroft heMut apaSt at e. [ 6] . Sof al a Bei r a Quel i mane Luanze Bukut u Sena Tet e [ b] .Descr i bet het r adebet weent hePor t ugueseandt heZi mbabweansoci et i esi n t h t he16 and17t hcent ur i es. [ 11] . Por t ugueset r ader smadecont actwi t hMut apast at ei n1505whent heybui l t f or tSof al a. Page65of65 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Atf i r stt r adewast hr ought heSwahi l i ort hei ragent s, t hev ashambadzi . Gol dwasmai nex por tf r om Mut apaki ngdom Por t uguesedev el opedi nt er estt oent ert hei nt er i ort ocont r ol t hesour cesof t hegol dt r ade Por t ugueset r adedwi t ht heki ngofMut apacont r ol l edt r ade. Por t uguesebr oughtcl ot h, beadsandcer ami cs, whi chwer edesi r edi nt he i nt er i or . Por t ugueset henwenti nt ot hei nt er i ort oest abl i sht heownt r adecent r esl i ke SenaandTet ei nt he1830s. Lat ert r adegoodswer eexpandedt oi ncl udesal t , copperi r on, mai zeseed. Tr adebazaar swer eest abl i shedwer esomet i mespr i v at et r adet ookpl ace behi ndt heMut apa’ sback. Lat erPor t uguesebegant oof f ergunst osubchi ef swhol at ert ur nedagai nst t heMut apa I nt he17thcent ur yt heMut apaswer ebegi nni ngt ober el uct antwi t ht hei r goodsespeci al l ygol d, andt hePor t uguesehadt or esor tt ousef or ce. [ c] . Towhatext entwast hepol i t i cal st abi l i t yoft heZi mbabweansoci et i es af f ect edbyt hi st r ade? Por t ugueseact i v i t i esl edsomesubchi eft obedi sl oy al t ot heMut apa I nt r oduct i onofgunsgav epowert ot hewr ongpeopl ewhobegant or ebel agai nstt heki ng Compet i t i onf orf or ei gngoodsal socausedet hni cwar sasAf r i cansf oughtf or t hel i on’ sshar eoft het r ade Por t ugueseal socr eat edsomepuppetchi ef se, gMamv ur awhi chl edt ot he decl i neoft hest at e. Por t uguesewar l or dsemer gedwhocr eat edst at eswi t hi nt hest at eusi ng Achi kundas Br eakawayal sooccur r edasar esul tofPor t uguesei nt er f er encei nt hei nt er i or Theambi t i onofcer t ai ngr oupsegt heRozv i al socr eat edi nst abi l i t yast heyl ed r ebel l i onandat t ackont heMut apast at e. Cal i br eofl eader swhor ul edt hest at ei nt he17thcent ur ywaspoorandt hey l ackedchar act ert ohol dt hest at et oget her . [ Nov2003] Page66of66 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 44. [ a] . Li stt henamesoft hr eePor t uguesepeopl ewhov i si t edt heMut apaki ngdom andt hr eet r adecommodi t i est hatt hePor t uguesebr oughti nt ot heMut apaKi ngdom t h i nt he16 cent ur y . Ant oni oFer nadez , Gonzal odaSi l v ei r a, Fr anci scoBar r et o, VascoHomen.Dona Kat ar i no, Ant oni oCai do, Di ogoMadei r a, Per ei r a, GasperBocar r o. Guns, cl ot h, beads, j ewel l er y , kni v es, mai zeseed, al cohol / spi r i t s, f r ui tt r ees, r i ce. [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi cact i v i t i esoft hePor t uguesei nt heMut apaki ngdom dur i ng t he16thand17cent ur i es. [ 11] . Tr ade-br oughtguns, cl ot h, beads, j ewel l er y , kni v es, cer ami csi nexchangef or gol di v or y , cat t l e, goat s, sheep, gr ai n, et c Usedpai dAf r i canl abouri nmi ni ngandagr i cul t ur e Por t uguesei nt r oducedt hepr azosy st em, newcr opswer ei nt r oducedsuchas mai ze/ f r ui t s For cedAf r i canst opayt r i but et ot hem andi nt r oducedf or cedl abour I ni t i al l yPor t uguesepai dt r i but ecur v at ot heMut apa Mi ni nggol d, hunt i ngf ori v or y . Sl av er y [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt hepeopl eoft heMut apaki ngdom benef i tf r om Por t uguese act i v i t i esi nt hi sper i od? [ 8] . [ i ] . Benef i t s: Newcr ops Newweapons Newgoods, cl ot hes Newf ar mi ngandmi ni ngmet hods [ i i ] . Demer i t s: Pol i t i cal i nt er f er ence Af r i canswer eexpl oi t eddur i ngt r ade Depl et i onofAf r i canr esour ces Af r i cancul t ur edi st ur bed Lossofl and For cedl abour Page67of67 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM AbuseofAf r i canwomen Sl av er y [ June2004] 45. [ a] . Gi v esi xai msoft hePor t uguesei nt heMut apaSt at e. [ 6] . Tocheckt hespr eadofI sl am. Toest abl i sht r adi ngcent r es/ mar ket s/ f ei r as Tor epl aceSwahi l i ast r adi ngpar t ner soft heShona Tospr eadChr i st i ani t y Tocol oni set heMut apaSt at e Tomi negol d Tomakecont actwi t hl egendar yChr i st i anr ul erPr est erJohn [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal andsoci al act i v i t i esoft hePor t uguesei nt heMut apaSt at e upt ot he17t hcent ur y . [ 11] . [ i ]Pol i t i cal I ncr easeofPor t uguesei nv ol v ementi nt heMut apaSt at e’ saf f ai r sespeci al l y f ol l owi ngdeat hofFat herGonsal odaSi l v ei r a1561 Puni t i v eexpedi t i onsent1569—1572underFr ansi scoBar r et o Set t l edi nMut apaaf t erbei nggr ant edpr azos I nt er v enedi nsuccessi ondi sput esi nMut apaSt at e 1628f oughtanddef eat edMut apaKapar ar i dze I nst al l edpuppetr ul er sl i keMamv ur aont het hr one–pr ov oki ngopposi t i on f r om t heRozv i Ref usedt opayt r i but easMut apal ostpol i t i cal power Hadi ncr easedpowert hr ought r ai ni ngpr i v at ear mi eswi t hgunse, gwar l or ds l i keGouv ei awi t hbi gchi kundaar my [ i i ] . Soci al : I nt r oduct i onofChr i st i ani t y Si l v ei r abapt i sedMut apaMapuzugut aandsome f ol l ower sbutt hi sdi dnotl astl ong Por t uguesepr act i sedsl av er yt oobt ai nl abourf ort hei rpr azos Pr act i sedf or cedl abour Page68of68 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM I nt er mar r i agesbet weenPor t uguesemenandAf r i canwomenpr oduci ng peopl ecal l edMul at os[ i nShonav anaSi ny or o] AbuseofAf r i canwomenbyPor t uguesemen [ c] . Wer et hePor t ugueset obl amef ort hedecl i neoft heMut apaSt at e? Expl ai ny our answer . [ 8] [ i ] . Por t uguesel ar gel yt obl amef ort hedecl i neoft heMut apaEmpi r e I nt er f er edi nl ocal pol i t i cssuppor t i ngr i v al cl ai mant st ot het hr one Thi scauseddi sput esandci v i l war se, gGat si Ruser e, Kapar ar i dze Cr eat edpuppetr ul er sl i keMamv ur a Ref usedt opayt r i but e-f or cedt heMut apat opayt r i but et ot hem Rai dedAf r i canv i l l agesf orsl av es Under mi ni ngAf r i cansel f r espect Av ai l abi l i t yofgunsbr oughtbyt hePor t uguesegr eat l yweakenedMut apaSt at e [ i i ] . Howev er , t heMut apast at e’ sdecl i ne Wasal soengender edbyi t sv astsi zewhi chmadecommuni cat i ondi f f i cul t . Successi ondi sput esi nher enti nt her ul i ngf ami l y Ri seofnewandpower f ul Rozv i St at e Al sosuccessi ont ot hr onebyweakl eader s Nat ur al di sast er se, gser i esofdr oughtl eadi ngt opoorhar v est s, at t acksf r om nei ghbour ssuchast heSot ho–Tswana. Swahi l i i nf l uencewasal sodet r i ment al t ouni t yi nt heEmpi r e. [ Nov2004] 46. [ a] . St at eanysi xr easonsf orPor t uguesepenet r at i onoft heZambezi v al l ey . [ 6] Cont r ol mi ni ngofgol d Cont r ol t r ader out esi nt ot hei nt er i or Est abl i sht r adi ngpost s Tospr eadChr i st i ani t y Tocont r ol l andi nt heZambezi v al l eyf oragr i cul t ur al pur poses Tocont r ol t heMut apast at e Page69of69 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tosear chf ort hel egendr yPr est erJohn Toav enget hedeat hofGoncal odaSi l v ei r a Todi sl odgeMosl emsf r om t hei nt er i or I nv i t at i onbyGat si Ruser e [ b] . Descr i bet hepr azosy st em i nt r oducedbyt hePor t uguesei nt heZambezi v al l ey . [ 11] . Landt akenbyPor t ugueseusi ngt r eat i eswi t ht heMut apa, andbyf or ce Af r i cansusedasl abour er sont hepr azos ThePor t uguesel i v i ngi nl uxur y Sl av el abourcommonont hepr azos ThePor t uguesecohabi t at i onwi t hAf r i canswascommonont hef ar mswhi ch r esul t edi nacol our edpopul at i on–t hemul at os Por t ugueseont hepr azosal socont r ol l edt r ade—useofpr of essi onal t r ader sv ashambadzi . Por t ugueseont hepr azosusedpr i v at ear mi esknownaschi kunda Pr azosal soasour ceofsl av esdur i ngt hesl av et r ade Pr azer ost aki ngov err ol esoft r adi t i onal l eader s [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt hepr azosy st em assi stt hePor t ugueset ocont r ol t hear ea? [ 8] [ i ]Pr azosy st em usedt ocont r ol t heMut apast at e: Reducedl andscont r ol l edbyMut apast at e Manypeopl enowowedal l egi ancet ot hepr azer os, soweakenedt heMut apa st at e Pr azer oscont r ol l edgol dpr oduct i onandt r ade–sour cesofweal t hi nt he Mut apa Pr i v at ear mi esAchi kundasnowpower f ul i nt heZambezi v al l eysor educed poweroft heMut apa Sl av et r adeweakenedt heMut apast at e [ i i ] . Ot herf act or sal soi mpor t anti nt hecont r ol oft heMut apast at e: Di r ectpol i t i cal i nt er f er encebyPor t uguesei nt heMut apast at e Thei nt r oduct i onofChr i st i ani t y Page70of70 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Weakpol i t i cal l eader si nt heMut apast at e Successi ondi sput es TheMut apast at enowt oobi gt obecont r ol l edbyt heMut apa I nf l uenceofSwahi l i / Ar abs [ Nov2005] 47. [ a] . Li stanysi xcr opst hatwer egr owni nt hepr azosi nt heZambezi v al l eyf r om t he t h 16 cent ur y . [ 6] Sor ghum, Mi l l et , Mai ze, Beans, Squash, Mel ons, Pepper , Cassav a, Ri ce, Sugar cane, Cof f ee [ b] . Descr i bet hedev el opmentoft hepr azosy st em i nt heZambezi v al l eyi nt he16th and17thcent ur y . [ 11] Pr azosy st em: Pr azohol der scal l edpr azer os/ senhor s SomePor t uguesegotl andf r om weakMut apasasr ewar df orhel pi ngt hem i n successi ondi sput esandci v i l war s. Mut apaNogomogav ePor t uguesecapt ai nl andont heZambezi v al l eybef or e deat hi n1589 Gat si Ruser egav el andt oTet et r aderDi ogoMadei r ai n1607. Becamea power f ul set t l erwi t h4000Achi kundas Mamv ur awasaPor t uguesepuppetandwasf or cedt ogi v ehi swhol e ki ngdom t oPor t uguesecr owni n1629aspr i zef orPor t uguesehel p. Rul erofUt ev egav el ar gear east oDi asBay aoar east r et chedf r om Pungwet o Zambezi Por t ugueseconf i r medpr azosy st em bygi v i ngof f i ci al l andt i t l est oi ndi v i dual pr azer os.Por t uguesewant edpr azer ost obecent r esofPor t uguese ci v i l i sat i onandcommer ci al agr i cul t ur e Tr adi t i onal pat t er nofshi f t i ngagr i cul t ur ewaspr act i sed Ther ewasl i mi t eduseofl andandl owout put Theycul t i v at edsor ghum, mi l l etmai ze, et c Cof f eegr ewwi l di nf or est sandwasusedt opayt r i but ebyt heAf r i can popul at i on Gol d, copperandi r onmi nedandexpor t edbypr azer os Sl av esal soexpor t edt oBr azi l Page71of71 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Por t uguesef ai l edt oest abl i shat hr i v i ngeconomy Af r i cani sat i onoft heEur opeani nst i t ut i ons [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt heShonapeopl ebenef i tf r om t hePr azosy st em? [ 8] [ i ] Benef i t s: I nt r oduct i onofnewcr opsmai zeet c Newmat er i al se, gcl ot h, beads, et c Many i kacopi edPor t uguesewor dsl i ke“ Wada’ ’ Ver yf ewAf r i cansbecameChr i st i ans [ i i ] . Negat i v eef f ect s: Chr i st i ani t ybr oughtdi v i si onsamongShona Pr azer osusedAchi kundast or ai dAf r i canki ngdomsf orsl av es Pr azer ospar t i ci pat edi nci v i l war sandsuccessi ondi sput esi nt heMut apaand causedi nst abi l i t y Lossofl and Lossofpol i t i cal power Dest r uct i onofAf r i cancul t ur e AbuseofAf r i canwomen [ June2006] 48[ a] . St at eanysi xr easonsf ort hePor t uguesepenet r at i oni nt ot hear eabet weent he Zambezi andLi mpopor i v er sdur i ngt he16thcent ur i es. [ 6] Cont r ol t r adei ngol dandi v or ywi t hAf r i canChi ef s Tov er i f yr umour sofki ngSol omon’ smi nes. Tospr eadChr i st i ani t yanddi spl aceI sl ami cr el i gi on Tol ookf ort hel egendar y[ Pr est erJohn] Tor ev engemur derofGoncal odaSi l v ei r a Tocr eat epr azos Tocol oni set hei nt er i or [ b] . Out l i nePor t uguesepenet r at i oni nt ot hear eabet weent heZambezi andLi mpopo r i v er sdur i ngt he16thand17thcent ur i es. [ 11] . Page72of72 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Mi ssi onar yGoncal odaSi l v ei r ar eachedChi t akoChangony o[ mtFur a]dur i ng Mut apaNogomo’ sr ei gn.Conv er t edNogomo, wi f eand500Shona. Ki l l edand t hr owni nt oMsengezi r i v er Mi l i t ar yexpedi t i onsdespat chedt or ev engeSi l v ei r a’ sdeat h Fr anci scoBar r et o’ sexpedi t i onof1569f ai l edduet onaganaf ev er . Li t t l ef ood suppl i es Expedi t i onofVascoFer nadezHomen1574al sof ai l ed Por t uguesesentf or cest ohel pGat si Ruser ei nsuccessi ondi sput es Bocar r o’ sj our ney [ 1616]i nsear chofsi l v ermi nesdi dnotf i ndv al uabl esi l v er deposi t s JoaodosSant osaDomi ni canpr i estcameaf t erdaSi l v ei r at oZambezi Val l ey . Spent10y ear s Jesui t scamei n1607-expandedbey ondZambezi Val l eyi nt ot hei nt er i or Al l i ancesy st em wi t hRuser eandMamv ur a Penet r at i onofFer nadez Bui l tFei r asatDambar ar e, Masapa, LuanzeandMasequesewher ePor t uguese t r ader sset t l ed Por t uguesepr i est sv i si t edi sol at edchur chesofMashonal andandMani cal and t omi ni st ert of ol l ower sandf oundedsmal l school s Mi d17th–aPor t uguesedel egat i ont ot heKi ngdom ofBut ua/ Rozv i St at e Rozv i Mambochoset odeal wi t hPor t uguesev i aVashambadzi Pr azosy st em [ c] . Towhatext entdi dPor t uguesei nf l uencecont r i but et ot hedecl i neoft heRozv i St at e? Li t t l ei m pactmi l i t ar i l y .Rozv i act ual l ydr ov et hePor t uguesef r om pl at eau. Rozv i i ndi r ect l yt r adedwi t hPor t uguese Rozv i decl i nedmai nl yduet oi nt er nal pr obl emsandext er nal f act or s.I nt er nal dr ought , successi ondi sput es, decl i nei ngol dmi ni ng Ext er nal f act or sdecl i nei nt r adewi t hPor t ugueseasgol dmi ni ngdecl i ned. goodst oRozv i wer eofl owerv al ue At t ackbyMf ecanegr oupsegNgoni , Ndebel e, et c Por t uguesei nci t edv assal Chi ef st or ebel [ Nov2006] Page73of73 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 49[ a] . Nameanysi xPor t uguesenat i onal swhopenet r at edt heZi mbabweanpl at eau t h t h bet weent he16 and17 cent ur i es. [ 6] . Ant oni oFer nadez , Goncal odaSi l v ei r a, Fr anci scoBar r et o, VascoHomen, Di ogoMadei r a, Mi guel Fer nandez , Ant oni oCai ada, GasperBocar r o, Joaodos Sant os, Di agodeMenesi s, DonaKat ar i na [ b] . Out l i net hePol i t i cal andsoci al act i v i t i esoft hePor t uguesei nt heZi mbabwean Pl at eaudur i ngt he16thand17thcent ur i es. [ 11] [ i ]Soci al TheJesui t sFat herGoncal odaSi l v ei r av i si t edMut apaNegomoconv er t edhi m, hi swi f eand500ot her s.Mur der edatt hei nst i gat i onofMosl ems ADomi ni canpr i estcal l edJoaodosSant osspent10y ear si nZambezi Regi on af t erSi l v ei r a’ sdeat h Mi ssi onar ywor kspr eadwi del yaf t er1627whenPor t ugueseassi st eda conv er toft her oy al f ami l ycal l edMamv ur at obecomeMut apa Heencour agedMi ssi onar ywor k Af ewpr i est scamet oi sol at edchur chesofMashonal andandMani cal and, pr eachi ngandr unni ngsmal l school s. SonsofMut apaandSeni orChi ef ssent t ol ar gerschool satSenaandTet eorTheol ogi cal Col l egeatMozambi que I sl and Abuseofwomen Pr act i sedsl av er y Degr adadosegAnt oni oFer nandezmar r i edAf r i canwi v es [ i i ]Pol i t i cal Deat hofSi l v ei r apr ov okedmi l i t ar yexpedi t i ons Par t i ci pat edi nci v i l war s 1569expedi t i onunderFr anci scoBar r et o Rai sedpr i v at ear mi es 1574expedi t i onunderVascoFer nandezHomen Ref usedt opayt r i but e I nt er f er edi nsuccessi ondi sput es. e, gAssi st edGat si Ruser et opoweri n1596 Pr azosbecamei ndependentchi ef sanddi dpayt r i but ebutr ef usedl at t er Al sohel pedMamv ur at opoweri n1628 Page74of74 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Chi ef sbecamepuppet sofPor t uguese [ c] . Di dt hePol i t i cal act i v i t i esoft hePor t uguesecont r i but et ot hedecl i neoft hei r i nf l uencei nt her egi on?Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] Par t i ci pat i oni nci v i l war s Successi ondi sput es Sl av er yandsl av et r ade Ref usedt opaycur v a AbuseofAf r i canwomen Pr azosy st em Pr azer osr ebel l edagai nstpor taut hor i t y Ledt oi ncr easeofi nf l uenceofPor t uguesei nt heMut apaSt at east hey i nt er f er edi nsuccessi ondi sput esandi nst al l edpuppetMut apas. Thi sl edt o t hem unpopul arandl edt ot hei rul t i mat eexpul si on Tookl and Gotl andconcessi ont ocr eat epr azos Pol i t i cal def eat si nRozv i St at e Pol i t i cal act i v i t i espar t l ycont r i but edt ot hedecl i neofPor t uguesei nf l uenceas Rozv i dr ov et hem away Ot herf act or s: Ri seofst r ongandpower f ul l eader soft heMut apaegMukumbi r e Rev i v al ofMut apaaut hor i t y Decl i nei ngol dt r ade [ Nov2007] 50[ a] . Nameanysi xr ul er soft heMut apaSt at ewhohadcont actwi t ht hePor t uguese [ 6] Chi kuy oChi samar engu[ a. k. aKakuy okoMuny aka] NenshangweMunembi r e[ nephewofChi kuy o] Chi v her eNy asor o[ sonofChi kuy o] NegondoMapunz agut u[ a. k. aChi r i samhur uorSebast i an] [ 15431589] Ny amboKapar ar i dze[ sonofGat si Ruser e] [ 162329] Page75of75 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Gat si Ruser e[ succeededNegomo] Mamv ur a[ a. k. aFel i peorMav ur aMhande] [ 1580s1652] Mukombwe[ Kamhar apasuMukobwe{ Al f onso} ] Ny akunembi r e Chi oko Dambamut upe Mut apaMukombo [ b] . Descr i bet heat t empt sbyt hePor t ugueset ogai ncont r ol oft hegol dt r adewi t ht he t h t h Mut apaSt at edur i ngt he16 and17 cent ur i es. [ 11] 1505Por t uguesecapt ur edcoast al t ownofSof al awhi chwast heout l etf or Shonaexpor t s.Thi ssev er edt hegol dt r ade 1507Por t ugueset ookcont r ol ofMozambi queI sl andasgat ewayt ot he i nt er i or 151115Por t uguesesentAnt oni oFer nandez–t oBar we, Many i ka, Dande, Gur uuswa, Mbi r e, Har ar e, Chegut ut ol ocat et hesour ceofgol d 1530Por t ugueseest abl i shedt r adi ngFei r asatTet eandSenaont heZambezi r i v er .al soopenedsomeatDambar ar e, Masekesa, Massapa, Luanze, Baccut o Dr i v i ngawayoft heSwahi l i 156061Por t ugueseCat hol i cpr i estGoncal odaSi l v ei r aconv er t edt heMut apa [ Negomo]andcour tof f i ci al s 156971Por t uguesear mi esunderBar r et osentt oav engeSi l v ei r a’ sdeat hand t ot akecont r ol ofgol dt r ade. Expedi t i onf ai l edduet oMal ar i a, Shona r esi st anceandnaganaaswel l asBar r et o’ sdeat hatSena Anot herpuni t i v emi ssi onunderVascoFer nandezHomen-conquer edMany i ka andUt ev ebutf oundl i t t l egol d Por t uguesesi gnedat r eat ywi t hGat si Ruser ei n1607, gi v enl andandmi ni ng r i ght s, t r adeconcessi ons Por t uguesedef eat edKapar ar i dzei n1628, concl udedt r eat ywi t hMav ur a1632 gi v ent r adi ngandmi ni ngconcessi ons [ c] . Towhatext entwer et her ul er soft heMut apaSt at eabl et or esi stt heseat t empt s i nt heper i od? [ 8] [ i ]Resi st ancet oPor t ugueseat t empt s/ Success: Page76of76 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Mur derofSi l v ei r ai n1561pr eci pi t at edr epudi at i onofChr i st i ani t y Lackofcooper at i onl edt of ai l ur eofBar r et o’ sexpedi t i on Homenaf t erconquer i ngMany i kaandUt ev ewasshownonl ywor kedout mi nes [ i i ] Fai l ur et or esi stPor t uguese: 1607Por t ugueset r eat ywi t hGat si Ruser egr ant edt hem l and, t r adi ngr i ght s, r i ght st omi negol d Al soat t empt st odr i v eoutt hePor t uguesebyMut apaKapar ar i dzel edt ot he def eatofKapar ar i dzei n1628 1632Tr eat ywi t hMav ur aMhandemadeMut apa–v assal ofPor t ugal Tr eat ygav ePor t uguesecompl et ef r eedom t omi ne, pr eachandt r ade [ Nov2008] 51[ a] . Nameanyt hr eePor t uguesepr azer osandanyt hr eet r adi ngpost si nt he Zambezi Val l ey . [ 6] [ i ]Pr azer os Vi ncent eJoseRi ber o, Manuel Ant oni odesouse,kuv hey a, Di ogoSi moes Madei r a, Si snandoDi asBay ao, Rodr i goLobo, Mat akeny a, DonaKat ar i na [ i i ]Post s Luanze, Tet e, Sena, Dambar ar e, Massapa, Zumbo, Many i ka, Mat ekeny a, Mukut o [ b] . Descr i bet hePr azosy st em i nt heZambezi Val l ey . [ 11] Or i gi nal pr azosPor t uguesemen[ someofI ndi anor i gi n]gi v enl andasr ewar ds ofmi l i t ar yser v i ce Gai nedcont r ol ofl owerZambezi t hr ought r eat i esorf or ce ‘ Owned’ gol dmi nesnearZambezi r i v erandl andal ongsout hbankf r om Tet e downt her i v er Por t uguesedi v i dedl andi nt opr azos[ est at es]sanhos/ mazungu/ l or ds Pr azosgi v ent oset t l erowner scal l edpr azer osPor t uguesegr ewdagga, t obacco, r i ceonpr azos Sl av er ybeganonpr azosandmi nes Tr ust edsl av esr ecr ui t edi nt oper sonal ar mi esofpr azer os[ Achi kundas] Ar mi esusedt or ai dchi ef st ocapt ur el andswi t hmi ner al s Page77of77 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tr adedwi t handr ai dedAf r i cannei ghbour s Mal esl av esusedassol di er sandf emal esl av esascul t i v at or s/ concubi nes Pr azer osbecameAf r i canchi ef sdemandi ngt r i but ef r om peopl eont hei rl ands Or i gi nal Eur opeans/ Asi anpr azer os Suppl ant edbyMul l at os/ Eur af r i canchi l dr enaspr azochi ef s MostEur af r i canpr azer oswer ewomencal l ed“ bl ackdonnas” Por t ugueseusedol df eudal l awst ogov er npr azos Por t ugueseper f or medr i t ual sandwer econsul t edbyAf r i cans [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt hepr azosy st em cont r i but et ot hegr owt hofsl av er yi nt he Zambezi Val l ey ? [ i ] . Cont r i but i onofPr azosy st em i ngr owt hofsl av er y Gr owt hofpl ant at i onssuchasZambezi pr azos[ r i ce, dagga, t obaccoet c] whi chdemandedi ncr easi ngnumber ssl av el abour er s Mi ni ngact i v i t i esofgol di npr azosr equi r edsl av el abour Needf orsl av ear mi es[ Achi kundas] Por t uguesesuper i or i t ycompl exl edt ot hegr owt hofsl av es [ i i ] . Ot herFact or s: Thei nst i t ut i onofdomest i csl av er yal soexi st edi npr ecol oni al sout her n Af r i canSt at ese, gMut apaSt at e Warcapt i v esbecamedomest i csl av es Cr i mi nal sandwi t chesal sot r eat edasdomest i csl av esbef or epr azosy st em I v or yt r ader equi r edsl av el abourt of er r yi v or yt ot het r adepost sandcoast [ Nov2009] 52[ a] . Nameanysi xt r adi ngt ownsest abl i shedbyt hePor t uguesei nt heZambezi t h Val l eyupt ot he18 cent ur y . [ 6] Tet e, Massapa Sena, Luanze Masekesa, Dambar ar e Chi coa, Buccut o/ Bukut o, Zumbo [ b] . Descr i bet her el at i onsbet weent heMut apaSt at eandt hePor t ugueseupt ot he Page78of78 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 18thcent ur y . [ 11] Mut apaPor t ugueser el at i ons: Tr ade–exchangegoodsegcl ot h, guns, al cohol , t obaccof orgol d, i v or y , ani mal ski ns Est abl i shmentoft r adi ngcent r es Por t uguesepai dcur v at ot heMut apa Chr i st i ani t y–G. daSi l v ei r acamei n1560t ospr eadt hewor dofGod, some l ocal sbapt i sedi ncl udi ngt hebutt hi sendedwi t ht heki l l i ngofSi l v ei r ai n1561 Mar r y i ngandr api ngofAf r i canwomen War ; Por t uguesesentanar myunderF. Bar r et oandV. Homent oav enget he ki l l i ngofSi l v ei r a-Thei nv asi onwasunsuccessf ul [ Fer nandezexpedi t i ons] Pol i t i cal i nt er f er ence: t hePor t ugueset ookadv ant ageofsuccessi ondi sput es t oal i gnt hemsel v eswi t hsomel eader s.Foregt heyhel pedGat si Ruser eand Mav ur at obecomeki ngs.Thi scausedt hesel eader st odependentont he Por t uguese. ThePor t uguesei nr et ur nwer egi v enl andandmi nes Por t uguesecont r ol l edmostt r adi ngact i v i t i es Demandf ort r i but ebyt hePor t uguese Por t uguesenol ongerr espect edt heMut apa Or di nar ypeopl ef or cedt owor kf orPor t uguesei nt hei rpr azos. Achi kundasusedf orr ai di ngsl av es I n1663Mukombwemadeanef f or tt or ev i v et hepoweroft heMut apawi t h t hehel poft heRozv i . TheMut apawasabl et odr i v et hePor t uguesef r om t he Hi ghv el d. [ c] . Towhatext entwasmi l i t ar ypoweri mpor t anti nPor t uguesecont r ol oft he Mut apaSt at e? [ 8] [ i ] . I mpor t anceofmi l i t ar ypower . Por t ugueseusedgunst oi nst i l f ear Mi l i t ar ypowerweakenedt heMut apast at ei nt he1570S Abl et ocont r ol chi ef si nt heZambezi v al l ey Usedt or ai df ormanpower / sl av es Usedf orpr ot ect i onf r om at t acks Page79of79 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ i i ] . Ot heri mpor t antf act or s: Chr i st i ani t yusedt ogai ni nf l uenceont heMut apa Weakl eader swhoaskedf orPor t uguesehel pdur i ngsuccessi ondi sput esand becamepuppet s St at ewast oobi g, soPor t uguesewer eabl et ocont r ol di st antchi ef doms Por t uguesemonopol i sedt r ade Pr azosy st em wher eChi kundawer ekept Por t uguesenowgott r i but e[ cur v a] ( Nov2010) 53. ( a) . Nameanysi xPor t ugueset r adi ngpost s( f ei r as)i nt heMut apast at e.