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Marketing Mix & Export Performance

By considering the contemporary business arena it is vital for the authorities to significantly focus
towards the business environment with relevant to the organizational processes and practices.
Organizations consistently change the contemporary business operations and look for better
customer-oriented approaches and imply the effective techniques accordingly (Sihite, 2019).
Furthermore as customers have the tendency to choose among large amount of organizations for
their relevant product and services, the traditional marketing approach is consistently questions by
the authorities and focus towards consistent exchanges in a regular manner and concentrate
towards a better adoption of marketing mix in the contemporary business environment. As the
organizations largely encounter competition, it is important for the business authorities to work
towards a better strategic implications for the internal as well as external business activities which
is in line with the strategic marketing mix considerations (Madeira, 2019).
Therefore, by analyzing and understanding the relevant marketing mix aspects, the decision
makers consistently imply effective marketing mix management which lead towards a better
revenue generation as well as brand image enhancement in the dynamic business environment.
Furthermore, the organizations also carefully understand the relevant marketing mix elements
where they can have a greater upper hand and lead towards understanding the relevant marketing
mixes in order to obtain fruitful outcomes in the competitive business environment (Husaeni,
Export Performance
By considering the business activities, global business operations lead towards a massive
organizational growth in a larger scale. Based on this relevant aspect exporting is considered as
one of the major growth strategy by most of the organizations and its consistently focused towards
obtaining adequate opportunities in a larger scale. Based on the future demands as well as the
relevant opportunities the organizations identify and understand the emerging markets and conduct
their export activities with a motive towards obtaining a competitive advantage as well as enjoying
the risk sharing in a larger scale. Based on the export performance which is in line with the apparel
business industry, the authorities always have the tendency to depend on the global business
aspects in a significant level as it is highly relevant towards multidimensional aspects as well as
economic measures in the apparel industry (Navarro, Arenas and Cataluna, 2016).
Most of the organizations consistently obtain financial benefits throughout the export performance
which is in line with the global markets as well as export business activities in a comprehensive
manner throughout the utilization of technology and better global relationship. As the globalization
highly reached towards all around the business entities, the intensive competition is highly depend
towards the export performance of the organizations and authorities consistently identify the
relevant strategies which is in line with the marketing mix in a larger scale (Kingsley and Pokubo,
2019). By considering the competitive performance throughout the export performance of the
organization, the decision makers focused towards the external factors which is incorporated with
the customer demand, preferences as well as supplier aspects which is relevant towards the
marketing mix of the organization based on the relevant organizational regulations and
criteria. Throughout a careful analysis the decision makers imply the product, price, promotion as
well as place as a major consideration for the export performance for the apparel business industry
to obtain a better competitive advantage in the dynamic business arena (Westjohn and Magnusson,
The Concept of Marketing Mix
By seeing the marketing mix of an organization is concerned, it is relevant towards the product,
promotion, pricing as well as distribution aspects based on the target market requirements. Largely
the marketing mix focused towards the customer requirements as well as meeting their desires
throughout the organization's marketing goals in a holistic manner in the competitive business
environment (Abrar and Safeer, 2016). The decision makers consistently employ their marketing
mix strategies as major solution provider to meet the customer requirement as well as attaining the
organizational goals in the dynamic business arena. In terms of the marketing mix it is a
microeconomic theory which is relevant towards the marketing processes and practices which is
in line with the organizational goals and customer demand in a significant manner. Furthermore,
the decision makers focused towards the implication of tools which is relevant towards these
marketing mix elements for long term and short term strategic development in their business
processes and practices (Mazuri and Feras, 2017).
It is also considered as a controllable marketing tools in the business environment for the
authorities to understand the customer requirements and meeting the desires of the target markets.
Furthermore, most of the marketing mix elements are largely affected by the demand and keep on
changing in a regular manner throughout various implications on the product, price, promotion
and place in the competitive business environment (Aithal, 2020). Furthermore, marketing mix
also considered as a systematic approach for the business entities too understand the customers
and obtaining a greater value addition in a larger scale in order to meet the organizational goals
and targets in the dynamic business arena. Based on these relevant aspects as well as the
implications the authorities consistently focus in towards satisfying the customer requirements
throughout the marketing mix in a larger scale (Aloina and Sembiring, 2019).
