Endocrine Lab Each slide has the glands on that can be seen but they are not matched to the actual gland. It is your job to locate the listed glands on each slide using the lab guide. Thyroid Gland Adrenal glands pancreas Pancreas and Adrenal Glands Adrenal glands Adrenal glands pancreas Pancreas and adrenal glands Histology Slides They are not shown in this order. You have to figure them out. Use the lab guide or any online histology source you have found a) Thyroid gland b) Parathyroid gland c) Adrenal gland d) Pancreas e) Pituitary gland • Adenohypophysis – anterior pituitary • Neurohypophysis – posterior pituitary thyroid thyroid parathyroid parathyroid 40X total mag 100x Total mag thyroid 400X total mag Pituitary Posterior Posterior Anterior Anterior 40X total mag 100x Total mag Pancreas islets Acinar cells Acinar cells 40X total mag 100x Total mag 400X total mag Adrenal gland cortex cortex 40X total mag 100x Total mag