( 6) Massapa, Bukut u, Dambar ar e. Zumbo, Mar amuca\ Remuka Chi r ambor uwi zi , Luaze, Masekesa, Sena, Tet e, ( b) . Out l i net het er msoft heal l i ancesbet weent hePor t ugueseand ( i )Mut apaGat si Ruser e, ( i i )Mut apaMmv ur a. ( 11) ( i ) . Por t uguesehel pedRuser et oachi ev et het hr onei n1596 Banni ngofMusl i m Por t ugueset oRuser eagai nstat t acksf r om t heMar av i ki ngdom andt o suppr essr ebel l i onswi t hi nt hest at e. Ruser ei nr et ur n, gav et hePor t ugueset her i ghtt omi negol dandt ot akel and Por t ugueset ot aket hehei randf ol l ower sf ort r ai ni ngi nI ndi a Por t ugueset ot r adef r eel y ( i i ) Por t uguesehel pedMamv ur at ot het hr onei n1629af t erdef eat i nghi sr i v al Kapar ar i dzei n1628 Mamv ur amadel andgr ant st ot hePor t uguese Page80of80 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Por t ugueseal l owedt ot r adef r eel yi nt heMut apast at e Por t uguesemi ssi onar i eswer eal l owedt obui l tchur chesandt opr each wher ev ert heyl i ked TheCapt ai nofMassapawasgi v enaut hor i t yov erev er y onei nt hear eabl ack andwhi t e ThePor t uguesewoul dmai nt ai nMamv ur aont het hr one Openi ngofschool s, Por t uguesedemandedt r i but ef r om Mamv ur a. ( c) . Di dt heal l i ancesbenef i tt hepeopl eoft heMut apast at e?( 8) Benef i t s Pr ot ect i onf r om ext er nal at t acks Tempor ar ypeace Por t uguesegoodsf r om t r ade Pr ot ect i onf r om i nt er nal at t acks Li t er acy Spr eadofChr i st i ani t y NonBenef i t s Lossofcat t l e Lossofl and Er osi onofcul t ur ee, gspr eadofChr i st i ani t y . For cedl abourandsl av er y For cedpay mentoft r i but et ot hePor t uguese Lossofi dent i t y Lossofr esour cesl i keGol d Lossofpol i t i cal i ndependence [ June2011] 54[ a]Li stanysi xt r adei t emsbr oughtbyt hePor t uguesei nt ot heMut apaSt at edur i ng t h t h t he16 and17 cent ur i es. Guns, Cl ot h, Gl assbeads Kni v es, Mai zeseed, Al cohol Page81of81 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cowr i eshel l s, Sugar , Chi nawar e Tobacco, Jewel l er y , Fr ui t se, gmangoes, guav as [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi candsoci al act i v i t i esoft hePor t uguesei nt heMut apa St at edur i ngt hi sper i od. [ 11] Economi cact i v i t i es Cr edi tsy st em, cr eat i onoft hepr azoes Keepi ngl i v est ock, gr ewcr ops, e, gmai zeandpr act i sedcr opr ot at i on Col l ect edt r i but ef r om t heMut apaandhi speopl e Mi ni ng, especi al l ygol d Pr act i sedf or cedl abour , hunt i ngel ephant sf ori v or y Tr adewi t ht hel ocal st hr ought heVashambadzi agent s Pr act i sedsl av er yandsl av et r ade Fi shi ng, est abl i shedf ei r as Soci al act i v i t i es Spr eadofChr i st i ani t y , AbuseofAf r i canwomenr esul t i ngi nt hebi r t hof Mul at oes( Por t uguesecol our eds) Pr i v at ef ar msi nwhi cht heyi l l t r eat edAf r i cans Di sr upt i onofAf r i cancul t ur e, Por t ugueseper f or medAf r i canr i t ual se, gr ai n maki ngcer emoni es Openedsmal l school sf orchi l dr enofRoy al f ami l i es Mar r i edAf r i canwomen, e, gAnt oni oFer nades Pr act i sedsl av er y , of er r edmedi cal ser v i ces [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt hepeopl eoft heMut apaSt at ebenef i tf r om t hePor t uguese act i v i t i esdur i ngt hi sper i od? Posi t i v eef f ect s I nt r oducednewf ar mi ngandmi ni ngmet hods Newcr opswer eal soi nt r oducede, gmai zer i ce Recei v edgunst hr ought r ade, someAf r i cansbecameChr i st i ans Af r i cansbenef i t edi nf or m ofnewgoodssuchascl ot hes, j ewel l er y , cer emi cs et cf r om t r ade Page82of82 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Chi ef sandmi ddl emenbenef i t edf r om sl av et r ade, educat i on, heal t hser v i ces, empl oy ment Negat i v eef f ect s Af r i cancul t ur ewasdi sr upt ed/ di st or t edt hr oughChr i st i ani t y Af r i cansl ostt hei rl and, Por t uguesei nf l uencedci v i l war s, t heyal sor ef usedt o paycur v a Por t ugueseunder mi nedAf r i canaut hor i t i esandobt ai nedl andbyf or ce Tr adebet weenPor t ugueseandAf r i canswasunf ai r Af r i canr esur cesdepl et ed, abuseofAf r i canwomen Af r i canswer eengagedi nf or cedl abour , i mpr i soned, i l l t r eat ed [ Nov2011] 55[ a] . Li stanysi xdut i esoft heCapt ai noft heGat esi nt heMut apast at e.[ 6] Ensur edt hatt hePor t ugueseobey edt heMut apaKi ngbyensur i ngt hatt he Por t uguesepai dt r i but e Super v i sedpay i ngoft axesonPor t uguesegoods Adv i sedt heMut apaki ngonmat t er sconcer ni ngt hePor t uguese I nf or medt hePor t uguesegov er nmentonact i v i t esi nt heMut apaSt at e Cont r ol l edt r adebet weent hePor t ugueseandt heMut apaSt at e Li nkedt hePor t ugueseandt heMut apa Ser v edasani nt er pr et er Repr esent edt hePor t ugueseGov er nmenti nt heMut apa Set t l eddi sput esbet weenPor t ugueseandAf r i cans Handi ngov ergi f t sf r om Por t uguesegov er nmentt ot heMut apa [ b] . Out l i net hemet hodsusedbyt hePor t ugueset ogai ncont r ol oft heMut apa st at e[ 11] Di spl acedAr abt r ader s For cedt heki ngt oexpel t heSwahi l i Est abl i shedt r adepost si nt heMut apaSt at e Page83of83 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tookcont r ol oft r adei nt heMut apaSt at e Cont r ol l edmi ni ngusi ngf or cedl abour I nt r t oducedcr edi tsy st em Conv er t edMut apaGat si Ruser eandsomeofhi ssubj ect s Encour agedandi nt er v enedi nci v i l war s Mut apasonssentt oGoai nI ndi a Useofbr ut al i t y Hel pedRuser et of i ghtMar av a I nv ol v edi nsl av et r adeandsl av er y Adopt i onofMut apar el i gi on Tookov ert her ol eofr el i gi ousl eader s Hel pedt oi nst al v assal chi ef s Si gnedt r eat i esandconcessi ons Cr eat edpr i v at ear mi esi , eChi kundasy st em Est abl i shedpr i v at epr i sons Tookl ar gear easofl andf r om Af r i cans Tookov eradmi ni st r at i v edut i esi nt heMut apast at e Lat t err ef usedt opayt axes UseofPor t uguesenames Mar r i edMut apawomen For cedMut apat opayt r i but e For cedl abour . [ c] . Howf ardi dt hesemet hodscont r i but et ot hef al l oft heMut apaSt at e?[ 8] Cont r i but i onofPor t uguesmet hods Lef tShonawi t houtenoughl and Causeddecl i nei ngol dt r ade Mut apa’ sweal t hdecl i ned Encour agedci v i l war swhi chcauseddi v i si onsanddeat hs Page84of84 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cr eat edpuppetl eader swhower enotr espect edbymostoft hei rsubj ect s Sl av er ypr ohi bi t edAf r i cansf r om engagi ngi nt hei rowneconomi cact i v i t i est o cr eat eweal t h Chr i st i ani t ycauseddi v i si onsi nt hest at e Cont r i but i onofot herf act or s I nf l uenceofI sl am Ri seoft heRozv i Depl et i onofnat ur al r esour ces Successi ondi sput esi nt heMut apaSt at e Nguni i ncur si ons Di suni t yamongMut apapeopl e Lossoft r adi t i onal aut hor i t y WeaknessofMut apal eader s Dr ought s Di seases Zi mbaandMar av i at t acks Vast nessoft heSt at emi l i t at edagai nstef f ect i v econt r ol Ci v i l war s Mi ssi onar i esi nZi mbabwe [ Speci men] 56[ a] . Li stanysi xpr obl emsf acedbymi ssi onar i esi nZi mbabwebet ween1850and 1900.[ 6] Di seases Poort r anspor tandcommuni cat i on Opposi t i onofAf r i canl eader s Opposi t i onofMosl ems/ Swahi l i Languagebar r i er Tr adi t i onal r el i gi on Foodsuppl i eswer escar ce Page85of85 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ b] . Descr i bet hewor kofmi ssi onar yor gani sat i onswhi choper at edi nZi mbabwe1850 and1900. [ 11] Londonmi ssi onar ysoci et ycamet oMat abel el andaf t ersomeear l i ercont act s sout hofLi mpopo 1859J. S. Mof f atest abl i shedami ssi onatI ny at hi Openedachur chandaschool t oconv er tandt eacht heNdebel eSoci et y 1870LMSopenedanot herst at i onatHopeFount ai nf ort hesamepur poses Mi ssi onar i esi nv ol v edbesi desMof f atwer eThompson, Sy kes, Char l esHel m andDav i dCar negi e 1882t heRomanCat hol i cscamet oMat abel el andwhent heJesui t sopened Empandeni underf at herBar t hol omewknoot 1879acat hol i cmi ssi onwasest abl i shedbyFrLawatMzi l abuti tl at erf ai l ed 1891t heAngl i canChur chl edbyKni ghtBr ucecamet oMashonal and.Thei r f i r stmi ssi onst at i onatStAugust i nes Lat ert heJesui t sest abl i shedami ssi onatChi shawasha TheAmer i canBoar doft hechur chofChr i stcamet oEast er nZi mbabweand openedami ssi onst at i onatMtSel i nda[ Chi r i nda] Ot hermi ssi onar ygr oupswhocamewer et heMet hodi st s, whoseear l i est mi ssi onwasOl dMut ar e. Bet ween1860and1890mi ssi onar i esr epr esent i ngt heDRC, Par i sEv angel i cal Mi ssi onandt heBer l i nMi ssi onar ySoci et yt owor k, e, gt heDRCwaswel l r epr esent edi nt heMasv i ngoar ea. Mai nact i v i t i esoft hemi ssi onar i esi ncl udedconv er si ont oChr i st i ani t y , educat i on[ 3Rs] , t r ansl at i ons, medi ci ne, t echni cal wor k, medi at i ngbet ween Af r i cansandot herEur opeans. [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt hemi ssi onar i essucceedi nt hei rwor ki nt hi sper i od? [ 8] Educat i ondev el opedi nar easwher et heAf r i cansoci et ywasnott i ght l y cont r ol l ed I nMat abel el andmi ssi onar i esonl ymadi nr oadsaf t erLobengul awascr ushed i nt he1893Angl oNdebel ewar Ast echni ci anst heydi dmuchev eni nMat abel el and, e, gr epai rguns. Atf i r stf ewAf r i cansaccept edChr i st i ani t y, bet t err ecept i oni nMashonal and Manyhospi t al swer eopenedandser v edAf r i canswhower et hensi del i nedby t heGov er nmentaf t er1890. Page86of86 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ManyAf r i cansr emai nedscept i cal oft hemi ssi onar i esandi nsomear east hey madenopr ogr ess. I nMat abel el andt heyt ookt hei rr ol easl i nkpeopl ewi t hot herEur opeanst oan ext r eme.Theybecamemai nagent si nt hepl ot st odi sl odget heNdebel eand occupyZi mbabwe. [ Nov2003] 57.[ a] . Li stanysi xai msofmi ssi onar i eswhocamei nt oZi mbabwebet ween1850and 1900.[ 6] Tospr eadChr i st i ani t y Topr omot el egi t i mat et r ade Toendsl av er y , endci v i l war s Toci v i l i set hel ocal peopl e Tot eachpeopl et or eadandwr i t e Topr omot eEur opeanr ul e Tot eachnewf ar mi ngmet hods, newski l l se, gcar pent r y [ b] . Descr i bet heact i v i t i esoft hemi ssi onar i esi nachi ev i ngt hei rai ms? [ 11] TheLondonMi ssi onar ySoci et yest abl i shedI ny at hi Mi ssi oni n1859l edbyJ. s Mof f at I n1870LMSopenedanot hermi ssi onatHopeFount ai n Att hemi ssi onst hemi ssi onar i est aughtandpr eachedt hegospel Booksi nNdebel ewer epr i nt ed Theygr ewf oodcr ops TheRomanCat hol i cChur chal soopenedmi ssi onsatEmpandeni near Bul away o Af r i canev angel i st sandcat echi st sf r om Tr ansv aal andLesot hosent mi ssi onar i est oMashonal ande, gt heDut chRef or medChur ch, Ber l i n Mi ssi onar ySoci et yandt hePar i sEv angel i cal Mi ssi on.Someper manent mi ssi onst at i onswer eest abl i shede, gatChi v i , Mat i be, Mposi .AtChi v i i twas shor tl i v ed. Angl i canchur chest abl i shedt heDi oceseofMashonal andi n1882l edby Kni ghtBr uce Af t er1890somest at i onswer eest abl i shedal ongt heeast er nbor der s: Mt Page87of87 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Chi r i ndaMut ambar aMi ssi on, Mar yMount , StAugust i nes, Ny anga[ Mar i st Br ot her s]Mi ssi ons, Regi naCoel Mi ssi on. [ c] . Howsuccessf ul wer et hesemi ssi onar i esi nachi ev i ngt hei rai ms? [ 8] [ i ]Fai l ur es: Suspect edconv er t swer epuni shed Year nedf ordest r uct i onofNdebel est at ewhi chr esi st edChr i st i ani t y Af r i cansunwi l l i ngt oabandont r adi t i onal r el i gi on [ i i ] . Successes J. S.Mof f atandC.Hel m hel pedC. J.Rhodest ocol oni seMashonal andand Mat abel el and Pr omot edt r adebet weenWhi t esandAf r i cans Bet ween1890and1900conv er t sst ar t edt oi ncr easei nnumber s Est abl i shedf ewmi ssi ons Taughtf ewpeopl et or eadandwr i t e Conv er t edf ewt oChr i st i ani t y [ June2004] 58.Namet hr eemi ssi onar yor gani sat i onsandt hei rr espect i v emi ssi onsst at i onsi n Zi mbabwei nt he19thcent ur y . [ 6] LondonMi ssi onar ySoci et y–I ny at hi , HopeFount ai n. RomanCat hol i cChur chEmpandeni TheDut chRef or medChur chMor genst erMi ssi on [ b] . Descr i bet hewor koft hr eemi ssi onar yor gani sat i onsi nZi mbabwei nt hi s per i od. [ 11] 1859J. SMof f at , sonofMzi l i kazi ’ sf r i endRober tMof f at , al l owedt oopen Mi ssi onst at i onatI ny at hi nearBul away o.Lobengul al at eral l owedt heLondon Mi ssi onar ySoci et yt of ur t heropenanot hermi ssi onatHopeFount ai n. Mi ssi onar i esoft heLMSengagedi nt eachi ng, pr eachi ngandl i t er ar ywor k i si Ndebel ebookswer epr i nt ed mor eLMSmi ssi onar i esl i keThompson, Sy kes, Hel m andCar negi ear r i v ed LMSmi ssi onar i eswer egi v enl andt ogr owcr opsandt or epai rguns, i nocul at e cat t l e, t r eatt hesi ckwr i t eLobengul a’ sl et t er s Page88of88 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM I nt ur nmi ssi onar i eswer eal l owedt opr eachamongt heNdebel e TheRomanCat hol i cChur ch‘ sJesui t smi ssi onar i esf oundedami ssi onat Empandeni un1887nearpr esentdayPl umt r ee.Undert hel eader shi pofPet er Pr est i geandAndr eHar t mann, t hei rmi ssi onst r uggl edwi t hv er yl i mi t ed success.Thi sf or cedi tt ocl osei n1889, onl yt or eopent hemi ssi oni n1895 af t erdef eatandconquestoft heNdebel eki ngdom Thi sf ol l owedFrBKr oot ’ sv i si tt oLobengul ai n1882 TheJesui t ssubsequent l yest abl i shedanot hermi ssi onst at i onnearBul away o TheJesui t sal soengagedi nt eachi ng, pr eachi ngandl i t er ar ywor k TheDut chRef or medChur chofSout hAf r i canev angel i st s-t ot heEast er npar t ofMashonal andbet ween1860and1890 Af r i canev angel i st swer eusedbecauseoff ear st hatLobengul awoul dnot wel comewhi t es DRCev angel i st swer eMi chael Buy s–appr oachedt heGov er aChi ef , Zi mut o [ t hesecond] . Subsequent l yest abl i shedmi ssi onatMor genst erMi ssi onnearMasv i ngo [ c] . Howf arwer et hemi ssi onar i essuccessf ul i nt hei rwor k? Mi ssi onar i eswer el ar gel yunsuccessf ul i nespeci al l yconv er t i ngpeopl et o Chr i st i ani t y LMSmi ssi onar i esi nMat abel el andmadel i t t l eheadwaybecauseChr i st i ani t y wasi ncompat i bl ewi t hNdebel ecul t ur eandNdebel er el i gi onwasi nt er wov en wi t hpol i t i csandmi l i t ar yr egi ment s Ndebel eeconomy–par t l ysust ai nedbyr ai di ngwhi chal sowasi ncompat i bl e wi t hChr i st i ani t ypr eachedbymi ssi ons. Henceconv er t swer esuspect edandof t enpuni shed Ndebel esoci et ywasor gani sedoncast ebasi swhi chmi l i t at edagai nst Chr i st i anpr i nci pl eofequal i t y , maki ngt heChr i st i ani t yunaccept abl e Al soi nMashonal andmi ssi onar i eswer enotv er ysuccessf ul Mi ssi onar i eswer ewel comei nMashonal andar oundMasv i ngobutl at er ar r est edbyLobengul a Howev er , mi ssi onar i esmadesomeheadwayi nl i t er ar ywor kandt eachi ng , r eadi ngandwr i t i ng Mi ssi onar ywor kbegant omakeheadwayaf t ercol oni sat i on. [ Nov2004] Page89of89 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 59[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xmi ssi onar i eswhowor kedi nZi mbabwebet ween1850and 1900. [ 6] Rober tMof f at , J. S.Mof f at , Char l esHel m, Fr ancoi sCoi l l ar d, Wi l l i am Sy kes, ThomasM Thomas, FrRober tLaws, Kni ghtBr uce, FrLaw, FrKr oot . [ b] . Descr i bet her ol epl ay edbymi ssi onar i esi nt hecol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe. [ 11] 1836Mzi l i kazi si gnedat r eat ywi t hRober tMof f at -est abl i shi ngal ongt er m f r i endshi pt hathel pedt heBr i t i shi nt he1880s TheMof f atAgr eementi n1888-i nwhi chLobengul awasper suadedt odr op t heGr obl erTr eat y–Lobengul aagr eedt obeaf r i endoft heBr i t i shQueenand nott oent eri nt oanyagr eementwi t houtt heknowl edgeoft heBr i t i sh. Lobengul at houghtJ. S.Mof f atwast r ust wor t hy .Thi st r eat ysi gnedbya mi ssi onar yl edt ot hesi gni ngoft heRuddConcessi on. Dur i ngnegot i at i ons, l eadi ngt ot heRuddConcessi on, RevChar l esHel m pl ay edal eadi ngr ol ei nper suadi ngLobengul at osi gnt heconcessi on Mi ssi onar i esusual l ypl ay edani mpor t antr ol ei nt hel i nkbet weenconcessi on seeker sast heyspokel ocal l anguages. Theest abl i shmentofmi ssi ons, e, gI ny at hi andEmpandeni , hel pedt hosewho v i si t edZi mbabwet of i ndapl acet ost ay [ f l agf ol l owedcr oss] Thef ai l ur eofMi ssi onar i est oconv er tmanyl ocal peopl et oChr i st i ani t y r esul t edi nsomeMi ssi onar i ese, gJ. S.Mof f at , t ohat et heNdebel eSt at e. . . . ” i t wi l l beabl essi ngt ot hewor l dwhent heyar ebr okenup” .Soi naway encour agedt heBSACt ousewart odest r oyt heNdebel eSt at ei nor dert o l oosengr i ponpot ent i al conv er t s Mi ssi onar yr oadt ot henor t hf r om Sout husedbywhi t es, t r ade–encour aged byMi ssi onar ygr oupsat t r act edwhi t es. [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast her ol epl ay edbyMi ssi onar i esi nt hecol oni sat i onof Zi mbabwe?[ 8] [ i ]I mpor t anceofMi ssi onar i es Hel pedi nt hesi gni ngoft r eat i es Pl ay edasal i nkbet weenRhodesandLobengul a Est abl i shmentofmi ssi onswhi chl at t erbr oughtl i t er acy Hadknowl edgeoft hecul t ur eoft hel ocal peopl e Gav eAf r i cansf al sesenseofsecur i t y [ i i ]Ot heri mpor t antFact or s: Rol eoft r ader s, hunt er sandexpl or er s Page90of90 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Rhodesandhi sBSACr egar dedt heNdebel eSt at easofst r at egi ci mpor t ance Thescr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i cai ncr easedcompet i t i onf orZi mbabweasan ar ear i chi ngol d Lackofuni t yi nt hest at e[ Ndebel e] Weaknessoft hel ocal peopl emi l i t ar i l y Lackofuni t yamongt heShona. [ Nov 2005] 60[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xai msofChr i st i anmi ssi onar i esi nMat abel el andi nt he19th cent ur y .[ 6] Toconv er theat hen/ spr eadChr i st i ani t y Toci v i l i set heAf r i cans Tot ur nsubsi st encecul t i v at or si nt oi ndependentcommer ci al pr oducer sand cr af t smen Todev el opani ndi genousmi ddl ecl asst omai nt ai nandst af fchur ches Topr omot el egi t i mat et r ade Todecampai gnsl av et r ade Topr omot eequal i t y / uni t y Tocol oni se/ pav ewayf orcol oni sat i on [ b] . Descr i bet hewor kofChr i st i anMi ssi onar i esi nMat abel el andi nt he19th cent ur y . [ 11] Mzi l i kazi al l owedJ. S.Mof f att oest abl i shami ssi onatI ny at hi near Bul away o[ 1859] Lobengul aal l owedL. MSt oopenHopeFount ai nMi ssi on[ 1870] I ny at hi andHopeFount ai nmi ssi onar i est aught, pr eachedandwr ot e I si Ndebel ebooks Cul t i v at edcr opsonl andgi v enbyLobengul ar espect i v el y Mi ssi onar i eshel pedMzi l i kazi andLobengul at o: Repai rguns I nocul at ecat t l e Tr eatt hesi ck Wr i t eki ng’ sdi pl omat i cl et t er s Page91of91 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM OpenedEmpandeni nearBul away o Mi ssi onar i esact edasi nt er pr et er sandadv i sor s Pav edt hewayt ocol oni sat i one, gChar l esHel m [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt hemi ssi onar i essucceedi nt hei rwor kdur i ngt hi sper i od? [ i ] Successes[ l i mi t ed] : Setupmi ssi onst at i ons I nt r oducedl i t er acy I nt r oducedbet t erf ar mi ngmet hods Thosewhoshowedi nt er esti nmessagesentt odi st antpl acesorpuni shed [ i i ]Fai l ur es: Ti l l 1894whenMat abel el andwascol oni sedbyB. S. AC, mi ssi onar i es pr oducednof ol l owi ngamongNdebel eaf t er30y ear sef f or t . Ndebel ehadownr el i gi on Ndebel eeconomybasedonr ai di ngy etChr i st i ani t ypr omot edpeace Ndebel esoci et yhadcast esy etmi ssi onar i espr eachedequal i t y Pot ent i al conv er t spuni shed/ sentt or emot ear eas/ t hosewhoshowedi nt er est i nChr i st i anmessagewer esentt odi st antpl acesorpuni shed LMSandJesui t st hencampai gnedf ordest r uct i onofNdebel eSt at e [ Nov2007] 61[ a] . Namesi xear l ymi ssi onar yor gani sat i onsi nZi mbabwedur i ngt he19thcent ur y [ 6] LondonMi ssi onar ySoci et y RomanCat hol i cChur ch Dut chRef or medChur ch TheAngl i canChur ch ThePar i sEv angel i cal Chur ch TheBer l i nMi ssi onar yChur ch Amer i canBoar dofFor ei gnMi ssi onar y Met hodi stChur chofZi mbabwe Page92of92 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ b] . Descr i bet hewor koft hemi ssi onar yor gani sat i oni nMashonal andbet ween1850 and1900. [ 11] Dut chRef or medChur ch Af r i canev angel i st swer et r ai ned Fr ancoi sCoi l l ar doft heP. E. M.wi t hev angel i stSehahabane/ setupa per manentst at i onatChi v i butwasshor tl i v ed Ber l i nMi ssi onar ySoci et y Mat i beandMposi st at i ons-setupbyev angel i st sMadzi maandSamuel who di dt hegr oundwor k I n1886/ 7Ger manmi ssi onar i eswer eKnot heandSchel l nusl at ercameand enj oy edsomesuccesses, pr eachi ng, t eachi ngski l l ssuchasr eadi ngand wr i t i ng, agr i cul t ur e, car pent r y Bui l di ngofhospi t al s Tr ansl at i ngt hebi bl ei nt ol ocal l anguages I nocul at i ngcat t l e, r epai r i ngguns, cr oppr oduct i on, t r adi ng, l et t erwr i t i ng Publ i shi ngbooks Pav edwayf orcol oni sat i on Di scour agi ngt r adi t i onal pr act i ces RomanCat hol i cChur ch I n1879, FrLaw, t r i edt oest abl i shami ssi onst at i oni nChi efMzi l a‘ sl andi n t hebor derr egi onbet weenZi mbabweandMozambi que, t hesewer easkedt o conv er tot herAf r i cans Mi chael Buy sopenedast at i onatZi mut onearMasv i ngounderChi efMugabe [ Mor genst er ] Anot herst at i onwasopenedatChi efChi v i ’ scapi t al andar esi dentmi ssi onar y wasappoi nt ed Theymanagedt opr each, t eachanddi dl i t er ar ywor k Par i sEv angel i cal Mi ssi on Af r i canev angel i st sandcat echi st sf r om Lesot hodi dmuchoft hewor k , becausei twasf ear edLobengul awoul dnotal l owwhi t emi ssi onar i est oent er