Judaism Created by Brandon Cean, Victoria Kahler, Jonathan Lamela, Ashlyn Landry, Andy Mendia, Emily O'Neal, Jesse Pomerantz, Johnathan Rawlings Number of Gods Worshipped ▪ In Judaism, they only believed in one god. This was called Monotheism (Beck et al. 78). ▪ The god's name was Yahweh and they believed they he had control over everyone, no matter where they were in the world (Beck et al. 78). ▪ This god was not seen as a physical being, so they didn't have any pictures or drawings of him (Beck et al. 78). ▪ Yahweh could choose certain people that he saw fit to carry out tasks for him (Beck et al. 77). (Obey God) ▪ One example of this is Abraham. (Beck et al. 77). Victoria Kahler Number of Gods Worshipped ▪ Abraham was a shepherd who was born in Mesopotamia (Beck et al. 77). ▪ He was chosen by God to be the leader of the Hebrews. God called him their "father" (Beck et al. 77). ▪ God called upon him and told him that he was to move his people to Canaan (Beck et al. 77). ▪ It was around 1800 B.C. that Abraham and his people all moved from their homeland (Beck et al. 77). ▪ A covenant is a promise between God and the leaders of the people such as Abraham in the case of the Hebrews (Beck et al. 78). ▪ God protected the Hebrews because Abraham decided to obey him (Beck et al. 78). Victoria Kahler Number of Gods Worshipped ▪ Eventually, everyone stopped saying the name because they decided that his name was too holy. ("What is the Meaning of the Divine Name Yahweh?") ▪ They also were scared of misusing his name. ("What is the Meaning of the Divine Name Yahweh?") ▪ Misusing his name was seen as a great sin and this is even stated in the bible verse Exodus 20:7 ("What is the Meaning of the Divine Name Yahweh?") ("What is the Meaning of the Divine Name Yahweh?") Victoria Kahler Holy Books Hebrew Bible: ▪ The Hebrew Bible is one of the main two Holy Books in Judaism ( Beck et al., 80) ▪ Written from 1200-100 B.C.E (Hebrew Bible) ▪ Final version written during the second century CE (Hebrew Bible). ▪ The Hebrew Bible was written in Hebrew, but there are some portions written in Aramaic (In what language). ▪ The Hebrew Bible consists of 3 main parts (Hebrew Bible) – ("Torah") Torah (Hebrew Bible) – Prophets (Hebrew Bible) – Writings (Hebrew Bible) ▪ The Torah – The Torah contains the first five books of the Bible, which are Be-reshit (Genesis), Shemot (Exodus), Va-yikra (Leviticus), Be-midbar (Numbers), and Devarim (Deuteronomy) (Torah). – The Torah contains what God taught to mankind and the lessons and situations presented to teach the people (Torah). Johnathan Rawlings Holy Books Hebrew Bible: ▪ The Prophets – Prophets divided in half (Ketuvim) ▪ Former prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings (Ketuvim) ▪ Latter prophets: Isaiah, Jeremaiah, Ezekiel, and Twelve Minor Prophets (Ketuvim) ("Prophets [Nevi'im]") ▪ The Writings – Divided into 4 parts (Nevi'im) ▪ Poetics: Book of Psalms, Proverbs, Job (Nevi'im) ▪ Scrolls: Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations of Jeramiah, Ecclesiastes, Esther (Nevi'im) ▪ Prophecy: Daniel (Nevi'im) ▪ History: Book of Ezra, Nehemiah, 1st and 2nd Chronicles (Nevi'im) ("Ketuvium [Writings]") Johnathan Rawlings Holy Books The Talmud ▪ Talmud consists of the Mishnah, and the Gemara (Silberman) ▪ Babylonian Talmud finished during the 6th century (Silberman) – Mishnah ▪ Teachings including, agriculture, sacred times, women and personal status, damages, holy things, and purity laws. (Silberman) ▪ Book of law (Silberman) ▪ Jewish Oral Law (Beck et al. 80) (Silberman) – Gemara ("What is the Talmud?") ▪ Gemara is a breakdown and learning of the Mishnah teachings (Silberman) ▪ Created after creation of the Mishnah (Silberman) Johnathan Rawlings Moral Law The moral law the Jews followed was the 613 commandments listed in the Torah, but they placed the most emphasis on 10 (The Torah). These commandments are: 1. Do not have any other gods ("God and..."). 2. Do not make or worship idols ("God and..."). 3. 4. 5. Do not disrespect or misuse God’s name ("God and..."). Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy ("God and..."). Honour your mother and father ("God and..."). 6. Do not commit murder ("God and..."). 7. Do not commit adultery ("God and..."). 8. Do not steal ("God and..."). 9. Do not tell lies ("God and..."). 10. Do not be envious of others ("God and..."). Emily O'Neal Moral Law ▪ These are now written on scrolls and kept inside of a special containers called arks. These arks are then placed inside of synagogues, which is the place in which Jews worship their God (Beck et al 79). "The 10 Commandments Scroll.." Emily O'Neal Moral Law The Commandments and the Torah ▪ Jewish people believe in the Torah (The Torah). ▪ The Torah is very important to the religion (The Torah). ▪ All basic laws and teachings are from the Torah (The Torah). ▪ It contains 613 commandments, and the most important of these were the 10 commandments (The Torah). ▪ They believe that the Torah is a set of laws sent from God that tells them how they should live. (The Torah). ▪ The goal of observing Jewish law is to increase spirituality, not to increase obedience (What do Jews believe). (Shemini Atzeret) Ashlyn Landry Moral Law Halakhah ▪ The Halakah is another source of laws for Jews (Booth) ▪ Provides everyday laws (Booth) ▪ The laws are based on the Torah and the Talmud (Booth) ▪ The Halakhah includes the 613 Commandments and kosher (Booth) ▪ Kosher is a set of dietary laws (Booth) Ashlyn Landry Moral Law The Golden Rule Justice, equality, and social welfare. "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against your kinsfolk. Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord" (Leviticus 19:18). (Booth). ▪ The Golden Rule fully expresses the meaning of the Torah (Booth). ▪ In Judaism, it's also believed that everyone is created under God's image (Booth) ▪ Be fair to others (Booth) (Embracing) Ashlyn Landry Leaders/Founders of Judaism Pt.1 Abraham ▪ Abraham: – Abraham was a man who lived with his family as a shepherd in the city of Ur, Mesopotamia (Beck et al. 77) – According to the Torah, he was chosen to be the “father” of the Hebrew people and was soon commanded by God to move to the land of Canaan (Beck et al. 77) – As a result of becoming the father of the Hebrew people, Abraham made a covenant between the Hebrews and Yahweh, which enacted them to worship Yahweh and in return be protected (Beck et al. 78). ▪ Judges: – Among the divided tribes of the Hebrew people, Judges would be selected by god in times of emergency and crisis (Beck et al. 80) – During this time of crisis, the judges would unite the 12 Hebrew tribes and provide leadership among them (Beck et al. 81) – Over the series of judges, the most prominent one came to be Deborah (Beck et al. 81) – Deborah was a Hebrew woman whose leadership was very unusual at that time in Hebrew society (Beck et al. 81). (Cohen et al.) Jonathan Lamela Leaders/Founders of Judaism Pt.2 King Solomon ▪ Kings: – The first kings of the Hebrew people were put in place as a result of the creation of the kingdom of Israel (Beck et al. 81) – The first kings of Israel included Saul, David, and Solomon in the order they were listed (Beck et al. 81) – Out of the three kings the most successful and powerful was Solomon, who built a trading empire and a temple to glorify god (Beck et al. 81) – On the other hand, David was the most popular, while Saul was seen as a tragic man (Beck et al. 81) (Beck et al. 81) ▪ Prophets: – Religious teachers that continued to urge the Hebrew people to stay true to their covenant with god (Beck et al. 80) – These prophets emphasized the importance of living in accordance with the rules that god has set upon them (Beck et al. 78) Jonathan Lamela Final Goal Part 1 ▪ Jewish monotheism has declared a god who created our world (Cohen et al.) ▪ This god is believed to be able to redeem the following: – Israelites – Humankind – The World (Cohen et al.) A never-ending reign of God with peace and justice is (Judaism) the main idea of the final goal in life (Cohen et al.) Jesse Pomerantz Final Goal Part 2 ▪ As the Jewish people have chosen this religion, they are given the responsibility of being their god's voice (Cohen et al.) ▪ People chosen by god are under “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Cohen et al.) ▪ They are under the rules of a written agreement (Cohen et al.) ▪ Given many privileges (Cohen et al.) (Judaism) ▪ Many responsibilities fall on the Jewish (Cohen et al.) Jesse Pomerantz Impact on Culture/Society Help because of its relationship with Christianity And it helped influenced Christianity and Islam ▪ The Jews were the first to decide that it was their responsibility as the Chosen People to fight against inequality in the world. ▪ Back then Judaism were the only religion that believed in one god ▪ It helped with ideas about laws, morality, and social justice Andy Mendia Impact on Culture/Society ▪ Judaism influenced other areas of Western civilization including religious belief, literature, and weekly schedules. ▪ Judaism made up the revolutionary idea ▪ They were the first ones that made an agreement with god and the people ▪ Judaism affects the everyday activities ▪ It affects how Jewish people live their lives, their dress, what they eat, and how they pray. Andy Mendia Impact on Culture/Society ▪ Judaism's sacred scriptures of the synagogue (The Old Testament) makes up the first division of the Christian bible that the religion that has the most followers follow (10 Ideas) ▪ Judaism was the beginning of a revolutionary idea that laid the groundwork for social reform (The Role) ▪ Judaism was the first religion that introduced monotheism and later inspired many other religions to adopt this form of believing (10 Ideas) ▪ The Torah contains the earliest system of upper and lower court systems (10 Ideas) ▪ Judaism affects the way millions of people who follow Judaism act, dress, believe, and what they do (The Role) Judaism had a huge role in the formation of both Christianity as well as Islam, two of the most followed religions in the world (Martin) (Martin) Brandon Cean Impact on Culture/Society ▪ Judaism influenced the way weeks are split up by weekdays and weekends by the seventh day of the week or Shabbat, on this day you are not supposed to work (10 Ideas) ▪ Judaism taught that every person no matter gender or wealth should be treated with dignity (10 Ideas) ▪ Judaism influenced the public school system by ruling that every child aged 6 and up should go to school (10 Ideas) ▪ The Jewish leader Moses inspired the national census by organizing a census to count the Jewish people leaving Egypt (10 Ideas) ▪ The Torah and Talmud impacted animal rights and has detailed instructions on treating animals with kindness (10 Ideas) Brandon Cean Works Cited Beck, Roger B., et al. 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