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Coping Strategies Research: Data Gathering Procedures

Data Gathering Procedure
a. General Procedures
The researchers will first make a thorough study on the topic and conclude the target participants. They
will then make the data gathering instrument that will consist of a consent form and a semi-structured
interview guide. Once approved by the research adviser, the researchers can begin finding participants
and conduct the online interview. After all the data needed are gathered, the researchers will analyze
the data.
b. Sampling Procedure
The researchers will use simple random sampling wherein respondents are selected using a random
number generator.15 respondents will be randomly selected in each Grade 12 section of AMA Computer
Learning Center (ACLC).
c. Data Gathering Instruments
The researchers will make use of an interview guide as the research instrument. Considering the
ongoing pandemic, it will be distributed and done via online. The instrument will include questions that
are significant to the study. It will ask the respondents if they manifest symptoms of cabin fever and
what they did in order to overcome it. The instrument will be divided into two parts: a consent form and
the interview guide.
d. Data Analysis
The data gathered will be analyzed using the content analysis method. This method will be useful in
interpreting how Grade 12 students of AMA Computer Learning Center (ACLC) cope up with their
strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data gathered will then be summarized to gain the
general idea based on the students’experiences.
Samples and Sampling Technique
 Conducting a research about a group of people, it’s rarely possible to collect data from
every person in that group. Instead, select the SAMPLE.
 The SAMPLE is the group of individuals who will actually participate in the research.
The researcher has chosen 15 senior high school students who are currently enrolled in AMA
Computer Learning Center. These choses respondents are taking up General Academic Strand.
The respondents awere chosen using Stratified Sampling Technique. The researcher used
Stratified Sampling Technique to gather these 15 senior high school students who are with the
same strand in the same school.