Mashonal and Ev angel i stexpedi t i onsr eachedMat i be, Mposi , Mudav anhu, Chi ngoma, Ny amhondo, Chi v i , Mugabe, Chi l i manzi andDzi kei nsout heast er n Page93of93 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Mashonal andst at i onswer eopenedatt hesepl acesandpr eachi ngwasdone Angl i canChur ch Kni ghtBr ucel edanexpl or at or yexpedi t i ont ot heZambezi i n1888. Hev i si t ed manyShonachi ef s. I n1891est abl i shedt heDi oceseofMashonal and; a st at i onwasopenedatStAugust i nes. Chur chofChr i st Est abl i shedami ssi onst at i onatChi kor eandMtSel i nda[ Chi r i nda]i nt he east er npr ov i nceofMani cal and[ Chi pi nge] [ C] .Wer eMi ssi onar i essuccessf ul i nt hei rwor kdur i ngt hi sper i od?Expl ai ny our answer . [ 8] [ i ]Successes Managedt oconv er tsomeAf r i canst hought oal i mi t edext ent Pr i nt edbooks Taughtpeopl et or eadandwr i t e, t echni cal ski l l swer ei mpor t ede, gMposi , Mor genst er , Mzi l a, StAugust i ne Tr adi t i onal pr act i cesl i kepol y gamyet cwer edi scour aged I nt r oduct i onofnewcr opswi denedt heeconomy Medi cal ser v i ceswer emadeav ai l abl e [ i i ] . Fai l ur es Somemi ssi onar i eswer eat t ackedandl ef tt hear ea Onl yconv er t edv er yf ewAf r i cans At t ackedAf r i cant r adi t i onsanddi v i dedAf r i cans-Chr i st i ansandnonChr i st i ans Powerofchi ef sunder mi nedbecausechi ef sdi scour agedconv er si ont o Chr i st i ani t y Fami ne di seases [ Nov2008] 62[ a] .Nameanysi xmi ssi onst at i onsest abl i shedbyear l yEur opeanmi ssi onar i esi n Zi mbabwebef or e1900. [ 6] Mi ssi onSt at i on Page94of94 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM I ny at hi , Empandeni , Mzi l a, HopeFount ai n, Mashay amombe, Chi shawasha, St August i nes, MtSel i nda, Ol dMut ar e, Pendamat enka, Rusi t u, Hol yCr oss, Zi mut o, Gokomer e, Mposi , Chi v i , Ber nar dMi zeki , Mor genst er [ b] . Out l i net hewor kofCat hol i cmi ssi onar i esi nZi mbabweupt o1900. Jesui t sl edbyFrBar t hol omewKr ootopenedMi ssi onatEmpandeniand Bul away o UsedbyNdebel et or epai rguns, t r eatt hesi ckandwr i t et heki ng’ sl et t er s Mi ssi onar i espr eachedt ot hepeopl e Mi ssi onar i esal sot aughtandcar r i edoutl i t er ar ywor kegSi ndebel ebooks wer epr i nt edf orNdebel echi l dr ent or ead Depel chi nl edJesui t st oZambezi Val l eyandsetupast at i onat Pandamat enka, hebui l tt he“ Resi denceoft heHol yCr oss” Chi washawashawasf oundednearSal i sbur yi n1892 Onl yi nt he1895whenmanymor emi ssi onsopenedwer emanyconv er t s made, af t ercol oni sat i on Bui l tnumer ouschur chesandmanyconv er t smade, bui l tnumer ouschur ches andmanyconv er t saccept edChr i st i anst andar ds Bui l tschool st hatt aughtr eadi ngandwr i t i ng Theypr oducedgr ammarbooks, t r ansl at edr el i gi ousandeducat i onal books i nt ov er nacul ar s Newcr opsandv eget abl eswer ei nt r oducedandnewcr af t sandski l l s pr act i sede, gcar pent r yatChi washawashaet c Tr adedwi t hl ocal peopl e Pav edwayf orcol oni sat i on CondemnedAf r i canr el i gi on Newf ar mi ngmet hods I nt r oducedl i v est ockbr eedi ng FrPr est i gesuppor t eddest r uct i onoft heNdebel est at e [ c] . Howsuccessf ul wast hewor kofCat hol i cMi ssi onar i esi nZi mbabwei nt hi s per i od? [ 8] Successes: Est abl i shedmi ssi onst at i ons Page95of95 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM I nocul at i onofcat t l et r ansf or medAf r i canl anguaget owr i t t enf r om [ Si ndebel e andShona] Tr ansl at edr el i gi onsandeducat i onal books I nt r oducednewcr opsv eget abl es Newcr af t sandski l l spr act i sed Knowl edget ousenewi mpl ement se, gSai nt sandpl oughs Est abl i shedschool s Setuphospi t al s, t r eat edt hesi ck I nt r oducedl i v est ockbr eedi ng Gotsomenewconv er t s Assi st edi ncol oni sat i on Fai l ur es: Bef or ecol oni sat i oni n1890madel i t t l ei mpactt oconv er tNdebel eShona Sl av er ai di ngandcl asssy st em amongNdebel ei nf l uencedNdebel eki ngst o di scour ageconv er si on Pr obl emsofdi seasesandpoorcommuni cat i on Opposi t i onf r om Musl i ms [ Nov2009] 63[ a] . Nameanyt hr eemi ssi onar ysoci et i esandt hei rr espect i v el eader swhocame i nt oZi mbabwebet ween1850and1900. [ 6] LondonMi ssi onar ySoci et y J. S.Mof f at , CHel m, Pr i ce,Sy kes, Thomas Angl i canKni ghtBr uce Ber l i nMi ssi onar ySoci et y Madzi maandSamuel RomanCat hol i cChur ch—FrBar t hol omewKr oot , FrLaw, Depel chi n Dut chRef or medChur chMi chael Buy s Par i sEv angel i cal Mi ssi onCoi l l ar dandSehahabane [ b]Out l i net hepr obl emsexper i encedbymi ssi onar i esi nZi mbabwebet ween1850 and1900. [ 11] Tr opi cal di seases Languagepr obl emsast heyt r i edt ocommuni cat ewi t hl ocal s/ wi t ht hei rhome Page96of96 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM count r i es At t acksbyani mal s Local sr esi st edChr i st i ani t y Tr anspor tpr obl ems Shor t ageoff oodt heywer eusedt o Pr essur ef r om pol i t i cal l eader st obei nv ol v edi ncol oni sat i on Caughtupi nt hecompet i t i onamongt heEur opeancount r i es Shor t ageofmedi ci nes Opposi t i onf r om Af r i canr ul er s Humanr esour ceshor t age[ manpower ] Accommodat i onpr obl ems/ shel t er [ c] . Towhatext enthadmi ssi onar i essol v edt hesepr obl emsby1900? [ 8] Met hodst osol v epr obl ems Mi ssi onar i esbr oughtmedi ci ne Useofsi gnl anguage, i nt er pr et erf r om Sout hAf r i ca Setupschool s Assi st edi nt hecol oni sat i onsot hatt hei rwor kt ospr eadChr i st i ani t ywas madeeasy Cr eat edr oads Gr ewt hei rowncr ops Bui l tmi ssi onst at i ons UsedAf r i cancat echi st sandev angel i st s Fr i endshi pwi t hAf r i canchi ef s Cheat edsomechi ef s [ I ]Successes Hadassi st edi nt hecol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe St at i onsbui l tandcl i ni csbui l t Wer egr owi ngowncr ops Rapi dsuccessaf t erNdebel ehadf al l en Page97of97 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Appoi nt edsomeAf r i cancat echi st satsomeChi ef s’ cour t [ i i ]Fai l ur es Fewpeopl econv er t edt oChr i st i ani t y Notmanyr oadscr eat ed Shor t ageofdr ugs Somechasedoutoft hecount r y Coi l l ar d Somemi ssi onsabandonede, gPandamat enka Somemi ssi onar i eski l l edeg, Ber nar dMi zeki Af r i canr el i gi onr emai nedst r ong ( Nov2010) 64. ( a) Nameanyt hr eepi oneermi ssi onar i esandanyt hr eepi oneermi ssi onst at i ons t h i nZi mbabwedur i ngt he19 cent ur y . ( 6) Pi oneerMi ssi onar i es: JohnSmi t hMof f at , M. ThomasMor gan, Fat herBar t hol omewKr oot Char l esHel m, Ber nar dMi zeki , Madzi maSamuel Pi oneerMi ssi onSt at i ons: I ny at hi , HopeFount ai n Mor genst erMi ssi on, Empandeni chi shawasha ( b) . Whatpr obl emswer ef acedbypi oneermi ssi onar i esi nt hei rwor ki nZi mbabwe dur i ngt he19thCent ur y ? ( 11) Cul t ur al di f f er ences–e, gChr i st i ani t yhaddi f f i cul t i esi nconv er t i ngpeopl e Di st r ust edast heypr eachedagai nstcust omssuchaski l l i ngt wi ns, pol y gamy , cast esy st em andr ai di ngsy st em Communi cat i onpr obl emsdi f f er encesi nl anguage Lackofsuppl i esofEur opeangoodsf ood, medi ci ne, t ool s, cl ot hes Tr opi cal di seasessuchasmal ar i a Host i l i t yofl ocal peopl e Ki l l i ngofconv er t sorexi l i ngt hem, egi nt heNdebel eKi ngdom Page98of98 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM War f ar eandr ai di ngcr eat edf earamongt hemi ssi onar i es Lackofr oadst r anspor tdi f f i cul t i es Bei ngembr oi l edi nl ocal pol i t i cse, gsuccessi ondi sput es Manpowershor t ages Associ at edwi t hcol oni ser s Cl i mat i ccondi t i ons Li t er acy Compet i t i onwi t hot herr el i gi ons At t ackf r om wi l dani mal s Communi cat i onwi t hmot hercount r i es Ki l l i ngofmi ssi onar i es ( c) . Towhatext entwer et hemi ssi onar i esabl et osol v et hesepr obl emsatt hatt i me? ( 8) Teachi ngnat i v echi l dr ent or eadandwr i t e, l ear ni ngnat i v el anguagesai ded communi cat i onandpr eachi ng Cl ear i ngr oads Fr i endshi pwi t hl ocal chi ef s Bui l di ngcl i ni csf orcur i ngt r opi cal di seases Gr owi ngcr opsf orf ood Tr ai ni ngofAf r i cancat echi st s Tr ansl at i ngofbooksi nt ov er nacul ar Pr omot i ngcol oni sat i on Unsol v ed Af r i cansst i l l at t achedt ot hei rt r adi t i onal r el i gi onandcul t ur e Ndebel et i l l cher i shedcast eandr ai di ngsy st ems Roadsandt el ephonesst i l l r ar e Af r i canssuspi ci ousofEur opeansorMi ssi onar i es. [ June2011] 65[ a] . Nameanysi xmi ssi onst at i onsest abl i shedi nZi mbabwebet ween1850and Page99of99 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 1900.[ 6] Empandeni , HopeFount ai n, I ny at hi , Chi shawasha, Mor genst er Chi v i , Mat i bi , Mposi , Zi mut o, Har t zel , Howar d, MountSel i nda StAugust i ne, StDomi ni cs, Mut ambar a, Nhowe, Ber nadMi zeki [ b] . Out l i net hewor koft heLondonMi ssi onar ySoci et y( LMS)i nMat abel el andi nt he t h 19 Cent ur y . [ 11] I n1859JSMof f atest abl i shedI ny at hi mi ssi on LMSopenedHopeFount ai ni n1870, att hemi ssi onst hemi ssi onar i est aught andpr eached, gr ewt hei rownf ood JSMof f atsi gnedt heMof f atTr eat ywi t hLobengul ai nFeb1888 RevCHel m per suadedLobengul at osi gnt heRuddConcessi oni nOct1888 Mi ssi onar i esi nMat abel el andencour agedt r adebet weenNdebel eandwhi t es Est abl i shedschool s, hospi t al sandchur ches Conv er t edNdebel ei nt oChr i st i ani t y Repai r edt heki ng’ sguns, wr ot eki ng’ sl et t er s, t r eat edt hesi ck Di scour agedandunder mi nedAf r i canr el i gi onandt r adi t i on TaughtNdebel esnewski l sssuchascar pent r y ,woodwor k, met al wor ket c Act easi nt er pr et er s( t r ansl at or s) Pr omot edl i t er acy( Ndebel ewer et aughthowt or eadandwr i t e) [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast her ol epl ay edbyt heLMSi nt hecol oni sat i onof Zi mbabwe? Rol epl ay edbyLMSi ncol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe. I nFeb188, JSMof f atsi gnedt heMof f atTr eat yonbehal fofRhodes. Lobengul aagr eedt ocancel t heGr obl ert r eat y Oct1888RevCHel mi nf l uencedLobengul ai nt osi gni ngt heRuddConcessi on CHel mr ecommendet hedest r uct i onoft heNdebel est at e Mi ssi onar i eshost edur opeanv i si t or sf r om Eur ope Mi ssi onar yr oadbecamegat ewayi nt ot hei nt er i orofSout her nAf r i ca Ot herf act or s I nf l uenceofexpl or er s, hunt er s, t r ader sandot herambi t i ouspeopl e Page100of100 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Rhodes’ Capet oCai r odr eam Toexpl oi tmi ner al r esour ces( secondr andexpect edi nzi m) Pr est i ge, needsf ormar ket sandr awmat er i al s Needt oi nv estsur pl uscapi t al , newt echnol ogyenabl edt heBr i t i sht ocont r ol f or ei gnl ands Compet i t i onamongt heBoer s, Por t ugueseandGer mans Av ai l abi l i t yofcheapl abouri nZi mbabwe Fer t i l el andsandf av our abl ecl i mat i ccondi t i onsf orEur opeanset t l ement [ Nov2011] 66. [ a] .St at eanysi xr easonswhyt hel ocal peopl er esi st edmi ssi onar yi nf l uencei n Zi mbabwebet ween1850and1900. [ 6] Mi ssi onar yf or mal educat i onwasmeani ngl esst oAf r i canwayofl i f e Lackofmat er i al gai ns Di dnotwantt oabandont hei rt r adi t i onal r el i gi on Fear edt hei rt r adewoul dbedi st ur bed Di dnotwantt ol ear nanewl anguge Chr i st i ani t ydenouncedaspect ssuchasr ai di ng At t ackedAf r i canadmi ni st r at i v esy st ems Suspect edmi ssi onar i esofhav i ngcol oni al ai ms I nf l uencef r om t r adi t i onal l eader s/r el i gi ousl eader s I nf l uenceofi sl am Whi t esbl amedf ornat ur al cal ami t i esegDr ought , di seases, f ev er [ b] . Out l i net heway si sedbyl ocal peopl et or esi stmi ssi onar yi nf l uencei n Zi mbabwebet ween1850and1900. [ 11] Mov edf arawayf r om mi ssi onar yset t l ement s Cont i nuedt opr act i set r adi t i onal r el i gi on Rai dscont i nued Page101of101 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ref usedt oat t endschool s Ki l l edsomemi ssi onar i es Ref usedt ogi v ef oodt omi ssi onar i es Accusedsomemi ssi onar i esofspi es Puni shedorki l l edpot ent i al conv er t s Accusedmi ssi onar i esofusi ngf or bi ddenr out es Expul si onofmi ssi onar i es SomeAf r i canscont i nuedt of ol l owi sl am Somecont i nuedt ot r adewi t hMusl i ms Mov ementofmi ssi onar i eswasr est r i ct ed. Ref usedt owor kf ort hemi ssi onar i es Af r i canl eader sdi scour agedpeopl ef r om at t endi ngchur ches. [ c] . Wer et hesepeopl esuccessf ul i nr esi st i ngmi ssi onar yi nf l uenceatt hatt i me? Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] . Successes Manypeopl enotconv er t ed Fewpeopl eat t endedschool s Ki l l edsomemi ssi onar i es Someconv er t swer eki l l ed Ref usedt ol ear nt henewl anguage Expul si onofmi ssi onar i es Somepoi ntsi nBappl i es. Fai l ur es Hospi t al swer ebui l t Somepeopl ewer econv er t ed Ot herpeopl ewer eeducat ed Mi ssi onst at i onswer eest abl i shed School swer ebui l t Al l mi ssi onar ysuccesseswer ef ai l ur esbyAf r i canst or esi st . Page102of102 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM I NDUSTRI ALREVOLUTI ONI NBRI TAI N [ Nov2003] 67[ a] . St at eanysi xf act or st hatmadeBr i t ai nt obet hef i r stcount r yi nt hewor l dt o i ndust r i al i se. [ 6] Encl osur eofl and Ani ncr easei npopul at i on Cont r ol ofi nt er nat i onal t r ade Theeconomywasst r ong Theemer gencyoft hemi ddl ecl asswhi chhadmoneyt oi nv est Thegov er nmentwasst abl eandcount r yenj oy edpeace Av ai l abi l i t yofi r onandcoal i nt hecount r y Possessi onofcol oni esf orr awmat er i al se, gcot t onf ort ext i l es [ b] .Whatwer et her esul t sofi ndust r i al i sat i oni nBr i t ai n? [ 11] Useofmachi nes/ acci dent s Goodswer epl ent yandcheapert hanbef or e Manypeopl ebegant ol i v ei nur banar eas Wor ki ngcl assandcapi t al i st sbecamet hemai ncl asses Manyi nv ent i onsmadet el ephone, mot orcar s, gr amophones, r adi os, Wor ki ngandl i v i ngcondi t i onswer egener al l ybad I mpr ov ementoft r anspor t t ar r edr oadsandr ai l way s.Useofst eam engi nes Needf orcol oni esassour cesofr awmat er i al sandmar ket s Al abourbasedpol i t i cal par t ywasf or med Bet t ersci ent i f i cknowl edgewasused Unempl oy ment , Chi l dl abour [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast hi si ndust r i al i sat i oni nt hescr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca?[ 8] [ i ]I mpor t anceofi ndust r i al i sat i ont ot hescr ambl ei nSout her nAf r i ca Needf orr awmat er i al sandmar ket s Newt echnol ogyenabl edt hem t oconquermor el ands Av ai l abi l i t yoff undst oi nv esti nnewl ands Page103of103 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tocont r ol st r at egi car easf ort r adeatt heCape Thei nv ent i onofst r eam shi pmademov ementeasi er Tor eset t l et r oubl esomewor ker sorci t i zens [ i i ]Ot herf act or sf orscr ambl e Spr eadofChr i st i ani t y Pr est i ge Tost opsl av er yandsl av et r ade Pol i t i cal cont r ol ofnewl andsassuper i orr ace Pr eci ousmi ner al sl i kegol danddi amonds Hunt i ngexpedi t i ons I nf l uenceofexpl or er sandambi t i ouspeopl e Goodcl i mat i ccondi t i ons, f er t i l esoi l s [ June2004] 68[ a] . Ment i onanysi xi nv ent i onsmadedur i ngt heI ndust r i al r ev ol ut i oni nBr i t ai n.[ 6] Seeddr i l l , Rai l way s, Spi nni ngmachi nes[ f l y i ngshut t l e, spi nni ngj enny ] St eam engi ne, t el egr aph. Mot or car s Weav i ngmachi nes [ b] .Descr i bet hemet hodsusedbyt hewor ki ngcl assi nBr i t ai nt or esi stcapi t al i st expl oi t at i onupt o1870. Wor ker sst agedst r i kesanddemonst r at i ons Wor ker sbr okemachi nesf ort aki ngawayt hei rwor k, e, gLUddt es1813br oke machi nesunderl eader shi pofNedLuddsuchaskni t t i ngf r amesshear i ng machi nesandweav i ngmachi nes. Pol i t i cal pr ot est Af t erf ai l ur eofmachi nebr eaki ngbecauseofgov er nmentr epr essi on, Wor ker susedmor epower f ul met hodsofpr ot estsuchast hepeopl e’ sChar t er Pet i t i onedgov er nmentt hr oughcol l ect i onofmi l l i onsofsi gnat ur esofpeopl e want i ngchangei n1839, 1842and1848 Pet i t i onswer er ej ect ed Page104of104 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Bet ween1850and1860ski l l edwor ker sbegant oor gani set r adeuni ons–t o f i ghtf ori mpr ov edcondi t i ons, def endt hei rr i ght sf ori mpr ov edwages Br i t i sht r adeuni onswer eaggr essi v et ocapi t al i sm [ c] . Whywer et hewor ker sl ar gel yunsuccessf ul i nachi ev i ngt hei rai ms? [ 8] Wor ker swer el ar gel yunsuccessf ul i nr eal i si ngt hei rai msmai nl ybecause: Thegov er nmentwhi chi ncl udedcapi t al i st susedf or ceagai nstwor ker swho br okemachi nest opr ot ectcapi t al i stf act or i es Ar r est ed, i mpr i sonedandexecut edmachi nebr eaker s Gov er nmentr ej ect eddemandsofChar t i st sbecausesomeoft hegov er nment wer ef act or yowner s Al sogov er nmentf or badef or mat i onoft r adeuni onsf orsomer easons [ i ]Al soi ni t i al l ywor ker swer euneducat edandnotuni t ed Lackedi deasandpr ogr ammesf orchange Wor ker sl ackedpol i t i cal powert of or cet hegov er nmentt omakechanges Hencegov er nmentusedr epr essi onagai nstmachi nebr eaker s Wor ker swer enotr epr esent edi npar l i ament [ Nov2005] 69[ a] . Gi v eanysi xf act or st hatmadeBr i t ai nt hef i r stcount r yi nt hewor l dt o i ndust r i al i se. [ 6] Theencl osur esy st em Ani ncr easei npopul at i on Cont r ol ofi nt er nat i onal t r ade Asoundeconomy emer genceofami ddl ecl asswi t hsur pl usofr awmat er i al s Adev el opedbanki ngsect or [ l oans] I mpor t antt echnol ogi cal i nv ent i ons Tr anspor tr ev ol ut i on [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi cef f ect sofi ndust r i al i sat i ononBr i t ai nwhi chl edt ot he scr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca. Needf orr awmat er i al s Page105of105 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Needf ormar ket s Needf orcol oni est oi nv estsur pl uscapi t al Toexpor tt r oubl esomewor ker s I mpor t antt echnol ogi cal i nnov at i onsf aci l i t at edcol oni sat i on Fast erst eam shi ps Needt opr ot ectst r at egi car eas Cheapl abour Sear chi ngf orl and Popul at i oni ncr ease Maxi m gun Medi cal adv ances[ Qui ni ne] [ c] . Howf ardi dt heef f ect sofi ndust r i al i sat i oni nBr i t ai ncont r i but et ot heScr ambl e f orSout her nAf r i ca? Abov eeconomi cf act or sl edt o/ cont r i but et ot hescr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca Ot herf act or s Tospr eadr el i gi on St r at egi cr easons Pol i t i cal r i v al r y Humani t ar i anr eason Pr est i gi ousr easons WeaknessesofAf r i cans Needt ocont r ol gol danddi amondsi nSout her nAf r i caet c ( Nov2010) 70( a) . St at eanyt hr eecl assesandt hei rdut i esdur i ngt heI ndust r i al Rev ol ut i oni n Br i t ai n. ( 6) Wor ker s\ Pr ol et ar i at wor ki ngi nf act or i es Peasant swor ki ngi nf i el ds Landl or dsownedl and Capi t al i st sowner soff act or i es Page106of106 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ar i st ocr acy -Rul i ngcl ass. ( b) . Descr i bet heeconomi candsoci al pr obl emscausedbyheI ndust r i al Rev ol ut i oni n Br i t ai n. ( 11) Economi c: Shor t ageofr awmat er i al s Peasant s–wer el andl essandpoor \ pov er t y Longwor ki nghour s Lowwages St r i kes, demonst r at i onsandr i ot sbywor ker sr esi st i ngcapi t al expl oi t at i on Pr oduct i oni nf act or i esdi sr upt ed Chi l dl abour -exposedt ounpr ot ect edmachi nesandunv ent i l at edf act or i es Womenal sowor kedi nt hehar shcondi t i ons Wi despr eadunempl oy mentandpov er t y Shor t agesoff ood, mar ket , sur pl uscapi t al , l ackofi nv est mentoppor t uni t i es Soci al Pr obl ems: Wor ker swer eaccommodat edi npoor l yl i tanduni nv ent i l at eddor mi t or i es Cr owdedcondi t i onsout br eakofdi seases, pr ost i t ut i onandcr i me I nsani t ar ycondi t i ons-l ackofpi pedwat er , commont oi l et s Pol l ut i onwashi gh Unempl oy ment Soci al i nequal i t i esbet weenr i chandpoor Cl assst r uggl es Lackofeducat i onandheal t hf aci l i t i es Poor l yl i tst r eet s I ncr easei npopul at i on Hi ghdeat hr at es ( c) . Towhatext entdi deconomi cpr obl emscont r i but et ot heScr ambl ef or Sout her nAf r i ca?( 8) Needf orr awmat er i al sbyi ndust r i al i st s Page107of107 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Needf ormor el andneedf orcheapl abour Needf ornewar easf ori nv est ment Needf ormar ket s, f er t i l esoi l s Ot herf act or s St r at egi cr easons Humani t ar i anr easons Pr est i ger easons Expl or er sencour agedcol oni sat i on Publ i copi ni onandpr essur e Whi t er egar dedt hemsel v esassuper i orwhoshoul dr ul eAf r i ca Sur pl uspopul at i oni nEur ope Spr eadofChr i st i ani t y WeaknessesofAf r i cans Cl i mat i ccondi t i ons [ June2011] 71[ a] . Li stanysi xpr obl emswhi chaf f ect edf act or ywor ker si nBr i t ai ndur i ngt he I ndust r i al Rev ol ut i on. [ 6] Deat hs, ov er cr owdi ng, dust Lowwages, l oudnoi se, hi ght emper at ur es Longwor ki nghour s, l ackofv ent i l at i on, Chi mneysmokes Nopr ot ect i v ecl ot hi ng, oper at i ngdanger ousmachi nesl eadi ngt oi nj ur i es Chi l dl abour , womenl abour , poorl i ght i ng Noi nsur ancecov eragai nstacci dent s, l ackofeducat i on [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi cef f ect soft heI ndust r i al Rev ol ut i oni nBr i t ai n[ 11] Ledt ot hescr ambl ef orsout her nAf r i ca Pr oduct i onofpl ent yandcheapergoods Useofnewi nv ent edmachi nes Hi ghr at eofunempl oy ment Needf orcol ni esassour cesofr awmat er i al s, mar ket s, newi nv est mentar eas Page108of108 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tr anspor ti mpr ov ement s-r oads, r ai l way , canal s PoorWor ki ngcondi t i ons Useofsci ent i f i cmet hodse, gcr opr ot at i on Newi nv ent i onsr adi os, car s, t el ephones Capi t al i stcl assandwor ki ngcl assemr gedasmaj orcl asses Col l apseofcot t agei ndust r i es [ c] . Howf arwast heI ndusr t i al RRev ol ut i onr esponsi bl ef ort hecol oni zat i onof Sout her nAf r i ca? [ 8] I nf l uenceofI ndust r i al Rev ol ut i on Needf ormar ket s, r awmat er i al s Easi ert r av el l i ngduet ot heuseofst eamshi p Newt echnol ogyl edt ot heconquestofnewl ands Di scov er yofqui ni neenabl edEur opeanst oset t l ei nmal ar i ai nf est edar eas Needf orl andst oi nv estsur pl uscapi t al Ot her tf act or s Spr eadofChr i st i ani t y Goodcl i mat i ccondi t i ons, pr est i ger easons St opsl av et r adeandsl av er y , i nf l uenceofi ndi v i dual se, gRhodes St r at egi cr easons, l ocal weaknesses [ Nov2011] 72[ a] . St at eanysi xeconomi cbenef i t st hatt heBr i t i shgotf r om t heI ndust r i al Rev ol ut i on. [ 6] Empl oy menti nt heI ndust r y Foodbecamecheaper St andar dofl i v i ngi mpr ov ed Wor kbecameeasi erandf ast er Ther ewasdev el opmentofbet t ert r anspor tsy st em, egr oads, r ai l way s Page109of109 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cl ot hi ngbecamecheaper Ther ewasmasspr oduct i onofgoods Goodswer er eadi l yav ai l abl e Technol ogi cal i mpr ov ement Mar ket s I ncr easedexpor t s [ b] .Descr i bet hesoci al ef f ect soft hei ndust r i al r ev ol ut i oni nBr i t ai n. [ 11] Wor ker swer eov er cr owdedatwor kandi nt hei rhomes Di seasesl i keT. B.wer ecommonpl aceandwoul deasi l yspr eadamong wor ker s Wor ker sl i v edi nshant i esandsl ums Sani t ar ycondi t i onswer epoor , egt hebucketsy st em Fact or i eswer epoor l yv ent i l at ed Chi l dl abourwasr ampant Ther ewashi ghcr i mer at e Ther ewasi mmor al i t y–decayi nmor al saswor ker swoul dengagei nact i v i t i es l i kepr ost i t ut i on, t hef t , gambl i ng, andal cohol i sm. Popul at i oni ncr eased Ther ewasi mpr ov ementi nmedi cal f aci l i t i esandmedi cat i on Ther ewasr educt i onofi nf anti nf antmor t al i t y I mpr ov ementi neducat i on Womenl abourwasr ampant Dev el opmentofsoci al i nequal i t y Ur bani sat i on/ gr owt hofci t i esandt owns Peopl es’ l i f eexpect ancywassi mpr ov ed Poormedi cat i onf orpoorsoci et y Unempl oy ment Pov er tanddest i t ut i on [ c] . Howf ardi dt heseef f ect scont r i but et ot hescr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca?