SYLLABUS FOR UNDERGRADUATE COURSES MAJOR, CORE CURRICULUM and ELECTIVES A. COURSE INFORMATION COURSE NUMBER ITMGT 20.03 NO. OF UNITS COURSE TITLE Basic Information Technology Applications in Business PREREQUISITE/S N/A DEPARTMENT/ PROGRAM Quantitative Methods and Information Technology SCHOOL JGSOM SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023 SEMESTER Intersession INSTRUCTOR/S Michael C. Tan DELIVERY MODE Online+, Canvas LMS Room: CTC103 SCHEDULE MWF 600830pm SECTION M 3 B. COURSE DESCRIPTION The course provides an introduction to information technology and applications. The course addresses the computer proficiency requirement for all JGSOM majors as well as other business- related majors. It is also the starting point for those who want to pursue a minor in Information Technology Management. WHERE IS THE COURSE SITUATED WITHIN THE FORMATION STAGES IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LOYOLA SCHOOLS CURRICULA X FOUNDATIONS: Exploring and Equipping the Self ROOTEDNESS: Investigating and Knowing the World DEEPENING: Defining the Self in the World LEADERSHIP: Engaging and Transforming the World C. PROGRAM LEARNING OUTCOMES *This section does not apply to a student who is not a major of the program under which this course is administered Alignment of Course to the Program Learning Outcomes The Ideal Ateneo Graduate: A Person of Conscience Competence Compassion Commitment CTM MAC PLO 2 ! ! PLO 3 ! ! PLO 4 ! ! PLO 1 PLO 5 PLO 6 D. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of this course, students should be able to: COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES CLO1: To understand how businesses are taking advantage of modern technology and business applications (e.g. Data Science, etc.) to be competitive today. (K) CLO2: To construct flowcharts to detail structured and logical solutions for different contexts (S) CLO3: To utilize Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets as a tool to streamline and automate certain business processes (S) CLO4: To use Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets to analyze and gain relevant insights from data that can be used to support business decisions (S, A) CLO5: To use Microsoft Word and/or Google docs to create well-formatted documents using Microsoft Word or Google Docs such as research papers, contracts, emails, and other business documents. CLO6: To use Microsoft PowerPoint and/or Google Slides to communicate business insights or business ideas using a business minded approach to presentation. Rewritten as competences: COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES (Competences) CLO 1: Analyze data through spreadsheet tools for effective and efficient decisionmaking Knowledge: Discuss spreadsheet tools and functions Skills: Utilize Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets in automating certain business processes Attitudes: Assess datasets to gain relevant insights CLO 2: Address business issues using principles and best practices from specialized IT applications to communicate meaningful insights Knowledge: Discuss concepts and principles used in specialized IT applications (Office Suite, Tableau and, e-commerce platforms) Skills: Communicate meaningful stories and insights using MS Office/Google Suite, e-commerce platforms, and data visualization tools Attitudes: Present best practices and solutions to business issues These course learning outcomes are aligned to the JGSOM school learning outcomes as shown in the table below. CLO 1 SLO 1 ! SLO 2 ! SLO 3 ! SLO 4 ! CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4 ! ! ! ! ! ! CLO 5 CLO 6 ! ! ! SLO 5 ! SLO 6 E. COURSE OUTLINE and LEARNING HOURS Course Outline (All courses) CLOs Estimated Co ntact or Learning Hours Module 0: Introduction ● Course Syllabus (description, objectives, outline, grading and requirements, references) ● Expectations CLO 0 1-1.5 hours Module 1: Flowcharting CLO 1 0.5 hrs ● Flowchart Elements ● Flowchart Formulation 1 h: concepts 4 h: use tools Module 2: Basic Excel Applications ● Spreadsheet Fundamentals ● Logical and Conditional Functions ● Mathematical and Statistical Functions ● Date and Time Functions ● Textual Functions CLOs 2-4 Module 3: Intermediate Excel Applications ● Lookup and Reference Functions ● Sorting, Filtering, Pivot Tables ● Charts and Graphs CLOs 2-4 Module 4: Special Topics ● MS Word & MS Powerpoint CLOs 3-6 20 hrs 5 h: concepts 10-15 h: use tools 20 hrs 5 h: concepts 10-15 h: use tools 10-15 hrs F. ASSESSMENTS AND RUBRICS Assessment Tasks (All courses) Assessment Weight CLOs Written Activities (Quizzes, Homework, Seatwork) Class Participation Formative 15% 5% CLOs 1-4 Long Tests (3) Summative -Module 2: Basic Excel Applications (15%) -Module 3: Intermediate Excel Applications (20%) -Module 4: Special topics* (15%) 50% CLOs 1-6 30% CLOs 1-6 *Text Processing and Presentations Final Project Summative *Note that this differs per course and is discussed for each in the rubrics below. RUBRICS Final Project The integrative project serves as the venue for ITMGT students to demonstrate their learning of the course in a simulated assignment. The project will involve the preparation of a business application and a presentation. It is a culmination of all the concepts learned throughout the semester. Learners should show their understanding on how technology can be used to solve an everyday problem. The solution to the problem should integrate applicable skills by creating a simple application using the spreadsheet and creating a professional business document defining the problem, and how the spreadsheet application solves this. The learner should also create a presentation and present the project to co-learners and the instructor. Requirements: 1. Create a spreadsheet-based system or application for an establishment, company, or business of your choice. 2. Create a supporting document serving as a user manual or user guide. 3. Prepare a 20-minute presentation selling the system you have developed. 