In terms of the marketing mix aspects the product is highly relevant towards the design, quality,
packaging and minimal aspects based on the nature of the business activities as well as the product
delivery in the company business environment. In addition, when considering the promotion
aspects, it focused towards the public relations, sales promotion, direct marketing and relevant
other promotional aspects asper industrial requirements in the target market. Furthermore, the price
is relevant towards the discounts and credit conditions along with redemptions in a larger scale.
Whereas the place in the marketing mix it's concentrated towards the channels, logistical aspects
along with product inventory and transport aspects based on the market demand (Constantinides,
By considering the business activities of any organization, it is important for the authorities to
identify and understand the relevant marketing mix based on the marketing strategy as well as
the nature of the business activities. In terms of the marketing mix, which is implied by the
organizations, the major factors which are known as seven Ps of marketing consist of product,
promotion, price, place, people, process as well as physical evidence. The authorities in the
marketing department as well as the relevant industries have the propensity to identify and
understand the relevant mix which could be uplifting the organizational performance in the
competitive business environment (Isoraite, 2016).
By considering the product aspects of the organizations marketing mix is concerned, it has a
leaning to focus toward how they can develop the product and services that could be possibly
impact their organizational performance as well as meeting customer requirements. On the other
hand, there are multiple occurrences the price also one of the major factor which is affecting the
marketing mix of the organizations where the authorities focus on how the change of pricing model
could be impacting the business activities as well as marketing performance in the competitive
business environment (Thabit and Raewf, 2018).
In terms of the place or the accessibility is concerned, it is all about how the distribution option
could be implied for the customer to experience the product or services through online or offline
mediums. In addition, the promotion also focused towards the combination of the social media as
well as mass media which could be implied by the organization through various channels that
could be uplifting the product to be marketized in a specific level. On the other hand, the
physical evidences are considered by the authorities on how the customers are reassure
throughout the medium. There are multiple occurrences the processes as well as the internal
activities along with operations that provides customer value as well as the employees with
multiple skills that could be uplifting the production serve with the partners to reach the
organizational objects in an effective manner (Warrink, 2015).
By considering a successful marketing mix of any organization is concerned, the authorities have
the tendency to focus towards better marketing activities which is in line with their business
activities to have a highest performance in the competitive business environment. In terms of the
product and services are concerned, the authorities have the tendency to integrate social media as
well as mass media as an intelligent tool which is uplifting the product to be reached the target
segments in an effective manner. On the other hand, when considering the price factors, business
entities have the tendency to identify the relevant place methodology based on the subscription
based or software as a service models which could be implying the organizational business
activities which is in line with the new generation (Pomering, 2017).
The organizations have the tendency to set off the marketing mix where they focus towards the
place as multiple network partners and user groups which is in line with the organizational
requirements. In terms of the promotional activities multiple organizations imply the social media
as well as the mass media to conduct the events or promoting the product and services through
advertising in an effective manner. When considering the physical evidence, it is highly in line
with the branding across communications with the processes which are through the organizational
employees who is highly involved with the business activities. In addition, by considering the
people who involved in the marketing activities of a marketing mix is concerned, it is implied
through the investment of the online services as well as the partners who has the same mentality
of the organization to develop through the smart insights with the strategic collaborations
(Hanssens and Pauwels, 2018).
In terms of the marketing mix which is implied by the organizations is concerned, it is important
for the authorities to focus towards the achievement of the objectives along with customer
satisfaction in a significant level. In addition, the marketing mix also focused towards helping the
organization to face the competition as a less uplifting the brand loyalty in large scale where the
organizations to build a better corporate image in the competitive business environment.
