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Information Needs & Research Habits Essay

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We all have information needs, whether at home, at work, or at school. Think about your informationgathering process and then consider an information need you have had for a current or previous course,
such as writing an academic paper or study group project. Answer the following questions: 1. When you
researched this topic, where did you go to gather information (e.g., to a website, a friend, a library, or
other resource)? 2. Why did you go to that particular resource? Is this typically how you do your
research? 3. If you did not answer "library," do you use a library for your information needs? Why or
why not? 4. Have you ever used the UMUC online library? Why or why not?
1. When you researched this topic, where did you go to gather information (e.g., to a website, a friend, a
library, or other resource)?
Typically, when researching a topic for a class, the first investigated material is that which is provided by
the instructor. If nothing of value is found, the next resources checked for materials are the UMUC
Library Databases and the internet. If researching a topic for an employer or at home, usually checking
the internet provides a fair amount of information and if nothing can be found through that avenue,
then the public library databases provide materials of interest as well.
2. Why did you go to that particular resource? Is this typically how you do your research?
The convenience of aggregating a wealth of information into a single interface and being able to easily
discern what information is valid or invalid. Normally, this method of research proves to be very
effective in most cases.
3. If you did not answer "library," do you use a library for your information needs? Why or why not?
Yes, a library is a resource employed, however, the method which the library is utilized mainly involves
taking advantage of the wealth of databases which the library has access, and overall this is mainly to
find reputable sources.
4. Have you ever used the UMUC online library? Why or why not?
Yes, the UMUC online library is utilized for every research project which has been undertaken during
tenure at UMUC. The citation features of the UMUC library ensure citing a source is completed easily
and properly.