Uploaded by Gita Swasti

Blockchain Implementation: Fraud, Payments, CRM, Elections

Blockchain and its implementation in:
Fraud Prevention, Payment System, Customer Relationship, and Election
Bisnis Digital dan Intelejensia Bisnis
Blockchain is distributed -- Using a shared digital ledger can
help reduce fraud because it increases the visibility and
transparency of the transactions made throughout a supply
chain and between members of a business network.
Participants can see the history and transfer of assets, so
fraudulent transactions are easier to identify.
Blockchain is immutable – They cannot be deleted or
changed. Before a “block” of transactions can be
appended to the blockchain, network participants must
agree the transaction is valid through a process called
Blockchain can be permissioned -- permissioned
networks can be great for fraud prevention because they
restrict who is allowed to participate and in what
capacity. Members of a permissioned network must be
invited and validated before they can contribute.
• The first application as a new way of making payment.
• Current exchange & remittance.
• Blockchain can designed as advanced distributed ledger.
• Enable the participating banks to design and use self-executing
transactions agreement (smart contracts) to process globally
recognized transaction.
• Commonwealth Bank using Ripple technology produced by Google
Ventures-backed start-up Ripple to allow its subsidiaries to transfer
payments between themselves.
Private Market Platform
• The NASDAQ Private Market Platform is a new initiative launched in
January 2014, to enable pre-IPO trading among private companies. It
has also said that they would leverage the Open Assets Protocol, a
colored coin concept, to build their private exchange platform. Later,
in June 2015, it announced a partnership with Chain, a blockchain
infrastructure provider for FIs and enterprises.
Implementation of Blockchain in Customer
1. Pelanggan memiliki lebih banyak informasi
2. Secara regulasi patuh dan pemumgutan pajak terjadi secara real time
Industri Asuransi
Manajemen klaim asasuransi (mengururangi biaya administrasi)
Buku besar yang didistribusikan dapat memungkinkan perusahaan
asuransi dan customer mengakses dengan mudah, cepat, dan update
relevan info tentang klaiim asuransi mereka.
Misalnya: formulir klaim, bukti, laporan polisi, laporan ahli
Industri Logistik
• Transparansi untuk customer (pelacakan)
• Dengan teknologi blockchain, pelanggan dapat melihat setiap bagian
dari perjalanan produk mereka sebelum tiba di tangan mereka.
Jaringan di balik rak toko tidak lagi tersembunyi, sehingga
memungkinkan pelanggan dapat mengambil keputusan yang tepat.
• Contoh : JNE/ pandu logisti/ dianta
Mempermudah pelanggan dalam pemesanan
• Implementasi:
sistem pelayanan pada cafe Mujigae.
How can
help in ballot?
Every party that participate in
the system can see the exact
same results;
Every vote can be traced to its
The voters will be able to
verify their vote, for
Blockchain offers end-toend verifiable voting
Disusun oleh:
Ayu Tania P (1606952692)
Dameria Annissa FS (1606952780)
Gita Swasti (1606953000)
Ruth Felisa S (1606953436)