Uploaded by Dr. Nilesh Patil

Blockchain FDP Program Outline: Applications & Development

FDP on “Blockchain and its Applications”
Monday, 20th June to Friday, 24th June
(Program Outline)
About the FDP: Block chain is something which will lead the majority of data storage and information sharing for
the upcoming IT industry. We will understand the fundamentals of blocks and the immutability
related. The protocol behind the chain formation of blocks with data stored will be understood
with practical implementations. Consensus Protocol creation for blockchain formation will be
created using python script to understand blockchain from the very core. As a hands on we will
understand how a banking system works and transactions can be done using blockchain
Understanding of blockchain technology.
Bitcoin & Ethereum concepts.
Building Cryptocurrency and enabling transactions
Working of Decentralized technologies
Solidity based developments
Creating Smart Contracts
Hyperledger fabric creation and business network development
Getting Started with Blockchain Technology [Theoretical - 1 Hr]
What is a Blockchain
Applications of Blockchain Technology
opportunity & challenge in Blockchain Technology
Market Growth of Blockchain Technology
Day 1
Blockchain fundamental [Theory - 20% / Practical - 80%]
Blockchain Features
Public VS private Blockchain
Understanding a SHA256 Hash
Immutable Ledger
Distributed P2P Network
How Mining Works : The Nonce
How Mining Works : The Cryptographic puzzle
Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Consensus Protocol : Defence Against Attackers
Consensus Protocol : Proof of Work
How Blockchain Works
Centralization and Decentralization
Smart Contracts
Wallets, Transactions, Public & Private keys
Day 2
BlockChain Intuition Hands-On/Mini Project: ● Create and Deploy a BlockChain Protocol on server
Day 3
Cryptocurrency Intuition: Bitcoin Case Study of Blockchain [Theory - 20% Practical - 80%]
Bitcoin and Blockchain introduction
Bitcoin's Monetary Policy
Getting Bitcoin Wallet
Getting and Sending Bitcoins
Working of Mining Blockchain
Understanding Mining Difficulty
Mining Pools
Nonce Range
How Miners Pick Transactions
CPU's vs GPU's vs ASIC's
How do Mempools Work?
Orphaned blocks
The 51% Attack
The DAO Attack
Soft & Hard Forks
Extra bits of Target Conversion
Smart Contract Intuition [Theory - 20% / Practical - 80%]
What is Etherium
Ethereum Installation
What is a Smart Contract
Ethereum Virtual Machine & Gas
Deploying Smart Contracts
Key Properties of smart Contracts
Language for Smart Contracts
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)
The DAO Attack
Soft & Hard Forks
Initial Coin Offerings (ICO's)
ICO Case Study
Blockchain and Web 3.0
Day 4
Solidity Programming Intuition
Remix IDE understanding
Functions and variables types in Solidity
Data Types in solidity
Payable vs Non Payable functions
Inheritance and Library
References - Mapping , Array , Struct
Create , Read , Update and Delete
Day 5
Smart Contract Deployment: - Hands-On [Practical - 100%]
Ethereum Main Network and Test Network
Blockchain Smart Contracts & Wallet
Use Ethereum Solidity & Smart Contracts to build blockchain apps
Ganache and Ether Wallet configuration
Design, test, and deploy secure Smart Contracts
Projects: Smart Contract for banking transaction
Problem Statement: - Create a smart contract between two bodies for banking transactions.
Description: - With continuous development of an autonomous eco system the need for smart
contracts also increased. Additional security features and transparency given by smart
contracts makes it a more powerful mode of contract creation between two independent
bodies. In this project you will deploy a smart contract over an ethereum network developed
using solidity programming. It will be focused on enabling auto transactions.
Initial Coin Offering (ICO)
Problem Statement: - Create a ICO contract for token
Description: - You are a smart contract developer and assigned a project to create a token to be
deployed on ethereum network for real time buying and selling.
Problem Statement: - Develop a BlockChain based lottery system
Description: - Lottery is a kind of game where trust depends upon transparency. In this project
you will develop a lottery game which will be decentralized in nature and powered by high
security features because of blockchain. In this lottery system buyers can have lottery tickets in
digital form which can be bought over a decentralized network and the winner will be declared
by technology itself without any human intervention.