[ 8] Page110of110 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cont r i but i onofSoci al Ef f ect st oScr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca. Cr eat i oofr i f f -r af f( soci al mi sf i t s) , egMozambi que Needt of i ndset t l ementar easf orexcesspopul at i on Di scov er yofqui ni neenabl edpeopl et ol i v ei nmal ar i ai nf est edar easof sout her nAf r i ca Medi cal r ecommendat i onsf ort hei l l t ol i v ei nwar m ar easofSout her nAf r i ca t hant hewetar easofEur ope Cont r i but i onofot herf act or s Mi ssi onar yr equest Needf orr awmat er i al s Sear chf ori nv est mentoppor t uni t i es Seasr chf ormar ket s Ambi t i ousi ndi v i dual sl i keRhodes Fer t i l el ands/ soi l s Cheapl abour , Pr est i ge, St r at egi cr easons Whi t esupr emacy Ci v i l i sat i on Sl av et r ade, Sui t abl ecl i mat e, r ol eofhunt er sandt r ader s Technol ogi cal gap, weaknessesofl ocal s Col oni sat i onofSou t her nAf r i ca [ Speci men] 73( a)Li stt hr eepol i t i cal andt hr eeeconomi cr easonswhyEur opeancount r i es scr ambl edf ort er r i t or yi nSout her nAf r i ca. [ 6] St r at egi cr easons Needf orr awmat er i al s Needf ormar ket s Needf ori nv est mentar eas Powert oi nf l uenceev ent si nEur ope I nf l uenceofpol i t i cal andi mper i al i st speopl el i keRhodes Page111of111 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ( b)Descr i bet hepar tpl ay edbyCeci l JohnRhodesi nt hecol oni sat i onofSout her n Af r i ca. [ 11] Rhodesspear headedt heBr i t i sht hr ustt oacqui r et er r i t or y Heusedhi sweal t hf r om hi sDi amond/ Gol dadv ent ur ei nSout hAf r i ca Hewant edt heCapet odomi nat eauni t edSout hAf r i cawhi chl edt oacl ash wi t ht heBoerst at es 1881heent er edt heCapePar l i ament Usedhi st i met her et ocal l f orBr i t i shexpansi onnor t hwar ds Real i sedt hebar r i ercausedbyt heexi st enceoft he2Boerr epubl i csnor t h oft heVaal Af t erf ai l i ngt ogetr eadycooper at i onf r om t heBoerst at eshel eda campai gnt oest abl i shBr i t i shi nf l uencei nt oBechuanal and. I deawast ost opBoernor t hwar dexpansi on 1886t heBechuanal andPr ot ect or at ewasest abl i shedwi t hRhodes’ hel p. Rhodesal soadv ancedt heCapet oCai r ot heme.Campai gnedf orBr i t i sh expansi onNor t hoft heLi mpopo. Sentenv oy st omakenegot i at i onswi t ht heAf r i cansnor t hoft heLi mpopo. 1888gott heRuddconcessi onf r om Lobengul aki ngoft heNdebel e. 1889gotaRoy al Char t erf r om t heBr i t i shQueengi v i ngt her i ghtt ooccupy t hear eaofZi mbabwe. 1890t hepi oneercol umnwassentf r om Bechuanal andandt hear eawas occupi edi nSept ember1890. Thuskeptcor r i dorf orBr i t i shexpansi onopen, i . osedf r om Por t uguese West war dexpansi on, Ger manEast war dexpansi onandBoerNor t hwar d expansi on 18901900Br i t i shi ncr easedt hei ri nt ent i ont ocont r ol al l Sout hAf r i cawi t h somepushf r om RhodeswhoseB. S. A. Cowasnowr unni ngRhodesi a. 18991901t hesecondBoerl edt ot heuni onofS. A.i n1910underBr i t i sh r ul e, whi chhadbeenRhodes’ ambi t i on ( c)Howsuccessf ul washei ngai ni ngt er r i t or yi nt hi sr egi on?[ 8] Hei ncr easedt heBr i t i sht er r i t or i al i nt er esti nSout her nAf r i ca GotBechuanal andaheadoft heGer mansandt heBoer s. Secur edRhodesi aaheadoft heGer mans, Por t ugueseandBoer s Page112of112 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Usedt actt ooutmanoeuv r er i v al s, i . e.t r i ckedl ocal l eader sand under mi nedr epr esent at i v esofot hernat i onal i t i es. St r at egyofencl osi ngt heBoer swor kedwhenl at ert hesewer e di spossessed. Hi sef f or tl edBr i t i sht er r i t or yt oexpandev enNor t hoft heZambezi Ger mansendedupgai ni ngGer manSout hWestAf r i caonl y ThePor t uguesest i l l managedt ogai nt wol ar get er r i t or i esi n Por t ugueseeastAf r i caandPor t ugueseWestAf r i ca Thesesuccesseswer eani ndi r ectr esul tofRhodes’ campai gnson behal foft heBr i t i sh [ Speci men] 74[ a] .Namesi xdi f f er entpr of essi onsoft heear l yEur opeanset t l er swhocamet o sout her nAf r i ca [ 6] . Doct or s Mi ssi onar i es Engi neer s Educat or s Tr ader s Mi ner s Far mer s [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal , soci al andeconomi cchangesbr oughtuponAf r i cansi n Sout her nAf r i cabycol oni sat i on. [ 11] Af r i cansl ostt er r i t or i esegGr i qual andWestwasannexed; Ger manyW. A. westcol oni sat i on, andRhodesi awasoccupi ed. Af r i canchi ef swer edet hr oned, ei t hert hr ought r eat i esort hr ough conquest [ KhamaandLobengul ar espect i v el y ] Af r i canpeopl el ostf r eedom becausecol oni al r ul ewasnotasl ooseast he r ul ebyt heAf r i canchi ef s Af r i canswer et osomeext entmadei nt osomeki ndofuni t yespeci al l y wher et heysoughtt or esi stt hepushofcol oni sat i on. Af r i cansi ncol oni sedar easl osteconomi cal l ye, gl ostcat t l e, l ostl and, l ost t r adef r eedom, l ostt hei rmi nes. Theywer edi spl acedandf ami l i essepar at edduet ol abourneedsby Page113of113 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM col oni ser s Theyof t enr ecei v edpoort r eat ment , e, gl owwages, badl i v i ngcondi t i ons, hav i ngt owor kf orl onghour s Undercol oni al gov er nment st heAf r i canssuf f er edr aci al di scr i mi nat i on Manyf acet sofEur opeancul t ur ewer ei nt r oduced, e, gl anguage, dr ess, educat i onandr el i gi on Col oni sat i onal socr eat edt hecasheconomyamongt heAf r i canswhi ch camewi t ht hecul t ur eofhav i ngt opayt axes Af r i canswer ei nt r oducedt onewway sofsust enancee, gnewt y peof heal t hser v i ces [ c] . Wer et hesechangesbenef i ci al t ot heAf r i cans?Expl ai ny ouranswer .[ 8] Mostchangeswer enotbenef i ci al t ot heAf r i cansast hechangesbr oughtmanynew pr obl emsanddi sadv ant ages. Pol i t i cal l yhandi cappede, gnopar l i ament ar yr epr esent at i on, nov ot e, noci v i l r i ght s Casheconomycausedl abourmi gr at i onsandbr eakdownoff ami l yuni t , l edt o mor al decadence Unf ai rl abourpr act i cesaf f ect edt hem adv er sel y . Cul t ur al changeswer et osomeext entbenef i ci al e, gnewheal t hf aci l i t i es, bet t erdr ess, bet t erf ood, bet t ereducat i onsy st em t houghl i mi t ed Moder ndev el opmentt hr ought hewor kofpeopl el i keengi neer sbr oughtsome i mpr ov ementf ort heAf r i cans, e, gt r anspor t , houses. Far mi ngmet hodswer ei mpr ov edandl at erl edt oi ncr easedf oodsuppl y Theemphasi soft heSout hAf r i canGov er nmentofapol i cyofdi scr i mi nat i on causedwhat ev erbenef i t st heAf r i cansmi ghthav est oodt ogai nt or emai n mostl i mi t ed [ Nov2005] 75[ a] Li stanysi xwar sofAf r i canr esi st ancet ocol oni al i sm i nSout her nAf r i ca bet ween1870and1890. Angl oZul uwarof1879; Bambat ar ebel l i on; Her er oRi si ng; NamaRi si ng; Angl oNdebel ewar ; Ndebel eShona; Sot hoRi si ng; Thegunwar ; Gr i quaTl hapi ngr i si ng; Br i t i shPedi war ; Por t uGazawar1895 [ b] . Out l i negi v i ngexampl es, t hemet hodsusedbycol oni al power st opar t i t i on Sout her nAf r i ca. [ 11] Page114of114 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM War sofconqueste, gt heAngl oNdebel ewarof1893andt heAngl oZul uwar of1879 Tr eat i ese, gRuddconcessi on[ 1888] Of f er edpr ot ect i one, gSot ho, Tswana, Swazi Decept i onv er bal andwr i t t ent er msoft heRuddconcessi on Theuseofconf er encesegt heBer l i nconf er ences Useofmi ssi onar i es, hunt er s, t r ader s, expl or er s Buy i ngofconcessi onsegLi pper tt r eat y Useofambi t i ousandpower f ul l eader se, gRhodes Useofchar t er edcompani es Useofof f i ci al agent s [ c] . Howf ardi dt heef f ect sofi ndust r i al i sat i ononBr i t ai ncont r i but et ot hescr ambl e f orSout her nAf r i ca? Af r i canf ai l ur et or esi stpar t i t i on Whi t est r engt hs Whi t ei nv ader shadsuper i orweaponsegMaxi m gun Bet t ercommuni cat i onegt el egr aphwi r es; hor ses Bet t erdef encese, gl aager s At r ai nedar my Whi t er ei nf or cement s Manyr esour ces Af r i canweaknesses: Di suni t ed, Somej oi nedt hei nv aderanddi dnotpar t i ci pat ei nf i ght i ngoft he enemye, gShonadi dnotsuppor tNdebel ei n1893war .SomeShonaf oughton si deofwhi t esegMut asa/ Khamas/ Ngwat o Poorweapons Poorcommuni cat i onsy st em e, gf oot i ng Mi sl edbyr el i gi ousl eader s Poorst r at egi es [ June2006] Page115of115 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 76[ a] . I dent i f y : [ i ]t hef ourcol oni al power si nv ol v edi nt hescr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca, and[ 4] [ 2] [ i i ]anyt wol ocal agent sofcol oni al i sm i nSout her nAf r i ca. Br i t ai nCeci l JohnRhodes, JohnMof f at Ger many Por t ugal Paul Kr uger , Li pper t Shi ppar dLaunder et t es N. B.AcceptHunt er sMi ssi onar i esandTr ader s. [ b] . Out l i net heBr i t i shef f or t st oacqui r ecol oni esi nSout her nAf r i cabet ween1870 and1890 Br i t ai nusedt hecl ai mt odi amondar eaofKi mber l yt of oundt hei rGr i qual and WestCol ony . Br i t ai ni ncor por at edBasut ol andi nt oCapeCol onyi n1871. Basut ol andsought pr ot ect i onduet omi ssi onar yi nf l uence. Swazi l andal sosoughtBr i t i shpr ot ect i onf r om Boer sexpansi oneast war ds f r om Tr ansv aal Nat al annexedbyBr i t i sht opr ot ecti tf r om Boert r ekker s Def eatoft heZul usandi ncor por at edi nt oNat al ( l abourf ormi nesand pl ant at i ons) Br i t i shsecur edr oadt oCent r al Af r i ca( 187786)bysecur i ngpr ot ect or at eov er Bechuanal andt ost opBoer sf r om Tr ansv aal l i nki ngupwi t hGer mansf r om t he west ( Rol eofRhodesandMi ssi onar i es) UseofMof f at , Rudd, Char t erandMi ssi onar i es Pi oneerCol umn Br i t i shconquestanddi sar mamentofAf r i canSt at es187786, Angl oBoerwar , Angl oPedi war Zul uunderCet shway o( 187284) [ c] . Howf arwer et heBr i t i shef f or t si nf l uencedbyt hedi scov er yofmi ner al si nSout h Af r i ca[ 8] Col oni sat i onofGr i qual andWest , t hesecondAngl o-Boerf eder at i onand occupat i onofMashonal andal l i nf l uencedbydesi r et ocont r ol gol dand di amondr esour ces. Page116of116 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Cr ushi ngoft heZul ust at e, Pedi , et ci nt endedt oenf or cef or cedl abourt o mi nesi nSout hAf r i cabycr eat i ngr eser v es Ot herf act or s: Needt of i ndr awmat er i al sandmar ket s Pr est i geegRhodesCapet oCai r ov i si on Tosecur et hemi ssi onar yr oadt ot henor t h St r at egi cr easonsegRhodeswant edt oenci r cl et heBoer s Mi ssi onar yi nf l uence Fer t i l esoi l sandpast ur es [ Nov2006] 77[ a] . Name: [ i ] .Thef i v et er r i t or i est hatf el l underBr i t i shi nf l uenceand, [ 5] [ i i ] . onet er r i t or yt hatf el l underGer mani nf l uence, dur i ngt hescr ambl ef or Sout her nAf r i ca Br i t ai n [ 1] : Lesot ho, Swazi l and; Sout hAf r i ca; Bot swana; Zi mbabwe; Zambi a; Mal awi Ger many : Nami bi a/ S. W. A [ B] . Out l i net her easonsf ort hecol oni sat i onofSout her nAf r i cabet ween1870and 1890. Desi r ef ormar ket s Demandf orr awmat er i al s Toi nv estsur pl uscapi t al Needf orl and Needf orcheapl abour Ger manyandI t al ywant edcol oni esf orpr est i ge Needf ormi l i t ar ybases Topr ot ectr out ese, gmi ssi onar yr oad Bet t ercommuni cat i on; medi ci ne; f i r ear ms Ber l i nconf er encepr eci pi t at edt hescr ambl e Boernat i onal i sm i nS. A Page117of117 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Desi r et ost opsl av et r adeandsl av er y, Chr i st i ani t yandwest er nci v i l i sat i on Af r i cansmi l i t ar i l yweakanddi suni t ed Rol eofl ocal agent s Ger many ’ spar t i ci pat i onf ordi pl omat i cr easons Room f orsur pl uspopul at i on [ c] . Towhatext entwer et heAf r i canst obl amef ort hecol oni sat i onofSout her nAf r i ca? [ 8] [ i ] . Af r i canbl amewor t hi ness: Di suni t y Mi l i t ar yweaknessi nv i t edEur opeans Tr i bal war s, e, gTswanaandKor ana[ bot husedBoermer cenar i esagai nsteach ot her .Boer sf i nal l ygai nedSt el l al andt oGoshen. Someaskedf orcol oni al powerpr ot ect i onf r om r ai dsbynei ghbour s, e, g Ngwat ogotBr i t i shpr ot ect i onf r om Ndebel er ai ds I l l i t er acymadeAf r i cansv ul ner abl edur i ngt r eat ynegot i at i ons [ i i ]Ot herf act or s For cesofi ndust r i al capi t al i sm t oost r onge, gBr i t ai nandGer many Eur opeandet er mi nat i ont ocol oni sehel pl essAf r i cans Cheat i ngdur i ngt r eat ynegot i at i ons I l l i t er acymadeAf r i cansv ul ner abl edur i ngnegot i at i ons Rol eofmi ssi onar i es, hunt er s, expl or er sandt r ader s [ Nov2007] 78[ a] . I dent i f y [ i ]any f ourar eascol oni sedbyBr i t ai nand [ i i ]t het woar eascol oni sedbyPor t ugal i nSout her nAf r i ca [ 6] Bot swana, Zi mbabwe, Lesot ho, Swazi l and, Sout hAf r i ca, Zambi a, Mal awi , Angol a, Mozambi que [ b] Out l i net hel ocal f act or st hatcausedEur opeanpower st oscr ambl ef ort er r i t or yi n Sout her nAf r i cabet ween1870and1890. WeaknessesamongstAf r i cansl edt of ai l ur eofr esi st ancet ocol oni sat i on Page118of118 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Di suni t y Poorweapons Poorst r at egi es Di scov er yofmi ner al ssuchasdi amondsandgol di nSout hAf r i capr eci pi t at ed scr ambl ef orZi mbabwebet weenBoer sandBr i t ai n Pr esenceofEur opeanChr i st i anmi ssi onar i esi nAf r i canst at esper suaded Af r i canst at est oacceptpr ot ect i onorsi gnt r eat i eswi t hEur opeangr oups Si gni ngoft r eat i es Bansl av er y St r at egi cr easonsBr i t ai ndecl ar ed“ Pr ot ect or at e”ov erBot swanai n1885t o keepmi ssi onar yr oadt ot henor t hsecur e-asgat ewayi nt oCent r al Af r i ca Exi st enceofpeopl eont hespotsuchasRhodes, andHar r yJohnsonwho usedt hei rener gi esandweal t hf orcol oni sat i onofAf r i canst at es. Local r i v al r i esbet weenEur opeanpower s Goodcl i mat e, past ur es, cat t l e, cheapl abour , mar ket s, mi ner al s [ c] . Howf arwer eAf r i canst at est obl amef ort hecol oni sat i on?[ 8] Bl amewor t hi nessofAf r i cans Di suni t ywhi chpr ev ent edcol l ect i v eact i onagai nstEur opeani mper i al i sm Accept anceofChr i st i anmi ssi onar i esi nt hei rt er r i t or i eswhol at eract edas agent sofEur opeancol oni sat i on Accept anceoft r ader swhoal soper suadedt hem t osi gnt r eat i esandknewt he geogr aphyoft hel andt obecol oni sed War sbet weenAf r i canst at esweakenedt hei rcapaci t yt or esi st I l l i t er acy, accept anceofbr i bes Ot herf act or s Af r i canst at esnotast echnol ogi cal l yadv ancedasEur opeansi nt er msof weapons Eur opeanf or ceswer emobi l east heyusedhor sesandchar i ot st ocar r y weapons Af r i cal eader swer enoteducat edandwer eeasi l ydecei v edbyEur opean agent s Decei t sbyEur opeanagent s Page119of119 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Needf orf or ei gngoodssuchascl ot handj ewel l er yf or cedAf r i canst at est o acceptt r ader sandal l owexpl oi t at i onoft hei rmi ner al weal t hbyEur opeans Fat eofAf r i canst at eswasdeci dedatt heBer l i nWestAf r i caConf er ence188485 [ Nov2008] 79[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xEur opeanagent swhopar t i ci pat edi nt hescr ambl ef orSout her n Af r i ca[ 6] Rhodes; Her rLuder i t z ; JohnSmi t hMof f at ; Char l esRudd; Pi etGr obl er , Fr anci sThompson; Rochf or dMagui r e, Sy dneyShi ppar d. [ b] . Out l i net her easonsf orEur opeanscr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca.[ 11] Rawmat er i al sneededt osust ai nt heexpansi onofEur opeanI ndust r y accel er at edbyt hei ndust r i al r ev ol ut i on Toensur econt i nuedsuppl y , col oni ser sscr ambl edf ori nSout her n Af r i ca Needf ormar ket sf orpr ocessedgoods.Sout her nAf r i caapot ent i al mar ket Needt oi nv estsur pl uscapi t al i nSout her nAf r i ca Di scov er yofgol danddi amondsspar kedscr ambl ef ort er r i t or i esnor t h oft heLi mpopo[ sear chedf orsecondr and] Pr ot ect i oni stt endenci esi nEur opei n1885madepower sscr ambl ef or t er r i t or i esbef or er i v al sgr abbedt hem andexcl udet hei rt r ader s Fer t i l esoi l s Cheapl abour Fav our abl ecl i mat i ccondi t i ons Ger manswant edapl acei nt hesun Rhodeshadt heCapet oCai r odr eam, al l t obepai nt edRed Boer ssoughtt oext endt hei rt er r i t or ybey ondt heLi mpopor i v ert oav oi d bei ngenci r cl edbyt heBr i t i sh Br i t i sh, whoal way st r i edt ocont r ol t hem, at t empt edt ost opt hem f r om doi ngso Por t ugueseexpansi oni stpol i cyt ot hewest Br i t i sh/ Rhodeswant edt okeept he“ mi ssi onar yr oad’ Por t uguesewant edt ol i nkPor t ugueseEastAf r i cawi t hAngol a. Page120of120 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ger manst ol i nkSout hWestAf r i cawi t hTanzani a/ Tangany i ka. Cont r ol oft heCapeofgoodHope Tobr i ngwest er nci v i l i sat i ont oSout her nAf r i caanddi scour ageev i l pr act i cessuchasr ai di ng SomeChr i st i ansbecameagent sofi mper i al i sm e, gChar l esHel m and JohnSmi t hMof f at Raci sm Tospr eadChr i st i ani t y Tospr ead3Rs Toendsl av er y [ c] . Howi mpor t antwasi ndust r i al i sat i oni nt hecol oni sat i onofSout her nAf r i ca?[ 8] I mpor t anceofi ndust r i al i sat i on I ndust r i al i sat i oni nEur opel edt odemandf orr awmat er i al sandmar ket si n Sout her nAf r i ca.Col oni eswoul dsuppl yr awmat er i al se, gcot t on, t obaccoet c Excesscapi t al woul dbei nv est edi nmi ni ngact i v i t i esi nSout hAf r i ca Technol ogi cal adv ancement Empl oy ment Di scov er yofmedi ci nes Ot herf act or s Pol i t i cal r easonsf ort hescr ambl e Di suni t yamongstAf r i cans Humani t ar i anf act or s Poorweaponsf ordef ence [ Nov2008] 80[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xAf r i canchi ef domscol oni sedbyt he Af r i ca. [ 6] Eur opeansi nSout her n Ndebel e, Makoni , Mashay amombe, Chi namhor a, Chi hot a, Mangwende, Zv i mba, Mugabe, Mut asa, Zul u, Xhosa, Ngwat o, Swazi , Gaza, Pedi , Sot ho, Lozi . [ b] . Out l i net hemet hodsusedbyEur opeanpower st ocol oni sechi ef domsi n Sout her nAf r i cadur i ngt hescr ambl e [ 11] Page121of121 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM War f ar ee, g1893Angl oNdebel eWar , 1896/ 7Ndebel e–Shonaupr i si ngs, Angl oZul uwar , t hewarofgunbet weenBr i t i shandSot ho18845, t heBoer Pedi war . Tr eat y maki ng/ Di pl omacy -e, gMof f atTr eat yFebr uar y1888, RuddConcessi on Oct ober1888, Li pper tConcessi on1890. Mut asaTr eat y Gr ant i ngofChar t er egRhodesgr ant edChar t erbyQueent oaut hor i se col oni sat i onofZi mbabwe, Zambi aandMal awi UseofChar t er edcompani ese, gZambezi company , B. A. S. C Tr i cker y Lobengul agi v env er bal pr omi sesi nt heRuddConcessi ont hatwer e nev erf ul f i l l ed Thepr ot ect or at esy st em i nBar ot sel andBasut ol and, Bechuanal andand Swazi l and. Br i ber y Lot shewasbr i bedt oi nf l uenceLobengul at osi gnt heRudd Concessi on. Theuseoft r ader se, gBai nes Theuseofhunt er se, gSel ous [ c] . Whywer et heEur opeanssuccessf ul i ncol oni si ngt heAf r i canchi ef domsdur i ng t hi sper i od? [ 8] . Adv ant agesofEur opeans/ Eur opeanst r engt hs Super i orweapons, bet t ercommuni cat i oni nwar Usedt r i cks Usedbr i ber y Useddy nami t e Useofagent s Useofmi ssi onar i es Useoft r ader s Useofhunt er s Di sadv ant agesofAf r i cans/ Weaknesses Desi r ef orf or ei gngoods I nf er i orweapons Poorwarst r at egi es Page122of122 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Poorcommuni cat i on I l l i t er acy [ coul dnoti nt er pr ett r eat i es] Di suni t ye, gamongt heShona [ Nov2009] 81[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xwhi t est hathel pedi nt hecol oni sat i onofSout her nAf r i ca.[ 6] Rhodes, Kr uger Gr obl er , DukeofAber cor n J. S.Mof f at , QueenVi ct or i a Sel ous, Lor dSal i sbur y . Hel m, Pennef at her , Bi smar ck, Jameson [ b] . Descr i bet hecompet i t i onf ort hecol oni sat i onofsout her nAf r i ca. Br i t i shandBoer scompet edf orcont r ol oft heNdebel easshownbyt he si gni ngoft heGr obl erandMof f atTr eat y .Br i t ai nendedupast hewi nner saf t er t hesi gni ngoft heRuddConcessi on Br i t ai nandBoer scompet edf ort hecont r ol oft hedi amondweal t hi nKi mber l y . Thi sl edt oBr i t i shannexat i onofOr angeFr eeSt at e. Br i t i shdesi r et oaccessNguni l abourf or ceandt oenci r cl et heBoer sl edt o annexat i onofNat al andt odecl ar eapr ot ect or at eov erBechuanal andsoast o pr eser v et he‘ mi ssi onar yr oad’ andt hwar tBoerexpansi onwest war ds.Boer s haddecl ar edt wor epubl i csofSt el l al andandGoshen. ThesecondAngl oBoerwarwaspar toft hest r uggl et ocont r ol t hegol dweal t h att heWi t wat er sr and. Br i t ai nandPor t ugal compet edf ort hecont r ol ofMashonal andwhi chNdebel e cl ai medt ocont r ol Por t uguesei nt endedt oj oi nPor t ugueseEastAf r i ca[ P. E. A]wi t hAngol awhi l st RhodeshadCapet oCai r odr eam Expedi t i onst oMut asaandGazaSt at e Angl oPor t ugueseTr eat yof1891r esol v edboundar i esbet weenRhodesi aand P. E. A. Ger manyandBr i t ai nBr i t i shi nf l uencewasspr eadi ngf r om t heSout ht ot he Nor t hwhi l stGer manywasexpandi ngeast war dsf r om t hear eashehadi , e S. W. A.Br i t ai ndecl ar edapr ot ect or at ei nBechuanal andi n1885t ot hwar t Ger manexpansi onandpr eser v emi ssi onar yr oad. Page123of123 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ c] . Towhatext entwer et hepeopl eofSout her nAf r i caaf f ect edbyt hi scompet i t i on upt o1900? [ 8] Posi t i v eEf f ect s Somest at esgai nedpr ot ect i onandr emai nedi nt acte, gLozi ofLewani ka; Khama’ sNgwat o; Sot hoofMoshoeshoe Somechi ef sr et ai nedt hei rpowere, gLewani ka Manymi ssi onar i esv i si t edt hest at et oconv er tpeopl et oChr i st i ani t y Tr adewi t hf or ei gner si ncr eased Endofet hni cwar s( Ndebel ev sShonaorNgwat o; Zul uPedi cl ashes, et c) Ndebel est at er emai nedi nt actupt o1893 Di sadv ant ages Lossofi ndependence Er osi onofAf r i cancul t ur e Lossofweal t he, gr awmat er i al s Col oni al war sandwar sofdi spossessi ons Hi ghdeat hr at e( Maxi m gunusage) Cheat edi nt r eat i es Ndebel eki ngspentt i medeal i ngwi t hconcessi onseeker s Taxat i on For cedl abour Causesofupr i si ngs [ Nov2003] 82[ a] Namet hr eeEur opeancount r i est hatwer ei nv ol v edi nt hescr ambl ef orSout her n Af r i caandt hear east heyoccupi ed.