Proceedings of TURBO EXPO 2006: Proceedings of GT2006 ASME Turbo Expo 2006 – Power for Land, Sea & Air ASME Turbo Expo 2006: Power for Land, Sea and Air May 8-11, 2006, Barcellona, Spain May 8-11, 2006, Barcelona, Spain GT2006-90905 GT2006-90905 HEAVY DUTY GAS TURBINE SIMULATION: GLOBAL PERFORMANCES ESTIMATION AND SECONDARY AIR SYSTEM MODIFICATIONS Carlo Carcasci, Bruno Facchini, Stefano Gori DE: "S.Stecco" Dipartimento di Energetica University of Florence Via Santa Marta, 3 50139 Florence (I) Luca Bozzi, Stefano Traverso Ansaldo Energia Via N. Lorenzi, 8 16152 Genova (I) Δ ABSTRACT This paper reviews a modular-structured program ESMS (Energy System Modular Simulation) for the simulation of aircooled gas turbines cycles, including the calculation of the secondary air system. The program has been tested for the Ansaldo Energia gas turbine V94.3A, which is one of the more advanced models in the family Vx4.3A with a rated power of 270 MW. V94.3A cooling system has been modeled with SASAC (Secondary Air System Ansaldo Code), the Ansaldo code used to predict the structure of the flow through the internal air system. The objective of the work was to investigate the tuning of the analytical program on the basis of the data from design and performance codes in use at Ansaldo Energy Gas Turbine Department. The results, both at base load over different ambient conditions and in critical off-design operating points (fullspeed-no-load and minimum-load), have been compared with APC (Ansaldo Performance Code) and confirmed by field data. The coupled analysis of cycle and cooling network shows interesting evaluations for components life estimation and reliability during off-design operating conditions. = Deviation to Base Load ISO 15iC condition Acronym APC CAC FSNL GT VIGV SAS = Ansaldo Performance Code = Cycle Analysis Code = Full Speed No Load = Gas Turbine = Variable Inlet Guide Vane Compressor = Secondary Air System Subscript Amb exh GT tot = = = = Ambient Exhaust Gas Turbine total INTRODUCTION The energy market development in the last decade has been influenced by several driving factors. Rising of power demand, liberalization and emerging environmental regulations increased the competition and the need for technology innovation of gas turbines operating in combined cycle. Modern heavy-duty gas turbines operate with high turbine inlet temperature requiring complex secondary air systems to ensure that turbine blades and vanes are supplied with the necessary amount of cooling air. Improvements of the secondary air system are basic elements to increase reliability of such critical components. Cooling air feeding allows controlling the metal temperature of all critical parts along the hot gas path (turbine blading, rotor disks, vane carrier, etc.). The material temperature modifies the creep behavior and the number of allowable load cycles. NOMENCLATURE & = mass flow rate (kg/s) m p = Pressure T = Temperature (K) W = Power (MW) Greek Symbols β = Compressor pressure ratio 1 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME As a matter of fact a complete integration of all simulation codes is, practically, impossible, but the coupling of CACs and SAS codes meets several designers demands, in terms of energy system control at each load condition, guarantees reliability and allows a reliable performance prediction. Generally, already cited CACs do not allow the coupled analysis with SAS. On the other hand, various examples of SAS simulators are reported in the literature (e.g. [1] and [3]) and some software house pushes the capabilities of own fluid network solver to model the cooling system of gas turbines [4]. Everywhere, few works in literature deals with the proper methodologies to solve the interactions between CAC and SAS codes, considering the fact that boundary conditions of each code (CAC/SAS) are the output results of the other one. In this paper the coupling of energy system simulation software, the ESMS code, with the SASAC (the Ansaldo code for the SAS simulation) is presented. ESMS is an in-house code, developed at the Dipartimento di Energetica “Sergio Stecco” of University of Florence [5] and it is able to perform thermo-dynamical and design/off-design simulations of any energy system based on gas turbine engine. ESMS predicts main gas turbine components behaviour and matching, on the base of simplified models for multi-stage compressor and turbine. A detailed comparison with standard APC is planned to allow ESMS validation and tuning for the V94.3A gas turbine model. Both codes are easily modifiable by the authors, enhancing the possibility of coupling. The cooling system has been modelled by implementing in ESMS the SAS characteristic curves obtained by SASAC. The coupled ESMS/SASAC gas turbine simulation at partial load conditions and/or extreme ambient conditions enables the estimation of off-design performances of main gas turbine components but, also, a detailed prediction of realistic behaviour of secondary air system and blade cooling. On the other side, because of the enormous thermal energy passing through the turbine cascades, it can be removed only by a correspondingly large cooling air mass flow. Such airflow does not pass through the combustion chamber; as a result the specific work decreases with the increasing of cooling air requirement, as well as the overall thermal efficiency [1]. In addition to the problem of the cooling system design, pollutant emission reduction in the last years becomes fundamental for large energy systems. The Lean Premixed Combustion proves to be the best way to reach this goal. On the other hand, the increase of cooling mass flow rate negatively influences lean combustion, reducing air/fuel ratio and then the available coolant for combustion liner [2]. Considering these