Moreover, the business entities also focused towards the business expansion as well as uplifting
the brand image would be implying the better marketing mix strategy in the dynamic business
environment which lead them to have a better outcome throughout the optimum utilization of the
resources. On the other hand, the business entities also focus towards the important of the
marketing mix in the competitive business environment in terms of achieving the profit increment
as well as uplifting the shareholder value in a large scale throughout fulfilling the relevant social
responsibilities (Blut and Teller, 2018).
By considering the business environment products are defined as physical entities which customer
has the tendency to pay and consume for the requirement. The product aspects focus towards the
materials as well as the relevant items which can be tangible and non-tangible as per the nature of
the entity. In terms of the product as a major consideration for the business entities, it is also a
primary aspect for marketing elements. The researchers consistently express that the product that
could offer the market and gain relevant attention which lead towards the business entities to have
a better revenue generation and meeting the goals through satisfaction the customer requirements
(Kumar, Shankar and Aljohani, 2020).
By seeing the product as a concept, it is largely focused towards natural products, experiences,
ideas, information, enterprises, services, property rights, events, people and players as per the
marketing mix point of view. Furthermore, it also has the tendency of relevant product lifecycle in
the competitive business environment which lead towards the business entity to have better
decision making for the marketing mix throughout the various life span.
By considering a product and its life stage, the business environment at the initial level focus
towards the product development where the product idea initiated further business aspects as well
as revenue generation from level zero. In addition, in the latter stages as the product moves to the
market and started creating adequate revenues in a gradual manner with minimum profit with a
larger cost in a growth manner. Furthermore, the growth also one of the major forces to the product
well in this particular time scale the product started obtaining adequate revenue which could
significantly impact the organizational performance (Lim, 2021).
In addition, maturity is the level for a product great number of consumers have the tendency to
consume the product in a larger scale an organization spent a significant amount of marketing
expenses to overcome the completed deliveries of the similar product. On the other hand, the
decline is the level where the organization started losing the revenue and profit in a considerable
manner where the authorities how to make certain decisions with regard to the product future and
its road map of the product (Mintz and Gilbride, 2021).
As far as the price is concerned, it is a most important aspect in the marketing mix where the
authorities consistently focus towards various pricing elements which is in line with profit and
revenue sharing in the competitive business environment. Furthermore, although the price is
considered as a major implementation aspect for the competitive scenario, the decision makers
consistently focusing towards multiple alternations in the marketing elements as well as the
environmental alternations which could largely affect the pricing in a significant level. Based on
this relevant scenarios price is one of the elements which is most important for the customer
satisfaction and organizations revenue generations in a larger scale (Goi, 2019)
Furthermore, when seeing the price and its incorporation towards the marketing mix aspects are
concerned, the price is seen as an assessment tool of the product. Price is defined as money which
is to be paid for a product or services by a customer in the exchange of the consumption that they
tend to encounter for the utilization. In addition, the direct cost also considered as the price for a
business entity where are the buyers pay to consume the product in terms of monetary level. On
the other hand, the price is also considered as an amount that consumers pay in terms of the
exchange of the different elements that they tend to encounter throughout the utilization of the
product. In terms of the prices, it is largely depend on the market production in a larger scale and
there is always relationship between the price and the sales in a significant manner. By considering
this aspect the decision makers also lost the managers have their tendency to do a price setting
which could be highly competitive has a nice meeting the organizations cost factors with various
measures (Kalyanam and McIntyre, 2012).