4. Be prepared to defend specific points of their project directly. Criteria for Assessment Needs Improvement Meets Standards Exceeds Expectations Overall Business Aptness and Usefulness (20%) The output developed has little to no practical use for a business. It does not address any major business issues or improve any processes. (0-10%) The output developed met the minimum requirements stated in the project guidelines. (11-15%) Output that is deemed insightful and useful but are not included in the stated requirements are present in the final project. (16-20%) Integration of Spreadsheets (40%) The output does not meet the bare minimum requirements explicitly listed in the project guidelines. (0-21%) The output has at least fulfilled the listed requirements in the project guidelines. (22-31%) The output spreadsheet has concepts and functionalities that are not discussed in class. (The students have demonstrated an aptitude to learn these outside of the class.) (32-40%) Document formatting (20%) There is difficulty in comprehending the content as well difficulty in userexperience in the use of the document. (0-10%) The output has at least fulfilled the listed requirements in the project guidelines. (11-15%) The output document has concepts and design elements that are not explicitly discussed in class. (The students have demonstrated an aptitude to learn these outside of the class.) (16-20%) Presentation (20%) There is an obvious lack of preparation in the actual presentation. There is a lack of sense and order in the presentation and some things that are expected to be presented are seen. (0-10%) The presentation has at least fulfilled the listed requirements in the project guidelines. (11-15%) The presentation has been done with an obvious level of preparation. Concepts and design elements that are not explicitly discussed in class. (The students have demonstrated an aptitude to learn these outside of the class.) (16-20%) G. TEACHING and LEARNING METHODS TEACHING & LEARNING METHODS and ACTIVITIES CLOs Video Lectures CLOs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Practice Exercises CLOs 3, 4 Applying the Excel functions on particular cases CLOs 3, 4 Presentation of the final report (with Q&A) CLOs 5, 6 H. REQUIRED MATERIALS Software that will be used in the course are Microsoft Excel and/or Google Sheets which are accessible or downloadable from the web: Office 365 Education ( Google Sheets ( Modules are set up in Canvas LMS. To access course materials and participate in the discussion, please create an account using your OBF email address only. Canvas LMS ( I. SUGGESTED READINGS Freund, Steven M. Microsoft Office 365 Excel 2016: Introductory. Australia: Cengage Learning, 2017. Marmel, Elaine. Teach Yourself Visually Office 2016. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2016. Microsoft Corporation. “Excel Functions (Alphabetical).” Office Support. Google Sheets Function List, Google Docs and Slides Documentation, J. GRADING SYSTEM Raw Score Numerical Grade Letter Grade 92 – 100 3.76 – 4.00 A 86 – 91.99 3.31 – 3.76 B+ 80 – 85.99 2.81 – 3.31 B 74 – 79.99 2.31 – 2.81 C+ 67 – 73.99 1.81 – 2.31 C 60 – 66.99 1.00 – 1.81 D Below 60 Below 1.00 F • All grades given throughout the semester will be numerical. At the end of the semester, the weighted average numerical grade will be converted to its corresponding letter grade following the conversion table above. • No automatic rounding of grades will be done (even if the grade is x.999999999%). K. CLASS POLICIES a. Academic Policies Adapted to Online Learning Please check the memo released by the Office of Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for a complete list of the academic regulations and policies that need to be adapted for online learning ( b. Guidelines for Online Learning by the Ateneo Science and Art of Learning and Teaching (SALT) Institute: 1. PREPARATION. Give your response some thought before you post. Avoid lengthy, rambling responses by organizing your thoughts first before posting. In most of our discussion boards, you will be asked to limit your response to a maximum number of sentences (e.g., "In no more than ten sentences..."). Please make an effort to follow that. 2. PARTICIPATION. A discussion is only as helpful as the level of participation that we put into it. So please participate—not only by posting your response, but also by reading others' comments and responding to them. You may respond by LIKING a post or by REPLYING to it. It would be great if you could at least pick one person to respond to each time you participate in a discussion. 3. REASON. We want to stand on the common ground of reason. When we are discussing ideas (in contrast to expressing our feelings), it is acceptable—and even desirable—to communicate a dissenting opinion, as long as we support our stance with reason. Discussions should be grounded in reason--or at least, an attempt to reason. This is the most important criterion in assessing someone's contribution to discussions of ideas. 4. RESPECT. Respect is an absolute non-negotiable whether we are discussing our ideas or sharing our feelings. It is absolutely all right to disagree as long as we do so in a reasonable and civil manner. Respect becomes even more crucial when people are sharing not ideas, but their feelings. In such cases, we are expected only to listen, to accept, or to support. c. Email addresses and links to remember For any kind of help via LS ONE For Student Help in LMS OAR Desk (JGSOM) AteneoBlueCloud LS-One L. CONSULTATION HOURS NAME OF FACULTY EMAIL DAY/S TIME Michael C. Tan MWF 1800-2030 You may consult with me through video-chat, regular voice chat over the internet, and text only though email and messenger. If you message during the consultation time above, you can expect faster replies from me. Questions pertaining to the exam must be raised in messenger so I can instantly reply to them. M. ADDITIONAL NOTES – Important Dates to Remember!! Date Activity June 13 Onsite Session: Syllabus & Introduction to Excel/ Google Sheets June 15 Submit via email: Final Project Proposal Lecture/ Seatwork: Basic Excel Functions Module 2: Basic Excel Applications June 22 Onsite: Long Test #1- Module 2 Basic Excel (Class Time) Module 3: Intermediate Excel Applications July 4 Onsite: Long Test #2- Module 3 Intermediate Excel Applications (still, do not forget Module 2!) Module 4: MS Word and MS PPT/ Google Docs and Google Slides July 11 July 13 – 15 Submit Google Sheets, User’s Manual (PDF), PPT/Google Slide, and Presentation Video via Email Onsite Presentations Schedule will be finalized by instructor. Note: The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus as the pace and environment of the class dictates. v.1 05/2020