[ 6] [ i ] Ger many Nami bi a. [ i i ] Br i t ai n—Zi mbabwe, Zambi a, Bot swana, Lesot ho, Swazi l and, Sout hAf r i ca, Mal awi . [ i i i ] Por t ugal —Mozambi que, Angol a [ b] Descr i bet hecompet i t i onf ort hecont r ol ofSout her nAf r i cabyt heEur opean power sbet ween1870and1890. [ 11] Page124of124 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Br i t ai nandGer many Br i t ai ni nSout hAf r i caandGer manyi nSout hWestAf r i ca ( Nami bi a)want edcont r ol ofBot swanaandNdebel ecount r y .Ger many ’ s ef f or t sf r ust r at edwhenBr i t ai noccupi edBot swana-pr ot ect or at est at us. Br i t ai noccupi edMashonal andandMat abel el andaf t ert heRuddConcessi on andt heAngl oNdebel eWar . Br i t ai nandPor t ugal compet edf ort hecont r ol ofMashonal andand Mani cal and.Por t ugal hadoccupi edMozambi queandwant edt ouseherl ong est abl i shedr el at i onshi pwi t ht heShonat ocont r ol t hesear eas.Br i t ai nf r om Sout hAf r i cawant edt or eal i zeherdr eamsofCapet oCai r or out e Br i t ai nandt heBoer scompet edf orcont r ol i nSout hAf r i ca.TheBoer shad occupi edTr ansv aal sowant edt oexpandnor t hwar ds, Br i t ai nwasatt heCape, want edZi mbabwe, t or eal i seCapet oCai r odr eam.Compet i t i onshownby si gni ngoft heGr obl erTr eat yi n1887Boer s, Lobengul aandt heMof f atTr eat y i n1888bet weent heBr i t i shandLobengul a, Boer sf ai l edt oexpandwest war ds becauseofBechuanal andPr ot ect or at eandt heRuddConcessi on. [ c] . WasCeci l JohnRhodesani mpor t antf act ori nt hescr ambl ef orSout her nAf r i ca? Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] Hi si mpor t ance Rhodes–anambi t i ousandr i chi ndi v i dual whowant edt opr omot eBr i t i sh i mper i al i sm Thehopet of i ndt hesecondr and( gol d)t ot henor t hoft heLi mpopo St r at egi ci mpor t anceoft heCape Togetr awmat er i al sandhav emar ket s Pol i t i cal cont r ol oft her egi on Rhodesi mpor t anti nt hatheper sonal l yf i nancedandencour agedt he occupat i onofar easnor t hoft heLi mpopo. Ot herf act or s Rol eofmi ssi onar i es Por t uguese Boer s/ Ger mans [ Nov2004] 83[ a]Nameanysi xAf r i canki ngdomscol oni sedbyEur opeansi nSout her nAf r i ca dur i ngt he19thcent ur y . Ndebel e, Zul u, Sot ho. Swazi , Ngwat o, Kol ol o Page125of125 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tswana, Gaza, Xhosa, Pedi [ b] . Descr i bet hev ar i ousmet hodsusedbyt heEur opeanst ocol oni seSout her nAf r i ca. [ 11] Tr eat i esandagr eement se, gRuddConcessi on, Mof f atTr eat y Useoff or ceandwar s–Angl oZul uwar1879, Angl oNdebel ewar1893 Useofmi ssi onar i es, t r ader sandexpl or er s-RevHel m, L. M. S. i nt heZambezi v al l ey Pr ot ect or at est at esBot swana, Lesot ho, Swazi l and Ambi t i ousi ndi v i dual s-C. J.Rhodes Useofcompani esB. S. S. C. UseofConcessi on–seeker sandhunt er sandbuy i ngagr eement s. Br i ber yofAf r i canchi ef s Tr i cker y [ c] . Howef f ect i v ewer et hemet hodsusedbyEur opeansi ncol oni sat i onofSout her n Af r i ca?[ 8] [ i ] Ef f ect i v easshownbyt hecol oni sat i onoft hef ol l owi ngki ngdoms Tr eat i esMof f at , RuddConcessi on War sAngl oZul uwar1897, Angl oNdebel ewar1893 Pr ot ect or at esBot swana, Lesot hoandSwazi l and Useofchar t er edcompani es [ i i ] Ef f ect i v et oal i mi t edext ent RuddConcessi onwhi chdi dnotr esul ti nt hecol oni sat i onoft heNdebel est at e, warhadt obef oughtt obr eakupt hest at e Pr ot ect or at est at usgav et hecount r i essomemeasur eofaut onomy [ Nov2004] 84[ a]Li stanysi xpr obl emsf acedbyAf r i cansdur i ngt hecol oni sat i onofSout her n Af r i ca.[ 6] War swhi chr esul t edi nt hedeat hofmanypeopl e Shor t ageoff oodaspr oduct i onoff oodwasnegat i v el yaf f ect ed Heal t hdel i v er yser v i cesdi sr upt ed/di sr upt i onofAf r i cancul t ur e Page126of126 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Di sr upt i onoft r ade Fami l i eswer edi sor gani sed Lossofl and Lossofcat t l e Humi l i at i onbywhi t es [ b] . Descr i bet hemet hodsusedbyAf r i canst at esi nSout her nAf r i cat or esi st col oni sat i onupt o1900. [ 11] Resi st edbyf i ght i ngcol oni ser s, e, gZul u, Ndebel e Si gnedagr eement swi t hsomecount r i esagai nstot herpossi bl ecol oni ser s, e, g t heMof f atAgr eement , Li pper tConcessi on Soughtpr ot ect or at est at usf ort hei rst at es, e, gBechuanal and Ki l l edwhi t esi ni sol at edpl aces, f ar msandmi nes At t empt edt ocancel Tr eat i ese, gLobengul a Resi st edChr i st i ani t y MosheshoeneededChr i st i ani t yt or esi stBoer s [ c] . Howsuccessf ul wer et heAf r i cansi nr esi st i ngcol oni sat i oni nt hi sper i od? [ 8] Successf ul Pr ot ect or at est at usassomeAf r i canst at eshadsomeaut onomy Tr eat i es/Agr eement sdel ay edt hecol oni sat i onofsomeAf r i canst at ese, gt he Mof f atAgr eement Notsuccessf ul War s–t heAf r i canst at eswer edef eat edr esul t i ngi nt hecol oni sat i onoft he st at ee, gt heZul ust at e, t heNdebel est at e Pr ot ect or at el osti ndependence 85. ( a) St at eanysi xAf r i canKi ngdomscol oni sedbyt hewhi t esdur i ngt heScr ambl e f orSout her nAf r i ca. ( 6) Sot ho, Swazi , Gaza. Zul u, Ndebel e, Pedi ( b) . Descr i bet het er msoft heBer l i nConf er enceof1884t o1885. ( 11) Ai nf or m ot hercount r i esofi t sspher eofi nf l uencet opr ev entcount ercl ashes Page127of127 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Fr eedom ofnav i gat i ononmaj orr i v er ssuchast heNi ger , Ni l e, Congoand Zambezi Recogni t i onofexi st i ngspher esofi nf l uencebyEur opeancount r i es, e, gCongoandNi gerdel t a. Af r i cadi v i dedi nt o20t er r i t or i al uni t s Si gni ngoft r eat i est ol egi t i mi seoccupat i on I fany2count r i esquar r el l ed, si gnat r eat yt osol v et hepr obl em Hoi st i ngoff l agoft hecol oni ser Agr eedt obansl av er y I ndependentwi t ness, Def i ni ngofboundar i esorspher esofi nf l uence Doct r i neofef f ect i v eoccupat i on ( c) . Towhatext entdi dt heBer l i nConf er encecont r i but et ot hescr ambl ef orSout her n Af r i ca? ( 8) Asacat al y stt oScr ambl e: Eur opeancount r i escompet edf orunoccupi edar easofSout her nAf r i ca Conf er encel egi t i mi sedoccupat i onofSout her nAf r i ca Ther ewasal soscr ambl et odef i neandext endboundar i esofexi st i ngspher e ofi nf l uencebyt heBr i t i sh, Por t uguese, Boer sandGer mans. Ot herf act or s: Needf orr awmat er i al s\ mar ket s\ i nv est ment s St r at egi cr easons Humani t ar i anr easonsspr eadofChr i st i ani t y . Raci al andpr est i ger easons Wor kofexpl or er swhodr ewmapsofAf r i ca, r ev eal edar easwi t hv al uabl e r esour ces. Wor kofhunt er s, mi ssi onar i es, Concessi onseeker s. [ June2011] 86[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xar eascol oni zedbyBr i t ai ndur i ngt heScr ambl ef orSout her n Af r i ca.[ 6] Mal awi , Zi mbabwe, Zambi a Page128of128 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Swazi l and, Lesot ho, Sout hAf r i ca. Bot swana. [ b] . Out l i net heeconomi cf act or swhi chi nf l uencedt hescr ambl ef orout her nAf r i ca bet ween1870and1900. [ 11] Needf orcheapl abour , needf ormar ket s Di scov er yofmi ner al ssuchasgol d, di amonds Needf orr awmat er i al s, needt oacqui r epr ot ect or at ef ort r ade Needf orwi l dl i f e, desi r ef orf er t i l esoi l s Toi nv estsur pl uscapi t al , goodcl i mat i ccondi t i onsf orsomecr ops St r at egi cr easonse, gcont r ol oft heCapeofGoodHope Desi r ef orcat t l e [ c] . Towhatext entwer et heAf r i canst obl amef ort hecol oni sat i onofSout her n Af r i ca? [ 8] Af r i canbl amewor t hi ness I nf er i ormi l i t ar yequi pment , Di suni t y Someagr eedt ocol oni al pr ot ect i ont oav oi dr ai dsf r om nei ghbour se, gNgwat o. Tr i bal war s, accept anceofmi ssi onar i eswhol at t erf aci l i t at edcol oni sat i on I l l i t er acy -di dnotunder st andt er msoft r eat i ese, gLobengul a Somechi ef domscol l abor at edwi t hcol oni al agent s Ot herf act or s Whi t eshadsuper i orweapons I ndust r i al capi t al i sm hadst r ongneeds Eur opeanst r i ckedAf r i cansdur i ngt r eat ynegot i at i ons Ber l i nconf er enceof188485 I nf l uenceofmi ssi onar i es, t r ader sandhunt er s COLONI SATI ONOFZI MBABWE [ Speci men] 87[ a] .Namesi xt r eat i est hatwer esi gnedbet weenLobengul aandt heConcessi on seeker sbef or e1893. [ 6] Tat i Concessi on Page129of129 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Bai nest r eat y Gr obl ert r eat y Mof f att r eat y RuddConcessi on Li pper tConcessi on [ b] . Whatpr obl emsdi dLobengul af acei ndeal i ngwi t hConcessi onseeker s [ 11] Opposi t i onf r om hi sar mywhowant edal l f or ei gner ski ckedout Languagepr obl em i ncommuni cat i on Pooradv i cef r om hi scounci l l or s Di shonestadv i cef r om whi t eacquai nt ancese, gMi ssi onar i esandhunt er s Thedi f f i cul t yofj udgi ngwhi chwast hebestEur opeangr oupt odeal wi t h Pooreducat i onl ev el pr ev ent i nghi mf r om f ul l yunder st andi ngt hei mpl i cat i on ofwhathewasr equi r edt osi gn Hewasaf r ai dofwhatmi ghthappeni fhedi dnotsi gn Concessi onseeker sal socheat edwhensomet i mest heypr et endedt obe wor ki ngeachot hert oi nf l uencehi sdeci si on, e, gLi pper tsol dhi sconcessi on t oRhodes. Heal sohadweaknessesf orl uxur ygoodsandwaseasi l yi nf l uencedby r ecei v i nggi f t sofnol ast i ngv al ue I nRuddConcessi ont hei mper i al i st sf ool edhi m byst r essi ngonl yt hev er bal wor dwhi cht heyknewAf r i cansv al uedmost , andwr ot esomet hi ngel sedown f orLobengul at osi gn. [ c] . Howf arwasLobengul asuccessf ul i ndeal i ngwi t ht heConcessi onseeker s?[ 8] I mper i al i st susedbr i ber yt ogethi sof f i cer st oactont hei rsi dee, gLot she whowasl at erexecut edbyt heNdebel e Fearoft hehar mt hatmi ghtbef al l hi ski ngdom madehi m maker ush deci si onst osi gn Concessi onseeker sshowedsuchdet er mi nat i ont hatunner v edLobengul a, oncet heycamet heydi dnota‘ no’ f orananswer . Usedt hedel ay i ngt act i cbymaki ngt hem wai tf orl ongper i ods Madet hem per f or mt asksbef or edeal i ngwi t ht hem Thoughal way sadv i sedt ot hecont r ar yheal way smetnextgr oupof Page130of130 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM concessi onseeker s I deawast opl ayt hem oneagai nstt heot her Hef ai l edt owar dt hem of fandwasal way spushedi nt ogi v i ngi nmor et o eachnewgr oupi nhopei twoul dst opt her e Heal sof ai l edt oseekt hewhi t eman’ sgameofpsy chol ogi cal waronhi m, wher et heyexagger at edt hedangerofhi snotcomi ngt ot er mswi t ht hem t husmaki nghi m si gnt r eat i esear l i ert hanheshoul dhav e Thedet er mi nat i onoft heEur opeansmeantt hatLobengul ahadnochance ofsucceedi ngagai nstt heconcessi onseeker s.Col oni al i sm/ I mper i al i sm wasunst oppabl eandei t herway , hewasgoi ngt obeabsor bed. [ Nov2003] 88[ a]St at esi xt er msoft heRuddConcessi on. [ 6] TheNdebel eki ngt or ecei v eamont hl ysal ar yof100pounds. Ndebel er ul ert or ecei v e1000r i f l esand100000r oundsofammuni t i on Agunboatt opat r ol t heZambezi r i v eror€500i nst ead Met al sandmi ner al r i ght sgr ant edt oRhodesandhi sgr oup Powergi v ent ot heBr i t i sht odowhatt heydeem necessar yt opr ot ectt hei r i nt er est s Nott ogr antl andormi ner al r i ght swi t houtBr i t i shconcur r ence Ver bal t er ms: Notmor et han10unar medmen Not i cest oputi nS.Af r i canpaper s Sur r ender i ngoff i r ear ms [ b] . Descr i bet heor gani sat i onandmov ementoft hePi oneercol umni nt ot hear ea bet weent heZambezi andLi mpopoRi v er s. [ 11] [ i ] Or gani sat i on: Af t erobt ai ni ngt her oy al char t er, Rhodesr ecr ui t edpi oneer st ooccupy Zi mbabwe 200r ecr ui t ed, whor epr esent edv ar i oust r ades.Mostwer ebel l ow30y ear s ; Sout hAf r i canex per i ence Theywer epr omi sed300acr esofl andand15gol dcl ai mseach Page131of131 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ThePi oneer swer eaccompani edbyapol i cef or cef orpr ot ect i onandt ocr ush anyr esi st ance.Commanderoft hepol i cewasCol onel Edwar dGr aham Penne f at her Thegui deoft hepi oneer swasF. C.Sel ous Goodswer ecar r i edbyoxwagons For mat i onofBASCwhi chr ai sedcapi t al i nLondon [ i i ] Mov ement : ThePi oneer sgr oupedi nBot swanat ost ar tt hei rj our neyatt hebegi nni ngof 1890. Gothel pf r om Khama, est abl i shedal aagerl ef tpol i cet oguar dt hem ThePi oneerCol umncr ossedMat l out si eRi v eri nJune1890andShashi Ri v er i nJul y1890. ThePi oneer sav oi dedt heNdebel est at ewher et heNdebel er egi ment swant ed t oat t ackt hem Lobengul adi dnotal l owt her egi ment st oat t ackt hePi oneer s Ont hewayt hePi oneer sest abl i shedf or t s: For tTul i ( nearLi mpopo) , For t Vi ct or i a, For tChar t erandFor tSal i sbur y .Ar r i v edatFor tSal i sbur yon12 Sept ember1890. Rai si ngt heUni onJack [ c] . Wast heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompanyr esponsi bl ef ort heAngl oNdebel ewarof 1893?Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] BASCAct i ons: Aboundar ymade; Pol i t i cal cont r ol oft heShonabyt hecompany Compet i t i onbet weent heNdebel eandCompany Desi r ef or2ndRand Fal l ofcompanyshar es Ot herReasons: Someshonel eader sst oppedpay i ngt r i but et oLobengul a Vi ct or i ai nci dent Ndebel er ai dsdi st ur bedl abouronset t l erf ar ms Set t l er swant edt odest r oyt heNdebel est at e Page132of132 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ Jne2004] 89[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xf or t sbui l tbyt heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompanyi nZi mbabwe, 18901896. [ 6] For tTul i For tVi ct or i a For tChar t er For tSal i sbur y For tMar t i n For tUsher For tRi xon For tMel set t er [ b] . Descr i bet hecomposi t i on, or gani sat i onandmov ementoft hePi oneerCol umn. [ 11] ThePi oneercol umnconsi st edofbot hAf r i kanerandEngl i shel ement s Peopl ewi t hSout hAf r i canexper i ence Thegr oupconsi st edof200set t l er ssuppor t edby500pol i cemen Ther ewer eal so1000auxi l i ar i essuppl i edbyKhamat heNgwat oki ng ThePi oneerset t l er swer eal sot oconsi stofdi f f er entt r adesbaker s, mi ner s, bui l der s, f ar mer set c AnumberofAf r i canser v ant saccompani edPi oneercol umn Fr ankJohnson[ Maj or ]wast hel eaderoft hePi oneercor pswhi l stCol onel Pennef at herwast hel eaderoft hemount edpol i ce Fr eder i ckCour t neySel ousact edast hegui def ort hePi oneerCol umn Theset t l er swer epr omi sedgener ousgr ant sofl andandgol dcl ai ms Thegr oupwer eequi ppedwi t h117wagonswi t hher dsofl i v est ockbei ng dr i v enal ongsi de Expedi t i onsetof ff r om Mat l out seRi v er -June1890 Cr ossedt heShashi Ri v eri nJul y Bui l tFor tTul i f ordef enceagai nstNdebel eat t ack Av oi dedMat abel el andf orf earofwarwi t ht heNdebel e Page133of133 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ByAugustt heexpedi t i onhadr eachedFor tVi ct or i a( Masv i ngo) pr oceededt oFor tChar t er( Chi v i ) 12thSept ember1890t hePi oneer sr eachedFor tSal i sbur y hoi st edUni on Jack. NB: Themi l i t ar yi nv asi onofMashonal andasev i dencedbyFor t s, guns andmi l i t ar yl eader se, gMaj orF.JohnsonandCol onel Pennef at her [ c] . I si tt r uet heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompanydi dnotwantwarwi t ht heNdebel e? Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] [ i ] . BSACav oi di ngwarwi t ht heNdebel e. ThePi oneercol umndi dnotwantwarwi t hNdebel eAv oi dedNdebel e t er r i t or yonr out et oset t l ementar ea Theset t l er shopedt oi ncor por at eMat abel el andpeacef ul l yl at er [ i i ] . Pi oneerset t l er showev er , pr epar edf orwar , br oughtl ar gear medf or ce v i ol at edt er msoft heRuddConcessi on Mat abel el andwaspar tofar eacov er edbyRhodes’ Char t erof1889 Mat abel el andal sopar toft hear eacov er edbyRhodes’ dr eam ofCapet oCai r o Pr oposedr ai l wayf r om Sout hAf r i cat opasst hr oughMat abel el and Pi oneer shadmor epeopl et hanal l owedbyt heRuddconcessi on Fai l ur et of i ndgol di nMashonal and [ Nov2004] 90[ a] . Nameanysi xBr i t i shnat i onal s,ot hert hanRhodes, whoassi st edi nt he col oni sat i onofZi mbabwe. L. S.Jameson; C.Rudd; J. S.Mof f at ; J.Thomson.R.Magui r e.C.Hel m; F. Thompson; Maj orF. Johnson; F. C.Sel ous; Col onelPennef at her ; Al l an Wi l son [ b] . Whatst epswer et akenbyRhodest ocol oni seZi mbabwe? [ 11] TheMof f atAgr eementi nFebr uar y1888i ni t i at edbyRhodesasawayof r ev er si ngt heGr obl erTr eat y TheRuddConcessi on, Oct ober1888ami ner al concessi onwhi ch i nt endedt ost r engt hent heMof f atAgr eement TheRoy al char t ergr ant edi nOct ober1889whi chgav eRhodes Page134of134 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM per mi ssi ont ocol oni seandadmi ni st erZi mbabweonbehal fofBr i t ai n TheBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompany( 1890) t ocol oni seandadmi ni st er Zi mbabweonbehal fofBr i t ai n Rhodessentapar t y, l edbyL. S.Jameson, t oaskLobengul at oal l owt he BSACt ogoi nt oMashonal and Recr ui t mentoft hepi oneer st ocol oni seZi mbabwet ocomef r om al l ov er t hewor l d–madeupof200 ThePi oneerCol umnconsi st edofPi oneer s, sol di er s/ pol i cemen, Af r i can auxi l i ar i es, mar chedi nt oMashonal anddespi t ev er bal r esi st ancef r om t he Ndebel e.Rai si ngoft heUni onJackFor tSal i sbur y Angl oNdebel ewar1893Tot akeov erMat abel el and Ndebel eandShonaupr i si ngs18967cr ushi ngofr esi st ance [ c] .I si tt r uet hatRhodescont r i but et hemostt ot hecol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe? Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] [ i ]Rhodes’ cont r i but i ont ocol oni sat i on: Fi nanci ngoft hecol oni sat i onpr ocessf r om t heMof f atAgr eementr i ghtupt o t he18961897upr i si ngs Or gani sat i onoft hecol oni sat i onpr ocessi , eB. S. A. C, r ecr ui t mentofpi oneer s, obt ai ni ngt heRoy al Char t erandwar . [ i i ]Ot her sal socont r i but ed Br i t i shal sogav esuppor tandhel pedt opr ov i demanpowerf orwar s; Roy al Char t er Ot herpeopl eal sopl ay edi mpor t antr ol es–mi ssi onar i esl i keC.Hel m, J. S Mof f at , i ndi v i dual sl i keRudd, Thompson Lobengul aandal sol ocal Ndebel el eader sal soi ndi r ect l yassi st ede, gLot she andSi khombo. Br i t i shf i nancer sl i keDukeofFi f e, Lor dSal i sbur y , andAber cor n. [ Nov2005] 91[ a] . Nameanysi xl eader soft hePi oneercol umnt hatmov edt oMashonal andi n 1890[ 6] Col onel Edwar dGr aham Pennef at her ; F. C.Sel ous; Maj orFr ankJohnson; Heany ; Bor r ow, DrLeanderSt arJameson; Col l oqui um [ b] . Descr i bet her ecr ui t mentofmember soft hePi oneerCol umnbyCeci l John Page135of135 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Rhodes.[ 11] BSACadv er t i sedf orf i tadv ent ur ousy oungmeni nEngl i shspeaki ngwor l d wi t hSout hAf r i canexper i ence. Ov er2000appl i cat i ons Onl y200y oungmenchosen Anot her500y oungmenr ecr ui t edi nt oBSAC Member si ncl udedbl acksmi t hs, Car pent er s, Bui l der s, Pr i nt er s, Baker s, Mi ner s, Far mer sandTr ader s Wer epr omi sed300acr esofl andand1500gol dcl ai ms Eacht r oopi nt heBSACpol i cet or ecei v esev enshi l l i ngsandsi xpencef or eachdayspentwi t ht hepi oneerpol i ce Eachpi oneerwasar med Col oni si ngpar t yl edbyMaj orFr ankJohnsonandt wodeput i es( Heanyand Bor r ow) Eachof12of f i cer si nPi oneerCol umnpr omi sed20gol dcl ai ms [ b] . Towhatext entdi dt hePi oneer scont r i but et ot hesuccessf ul occupat i onof Mashonal and? [ 8] Pi oneer s/ Pi oneerCor ps: Sel ect edt omeett hebasi cser v i cesi nanewcommuni t y, i ncl uded Bl acksmi t hs, Car pent er s, Bui l der s, baker s, mi ner s, f ar mer sandt r ader s Theyconst i t ut edasel f -suf f i ci entcommuni t y Pi oneer st r ai nedf orwar , Par t i ci pat edi nt he1893Angl oNdebel ewarand suppr essi onof18967upr i si ngs Ot her s Rhodesf i nanci al assi st ance Bsacpol i ce Di suni t yofShona/ l ackofr esi st ance Af r i canauxi l i ar i esf r om S. Aar medwi t haxesandspear s Khama’ smen Suppor toft hequeen. [ June2006] Page136of136 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 92[ a] . Namet hef i v eNdebel eof f i ci al swhower ei nv ol v edi nnegot i at i onsf ort heRudd Concessi onwi t ht heBr i t i shagent s. [ 6] Lobengul a, Lot she, Si khombo, Babi y aneandMt shede [ b] . Descr i bet hev er bal andwr i t t ent er msoft heRuddConcessi onofOct ober1888. Ver bal Ter ms: Rhodest opr ot ectMat abel el andf r om Eur opeancol oni sat i on Toputnot i cesi nSout hAf r i cannewspaper swar ni ngwhi t epeopl et okeepout ofMat abel el and Whi t esi nMat abel el andt oobeyNdebel el aws Tosur r enderf i r ear mst oNdebel eKi ngonar r i v al Todi gonehol e Br i ngnotmor et enmen Wr i t t enTer ms: Ndebel eKi ngt oget€100mont hl y 100r i f l esand100000r oundsofammuni t i on Agunboatt opat r ol t heZambezi or€500 I nr et ur nLobengul aagr eedt ogi v et hecompany Compl et eandexcl usi v echar geov eral l met al sandmi ner al si nhi ski ngdom andi t spr i nci pal sanddomi ni ons Ful l power st odoal l t hi ngst heymaydeem necessar yt ogett hemet al sand mi ner al s Togi v enoconcessi onofl andormi ni ngr i ght swi t houtconsul t i ngRhodes. [ c] . Towhatext entdi dLobengul aandhi speopl ebenef i tf r om t heRudd Concessi onupt o1893? [ 8] Benef i t s Ndebel ehadshor t t er m benef i t s: Eur opeansuppor thel pedLobengul at ogetst abi l i t yandsecur i t yofhi st hr one andl eader shi p Gai nedmoneyandweaponspr omi sed/ r ecei v ed Gai nedpr ot ect i onagai nstot herext er nal danger se, gBoer / Por t uguese Page137of137 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Pr obl ems Tr eat yusedt oj ust i f ycol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe Mostv er bal t er msl ef toutf r om wr i t t ent r eat y Landandmi ner al sev ent ual l yt akenbyBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompany Rest r i ct i onofLobengul apower si nf or ei gnpol i cy Ledt ot hei nv asi onbyPi oneerCol umn Lot sheexecut ed 1893warofdi spossessi on [ Nov2006] 93[ a] . Nameanysi xconcessi onseeker swhov i si t edMat abel el andbet ween1870and 1890[ 6] Bai nes; Pi etGr obl er ;J. S.Mof f at ; Char l esRudd; Fr anci sThompson; Rochf or t Magui r e; Li pper t ; E. S.Maud. [ b] . Descr i bet het er msoft heGr obl erTr eat y( 1887)andt heMof f atTr eat y( 1888) . Gr obl erTr eat y : At r eat yoff r i endshi pbet weenLobengul aandBoer s Ter ms: Ev er l ast i ngpeacebet weenNdebel eandTr ansv aal Republ i c I tr ecogni sedLobengul aaspar amountchi ef Lobengul at opr ov i deassi st ancet ot heBoer swhenev err equi r ed Toext r adi t eal l cr i mi nal swhoescapedf r om Tr ansv aal Toal l owt hosewi t hapassi nt ohi scount r y Hunt er sandt r ader sf r om Tr ansv aal t obeal l owedt ooper at ei nLobengul a’ s Ki ngdom TheTr ansv aal t oappoi ntaconsul t oset t l ei nLobengul a’ sKi ngdom Theconsul t oadmi ni st erj ust i cet oci t i zensoft heBoerRepubl i c TheMof f atTr eat y : Lobengul aagr eedt obeaf r i endoft heBr i t i shQueen Pr omi sednott oent eri nt oanyagr eementwi t hanyot hercount r yorgr oups Page138of138 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM wi t houtt heknowl edgeandappr ov al oft heBr i t i shHi ghCommi ssi oner . Ev er l ast i ngpeace Cancel l at i onoft heGr obl erTr eat y Lobengul anott osel l orcedeanypar tofhi ski ngdom t of or ei gner s [ c] . Howf ardi dt heGr obl erTr eat ypr ot ectt heNdebel eSt at ef r om col oni sat i on?