Cost plus
Value basis
Input size
A percentage of the profit which could be expected by the organizations
throughout the product manufacturing aspects is considered as cost plus which
is calculated by the implications of fixed and variable cost
The authorities understand the consumer perception and the value and set the
pricing aspects accordingly for relevant products and services. It also largely
focused towards the quality as well as the branding considerations in a
significant manner
Based on the organization’s competitors’ deliveries, the authorities set the price
accordingly in certain business environment. Based on the competitors and the
price response is the authorities carefully analyze the existing products and set
the prices accordingly
As the product move to the market with multiple joint product price the decision
makers have the tendency to increase the prices in a larger scale in order to
control the market
It is one of the marketing and advertising strategy which is employed by the
authorities where a certain level of price reduction which could be employed by
the organizations to attract the customers which lead towards a larger revenue
generation and uplift the market share
Based on the assumptions as well as the sales aspects the price which would
have the tendency to attract the customer and bye relevant other product based
on the price of the existing product
Psychological It is one of the consumers behavior-oriented approach which is incorporated by
the authorities of the business entities where they have the tendency to set the
prices which looks smaller and looks better. For instance, selling a product for
Rs 999 instead of Rs 1,000
Promotion is one of the major tools which is incorporated for the business entities and have a better
marketing and advertising aspects in the competitive business environment. It leads towards to
have a better customer awareness as well as building a brand loyalty in a larger scale for any
product and services which is consumed in the market for better customer decision making process.
Furthermore, the decision makers as well as the relevant managers consistently focused towards
effective promotional strategies in a larger scale in order to identify and understand the customer
requirements as well as the business demand in a larger scale in the competitive business arena.
The authorities and the decision makers continuously focus towards relevant promotional
strategies for the products and services which is relevant towards advertising, sales promotion,
personal selling, public relations as well as direct and digital marketing aspects (Kim, 2018).
When considering the advertising, it is focused towards any paid implications of product and
services which are promoted by the authorities to the consumers. Most of the authorities focus
towards broadcast, print and online media along with outdoor forums which is in line with the
nature of the product and service deliveries. In addition, sales promotions are the short term
business development opportunities which is encountered by the authorities throughout selling
goods and services. The decision makers mostly employ the discounts, coupons and displays as
major sales promotional strategy (Omari and Aljawarneh, 2018).
In addition, when considering the personal selling, it focused towards personal customer
interactions by the authorities of the organization with a motive towards engagement and obtaining
adequate sales the competitive business environment. Most of the business entities have the
tendency to imply the personal selling which is relevant towards sales presentation and incentive
programs which is relevant towards the nature of the business aspects and the product criteria in
the competitive business scenario (Badi, 2018). On the other hand, the public relations are also
considered as one of the major promotional tools which is incorporated with the marketing mix
developing better relationships and obtaining a greater publicity and the corporate image is a major
focus by the business entities. Press releases and sponsorships are some of the major implications
focus by the authorities in terms of the public relations. Furthermore, engaging the customers
directly and communicate them regarding the relevant products and services with better customer
relationship is incorporated through the direct and digital marketing aspects, the authorities employ
direct mails and social media interaction as a major tools for the aspects for the direct and digital
marketing initiative (Raewf, Thabit and Jasim, 2021).
In terms of the marketing mix element the place is one of the major considerations focused by the
authorities as it is relevant towards the distribution of product and services which could be
consistently reach out the consumers in a significant manner. In terms of the place it is highly
focused towards the identification and implication of the product by the consumers in a direct
manner which lead towards the authorities do have a better selling point in the competitive business
environment. Although it is considered as complicated aspect and incorporated with large amount
of mediators, the decision makers consistently identify that optimized solution and then
environment and lead towards the product to be reached the consumers in a larger scale (Sudari
and Tarofder, 2019).
Furthermore, the authorities focus towards the place in the business aspects as well as the
marketing mix in terms of selling the product at the right place, selling the product at the right time
as well as selling the product with the right quality. The major considerations focused in the
scenario where the product would be easily accessible to the consumers, meeting the customer
demand at the relevant time scale as well as better appeal and meeting the customer quality in a
rightful manner or the major scope of the place in the marketing mix. In the view of the distribution
aspects, the authorities focused towards direct and indirect distribution in a significant manner
(Purohit, Paul and Mishra, 2021). In terms of direct distribution is concerned, the marketers
promote their product and services by themselves as well as reaching out the customer in order to
meet their requirements. On the other hand, when considering the indirect distribution channels
are concerned the producers have the tendency to reach the customer through the retailer in a direct
manner to access the consumer. On the other hand, the producers also reached the consumer
through the wholesaler and retailer based on the product portfolio in the competitive business
environment (Hossain and Khan, 2018).