PROPOSED BUDGET 2021 FUNDING SOURCES & EXPENSES TITHES & OFFERINGS* ������������������������������������� $4,074,041 *92% of projected 2020 tithes & offerings ADMINISTRATION: Facilitates business and financial services, as well as property insurance, computer network, staff development, and human resources. MISSIONS: Supports mission ������������������������������������������$381,064 ����������������������������������������� $180,300 CAPITAL: Provides ongoing funding for long-term facility maintenance with large projects, as well as building-loan payments. efforts worldwide, including missionaries and churchplanting efforts (excludes Great Commision Missions giving). KIDS & YOUTH: Includes Kids, Preschool and Youth ministries and their discipleship and outreach efforts. ����������������������������������������$89,208 ADULTS: Includes curriculum, special-interest events, discipleship and support groups, and outreach efforts for Pastoral Care and Adult ministries. ����������������������������������������$36,800 WORSHIP: Supports all aspects of worship ministry, including equipment, software, music, media, and churchwide outreach events. ����������������������������������������� $515,000 FACILITY OPERATIONS: Includes maintenance contracts, facility maintenance, security and fire systems, lawn care, utility costs, and facility cleaning costs. �����������������������������������������$554,490 PERSONNEL: Includes salaries and benefits for church employees. �������������������������������������� $2,200,143 TOTAL EXPENSES ������������������������������������� $4,074,041 ��������������������������������������������$117,036 NOTE: The budget above does not include approximately $133,000 of registrations/other income or the corresponding expenses, as the net effect of these events is $0 to the budget. GREAT COMMISSION MISSIONS OFFERING While the budget provides for giving to missions, the church also receives GCM offerings, which are distributed to additional global, national and local missions. 2021 BUDGET SCHEDULE This budget comes as a recommendation from the Stewardship and Personnel committees, deacons and staff. Q&A session (6:30 p.m. | Zoom*)����������������������������������������������� Jan. 13 *To access, click here, or visit the link on unitedcitychurch/business. Q&A session (12:30 p.m. | student building)�������������������������� Jan. 17 Church body vote (after each worship service)������������������ Jan. 24 VOTING INFO & NOMINEES Our church body vote will include the proposed budget, as well as deacon and various committee nominees listed below. To access this guide digitally and view committee members who approved this proposal, please visit unitedcitychurch/business. Contacts for further questions: Finance Director David Dover | Director of Administration Amy Sutton | PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Dale Harper Sheri Petersen Bruce Pool COMMITTEE ON COMMITTEES Joni Adams Tim Bates DEACONS Michael Abshire Michael Coughlin Brian Duncan STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE Karen Russell Second nominee TBD Stacy Coughlin Sean Fanning Craig Gary Tyler Knutson Webb Pepper Jeff Spratlen Johnny Toppass David Walling UNITED CITY CHURCH | UNITEDCITY.CHURCH | 281.446.8168 | 19901 TOWNSEN BLVD., HUMBLE, TEXAS 77338