[ 8] Successes: Lobengul aal l i ancewi t ht heBoer sst r engt henedhi sposi t i onagai nsti nt er nal el ement se, ghehadf r i endswi t hgunshencehewasf ear ed I ni t i al l ydel ay edcol oni st sonoccupat i onoft heNdebel eSt at e Lobengul asucceededi ngai ni ngsecur i t yf r om Boerat t acksbysi gni ngt he Gr obl erTr eat y Tr eat ymaki ngusedasdi pl omacy Lobengul a’ sf r i endshi pwi t ht heBoer susedt odet erat t acksi nt heNdebel e st at ebyot hergr oups Li mi t at i ons: Hedi dnotgai nabsol ut esecur i t ybecauset her ewer eot herext er nal danger s f r om Por t ugueseorBr i t i shr epr esent edbyRhodes, et c Gr obl erTr eat yspeededupt hecompet i t i onort hescr ambl e Lobengul ahadt of i ghtaci v i l awar [ Nov2007] 94[ a] . St at eanyt hr eeeconomi candt hr eepol i t i cal f act or st hatl edt ot hecol oni sat i on of Zi mbabwe. [ 6] Economi c: Needf ormar ket s Needf orr awmat er i al s Rhodesbel i ev edt hatt hegol dbel tf r om Tr ansv aal st r et chedi nt o Zi mbabwe( SecondRand) Want edt oi nv estsur pl uscapi t al Past ur es, cheapl abour , l i v est ock, Fer t i l esoi l s, goodcl i mat e, Pol i t i cal : Page139of139 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Rhodeswant edt opr omot eBr i t ai ni mper i al i sm Needt ospr eadci v i l i sat i on Agent ssi gnedf r i endshi pt r eat i eswi t hl ocal r ul er s Topr ev entot hercount r i esf r om col oni si ngZi mbabwee, g Por t uguese, Ger mansandBoer s Toenci r cl et heBoer s [ b] . Descr i bet hest epst akenbyC. J.Rhodest ocol oni seZi mbabwe.[ 11] Febr uar y1888Mof f atTr eat y–t or ev er set heGr obl erTr eat y Oct ober1888RuddConcessi on, Rudd, Hel m et ct r i ckedLobengul at o si gnt r eat y .Tr eat yst r engt henedMof f atAgr eement Rhodessoughtf orBr i t i shi nf l uent i al busi nesspeopl e Rhodessoughtandwasgr ant edt heRoy al char t erbyt heQueenandhad per mi ssi ont ocol oni seandadmi ni st erZi mbabweonbehal fofBr i t ai n Usedhi sper sonal f or t unet of i nancet heoccupat i ons For medB. S. A. C1890t ocol oni seandadmi ni st erZi mbabweonbehal fof Br i t ai n Recr ui t edpi oneer sf r om al l ov ert hewor l di , e200peopl e Mov ementoft hepi oneercol umn( NBFor t s) Rai sedt heuni onj acki nSept ember1890atFor tSal i sbur y Boughtt heLi pper tConcessi on1891 Def eat edNdebel ei nt heAngl oNdebel ewar( 1893) andt ookov er Mat abel el and Publ i ci sedt heRuddconcessi oni nSout hAf r i cannewspaper s HeboughtMaud’ scompany HesentDrLeanderSt arJamesont ot r eatLobengul aofgout Br i ber yofLot sheandSi khombo Rhodesdel ay edLobengul a’ sdel egat est ot heQueenandt heChar t erwas gr ant ed Rhodesper suadedt heBr i t i shHi ghCommi ssi onerov erBechuanal and [ c] . Howi mpor t antwasRhodes‘ r ol ei nt hecol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe?[ 8] . Rhodes’ cont r i but i on Page140of140 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Sentr epr esent at i v est ot r i ckLobengul ai nt osi gni ngt heRuddConcessi on Boughtt heLi pper tConcessi on Of f er edper sonal f or t unet of i nancecol oni sat i onPr ocess Obt ai nedr oy al char t er For medt heB. S. A. Candr ecr ui t edt hepi oneer s Ot herf act or s: Br i t i shsuppor t edmov ebyRhodesi , eRoy al Char t er HadBr i t i shf i nancer segDi keofAber cor nandDukeoff i f e Mi ssi onar i eshel pede, gRevC.Hel m andJ. S.Mof f at I ni t i al l ackofr esi st ancebyShona Ndebel ei ndunasl i keLot shel obbi edonbehal fofwhi t es Rol eoft r ader s Rol eofhunt er s [ Nov 2008] 95[ a] . St at eanysi xr easonswhyZi mbabwewascol oni sedbyt heBr i t i shi n1890.[ 6] Secondr and, r awmat er i al s, mar ket s, Capet oCai r odr eam, Toenci r cl et heBoer s, cheapl abour , t oi nv estsur pl uscapi t al Fav our abl ecl i mat e, f er t i l esoi l , r i chi nwi l dl i f e, t ospr eadChr i st i ani t y Ci v i l i sat i on, Pr est i ge, t obr eedl i v est ock, r aci al super i or i t y [ b] . Out l i net hest epst akenbyt heBr i t i sht ocol oni seZi mbabweupt o1890.[ 11] Rhodesact edasl ocal agentofBr i t i shi mper i al i sm Br i t i shdecl ar edpr ot ect or at eov erBot swanat okeept he‘ mi ssi onar yr oad ‘ open( 1885) Wi t hdr awalofGr obl erTr eat ybyLobengul adoneunderpr essur ef r om t he Br i t i sh, r i v al soft heBoerRepubl i c Mof f atTr eat ypr of essedev er l ast i ngpeaceandf r i endshi pbet weenLobengul a andt heBr i t i shwhoser eal ai m wast ocol oni seNdebel eki ngdom Lobengul aur gedt odesi stf r om ent er i nganyt r eat ywi t hanyf or ei gnpoweror t osel l orcedeanypar tofhi ski ngdom Br i t i shagent sl i keChar l esHel m, Char l esRudd, Rochf or tMagui r eandFr anci s Page141of141 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Thompsonper suadedLobengul at osi gnRuddConcessi on, pr omi si ngf i ct i ous benef i t s RuddConcessi ongav eexcl usi v emi ner al r i ght st oBr i t i sh Gr ant edBr i t i shpowert odoal l t hi ngst heydeem necessar yt opr omot emi ni ng act i v i t i es Br i t i shGov er nmentgr ant edChar t ert oaut hor i secol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe Br i t i shar i st ocr acydi r ect or sofBSACt hator gani sedcol oni sat i onandt he pi oneercol umn’ smov ement Ther ai si ngoft heuni onj ack TheBr i t i shdel ay edLobengul a’ si ndunast omeett hequeen Recr ui t edofpi oneercol umn [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast hepar tpl ay edbyt heBr i t i shgov er nmenti nt hecol oni sat i on of Zi mbabwe? [ 8] Br i t i shr ol e: Br i t ai nwasi nt er est edpar t ywhoser i v al swer eBoer s, Por t ugueseand Ger mans Repr esent edt hemi ght ypowert hatbackedl ocal agent sagai nstot her Eur opeans Br i t i shusedt r eat i est ogr antChar t ert oaut hor i secol oni sat i on Est abl i shmentofapr ot ect or at eov erBechuanal and Br i t ai ngav ef i nanci al andmi l i t ar ysuppor tont heAngl oNdebel eand1st Chi mur enga Ot her s: Rhodesf i nancedcol oni sat i onusi ngweal t hf r om Debeer sandConsol i dat ed Gol df i el dscompani es Putt oget herPi oneerCol umn Mi ssi onar i es‘ r ol ee, gJ. S.Mof f atandChar l esHel m Col l abor at or se, gLot she Af r i candi suni t y Af r i cani l l i t er acy Page142of142 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Suppor tf r om t heNgwat o Rol eoft r ader sandhunt er s. [ Nov 2008] 96[ a] . I dent i f yanyt hr eel eadi ngBr i t i shci t i zensandanyt hr eecompani est hat suppor t edt heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompanyf i nanci al l y . [ 6] l eadi ngBr i t i shci t i zens Dukeoff i f e, DukeofAber cor n, Lor dGr ey , Pr i nceofWal es Sponsor i ngcompani es Rot hschi l dCompany , DeBeer sandConsol i dat edGol df i el ds [ b] . Descr i bet her ecr ui t mentandt hemov ementoft hePi oneerCol umnt o Mashonal and. [ 11] Ther ecr ui t mentpr ocess Recr ui t mentandequi ppi ngofPi oneercor psdel egat edt oFr ankJohnson assi st edbyMaur i ceandHeanyBar r ow Adv er t i sementf orpeopl ebel l ow30y ear st oappl y Pi oneer st oi ncl udeEngl i shandAf r i kanerel ement sandt ohav eSout hAf r i ca exper i ence Car ef ul l ychosenf r om sev er al t housandappl i cant s( 2000appl i cat i ons) Onl y200sel ect ed Pi oneer scamef r om manyoccupat i onse, gBl acksmi t hs, car pent er s, bui l der s, Pai nt er s, mi ner s,f ar mer sandt r ader s. Eachpr omi sed3000acr esofl andand15gol dcl ai ms 1000Ngwat oauxi l i ar i esal sohi r ed 500mount edpol i cemen Mov ement : Cr ossedMat l out ser i v eron27. 061890. , Shashi r i v eron11Jul y Cov er ed12mi l esaday 1820km Av oi dedNdebel et er r i t or y LedbyPennef at her Page143of143 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Sel ousgui dedt hem Dai l yal l owancesof5shi l l i ngand6pence Suppl i escar r i edby117wagons Jamesonaccompani edt hePi oneer s Usedl aager sf orsecur i t yr easons Pol i cel ef tt oguar dt heFor t s Est abl i shedFor t s, e, gFor tTul i , For tVi ct or i a, For tChar t er , andFor tSal i sbur y Rai sedt heUni onj ack [ c] . Towhatext entdi dt her ecr ui t mentoft hePi oneerCol umncont r i but et ot he successof t hei rset t l ementi nMashonal and? [ 8] [ i ] . Recr ui t mentpol i cyhel pedt ocr eat et henucl eusofacompl et esoci et y Economi cact i v i t i eswer epr omot edbypr esenceofski l l edPer sonnel e, g mi ner s, f ar mer s, bl acksmi t hs, car pent er s, baker s, t r ader set c Pi oneer swi t hSout hAf r i canexper i encecoul dwi t hst andhar dshi ps exper i encedi ni nt er i or Ar myandpol i cepr ov i dedsecur i t yt oFor t s Pr omi sedi ncent i v esmot i v at edpi oneer s. 400Ngwat ohel pedmaker oadsandt oher dhor sesandcat t l e BASCpol i ceof f er edpr ot ect i on [ i i ] . Ot herFact or s Lobengul ar est r ai nedamaj ahaf r om at t acki ng Shonadi dnotr esi st expect edPi oneer swhi t et ogobackf i r stl i kePor t uguese whohadcameear l i er Wel comedwhi t esf orpr ot ect i on Pr esenceofmi ssi onar i escr eat edf al sesenseofsecur i t y . [ Nov 2009] 97[ a] . I dent i f yt het hr eet r eat i esandt hei rr espect i v ey ear swhi chwer esi gned bet weenLobengul aandt hef or ei gner sbet ween1887and1890. [ 6] Gr obl erTr eat y —1887 Mof f atTr eat -1888 Page144of144 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM RuddConcessi on1888. [ b] . Descr i bet het er msofanyt wooft heset r eat i es. Gr obl erTr eat y1887. At r eat ybet weent heBoer sandNdebel e Tr ansv aal andNdebel eSt at est obef r i ends Ndebel ewer ecommi t t edt opr ov i di ngmi l i t ar yassi st ancet oTr ansv aal i fand whenaskedt odoso Ther ewast obeaper manentr epr esent at i v eoft heTr ansv aal i nBul away o Lobengul at opr ot ectTr ansv aal ci t i zenswhov i si t edhi scount r y Ev er l ast i ngpeacebet weenBoer sandNdebel e Lobengul at ober ecogni sedasapar amountchi ef Mof f atTr eat y 1888 Br i t i shandt heNdebel eorJ. S.Mof f atv sLobengul a Lobengul anott oent eranyt r eat ywi t hot hercount r i eswi t houtt heknowl edge oft heBr i t i sh Ndebel eandBr i t i sht obef r i ends Lobengul anott ogi v eanypar toft heCount r yt oanyot hercount r ywi t hout per mi ssi onf r om t heBr i t i sh Tocancel t heGr obl erTr eat y RuddConcessi on—1888 Bet weenBr i t i shandt heNdebel e. Wr i t t enTer ms: Al l mi ner al sgr ant edt ot heBr i t i sh Powergi v ent ot heBr i t i sht odowhatt heydeemednecessar yt opr ot ectt hei r i nt er est s Lobengul anott ogr antl andr i ght swi t houtBr i t i shoccur r ence Ndebel er ul ert or ecei v e1000r i f l esand100000r oundsofammuni t i on Agunboatt opat r ol Zambezi r i v eror€500 Hewasal sot or ecei v e€100permont h/hi ssuccessor swer et or ecei v e€100 permont h Page145of145 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ver bal Ter ms: Notmor et han10Br i t i shment ocome Thef ewwhi t eswoul dnotmi neneart owns Nomachi ner yandempl oy eeswer et obr oughti nt ot hecount r ybef or e pay mentoft hef i r sti nst al mentoft her i f l es Not i cesi nSout hAf r i cannewspaper st owar not hercount r i est okeepoutof Ndebel ecount r y Br i t i shv i si t or st osur r enderar msandobeyNdebel el aws Todi gonehol e/Nott odi gneart owns Whi t espr omi sedt hatt heyhadnotcomef orset t l ement [ c] . Howf ardi dt heNdebel ebenef i tf r om t het er msoft het wot r eat i es? [ 8] [ i ]Benef i t s: Lobengul aandNdebel enol ongerbot her edbyot herwhi t epeopl ewho want edcont r ol oft hear ea Tr eat ycont r ol l edt hei nf l uxofwhi t esi nt ot heNdebel eSt at e Recei v edt r eat mentf r om Jameson Under st oodwhi t epeopl eascr ookswhocheat edt oachi ev et hei rai ms Est abl i shedf r i endshi p Somemat er i al gai ns Peacef orsomet i me Del ay edcol oni sat i on [ i i ] . NonBenef i t s: Lostcont r ol ofl andandmi ner al s Lossofi ndependenceandpower Ledt oexecut i onofLot she Lobengul ast oppedt r ust i nghi si ndunasandmi ssi onar i es Lobengul anev err ecei v edt hegunboat Ver bal t er msnotf ul f i l l ed Ndebel ewer echeat edbyconcessi onseeker s Page146of146 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Br i t i shdi dnothonourpar toft het er ms Ter msl edt oconf l i ct Lobengul al ostcont r ol off or ei gnpol i cy Ledt ocol oni sat i onoft heNdebel est at e ( Nov2010) 98. ( a) . St at eanysi xpeopl ewhoassi st edRhodest ogett heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caRoy al Char t eri n1889. ( 6) DukeofFi f e, DukeofAber con Lor dGr ey , Lor dSal i sbur y Bar onessBur det t eCout t s, Pr i nceofWal es QueenVi ct or i a. ( b) . Descr i bet hePi oneerCol umn’ smar chi nt oZi mbabwei n1890.( 11) Pi oneerCol umnsetoutf r om Macl out si eRi v eri nBot swanaon27June, 1890. Sel ousl edt hePi oneer sandwasassi st edbyBar r owHeany . Thef i r stst opwasatShasheRi v erwher et heybui l tFor tTul i Pi oneer sav oi dedt heNdebel est at ef orf earofat t acks Suppl i eswer ecar r i edi n117wagons Scout spat r ol l edt hear eaahead Theyt r av el l ed12mi l esperdayandbui l tal aageratt hepl aceofr estdur i ng t heni ght Lobengul apr ot est edatt hePi oneeri nv asi on Pi oneer sof t enmetsmal l gr oupofNdebel ewar r i or s Cr ossi ngofr i v er s Domi ni cansi st er sr anamobi l ecl i ni c Pennef at herwast hecommander 1000auxi l i ar i esf r om Khama ByAugust1890t hePi oneerCol umnwasi nMasv i ngowher et heybui l tFor t Vi ct or i a Par toft hePi oneer sbr anchedt oMel set t erwhi l et heot hercont i nued nor t hwar dsandbui l tFor tChar t er . Page147of147 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ReachedFor tSal i sbur yon12Sept ember1890wher et heyhoi st edt heUni on j ack. ( c) . Di dt hePi oneer sf i ndi teasyt or eacht hei rdest i nat i on?Expl ai ny ouranswer .( 8) Yes, t heyf oundi teasyt or eacht hei rdest i nat i onbecauset heywer e: LedbyF. Sel ouswhoknewt hear ea/ count r y Wel l equi ppedwi t hpr ov i si ons Accompani edbypol i ce Rel i abl emeansoft r anspor t Auxi l i ar yhel p Nor esi st ancef r om Ndebel eandShona Shonawer edi suni t ed Shonaweakenedbyy ear sofNdebeel r ai ds Pr obl emsencount er ed: Longr out est oav oi dt heNdebel e At t ackedbydi seases Cr ossedl ar ger i v er s I nsect ur i t yf r om t heNdebel e Landcl ear i ng Di dnotset t l eati nt endeddest i nat i ons [ June2011] 99[ a]I dent i f y( i )t hr eei ndi v i dual swhower et askedt or ecr ui tandequi pt hePi oneer Col umnand( I i )t hr eepr omi sesmadet ot hepi oneer s. [ 6] ( i ) F. Johnst on, Heany , Bor r ow ( i i ) Cash, gol d, l and [ b]Descr i bet hesecur i t yar r angement smadebyt hePi oneerCol umndur i ngi t s mov ementi nt oMashonal andi n1890. [ 11] Page148of148 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Pi onner sgi v enmi l i t ar yt r ai ni ng Eachpi oneermemberwasar med 500pol i cemenaccompani edt hecol umn Al otofammuni t i onwaspr ov i ded, est abl i shedf or t sont hei rwaye, gmax3 Lef tpol i cement oguar df or t s Heav yguns-maxi ms, t wosev enpounder s I seofl aager swhent heycampedf ort heni ght Keptabi gl ampbur ni ngwhent heycampedf ort heni ght Mai nt ai nedpat r ol sonhor seback Col onel Pennf at herwasCommander Sout i ngpar t i es( adv ance) Av oi dedMat ebel el and Accompani edbyNgwat oauxi l l ar i es Useofpeopl ewhoknewt het er r ai nt oav oi dbei ngl ost [ c] . Howi mpor t antwast hepi oneerCol umni nt hecol oni sat i onofZi mbabwe?[ 8] I mpor t anceofpi oneer s Pi oneer si ncl udedal l t r adessuchasf ar mer s, banker s Wel l equi ppedandsel f -suf f i ci ent Pi oneer st r ai nedf orwar -f oughti nt he189394Angl oNdebel eWarand1896 upr i si ngs Hadenoughl abour er s, y oungandadv ent ur er speopl e Ot herf act or s Fav our abl ecl i mat i ccondi t i ons Shonawer enotuni t ed–l ackedr esi st ance Shonar egar dedPi oneer sast r adepar t ner sandpr ot ect edt hem f r om t he Ndebel e Shonat houghtPi oneer sst aywoul dbeshor t l i v ed Whi t eshadout si dehel p-Ngwat o, S. A BSACsuppor t , Rhodeswhof i nancedt hewhol eoper at i on Page149of149 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Queenandf i nancer s, mi ssi onar i es, hunt er s, t r ader s Poorweapons/mi l i t ar yweakness [ Nov2011] 100[ a] . Nameanysi xwhi t eswhower ei nv ol v edi nsi gni ngt r eat i esandconcessi ons i nZi mbabwebet ween1850and1891. [ 6] ThomasBai nes, Sy dneyShi pphar d, Pi etGr obl er RevChar l esHel m,Rochf or tMagui r e, W.Gr aham C.Dr ey er , F.Thompson, C. DRudd, J. S.Mof f at E.Li pper t , VanWy k. C. Rhodes, E. A.Maud, Paul Gr uger , JohnSwi nebour ne [ b] . Out l i net hewr i t t enandVer bal t er msoft heRuddConcessi onof1888.[ 11] Responsessi mi l art oQuest i on84[ b] . [ c] . Di dt heNdebel eki ngbenef i tf r om t heRuddConcessi on? [ 8] Responsessi mi l art oQuest i on84[ c] . Resi st ancet ocol oni al i sat i oni nZi mbabwe. [ Nov2003] 101. [ a] . Namesi xAf r i canl eader si nv ol v edi nt heShonaRi si ngof1896t o1897.[ 6] Nehanda, Chi hot a, Mangwende, Kaguv i , Zv i mba, Chi namor a, Seke Mashay amombe, Hwat a, Chi weshe, Ny amwenda Makoni Zhanda Maponder a, Kunzwi Ny andor o [ b] . Out l i net her easonswhyt heShonawentt owarwi t ht heBr i t i shset t l er si n1896. [ 11] Lossofl and Lossofcat t l e I l l t r eat mentofShonawor ker s Br ut al i t yofpol i ceman For cedl abour Page150of150 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Pay mentofhutt ax Nat ur al di sast er sr i nder pest , dr oughtandl ocust s Aut hor i t yofAf r i canchi ef swasundermi ned/ l ossofi ndependence Theset t l er sdi dnotal l owt heShonat ot r adewi t ht hePor t uguese AbuseofShonawomenbywhi t emen Rol eofspi r i tmedi ums [ c] . Expl ai nwhyt heShonawer edef eat edi nt hi swar . [ 8] Weaknessesoft heShona: I nf er i orweaponsoft heShona, capt ur eofShonal eader s Shonenotwer euni t ed Di dnothav easi ngl ear myandl eadert ocoor di nat eal l t heshone Ot herf act or s: Super i orweaponsoft hewhi t es Whi t esusedal otofbr ut al i t yt hatf r i ght enedt heShonae, gdy nami t e Whi t esgothel pf r om out si dee, gSAandBr i t ai n Hungerandst ar v at i on, Ndebel esur r ender [ Nov2005] 102. [ a] .St at eanysi xcausesoft heNdebel eupr i si ngof1896[ 6] Lossofi ndependence/ I ndunasl ostpower Lossofl and[ Gwaai &Shangani Reser v es] LossofCat t l e For cedl abour Har sh/ oppr essi v eadmi ni st r at i on Ndebel enotdi sar med Thosewhohadnott akenpar tnotdef eat ed Hat r edofShonapol i ce Abuseofwomen Page151of151 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Notal l owedt ochooseanot herki ng I nf l uenceofSpi r i tmedi ums[ Mkwat i ] Lossofcul t ur e Nat ur al di sast er s[ Dr ought , l ocust s, r i nder pest ] Taxat i on Jamesonr ai d [ b] . Out l i net heev ent soft heNdebel eupr i si ng. [ 11] Begani nMar ch1896 I ndunasact edasl eader s Massacr edwhi t esi ni sol at edf ar ms, mi nesandst or es Ot her sescapedt ot owncent r eswher et heyf or medl aager s, e, g Bul away o, Gwer uMber engwa Pat r ol sdi spat chedt oi sol at edar east or escuesur v i v or sandbur ycor pses 150ofRhodesi anhor seunderCol onel Beal l ef tSal i sbur yt odef endBul away o I nS. A500Eur opeanv ol unt eer sassembl edatMaf eki ngt omar cht oRhodesi a Anot her600Af r i cant r oopsr ai sedf r om Bechuanal andandJohannesbur g Br i t i shgov er nmentchoseFr edr i ckCar r i ngt ont obecommanderofal l mi l i t ar y f or ces Whi t esst ar t edonNdebel enotj ustdef endt ownswhenCar r i ngt onar r i v ed Ndebel ebypr i est sofuml i mot ol eav er out et oS. Aopenasescaper out ef or whi t es Maj orPl umer sf or cesusedopenr out et obr i ngr ei nf or cement s Ndebel el ar gear mydef eat edatUmgusaRi v er . Remai ni ngf or cesr et r eat edi nt oMat opohi l l sandst ar t edguer r i l l awar f ar e Rhodesar r angedf orI ndabai nMat opos [ c] . Di dt heMl i mocul tpr i est scont r i but et ot hedef eatoft heNdebel e?Expl ai n y ouranswer .[ 8] Posi t i v ei nf l uence: [ Mkwat i , Uml ugul uet c] I nf l uencedNdebel et or ebel agai nstwhi t esasauni t edf or ce Gav easpi r i t ual i nt er pr et at i ont odi sast er s Page152of152 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Boost edmor al eoff or cesbyi nf l uenci ngt heShonat oj oi nr i si ngs Ur gedNdebel ef or cest ocont i nuewi t hguer r i l l awar f ar eusi ngMat opoHi l l sas hi deout St ubbor nnessofNdebel eRhodesgr antconcessi onst oNdebel et oendwar Ot herf act or s: Poorst r at egy / weapons Whi t epower / di suni t y Negat i v ei nf l uence: Decei v edNdebel et ol eav er out et oS. Aopen–usedt obr i ngwhi t es r ei nf or cement s.Ledt oMaj ordef eatatUmgusaRi v er [ Nov2006] 103. [ a] . St at eanysi xcausesoft heAngl oNdebel eWar1893t o1894. [ 6] Boundar ybet weenMat abel el andandMashonal andkeptonshi f t i ng Lobengul awasst oppedf r om r ai di ngt heShona Bel i efi nt heexi st enceofgol di nMat abel el and Togr abLobengul a, sCat t l eandl andt osav et heB. S. A. Cof r om bankr upt cy Wart or educet r anspor tcost sandi mpor tcost s[ Rai l wayl i ne] Vi ct or i ai nci dent [ i mmedi at ecause] Fai l ur eofconv er t si nt heNdebel est at e Capet oCai r odr eam JamesonsawNdebel easami l i t ar yt hr eat [ b] . Descr i bet heev ent soft heAngl oNdebel eWarof1893t o1894.[ 11] Ther ewer e18000Ndebel esol di er sv er sus3500[ 1100whi t esand2000 auxi l i ar i esandabout400ShonaandCapeauxi l i ar i es] . Company. t r oopsor gani zedi nt oSal i sbur y , Vi ct or i aandTul i col umns Col umnsmetatI r onHi l l Mi ne Lal apanzi bat t l e[ Sept . 1893] Shangani Bat t l e[ 1stmaj orbat t l e] Companysuf f er edf ewcasual t i es Page153of153 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ManyAf r i canr ef ugeessl eepi ngoutoft hel aagerki l l ed About500Ndebel eki l l ed Bat t l eofBembesi Ri v er31Oct ober1893 Ndebel er epul sedwi t hl osses Ndebel er egi mentI ngubo, I mbi zoandNsukami ni cl ashedwi t hcompany sol di er s 7poundergunscostmanyNdebel el i v es On3Nov embert heSout her ncol umnl aager edatSi nguesi Ri v ernear Empandeni .Ndebel eunderGumboat t ackedbutr epul sedbyheav ygunf i r e Khama’ smenr et ur nedt oBot swanaduet oout br eakofsmal l pox Lobengul abur ntdowncapi t al ci t yandf l ednor t hwar ds. 2ndShangani Bat t l e Wi l son’ spat r ol 2bagsofhi ddenbynear byt r oops Wi l son’ st r oopswer eal l ki l l ed Lobengul adi edonescapet ot henor t h Companyf or cest ookov erbur ni ngci t yandr ai sedUni onJack [ c] . Howf ardi dt hel ossoft heMbembesi Ri v erBat t l econt r i but et ot hedef eatoft he Ndebel e? [ 8] Mbembesi bat t l e’ scont r i but i ont ot hedef eatoft heNdebel e: Shangani Bat t l ewast hef i r stmaj orbat t l ewher e500Ndebel ewer eki l l ed Asecondmaj orbat t l ewasf oughtatMbembesi wi t hsi mi l arr esul t s ManyNdebel enowt ookt hei rownl i v est hanr et ur ndef eat ed Newsofdi sast ercausedconst er nat i oni nBul away o I mpi sentt oguar dr out ef r om Bechuanal andwaswi t hdr awnandt heKi ng’ s capi t al setonf i r e Ot herf act or s: Useoft r adi t i onal weapons Useofpoormi l i t ar yst r at egi es Useofgunsbyt hewhi t es Page154of154 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Ther ewasdi suni t yamongt heNdebel ee, gNy eny ezi gui dedt hecol umn Suppor tf r om i mper i al gov er nment Super i orwarst r at egi esofwhi t es [ Nov2007] 104[ a] . Nameanysi xAf r i canspi r i tmedi umswhot ookpar ti nt heFi r stChi mur enga 189697[ 6] Nehanda/ Chagwe, Kaguv i / Gumbor eshumba, Mukwat i , Uml ugul u, Si gi ny amat she, Mponga, Mpot shwane, Bonda, Tenger a, [ b] . Descr i bet hepar tpl ay edbyspi r i tmedi umsi nt heShonaupr i si ng189697[ 11] Nehandai nf l uencedt heShonai nMazoeChi weshear eat or i se Ri si ngspr eadt oCent r al andWest er nMashonal and I nst r uct edt heki l l i ngofDi st r i ctAdmi ni st r at orPol l ar d Medi umskeptt heShonaf i ght i ng Shoneconsul t edspi r i tmedi umsbef or egoi ngt obat t l e Kaguv i andMkwat i coor di nat edmov ement sofmessenger se, g Bonda, Tshi v aandZhanda Spi r i tmedi umsi nf l uencedShonachi ef se, gHwat a, Ny amwenda, Makoni , Ny achur uandChi weshet oj oi nt her i si ngs Kaguv i l edchi mur engai nMashay amombei nJune1896 Coor di nat edt her i si ngs I nt er pr et at i onoft henat ur al di sast er swasdonebyspi r i tmedi ums Gav econf i dencet hr oughwarmedi ci ne I nst i l l eddi sci pl i nei nt hef i ght i ngt hr oughi nst r uct i on/ pr opaganda [ c] . Wast heext ensi onoft her i si ngt o1897ar esul toft heef f ect i v enessofShona t act i cs?Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] Ef f ect i v eness Shoneusedguer r i l l awar f ar e Foughti nsmal l gr oups, i twasaser i esof“ Zv i mur enga”anddi f f i cul tt odef eat acr osst hecount r y , coor di nat edbyspi r i tmedi ums Page155of155 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Shonamobi l i zedf ast ert hant hewhi t es, hadgunsobt ai nedf r om t he Por t uguese I nf l uenceofMkwat i Fami l i arwi t ht er r ai n Theyusednoct ur nal at t acks Fi ght er sdi sgui sedasor di nar yhunt er s Usedsur pr i seat t acks, warnotl i mi t edt opr of essi onal sol di er s Shonast or edgr ai naspar tofpr epar at i on Ot herf act or s: Whi t esunder est i mat edt heShona I ni t i al l yhadf ewert r oops Wer eeasi l ymi sl edbyspi r i tmedi ums BSAChadf i nanci al pr obl ems Whi t eswer enotpr epar ed Thewhi t esasenemywer eeasi l yi ndent i f i edbyski ncol our Whi t eswer eunf ami l i art ot het er r ai n Whi t eswer eov er st r et chedi nt er msofr esour cesbywari nMat abel el and [ Nov2009] 105[ a]St at eanysi xcausesoft heShonaUpr i si ngof1896. Lossofl and Lossofcat t l e I l l t r eat mentofShonawor ker s Br ut al i t yofpol i cemen For cedl abour Pay mentofhutt ax Nat ur al di sast er s[ r i nder pest , dr ought , l ocusti nv asi on] Lossofi ndependence AbuseofShonawomen EndofShonaPor t ugueset r adel i nks Page156of156 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Fearoft heNdebel epuni shmenti ft heydi dnotr i seagai nstt hewhi t es [ b] . Out l i net heev ent soft heShonaUpr i si ng. [ 11] Warst at edi nJune1896wi t hki l l i ngofwhi t esi nMashay amombear ea ByendofJuneov er100whi t eshadbeenki l l ed Thewhi t est akenbysur pr i se.Respondedbyset t i ngupl aager si nbi gand cent r esaspr ot ect i on TheShonaf i ght er sbl ockedr oadsusi ngt r ees Usedguer r i l l awar f ar et act i cs TheShonachi ef sf oughtt hewhi t esassepar at eent i t i es; somedi dnotj oi nt he war ; whi l eot her sf oughtont hesi deoft hewhi t es TheShonahi di nCav es Spr eadofchi mur engat oot herar east hr oughspi r i tmedi umsandf i r esi gnal s Thewhi t esuseddy nami t e NehandaandKaguv i wer ei mpor t antspi r i tmedi umswhoencour agedt he shonet of i ghtespeci al l yi nt heMazoear ea Theset t l er swer eassi st edbyr ei nf or cement ssentf r om Sout hAf r i ca Warbet weenMakoni andt heBSACf or ces–Gwi ndi gwi andwasdef eat ed Def eat edShonal eader swer eexecut ede, gMakoni Capt ur eandsubsequentexecut i onofNehandaandKaguv i br oughtt hewart o anend Maponder acont i nuedt o1903 [ c] . Towhatext entdi dl ackofuni t ycont r i but est ot hee\ def eatoft heShona?[ 8] LackofUni t y : Nocoor di nat i onamongt heShonachi ef s Somechi ef swer eneut r al e, gMut asa Somechi ef sassi st edt hewhi t es. Nocommonmi l i t ar yst r at egyorcommand Ot herf act or s: I nf er i orweaponsoft heShona Super i orweaponsoft hewhi t es Page157of157 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Whi t ewer ebet t eror gani sed Whi t eshadf astt r anspor t Whi t eset t l er sr ecei v edassi st ancef r om out si de Sur r enderoft heNdebel e [ June2011] 106[ a] . St at eanysi xeconomi ccausesoft heAngl o-Ndebel ewarof189394[ 6] Needt oest abl i shr ai l l i nkf r om Maf i kengt oSal i sbur y Fal l i nv al ueofBSACshar es Bel i efi nt heexi st enceoft heSecondr andi nMat abel el and BSACenv i edNdebel el and Cov et edNdebel ecat t l e Fai l ur ebyShonachi ef st opayt r i but et oLobengul a BSACf or badeNdebel er ai dsi nMashonal and BSACwant edcheapl abour [ b] . Out l i net her esul t soft heAngl o-Ndebel eWar . [ 11] Ndebel esur r ender ed, agr eedt opeacenegot i at i ons Mat abel el andt obeadmi ni st er edbyJameson Landcommi ssi onsetupt odi v i del andbet weent heBSACandt heNdebel e Ledt oanot herwar( 1896) , Taxat i on2ore, gs Di sbandi ngofager egi ment s Lossofl i v es, f er t i l el andst akenbyt hewhi t esandt wor eser v es, Gwaai and Shangani cr eat edf ort heNdebel e Ov er200000Ndebel ecat l esei zed, Ndebel ement opr ov i del abouri nwhi t e f ar msandmi nes, i nt r oduct i onoff or cedl abour Whi t eset t l ermi l i t ar yr ewar dedwi t hLobengul a’ scat l eandl and 1895, Mat abel el andpl acedunderBr i t i shr ul e Mat abel el andandMashonal andwer enamedRhodesi a Ndebel enotal l owedt ochooseanot herki ng Deat hofLobengul a Page158of158 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ c] . Whywer et heNdebel edef eat edi nt hi swar ? [ 8] Ndebel eweaknesses I nf er i orweapons, di suni t yamongNdebel echi ef s MostNdebel eamabut hower er ai di ngacr osst heZambezi Ndebel echar geddi r ect l yt owar dsgunsl eadi ngt omanydeat hs Poorcommuni cat i onnet wor k Lobengul a’ sf l i ghtandhi ssubsequentdeat h Ot herf act or s Di suni t yamongstAf r i cansoci et i es Whi t eshadsuper i orweapons Whi t eshadbet t erf i ght i ngmet hods, hadext er nal suppor tf r om Sout hAf r i ca andNgwat o Bet t ermeansofcommuni cat i on, cont i noussuppl yofr esour ces Mobi l i t yoft hewhi t es [ Nov2011] 107[ a] . Nameanysi xmi l i t ar yl eader soft heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompany( B. S. A. C) f or cesdur i ngt heAngl oNdebel eWarof18931894. [ 6] Maj orFor bes, Ca[ t ai nLendy , LtCol onel Gool d-Adams Capt ai nBor r ow, Capt ai nRaaf , Maj orHeany , Al l anWi l son [ b] . Gi v eanaccountoft hepur sui tofLobengul abyt heB. S. A. C.f or cesaf t ert he f al l ofBul away o. [ 11] 3Nov1893Bul away of el l t ocompanyf or cesandKi ngLobengul af l ed Nor t hwar ds Jamesonassi gnedMaj orFor besandCapt ai nRaaft opur seandcapt ur eKi ng Lobengual a For besandhi sf or cesr eachedLobengul a’ sdShangani campon3December Theyf oundsi gnst hatLobengul ahadhur r i dl yabandonedhi sShangani camp andt heyhadj ustf ai l edt ocat chupwi t hhi m. Onr eal i si ngt hatt heset t l er scoul dj ustcat chupwi t hhi m, Lobengul asentt wo ofhi si ndunast ohi epur suer swi t hapeacemessageandabagofgol d Page159of159 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Lobengul a’ ssur r endermessageandt hegol ddi dnotr eachFor besandt he l at t ercont i nuedsear chi ngf orLobengul a’ spar t y . For besandhi sf or cescampedatShangani For besassi gnedWi l sonandhi st eam 1821ment of i ndLobengul a’ s di r ect i on Wi l son’ sf or cescaughtupwi t hLobengul a’ sf l eei ngpar t yont hewest er nsi de oft her i v er Wi l sonr equest edr ei nf or cement sbutFor besdi dnotcompl y I nst ead, hedi spat chedcapt ai nH. J. Bor r owwi t h20menwi t houti nst r uct i ng t hem whet hert heywer easuppor tuni toranot herat t acki ngf or ce Bor r ow’ sf or cesj oi nedWi l son’ sgr oupon4December Toget her , Wi l son’ sgr oupandt hatofBor r owat t ackedLobengul a’ sgr oup Lobengul a’ sgr oupdef endedi t sel fwel l andt heydef eat edt hecombi ned f or cesofBor r owandWi l son Bor r owandWi l sonandamaj or i t yoft hei rmenwer eki l l edexcept3scout s whoescaped For bes’ gr oupcoul dnotassi stt hem becauset heShangani r i v erwasf l ooded On5December , For besandt her estoft heexpedi t i onr et r eat ed Theygav eup, nev ercapt ur edLobengul a. [ c] . Di dt hi spur sui tbenef i tt heB. S. A. C? Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] . Benef i t st ot heB. S. A. C. ALLANWi l sonwasr egar dedasaher o. Compl t edconquestandoccupat i onofZi mbabwe. Gai nedcompl et econt r ol ofMat abel el and Gai nedLobengul a’ scat t l e Uni t edset t l er st hanev erbef or e Gai nedmi ner al weal t h Gai nedl and, gai nedl abour Ledt oLobengul a’ sdeat h, const r uct i onoft her ai l wayl i net hr ough Page160of160 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Mat abel el andbecamepossi bl e WeakenedNdr bel er esi st ance Di sadv ant agest ot heB. S. A. C Expedi t i onwascost l y BB. S. A. Cl ostmen. Companyf ai l edt odi smant l eal l Ndebel er egi ment s Thebagofgol dnev err eachedt hem Companyhor sesandcat t l ewer eki l l ed Companyl ostammuni t i on Set t l er sf ai l edt ocapt ur eLobengul a TheCompanyf acedcr i t i ci sm f r om Br i t ai n POST1897TO1950SZI MBABWE [ Nov2003] 108[ a] . St at esi xl awspassedbyt hecol oni al gov er nmenti nRhodesi at ocont r ol Af r i caneconomi cact i v i t i esbef or e1950. [ 6] Mat abel el andor deri ncounci l 1894 Or deri ncounci l 1898 TheI ndust r i al Conci l i at i onAct 1934 LandAppor t i onmentAct 1930 Nat i v eRegi st r at i onAct 1936 TheNat i v ePassesAct 1937 Mai zeCont r ol Act 1931 Cat t l eLev yAct 1934 LandCommi ssi onAct [ b] . Whatf or msofact i onwer et akenbyt akenbywor ker si nRhodesi at opr ot est agai nstexpl oi t at i onbef or e1950 [ 11] Wor ker sdel i ber at el ybr okemachi nes Absent eei sm Page161of161 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Deser t i on Wor ker scausedacci dent sf orwhi t es St r i kese, gShamv aMi nest r i kes Ref usedt owor k Ref usedt ocar r ypasses For gedpasses For mat i onofpr ot estmov ement s For mat i onoft r adeuni onmov ement s Ref usedt opayt ax For mat i onofAf r i cani ndependentchur ches For mat i onofbur i al soci et i es Hel dammoni t esneededbywhi t es Sabot agesetcr opsonf i r e, r ef usedor der sf r om whi t es, f akedi l l ness [ c] . Howsuccessf ul wer et hewor ker si nf i ght i ngexpl oi t at i oni nt hi sper i od?[ 8] [ i ] . Successf ul Shor t ageofl abouri nmi nesandf ar ms I mpr ov ementofsomewor ki ngcondi t i ons Bur i al soci et i esandAf r i cani ndependentchur cheshel pedt ouni t eAf r i cans Pr ot estmov ement shi ghl i ght edpr obl em ofwor ker s [ i i ] . Notsuccessf ul Poorwor ki ngcondi t i onscont i nued Notal l owedt ov ot e Accommodat i oncont i nuedt obeapr obl em Whi t escont i nuedt odemandpassesf r om wor ker s. [ June2004] 109[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xmi ner al sexpl oi t edbyt heset t l er si nRhodesi a( Zi mbabwe) bet ween1923and1969. [ 6] Gol d; Copper ;Coal ;I r on Lead; Zi nc; Asbest os; Ti n; Chr ome. Page162of162 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ B] . Out l i net heef f ect sofmi ni ngact i v i t i esi nt hecount r yatt hatt i me. Dev el opment soft ownsatmi ni ngcent r essuchasKadoma( gol d) , Hwange, Zv i shav ane, Shur ugwi , Bi ndur a, Mv ur a Dev el opmentofi nf r ast r uct ur er oads/ r ai l way sl eadi ngt omi ni ngcent r es Dev el opmentofsecondar yi ndust r i es–suchaspr ocessi ngandf ood i ndust r i es Ther ewasi nf l owofcapi t al f r om abr oad–e, gRi oTi nt o, Angl o-Amer i can Compani es. Dev el opmentofsl ums/ compoundsatmi ni ngcent r es/ wor ker sl i v i ngi n cr owdedunheal t hycondi t i ons SomeAf r i canscamet ol i v eper manent l yatt hecompounds Thi sal sosawt hedev el opmentoft hemi gr antl aboursy st em Ext r al abouri mpor t edf r om Mal awi , Zambi a Al somostmi ner al swer eexpor t edmost l yt oBr i t ai n-sour ceofr ev enue [ c] . Howf ardi dmi ni ngact i v i t i esbenef i tAf r i cansatt hatt i me?Expl ai ny ouranswer . [ 8] [ i ] . Benef i t s: Af r i canwor ker swer eempl oy edatt hemi ni ngcent r esobt ai ned: Gotmoneyf orpay mentoft axes Gotmoneyt opur chasegoodsofEur opeanor i gi nsuchascl ot hes, bl anket s andguns I nv est menti ndi r ect l yi mpr ov edgener al l i v i ngcondi t i onsi nt hecount r y Someheal t handeducat i onal f aci l i t i eswer ebui l tl at er [ i i ] . Af r i canwor ker sal sosuf f er eddi scr i mi nat i on: Howev er , Af r i canswer el ar gel yexpl oi t ed. Theywer epai dl owwages, andhencei ncr owdedcompoundswer et akenas cheapl abour unski l l ed. Af r i canswer esubj ect edt of or cedl abourasl abourwasscar ce Af r i canswer et axedt of or cet hem t ot akeupempl oy mentatmi ni ngcent r es Ther ewer enor ecr eat i onal f aci l i t i esf orAf r i cansexceptbeerhal l s. [ Nov 2004] 110[ a] . Nameanyt hr eemi ner al smi nedandanyt hr eecr opsgr owni ncol oni al Page163of163 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Zi mbabwebef or e1923. [ 6] Gol d; I r on; Copper ; Lead; Coal ; Zi nc; Chr ome; Asbest os Mai ze; Rapoko; Tobacco; Sor ghum; Mi l l et ; Cot t on; Gr oundnut s; Roundnut s; Cowpeas; Gour ds; Pumpki ns [ b] . Descr i bet hemeasur est akenbyt heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompany( BSAC)t o depr i v eAf r i cansoft hei rl andi ncol oni al Zi mbabwebef or e1923. [ 11] . Landgi v ent oPi oneer sonar r i v al i n1890, v ol unt eer sof1893war Cr eat i onofr eser v es, l andbank, l oansf orwhi t es. TheBSACt ookl andwhi chi tl at ersol dt oset t l er s For cedl abour , t ax at i on Absent eel andl or ds, or deri ncounci l -1898 [ c] . Howef f ect i v ewer et hemeasur esi ndepr i v i ngAf r i cansoft hei rl andby1923?[ 8] [ i ] . Ef f ect i v eness: Af r i cansf or cedt ol i v ei nr eser v es Af r i cansbecamesquat t er sorbecamewor ker sonf ar msormi nes Managedt or educecompet i t i onbet weent hewhi t eandbl ackf ar mer si n f ar mi ng [ i ] . Notef f ect i v e: SomeAf r i cansr esi st edev i ct i on SomeAf r i cansabl et opur chase Af r i canscont i nuedt ogr owcr opswhi cht heysol dt oset t l er s Set t l er satf i r stnotr eal l yi nt er est edi nagr i cul t ur e. ]Nov2004] 111[ a] . Li stanysi xf or msofi l l t r eat mentofAf r i canmi newor ker sbyset t l er si n col oni al Zi mbabwebet ween1894and1932? [ 11] Pai dv er yl owwages For cedt ol i v el i kepr i soner si ndi r t y , ov er cr owdedandbadl ybui l t accommodat i onwi t houtl i ght s Suf f er edf r om mal nut r i t i onast heywer ef edwi t hbadandr ot t enf ood Nosy st em ofmedi cal t r eat mentf ormi newor ker s Page164of164 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM For cedt owor kundert hecont r ol ofpol i ce/ chi bar o Manywer eki l l edori nj ur edbecauset heyhadnopr ot ect i v ecl ot hi ng Nocompensat i onf ori nj ur i es Cheat edort r i ckedsot hatt heywoul dnotr ecei v et hei rsal ar i es Somet i mest heybeat enbysuper v i sor s Nopensi onschemes/ t er mi nal benef i t s Nouni ons-out l awi ngofst r i kes [ b] . Whatmet hodswer eusedbyt heAf r i canmi newor ker st or esi stexpl oi t at i on byEur opeanset t l er sbet ween1894and1932. Fl edf r om wor kpl aces Cheat edonpasses–wr ot eonsomeoft hepassesev ent hought heydi dnot wor k Manypeopl esol dt hei rcat t l eandgr ai ni nor dert or ai set het axesr equi r ed Somel ef tt hei rhomest or esi stdi r ectf or cedl abour–e, gsomef l edt o Mozambi que Agent ssentt ol ookf orl abourwer esomet i meski l l ed Bur ntpasses Machi nebr eaki ng–sabot agi ng Acci dent al l yi nj ur edt hei rbosses Fl edt owor ki nSout hAf r i cami nes St r i kesanddemonst r at i ons Ref usal t opayt axes Absent eei sm/ gosl ow [ c] . Whydi dt heAf r i canmi newor ker sf ai l t oachi ev et hei robj ect i v esi nt hi sper i od?[ 8] [ i ] . f ai l ur et oachi ev eobj ect i v es: Mi newor ker snotuni t ed Mi newor ker swer enoteducat ed/ f ear edwhi t es For cedt opaymanyt axeswhi chf or cedt hem t owor k Af r i canshadl ostcat t l eandl andhencehadnomeansofsur v i v al Page165of165 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ i i ] . Theset t l ergov er nmental soassi st edt hemi neempl oy er s Mi neowner shadt hesuppor tofpol i ce Useofpassesf or cedbl ackmi newor ker st owor k Useofpassesbyset t l erpol i ce 112[ a] . Li stsi xr esul t soft heNdebel e/ ShonaRi si ngsof1896t o1897i ncol oni al Zi mbabwe[ 6] Companyi nt r oducedf or mal gov er nment Ndebel e/ Shonadef eat ed Mat abel el andandMashonal anduni t edi nt oonear eacal l edSout her n Rhodesi a Af r i cansst r i ppedofal l power Af r i cansl ostconf i denceandbegant oacceptmor ewest er ncul t ur e Sout her nRhodesi abecameaBr i t i shcol ony MostAf r i canl eader soft her i si ngwer ehunt eddownandei t herki l l edor i mpr i soned Thespi r i toff ut ur eAf r i canr esi st ancewasal sosowed [ b] . Descr i bet hepol i t i cal andeconomi cdev el opment si nZi mbabweundercompany r ul ebet ween1898and1923. 1898Or der sI nCounci l gav enewconst i t ut i ont ot hecount r y Est abl i shedanExecut i v eCounci l , al egi sl at i v ecounci l , anAdmi ni st r at oranda Br i t i shr esi dent Col oni al r ul er sexpandedcont r ol ov ert hewhol ecount r ye, gPol i ceandNat i v e Commi ssi oner s Landdi v i si ont hr ought hesy st em ofr eser v esf ort hewhi t es 1900set t l er sgi v enmor esayi nt hegov er nment 1910mor eel ect edmember swer eaddedt oLegi sl at i v eCounci l Sy st em off r anchi set hr oughqual i f i cat i onwasi nt r oducedi , e1898v ot egi v en t omal esov er21ear ni ng50poundsorwi t hpr oper t yof75pounds; 1912 sal ar ywas100poundsandpr oper t yof150pounds; 1919whi t ewomengot t hev ot e 1914B. S. ACompanyr ul ewasext endedbutset t l erbegant ocal l f ori t send 1917set t l er sf or medt heResponsi bl eGov er nmentAssoci at i ont ocal l f or Page166of166 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM r esponsi bl eGov er nment 1923Br i t ai ngr ant edt hecount r yResponsi bl eGov er nment Mostl andwasbr oughtunderEur opeancont r ol andl ar gescal ef ar mi ng st ar t ed Mi ni ngwasi nt r oducedGol d, coal , chr ome, asbest os Ledt odev el opmentofar oadandr ai l waynet wor k I nagr i cul t ur emai ncr opswer emai zeandt obacco.Cat t l eal sopl ay edapar t . Mai zeandt obaccoexpor t edt oSout hAf r i ca. Landdi st r i but edt ot heset t l er swhi l eAf r i canswer edepr i v ede, gbyt heOr der s I nCounci l of1920. [ c] . Di dt heAf r i cansbenef i tf r om t hesedev el opment sdur i ngt hi sper i od?Expl ai ny our answer . [ 8] Af r i cansl ostt hei rcount r yandpol i t i cal powert ot hewhi t est heyl ostt hei r weal t hwhencat t l ewer et aken Theywer enoti ncl udedi nt hef r anchi se Theybecameeconomi cal l ydependentont hewhi t esmai nl yasal abourf or ce Theywer ei l l t r eat edatwor kandunder pai d; wor kedi nhar shcondi t i onsi n mi nesanddur i ngt heconst r uct i onofr ai l wayl i nes Theywer ei nt r oducedt ot hecasheconomy , butwi t hl i t t l emoneyont hem Theywer et aughtnewmet hodsoff ar mi ngandi nt r oducedt onewcr ops Thei rmodeoft r anspor twasi mpr ov edt hought heyst ay edf arf r om t hemai n r oads/ r out es. [ Speci men] 113[ a] .Li stanysi xgr i ev ancesoft heAf r i canwor ker si ncol oni al Zi mbabwebet ween 1931and1953. [ 6] For cedl abour Longwor ki nghour s Lowwages Pooraccommodat i on I l l t r eat mentatwor k Lackofj obsecur i t y Page167of167 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Raci al di scr i mi nat i onatj obs [ b] . Whatst epswer et akenbyt heset t l er sandt hei rgov er nment st oexpl oi tAf r i can l abouri ncol oni al Zi mbabwebet ween1931and1953? 1931l andappor t i onmentactf or cedAf r i canst ol eav et hei rl andanddr ov e t hem i nt owhi t econt r ol l edar east ol ookf orj obs Foundj obsi nmi nes, f ar msandf act or i es 1934I ndust r i al Conci l i at i onAct , r eser v edhi ghpay i ngj obsf orwhi t esonl y Taxat i oni , ehut , dogt axes, f or cedAf r i canst ogoandl ookf r oj obs Asy st em off or cedl abour ( Chi bar o)wasappl i edr ut hl essl y Whi t esusedt hecompoundsy st em ( komboni )t ohousemanywor ker si na smal l pl acet osav eonaccommodat i oncost s.Meantov er cr owdi ngand i nsani t ar ycondi t i ons Rhodesi aNat i v eLabourRecr ui t mentBur eau-hadaut hor i t yt of or ci bl yr ecr ui t Af r i canl abourandal soi mpor text r al abourf r om Mal awi , Zambi aand Mozambi que I ndi v i dual whi t eset t l er sev i ct edwi l l y ni l l y , Af r i canscl oset ot hei rnewl y acqui r edf ar ms, t aki ngst r aycat t l e, sheep, goat saspuni shment Whi t eal soopenedDomboshawaandTshol ot shot r ai ni ngcent r eswi t h speci f i cpur poset ocr eat esemi ski l l edl abourt oser v et hewhi t eempl oy er s. [ c] . Howef f ect i v ewer et hesest epsi ncont r ol l i ngAf r i cansi ncol oni al Zi mbabwe dur i ngt hi sper i od? Gov er nmentmeasur esmadesur eAf r i cansl ef tt hei rhomest ogoandwor k . Rur al t our bandr i f tst ar t ed, asy oungmenbecameur bandwel l er swor ki ngi n emer gi ngi ndust r i es, r et ai l shops, f ar ms, . andmi nes. Af r i cansl ostcat t l e, t hei rbasi sf orweal t h, andt heyhadt of i ndal t er nat i v ei n t hel abourmar ket . Af r i canwayofl i f ewaschangedasf ami l i eswer esepar at ed, wi t hhusbandsi n t heur banar easwhi l ewi v esandchi l dr enr emai nedi nt her ur al ar eas Af r i canswhor emai nedi nexpr opr i at edl andbecamesquat t er sandhadt o wor kf ort henewwhi t eownerorl eav et hepl ace. Becauseofl abourdi scr i mi nat i oni nsal ar i es, Af r i cansbegant oseekt o i mpr ov et hemsel v esi nabi dt oqual i f yf orbet t erpay i ngj obs( i , eget t i ngbet t er educat i on) Af r i canswer enotbl i ndt ot hei deaofbei ngexpl oi t edandof t enr et al i at edby sabot agi ngt heeconomy st r i ki ng, machi nebr eaki nganddeser t i nghar sh compani es Page168of168 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Af r i cansal sot ookadv ant ageandusedt hei rwor kerst at usandsmal l wages t oi mpr ov et hemsel v esacademi cal l yandsoci al l yandl ear nt opol i t i cal l y chal l enget hewhi t es. [ Nov2005] 114[ a] . Nameanysi xr esour ceswhi chEur opeanset t l er st ookf r om Af r i cansi n col oni al Zi mbabwe. [ 6] Landf orcul t i v at i on, gr azi ngl and, hunt i nggr ounds Tr ader out es/ post s Mi ner al s, i r on, gol dcopper I v or y Li v est ock, cat t l e, sheepandgoat s Gr ai norcr ops Cr af t s Labour [ b] . Descr i bet heeconomi cdev el opment swhi cht ookpl acei ncol oni al Zi mbabweup t o1923. [ 11] Landappr opr i at i oncont i nued, r eser v escont i nuousl ycr eat ed Set t l er sconcent r at edi ngol dmi ni ngatf i r st BSACi nv est edheav i l yi nt heRai l waypr oj ect s-Maf eki ngt oBul away or ai l way l i necompl et edi n1897, ext endedt oWanki ei n1903andLi v i ngst onei n 1904. Bul away ot oSal i sbur yr ai l wayl i necompl et edby1902. Bei r at oMut ar e 1897. By1914, Eur opeanf ar mer swenti nl ar gescal epr oduct i onofMai ze, t obacco andbeef . By1900, BSACt ookmor el andf r om t heAf r i cans 1908BSACest abl i shedal andbank Appoi nt edagr i cul t ur al exper t st oadv i seset t l er sonf ar mi ng I nt r oduct i onoff or cedl abour Useofmi gr antl abour Monet ar i sat i onoft heeconomy Decl i nei nAf r i canagr i cul t ur eby1920 Page169of169 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Technol ogi cal i mpr ov ement s Coal mi ni ngbegani nWanki ei n1903 Chr omemi ni ngst ar t edatSel ukwepeaki n1906 Dev el opmentofi nf r ast r uct ur e Asbest osmi ni ngst ar t edatShabani i n1908 Const r uct i onofbanks Agr i cul t ur ef or est r yandci t r us [ c] . Howf ardi dt heseeconomi cdev el opment sbenef i tAf r i cansi ncol oni al Zi mbabwe upt o1923. [ i ]Benef i t s: Empl oy mentonmi nesandf ar ms Newf ar mi ngt echni ques I mpr ov edmi ni ng Li v est ockv acci nat edagai nstmanydi seases Af r i canf ar mi ngenj oy edpr of i t sbet ween1898and1915. [ i i ] Di sadv ant ages: Gener al l ysuf f er edeconomi coppr essi onandexpl oi t at i on. Lossofl and Lossofl i v est ock For cedl abourwashar danddanger ousespeci al l yi nmi nes Wor ker s’ l i v i ngcondi t i onswer ev er ypoor Gi v enl owwages [ June2006] 115[ a] . Gi v eanysi xr esul t soft heShonaRi si ngof1896t o1897i ncol oni al Zi mbabwe.