aspects, two main facts arise: • The design of high performances and low emissions gas turbines requires minimum cooling and sealing air consumption, which entails an extremely accurate definition of vane and blade cooling and secondary air systems. • To meet the strict customers requirements, related to low emissions, reliability and high performances, the correct estimation of power plant behaviour over a variety of operating conditions has to be extremely detailed, taking into account interactions between the main flow and the secondary air system. The latter instance implies for designers and commercial personnel to be equipped with reliable calculation tools (inhouse developed or commercial) properly modified for specific needs. In particular, Cycle Analysis Codes (CACs) allow the designers to select proper energy system configurations. In this field, several new codes have been created or existing codes improved in the last years by research centres and software houses (GateCycle by GE Enter Software, GSP by USA National Aerospace Laboratory). To predict off-design behaviour, these codes need to be not limited to thermodynamic analysis, but also able to perform a simplified description of each component and/or to introduce their characteristic curves. On the other side, commercial offers to the customer are defined making use of so-called “performance codes”, specific for each machine, based on the matching of performance maps and characteristic curves of the main gas turbine components. Both types of approach require comparison and validation, and particularly for the “performance codes”, calibration is necessary by means of measurements carried out from field at different loads and ambient conditions. Moreover, the detailed design of specific components and/or internal systems as SAS is based on specific programs (3-D CFD or through-flow codes, 1-D flow codes, flow network solver, etc.). The coupling between the simulation cycle and the analysis of singular components and internal systems becomes fundamental to provide a real “picture” of the GT in all typical operating conditions (base-load, partial load, star/stop cycle), from different points of view (performance, overall mass balances, temperature/pressure trends along the gas path, etc.). GAS TURBINE DESCRIPTION Vx4.3A family runs as one of the most advanced gas turbine model series on the market, representing the latest generation Ansaldo-Siemens technology gas turbine range. Vx4.3A models are single-casing, single-shaft gas turbines having a disc-type rotor held up with a pre-stressed central tierod. Rotor discs are splinted together by radial facial serrations named as Hirth-couplings, which connect adjacent discs permitting the transmission of turbine torque to the compressor. This rotor configuration provides great stiffness with a relatively low weight and permits the rotor parts to be bathed in air from all sides, which prevent thermal stresses and rotor distortion during load changes and rapid starts [2]. The rotor is supported by two bearings, located outside the pressurized region. This ensures excellent running qualities and constant proper alignment. The front bearing casing is fixed to a ring that rests on two supports by means of radial struts guiding the airflow entering the compressor. A rigid one-piece cylinder, comprised in the exhaust casing, supports the turbine bearing. 2 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME VII E1 E2 E3 E2 E1 E3 VE KE E2i E3i Figure 2. Flow path of cooling/sealing air in the Ansaldo V94.3A gas turbine ones provide flow paths into the rotor. The extractions are located such that the cooling and sealing air is achieved with the lowest energy losses and thus a high overall efficiency is reached. From the operating point of view the SAS is subdivided into the cooling system for turbine blades, the cooling system for turbine vanes and the sealing system. The cooling air for the turbine blades of stages 2, 3 and 4 is extracted upstream of the 11th and 13th compressor stage and led through two different passages in the central hallow shaft marked by different grey scales in figure 2. The cooling air, by centrifugal and pressure force, is driven towards the cavities between the turbine rotor disks from which it passes through radial bores to the rotor cascades. The cooling air for the first stage vanes and blades is directly extracted at the compressor exit. For the turbine vanes either it is led to the tip of the vanes, passing radially outward to supply the leading edge up to midspan, or led to the root of the vanes, passing radially inward to supply the trailing edge up to the midspan. The stationary blade rows of the remaining stages are supplied by the outer extractions, located upstream of the 6th, 10th and 14th compressor stage respectively. The outer extraction lines feed three different chambers (respectively E1, E2 and E3 in Fig. 2) contained between the rear outer casing and the turbine stationary vane carrier. Metal rings divide the first two chambers. A strong interaction between the cooling lines occurs because of the cross-flow passing through these separating rings. The blade roots are cooled by passages in the erection part (vane carrier) supplied by the outer extractions. The same stationary secondary air path as the cooling air path for vanes provides the sealing of clearances between rotor and stator. Four blow-off lines carry the quantity of air sufficient to ensure stable operation of the compressor at low speed. Two lines start from the annular gaps downstream the 5th compressor stage. The other two lines are located respectively in correspondence with the 2nd and the 3rd outer extraction. Uniform blow-off of air around the circumference, combined with undisturbed discharge, prevents the