Uploaded by smanquma

Marathon Race App: Specifications & Requirements

Application : Marathon Race App
General Purpose for this app:
Your city is planning a full 42.2 kilometre marathon race. Your time is ranked in the top, middle, or bottom
third of runners.
Minimum specifications:
This application should include at least the following: (your app may have more screens and functionality).
1) The opening screen displays the text “Marathon Race” and an image of a marathon
2) Your total time to run the entire race is requested in two TextView controls, which save the hour and
the minute (for example, 3 hours and 27 minutes).
3) A second screen displays the average time that it took to run one kilometre
4) If your average time to run each kilometre is under 11 minutes, display a top one-third gold medal
5) If your average time to run each kilometre is under 15 minutes, display a middle-third silver medal
6) If your average time to run each kilometre is equal to or more than 15 minutes, display a completion
bronze medal image.
The completion time for the marathon cannot be more than 10 hours
The number of minutes entered cannot be more than 59 minutes
Locate images for this app online.