Student Name: Elaine Edberg Medication: furosemide Category Class: loop diuretic Purpose of Medication Expected Pharmacological Action Works in the loop of Henle of nephrons. Blocks reabsorption of NaCl and water. Causes extensive diuresis even with severe renal impairment Complications Dehydration, hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypotension, ototoxicity, hypokalemia Contraindications/Precautions Contraindications: anuria Precautions: - pregnant/lactating women (safety not established) - pts with DM, dehydration, electrolyte depletion, gout - pts taking digoxin, lithium, ototoxic meds, NSAIDs, other antihypertensives Review Module Chapter: Pharm 18 Therapeutic Use CKD Emergent need for rapid mobilization of fluid Medication Administration - Administer orally, IM, IV bolus dose, or cont IV infusion PO: - 20-80mg/day - Repeat q6-8h - May increase dose by 20-40mg q68h until desired response IM IV: - 20-40mg/dose - Repeat q6-12h - May increase by 20mg q1-2h until desired response - IV: 20 mg/min or slower Nursing Interventions - obtain baseline data and regularly monitor orthostatic BP, wt, electrolytes, any edema - weigh pts at same time ea day - monitor BP and I&O - avoid administering med late to prevent nocturia; admin between 0800-1400 - if K level drops below 3.5, monitor ECG and notify provider Interactions - digoxin toxicity (ventricular dysrhythmias) can occur in presence of resultant hypokalemia - concurrent use of antihypertensives can have additive hypotensive effect - lithium carbonate blood levels can increase and lead to toxicity if resultant hyponatremia occurs - NSAIDs decrease blood flow to kidneys and reduces diuretic effect Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness Increase in urine output Client Education - Get up slowly to minimize postural hypotension and monitor BP and for hypovolemia - If faintness or dizziness occur, sit or lie down immediately - Report significant wt loss, lightheadedness, dizziness, GI distress, general weakness = hypokalemia or hypovolemia - Consume foods high in potassium - Observe for hypocalcemia: muscle twitching, weakness, tremors - Report ototoxicity: tinnitus or hearing loss