Does Technology Save or Destroy the World A pleasant day to each and every one, may the good Lord guide us as we talk about technology today. The constant thing that played a massive role in our daily lives. We are all living in an age where everything is dependent on technology. Everything, from the coffee making in the morning to having a comfortable sleep at night, is controlled by technology. Even the platform I'm using is as I give this talk is technological advancement. Our everyday essentials are now available on a screen at our fingertips, thanks to different inventions and sites like Lazada, Shopee, etc. These advancements and technologies have made our lives a lot easier. These technologies also provided us with innovations in the medical, educational, industrial, and agricultural sectors. Thanks to technological advancements, many diseases can now be treated and diagnosed in a shorter period. Humans and technology have had a long relationship that has resulted in numerous innovations. It has made it easier for us to handle our daily chores, beginning with those at home, the office, schools, and the kitchen. We can relax at home. Because the entire world runs on technology, we are completely reliant on it. But everything has advantages and disadvantages. We have grown so reliant on technology that we frequently avoid doing things on our own. As a result, we become sedentary and physically inactive. This has also resulted in a number of health issues, including obesity and heart disease. Rather than walking a few kilometers, we choose to ride motorcycles. Children are no longer used to playing in playgrounds, spending hours on their phones playing video games. Without a doubt, technology is an important part of our lives, but we should not be completely reliant on it. To sum it up, technology without a doubt saves us, humans, from all the hard work but does it do the same with our planet? The industrial revolution gave birth to new technologies with enormous power. This was the transition from old to new manufacturing processes. This has been followed by continued industrialization and technological advancements in developed countries around the world, with the environmental impact of this technology including the misuse and damage of our natural earth. These technologies have damaged our world in two main ways; pollution and the depletion of natural resources. And I am sure that we are all aware of all these negative impacts. But, despite the negative impact of technology on the environment, a recent increase in global concern about climate change has led to the development of new environmental technology aimed at assisting in the resolution of some of the most pressing environmental issues that we face as a society through a shift toward a more sustainable, low-carbon economy. Environmental technology, also known as "green" or "clean" technology, refers to the development of new technologies with the goal of conserving, monitoring, or reducing the negative impact of technology on the environment and resource consumption. Now can we answer the question, "Does Technology saves or destroy the world?" In my point of view, technology is now saving the world from the destruction of the previous technological age. And that's all that matters, how you correct the mistakes that you've done, same to us, humans. We can never go back in time to undo what we've done but we can always do something to prevent it from happening again.