[ 6] Shonewer edef eat ed Companyi nt r oducedr ul eofl aw Mat abel el andandMashonal anduni t edi nt oSout her nRhodesi a Af r i canr ul er sst r i ppedofal l power s Page170of170 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Af r i cansl ostconf i dencei nt r adi t i onal r el i gi on Makoni capt ur edatendof1896 NehandaandKaguv i t r i edandexecut ed At t empt st or est or eRozv i r ul et hwar t ed Br i t i shi nv ol v ementi ngov er nmentofcol onyi ncr eased Set t i ngupofShonar eser v es Spi r i tofAf r i canr esi st ancesowed Compl et i onofBei r a-Mut ar el i ne Lossofl i v es Hungerandst ar v at i on. Pov er t yoft heShonapeopl e Dest r uct i onofpr oper t y . Notal l owedt obui l dhousesi nkopj es [ b] . Out l i net hepol i t i cal dev el opment si nZi mbabweunderBSACr ul ef r om 1894upt o 1923. [ 11] 1894Or derI nCounci l gav eRhodesandJamesonf r eedom t or ul eSout her n Rhodesi aatt hei rexpenseonbehal fofBSAC. I nj ust i cesandabuseofpowerbyset t l er swasbl amedbyBr i t i shgov er nment . Apr opergov er nmentwassetupt omakel awsandt heset obei nt er pr et edby l awcour t s 1898Sout her nRhodesi aor deri ncounci l begant her ul eofl aw; i tgav eanew const i t ut i ont ot hecount r y . Sout her nRhodesi abecameof f i ci al name I test abl i shedexecut i v ecounci l , l egi sl at ur e, admi ni st r at orandBr i t i shr esi dent . Cont r ol ext endedbyuseofpol i cef or ceandNat i v eCommi ssi oner s Asy st em ofv ot i ngt hr oughpr oper t yqual i f i cat i ons( onl ywhi t esbecamev ot er s) Whi t ewomengotv ot ei n1919 Companyr ul eext endedi n1914t o1923 Responsi bl eGov er nmentAssoci at i onf or medi n1917 Responsi bl egov er nmentgr ant edbyBr i t ai ni n1923 Page171of171 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM 1923const i t ut i ongr ant edBr i t ai nr i ghtt oappr ov el awsaf f ect i ngbl acksonl y , a Br i t i shgov er norbasedatSal i sbur y Legi sl at i v ecounci l r epl acedbyl egi sl at i v eassembl yl edbyPr i meMi nst erand Cabi net Assembl yhad30member s El ect i onst obehel dev er y15y ear s 18967r i si ngs Ndebel enotal l owedt ochooseanot herki ngt or epl aceLobengul a [ c] . Howf ardi dAf r i cansbenef i tf r om t hesepol i t i cal dev el opment si nt hi sper i od?[ 8] [ i ] Benef i t s: Benef i t edf r om pr ot ect i onorl awt osomeext ent Br i t ai nr ev i ewedl awsaf f ect i ngt heAf r i cans [ i i ] . Di sadv ant ages: Nov ot ewasext endedt oAf r i cans Onf ar msandmi neswhi t esst i l l l ar gel ybey ondt hel aw–i l l t r eat edbl acks Tomaxi mi segai nspr of i t swer er epat r i at ed, Br i t ai ncondonedl awsr est r i ct i ng mov ementofbl acks, t axat i on.Suchl awspassedwi t hBr i t i shAppr ov al . [ Nov2006] 116[ a] . I dent i f yanysi xmi ner al spr oducedi ncol oni al Zi mbabweupt o1930.[ 6] I r on, Gol d, Coal , Copper , Chr ome, asbest os, Ni ckel , Ti n. [ b] . Descr i bet hemet hodsusedbywhi t eset t l er si ncol oni al Zi mbabwet or ecr ui t l abourupt o1930. Recr ui t mentofl abourbyagr eement t ar get edt hosewi l l i ngt owor k.Af r i cans encour agedt owor k.Pai dbet t erwages. For cedl abour–pol i ceusedt or oundupmenwhowor kedf orset t l er sbyf or ce. Themet hodwasal sousedt ogetl abourf r om nei ghbour i ngcount r i es.For ced l abour er sear nedv er yl i t t l eandusual l ywor kedont wel v emont hcont r act s. Whi t esr ef usedt osi gnt hepasses Cr edi tsy st em[ moneydeduct edf r om sal ar y ] Squat t er sf or cedt owor kont hewhi t es’ f ar ms Taxat i on-peopl ewer ef or cedt opayt axasawayt of or cet hem t owor k. Page172of172 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Taxeswer et obei ncashorl abour .Fai l ur et opayt axr esul t edi ngov er nment conf i st i cat i ngpr oper t ysuchascat t l eoft heof f ender . Useofl aws/ l egi sl at i one, gMast er s’ andSer v antOr di nance, Nat i v ePass Or di nance.Fai l ur et opr oducepasseswoul dr esul ti npeopl ebei ngf or cedt o wor k. Fal sechar gesagai nstAf r i canswer eal sousedt of or ceAf r i canst owor k. Suppr essi onofpeasantagr i cul t ur esot hatt heywoul dnotpr oducemuch, woul dendupwor ki ngi nor dert osur v i v e. LandofAf r i canswast akent of or cet hem t owor k.For cedt ol i v ei nar easof l owr ai nf al l andpoorsoi l s.Lowpr oduct i onf or cedt hem t owor k. [ c] . Howdi dt hesemet hodsaf f ectt hel i v esofAf r i cansi ncol oni al Zi mbabweat t hatt i me? [ 8] [ i ] . Posi t i v eef f ect s: Empl oy ment Gai nednewl abourski l l s Abl et opayt axes Uni t yamongAf r i cans [ i i ] . Negat i v eef f ect s Pr ost i t ut i on Soci al i l l s Thef t For cedt owor kf orl owwages Separ at edf ami l i es Oppr essi onandexpl oi t at i on Poorpr oduct i onofcr ops Lossofdomest i cani mal s Di seasesi ncompounds. [ Nov2007] 117[ a] . Li stsi xai msoft heLandAppor t i onmentActof1930. [ 6] Toav oi dcompet i t i onbet weenAf r i cansandwhi t es Tocr eat eapool ofcheapl abour Page173of173 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Todi scr i mi nat ebl ackf ar mi ngar easandwhi t ef ar mi ngar eas Tocr eat ear abl el andf orwhi t eur banpopul at i on Topr ov i degoodt r anspor tt ot heEur opeans Tosetasi denat i onal l andf orwi l dani mal s Tor eser v emor el andf ort heunbor nwhi t echi l dr en Byi mpl i cat i on, t ol egal i sel andandst ockt hef t Toat t r actmor ewhi t eset t l er s Topr ev entAf r i cansf r om uni t i ngandr i si ngagai nstt hewhi t es. [ b] . Out l i net heef f ect soft heLandAppor t i onmentActof1930. [ 11] Cr eat edcheapl abourf orwhi t esi nmi nes, f ar msandf act or i es Zi mbabwedi v i dedal ongr aci al l i nesi , eEur opeansr i chsoi l sandAf r i canspoor r eser v es Ov er cr owdi ngi nr eser v esandal soov er st ocki ng I ncr easedpr oduct i onofEur opeanagr i cul t ur ecompar edt oAf r i canspl acedi n r eser v es Wagesf orAf r i cansdr oppedespeci al l yi nmi nesandf ar ms Ev i ct i onbecameor derofdayf r om Eur opeanassi gnedar eas Whi t esr eser v edar abl el andf ort hei runbor nchi l dr en-unassi gnedar eas Af r i cancat t l ebecameweakandsmal l duet ol ackofpast ur es Af r i cansr eset t l edf arawayf r om mar ketcent r esandhadnogoodt r anspor t net wor k Manypeopl emi gr at edi nt our banar eas I twasi l l egal f orAf r i canst obuyl andi nEur opeanar eas Reducedcompet i t i onbet weenbl acksandwhi t es. Eur opeansgr ewcashcr ops whi l stAf r i canspr act i sedsubsi st encef ar mi ng Massi v esoi l er osi on Massnat i onal i sm Af r i cansbecamesquat t er sonwhi t eownedl and. Twopy r ami dsy st em [ c] . Wast heLandAppor t i onmentActf ai rt oAf r i cans?Expl ai ny ouranswer .[ 8] Page174of174 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM [ i ] . Fai r nessofL. A. A/ Benef i t s. Somepar t sofZi mbabwewer epr eser v edandsav edf r om dest r uct i onby want onf i r esandt r eecut t i ng Ther ewasnowl andr eser v edf orAf r i canswhi chnowhi t escoul d al i enat e/ possess. Lef tAf r i cansl ar gel yt ot hei rowncul t ur al pr act i ces Gamer eser v eswer ecr eat edt opr eser v eani mal l i f e Af r i canspur chasedar easwhi cht heyr eser v edf orf ut ur euse [ i i ] . Unf ai r nessofL. A. A Unf ai rdi st r i but i onofl and( whi t esgotpl ent yandf er t i l esoi l s) I tl edt oov er cr owdi ngandov er st ocki ngi nr eser v es y ett her ewasunder ut i l i sedl and I tl ocat edAf r i cansf arf r om mar ket s I tdi dnotal l owAf r i canst obuyl andi nwhi t ear eas I tt ur nedbl acksi nt owor ker sexpl oi t edbywhi t es. [ Nov2007] 118[ a] . Li stanysi xf or msofi l l t r eat mentofAf r i canf ar m andmi newor ker sby set t l er si nSout her nRhodesi abet ween1900and1950. [ 6] Poorwor ki ngcondi t i ons Pai dl owwages For cedl abour Nopensi onschemes Ov er cr owdedshant yt owns Poordi et Noheal t hi nsur ance beat enj ustbef or epaydayt omaket hem r unawayandl eav et hei rwage behi nd l ongwor ki nghour s nol eav eday s pai di nki nd Page175of175 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM i nadequat epr ot ect i v ecl ot hes poorv ent i l at i on [ b] . Descr i bet hemeasur est akenbyt hef ar m andmi newor ker st or esi st expl oi t at i ondur i ngt hi sper i od. Fakedpasses/ al t er edpasses For mat i onoft r adeuni ons Fakedi l l ness Somewor ker sst ol ef ar m/ mi nepr oduce Dest r uct i onofcr ops Dest r uct i onofmachi ner y Abandonedwor kf orSout hAf r i ca St r i keact i one, gShamv ami ne Roast edseeds Car el essappr oacht owor ke, gf i el dswer ecar el essl yweeded Absent eei sm Br okemachi nes/ f ar mi mpl ement s Gav eempl oy er sni cknameswar ni ngt oot her se, gPachay amat ako/ l ef tsi gns ont r ees–t opot ent i al empl oy ees Thef tofl i v est ock Deser t i ons Wor ker sor gani sedacci dent sf ort hebosses [ c] . Whywer et heAf r i canf ar m wor ker sunabl et osol v et hei rpr obl emsdur i ngt hi s per i od [ 8] [ i ] Wor ker s’ weaknesses Lackofuni t y Lossofl andandcat t l e Not r adeuni ons Fearoft heset t l er s I l l i t er acy Page176of176 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Gr i ndi ngpov er t yi nt her eser v es [ i i ] . Ot herf act or s For cedt opayt axi ncash Whi t esusedf or ce Absent eei sm waspuni shabl ebyf or f ei t i ngwagef ort womont hs Lossofwages St r i keswer ei l l egal Tr adeuni onsbanned Deser t er swer ei mpr i soned Useoff or ce LackofGov er nmentcar eandpr ot ect i v el egi sl at i on. [ Nov2008] 119[ a] . I dent i f yt heear l yt ownshi psf orAf r i cansWor ker si nt hef ol l owi ngci t i es: Har ar e; Bul away o; Mut ar e; Gwer u; Kadoma; Masv i ngo. Har ar e—Mbar e, Mabv uku, Taf ar a; Muf akose; Hi ghl ands. Bul away o—Makokoba; Luv ev e; Mpopoma; Si zi nda; Mat shobane; Gwer uMut apa; Senga; Mambo; KadomaRi muka. Masv i ngoMucheke. Mut ar e—Sakubv a [ b] . Whatmet hodswer eusedbyAf r i cani ndust r i al wor ker st osol v et hei r gr i ev ancesagai nstwhi t eempl oy er sbef or e1950? [ 11] Boy cot t sMenv er ycar ef ul onchoi ceofmi nest owor ki n. Somemi neswi t h badsaf et yr ecor dswer eboy cot t ed.Thi smeansnoonewoul dwor kt her e St r i keact i on–exampl esr ecor ded: Wanki eCol l i er i esr ecor dedst r i kesi n1912, 1919and1921. TheShamv aMi neSt r i keof1927wher e3500wor ker sdowned t ool sf orbet t erpay . Deser t i on. Demonst r at i on St eal i ng Page177of177 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Fakedi l l ness Al t er edpasses I nj ur edsuper v i sor s For medbur i al soci et i es Absent eei sm Sabot age–damagedmachi nes, soast ounder mi newhi t epr of i t sandget t i met or est Gav eempl oy er sni cknamesshay amat akho For medAf r i cani ndependentchur ches Hi di ng. [ c] . Towhatext enthadt hesegr i ev ancesbeenaddr essedby1950? [ 8] [ i ] . Benef i t s: Cr eat edcondi t i onsf orst abl el abourbypr ov i di ngbet t erhousi ng, bet t er educat i onal f aci l i t i esandl essof f i ci al har assmentaboutpet t yr ul esand r egul at i ons Li v i ngcondi t i onsandwor ki ngcondi t i onswer ei mpr ov ed [ i i ] . Li mi t at i ons: Topr ev entanAf r i canpr ol et ar i atf i ght i ngt heconser v at i v ecapi t al i st s, t hey encour agedt hedev el opmentofabuf f ergr oup-mi ddl ecl assofAf r i cans. Usedpol i cet osuppr essst r i kes SomeAf r i cant r adewer ear r est edandi mpr i soned. Whi t econt i nuedt odemandpasses Theypassedhar sherl aws. [ Nov2009] 120[ a] . Li stanysi xcr opsgr ownatEur opeanf ar msi nSout her nRhodesi abet ween 1900and1953. [ 6] . Mai ze;Tobacco; Wheat ; Bar l ey ; cot t on; Soy aBeans; Gr apes; Pot at oes; Ci t r us; Sor ghum; Gr oundnut s; Mi l l et ; Sugar cane; Cof f ee; Tea; Ri ce; Sunf l ower [ b] . Whatf act or sl edt ot hedev el opmentofEur opeanagr i cul t ur edur i ngt he per i od1900t o1953? Page178of178 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Av ai l abi l i t yofl and–gi v enatl owf eesbyt hegov er nment Cheapl abour Est abl i shmentoft heEst at eDepar t menti n1908 Cr eat i onoft heDepar t mentofAgr i cul t ur e, andt heset t i ngoft heRhodesi a Agr i cul t ur al Jour nal Theset t i ngupoft heLandbanki n1912 Var i ousi ncent i v esgi v ent owhi t ese, ggener ousl oans, l owpr i cesofl and I nt r oduct i onofanumberoft axeswhi chf or cedAf r i cansi nt owagel abour, so bet ween1918and1932per i odofGr eatDepr essi on, Eur opeanagr i cul t ur e i ncr eased Laws/ Act susedt oassi stwhi t esi nt ocommer ci al agr i cul t ur ee, gLand Appor t i onmentAct ( 1930) , Mai zeCont r ol Act ( 1931) , and1934, andLand Husbandr yAct ( 1951) , Cat t l eLev yAct . Gov er nmentsuppl i edf i nancedandpr ocur edseeds, f er t i l i ser sandchemi cal s f orwhi t ef ar mer s. Mar ket i ngboar dssetupt opr omot eEur opeanagr i cul t ur ee, gTobacco Mar ket i ngBoar d, Gr ai nMar ket i ngBoar d, Cot t onMar ket i ngBoar d, Tobacco Cont r ol Boar d, et c I ncr easeddemandf orf oodi nEur opeaf t erWor l dWarTwoboost ed Eur opeanagr i cul t ur e Near nesst or ai l wayt r anspor t Cont r actf ar mi ng Li nkedt omaj orr oads Resear chcent r es [ c] . Howf ardi dt hecount r ybenef i tf r om t hedev el opmentofEur opean agr i cul t ur e? [ 8] [ i ] .Benef i t s: Count r yst ar t edexpor t i ngmeatt oSout hAf r i ca; Bel gi anCongo; Ger manyand Nor t her nRhodesi a Sel f suf f i ci encyi nf oodt of eedpeopl ei nt owns, mi nesandl abourf or ce Dur i ngy ear sofGr eatDepr essi oncount r ywasnotaf f ect ed, because pr oduct i onofcr opsonEur opeanf ar msi ncr eased I ncr easedr ev enue Page179of179 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Dev el opmentofmoder nagr i cul t ur e: count r ybecameanagr o-based economy I nt r oduct i onofi nt er nat i onal v ar i et i esofcat t l ebr eedse, gHer ef or d; Br ahman andJer sey Empl oy mentcr eat i on Newski l l swer eacqui r ed I mpr ov edt r anspor tandcommuni cat i on I nt r oduct i onofnewcr opv ar i et i es Const r uct i onofdams [ i i ] . NonBenef i t s: Expl oi t at i onofi ndi genousAf r i cansascheapl abour Af r i cansl ostt hei rl ands Mar gi nal i sat i onofAf r i canagr i cul t ur e Af r i cancat t l et aken Di scr i mi nat i onoft heAf r i cans Af r i canpov er t y -Eur opeanagr i cul t ur ecent r edont heexpor tmar ket Count r ybecameasour ceofr awagr i cul t ur al pr oduceandnotf i ni shedor pr ocessedgoods-si nceEur opeanagr i cul t ur ewasexpor t -cent r ed Pr of i text er nal i sedt oEur ope Ri seofbi t t ercl assconf l i ctbet weent heAf r i cansandt heWhi t es I nt r oduct i onofmi gr antl aboursy st em l eadi ngt ot hedi sr upt i onoft heAf r i can f ami l i es. ( Nov2010) 121( a) . I dent i f yanysi xgr i ev ancesofAf r i cansi ncol oni al Zi mbabwebet ween1897band 1923.[ 6] For cedl abour Lowwages Lossofl andi l l t r eat mentbywhi t es For cedt ocar r ypasses Unf ai rpr i cesf oragr i cul t ur al pr oduce Regar dedassquat t er sbywhi t eswhooccupi edt hei rl and. Page180of180 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM ( b) . Descr i bet hemet hodsusedbyt heBr i t i shSout hAf r i caCompanyt ocont r ol Af r i cansupt o 1923.[ 11] Useoff or ce: pol i ceandmi l i t ar y Legi sl at i on Useofl ocal chi ef s Far mer s, t r ader susedt ocont r ol peopl e Mi ssi onar i esal socont r ol l eddi st r i ct s Compoundsy st emf ar ms, mi nes Usedspi es\ i nf or mer s I mpr i sonment Pay mentoft axes Magi st r at es Di st r i ctAdmi ni st r at or scont r ol l eddi st r i ct s. [ c] . Howf arwer eAf r i cansaf f ect edbyt hesemet hods? [ 8] Posi t i v eef f ect s: Af r i canswor kedhar dt obeabl et opayt axes Empl oy ment Enf or cedl awandor der Uni t yagai nstunj ustsy st em [ i i ] Negat i v eef f ect s Lessf r eedom Beat enandar r est ed Respectf orchi ef snowl ess Af r i cansdi v i ded For cedempl oy ment . [ Nov2010] 122. [ a] . Li sti ndust r i est hatempl oy edAf r i cansi ncol oni al Zi mbabwebef or e1945.[ 6] Agr i cul t ur e, Mi ni ng, Manuf act ur i ng, Const r uct i on, El ect r i ci t yandwat er Commer ceandFi nance Page181of181 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Tr anspor tandCommuni cat i on Pr i v at edomest i cser v i ces. [ b] Out l i net hef act or swhi chmadei tdi f f i cul tf orAf r i cant r adeuni onst oachi ev et hei rai ms bef or e1945. [ 11] Tr adeuni onsnotal l owedt oent ermi ni ngcompoundst oor gani sewor ker s Not r adeuni onf orpar t i cul ari ndust r i es, sodi f f i cul tt ocoor di nat ewor ker sofdi f f er ent i ndust r i es Leader sofuni onsnotabl et oar t i cul at epr obl emsofdi f f er enti ndust r i es Uni ondi dnotbel i ev ei nor gani si ngst r i keswi t ht hehopet hatpeacef ul meanswoul d succeed Mostwor ker swer eunski l l ed, socoul deasi l yber epl acedi ft heywer et r oubl esome. Somewor ker swer epeasant swhoonl ywor kedt obeabl et opayt axes Wor ker swer ef r agment edasi ndust r i eswer ef arapar t . For msoft r anspor tandcommuni cat i onwer escar ceatt het i mesol eader swer enot mobi l eenough Hi ghi l l i t er acyamongAf r i canwor ker s Ear l yt r adeuni onsl edbyf or ei gner s. [ c] . Wer et heAf r i cant r adeuni onst obl amef orf ai l i ngt oachi ev et hei rai ms?[ 8] Af r i canst obl ame: Lesseducat i onsonotabl et oef f ect i v el yor gani seuni ons Fai l edt or eal i sei mpor t anceofst r i kes Lackoski l l s, soeasi l ydi spensabl e Wor ki ngwaspar t t i me, sodi f f i cul tt oor gani se Ot herf act or s: Empl oy er swer est r i ct Notenoughoppor t uni t i esf oreducat i onandt r ai ni ng Thr eat enedwi t hdi smi ssal . [ Nov2011] 123[ a] . St at eanysi xeconomi cpr obl emswhi cht heear l yBASCset t l er sf acedi n Souht er nRhodesi a. [ 6] Shor t ageofmachi ner y , gol dmi ni ngwasunpr oduct i v e, Labourshor t ages Page182of182 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Li v est ockdi seases, Shor t ageoff ood, Af r i canswi t hhel dt hei rgoods Compet i t i onf r om Af r i canf ar mer s, l andquar r el swi t hcompanyof f i ci al s Companyheav i l yt axedear l yset t l er s [ b] . Descr i bet hesy st em off or cedl abouri nSout her nRhodesi abef or e1930. [ 11] Fai l ur eoft heEl dar adot heor ycompel l edset t l er sandt heBSAC t of ocuson agr i cul t ur e Set t l er sandt heB. S. A. C.r equi r edl abourbutt hi swasdi f f i cul tt ogetbecausel ocal s wer eunwi l l i ngt owor kf orsomeone Companyr esol v edt ousef or cedl abour Enf or cedl abourpr ov i si onbyexpr opr i at i ngAf r i canl and Al sogotl abourbygr abi ngAf r i canl i v est ock, t ookAf r i canwomenandchi l dr en host aget of r ceAf r i canment ol ookf orwor k Est abl i shedt heRhodesi aNat i v eLabourBur eau( RNLB)t or ecr ui tl abour Set t l er ssentpat r ol st ocapt ur epeopl ef orf or cedl abour Chi ef scont r act edt osuppl yl abourandi ft heyf ai l edt odot hi s, t heywer epuni shed I nt r oducedcont r act ual l aboure. g12mont hscont r act , i nt r oducedt axes, engaged mi gr antl abour Chi bal oaccount edf or½ t hel abourf or ceusedbyset t l er s, monet ar i sat i onoft he economye, gset t l er sst oppedl ev y i ngt axesi nf or m ofgods Enact edpassl aws, i nt r oducedt hecompoundsy st em Usedt hecr edi tsy st em, l abour er swer ei l l t r eat ed–beat enwhi l eatwor k, poor l ypai d, wor kedl onghour s.Notgi v enr at i onsandal sosuf f er edpoorl i v i ngcondi t i ons–l i v i ng i ndor mi t or i esandsl ums. [ c] . Howef f ect i v ewast hesy st em off or cedl abouri nt hedev el opmentoft hecount r y ?[ 8] Ef f ect i v enessoff r cedl abour Hal fofmi neandf ar ml abourf or cewasbasedonf or cedl abour For cedl abourwasusedt odev el opi nf r ast r uct ur ee, gbui l di ngs, t het obaccoi ndust r y Cheapl abourgav ef ar mer sandmi ner sl ar gepr of i tmar gi ns I nef f ect i v enessoff or cedl abour Absent eei sm, st r i kes, ni cknamest obossesaswar ni ngt oot her s Page183of183 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Chi bar owor ker sf ei gnedi l l nessandt hi sr educedpr oduct i on Sabot agewasr i f e, causedmar kedl osses, wor ker sdam, agedmachi ner y Chi bar owor ker susual l ywast ef ul wi thr esour ces Chi bar oencour agedr esi st ance, f r cedl aboural sopr omot edr aci al di scr i mi nat i onand hat r ed Causedacci dent st obosses, deser t i onr educedpr oduct i on [ Nov2011] 124[ a] . Li stanysi xchar act er i st i csoft her eser v esf orAf r i cansi ncol oni al Zi mbabwebef or e 1930.[ 6] I nhabi t abl e, dr yl ands, hotl ands, l owr ai nf al l ar eas, sandysoi l s I nf er t i l el ands, mosqui t oandt set sef l yi nf est edar eas Remot ear eas, f arawayf r om mar ket s, r oadsandr ai l wayl i nes Mount ani nousandr ockyar eas, ov er cr owdedar eas [ b] . Oul i nef act or swhi chenabl edAf r i cansi ncol oni al Zi mbabwet opexpandt hei r agr i cul t ur ebef or e1930. [ 11] I ni t i al l yset t l er sdi dnoti nt er f er ewi t hAf r i canagr i cul t ur e Bet t er , moder nt ool sandmet hodsoff ar mi ng, cashcr opf ar mi nge, gt obacco, cot t on et c Reducedt r i bal andcl anr i v al r ye, gr ai di ngended, cont r ol ofwi l dani mal st hr ough hunt i ngbyset t l er s Ear l yset t l er swer ear el i abl emar ket, r easonabl epr i cesf oragr i cul t ur al pr oduce Di sr upt i onofAf r i cant r adi t i onal t r ade, mostmenj oi nedt hei rwi v esandchi l dr eni n cr opcul t i v at i on, mostAf r i canspr ef er dagr i cul t ur et owor ki ngi nwhi t emen’ sf ar ms andmi nes Capi t al i stmonet ar yeconomy , t axat i on, someAf r i cansst i l l cont r ol l edf er t i l el ands. [ c] . Towhatext entdi dset t l er scont r i but et ot heexpansi onofAf r i canagr i cul t ur ei nt hi s per i od? [ 8] Cont r i but i onofset t l er s I ni t i al noni nv ol v ementandi ner f er encei nagr i cul t ur e, moder nandbet t ermet hods andt ool sf orf ar mi ng Page184of184 Download more resources like this on ECOLEBOOKS.COM Banni ngofr ai di ng, cont r ol andhunt i ngofwi l dani mal s Av ai l abi l i t yofmar ket si nset t er s, r easonabl epr i ces, t axat i on, i nt r oduct i onof monet ar yeconomy Cont r i but i onofot herf act or s Af r i can’ spr ef er enceofagr i cul t ur et owor ki ngi nmi neandi ndust r y , adequat er ai nf al l Possessedal otofcat t l ef ordr aughtpowerandt r ade, compet i t i onamongstAf r i cans Av ai l abi l i t yoff er t i l esol i s I nv ol v ementofmeni nagr i cul t ur e Page185of185