excitation of vibrations in neighbouring blade rows. Figure 1. Ansaldo V94.3A gas turbine layout Table 1. Performance data of Ansaldo gas turbines As it can be seen in Fig. 1, a lever system permits to vary the pitch of the first row of compressor vanes in order to adjust the volume of inlet air to the needs of start-up, shutdown and part-load operation. Ansaldo supplies pre-designed combined cycle units incorporating gas turbines, both of mentioned Vx4.3A model series and of the older Vx4.2 family (Table 1), named as COBRA (Combined Brayton Rankine) plants. The Secondary Air System The cooling/sealing systems of Vx4.3A models have similar features. Figure 2 shows a section of the V94.3A gas turbine and the complex flow paths of secondary air system are highlighted. There are five extractions for compressed air visible in the compressor section: three on five are led through extraction pipes connected to the outer casing while the other 3 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME Rotor components are warmed and cooled by circulation of air through cooling air passages and hirth teeth gaps. Circulation of air makes rapid and more uniform the temperature changes of discs and tie-rod. Compressor disc assembly is split into three different blocks by three damping elements in the form of clamps. Thus, leakage air enters the teeth gap between the last two discs of the block and exits from the upstream coupling gaps (see flow paths in Fig. 2). Start Compressor Performance Calculation cooling air mass flows ptot, Ttot (extractions) INTERACTION BEETWEEN MAIN AIR-GAS PATH AND COOLANT NETWORK When the coolant paths and blade/vane cooling systems are designed, the gas turbine geometries must be determined to guarantee a sufficient coolant mass flow rate to the cooling system. This mass flow rate is determined by pressure loss in the path. When the gas turbine works in off-design condition (part load or ambient temperature variation), the gas turbine geometry is fixed and the coolant mass flow rate is determined respectively by the pressure in the compressor extraction point (inlet boundary conditions of SAS) and the pressure in the turbine (outlet conditions of SAS). Thus, a strong interaction between the coolant net and main air-gas path is present. So, to determine the coolant mass flow rate in off-design condition, at least, interaction between two codes are necessary: the CAC and SAS codes. They can mainly interact in two ways, in this paper the first method is used. Secondary Air System Calculation cooling air mass flows ptot, Ttot (blade & vane inlet) thermal boundary conditions SRBC Procedure Blade Cooling system Calculation CFD Solver external heat transfer coefficient FEM Thermal Analysis cooling flows and internal heat transfer coefficient blade metal temperature • Separated procedure: the code for coolant net simulation allows determining the characteristic curves of SAS and these can be introduced into CAC codes. But it is not easy to determine a generic characteristic curve for a complex geometry like an internal coolant passage. Stop Figure 3. Flowchart of interactions of codes • Integrated Procedure: CAC code permits to determine the boundary condition (inlet and outlet pressure, and inlet temperature) for the second air system code, which can run and determine the coolant mass flow rate and the outlet temperature. These values can be imposed into CAC code again, until the convergence is obtained (see scheme in Fig. 3). In this iterative procedure, can be added a procedure to determine the blade metal temperature (Ansaldo utilizes SBRC procedure [5]). defined by a connecting a number of elementary components representing different unit operations such as compressors, combustion chambers, mixers and so on. Each component is defined as a black box capable of simulating a given chemical and thermodynamic transformation. The resulting set of nonlinear equations defining the power plant is then linearised (the coefficients are, however, updated in the course of the calculation). All equations are then solved simultaneously using a classic matrix method; thus the procedure is essentially that of the fully implicit linear approach. Simulation of design and off-design conditions consists of a two-step procedure. Off-design performance simulation requires a geometric description of the different components (e.g. the velocity triangle at mean radius and other cascade parameters for the compressor or turbine, heat exchanger surface areas, etc.). These data result from a design study. When identifying the different parameters describing the component geometry, knowledge of some plant data is important to improve simulation results (e.g. the turbine exhaust flow rate and the temperature). Off-design simulations are based on fixed geometry (obtained in the course of the design study), and this results in a reduction in the number of input data. The ESMS Cycle Analysis Code Power plants based on GT engines are not very complex, but, to simulate them, a flexible, very detailed and open-source code is necessary. Gas Turbine designers use ad-hoc code to simulate each component because a lot of details are necessary. The code used was the ESMS code developed by some authors of this paper. The reader is referred to references [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10] for a complete presentation of the code, related theory and some engineering applications. The most important feature of this modular simulation code is the ability to simulate a new power plant configuration without creating a new source program. The code easily allows addition of new components. The power plant configuration is 4 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME Plot Plot Plot Tubo Curva Plot Plot Plot Blocco_212 Tubo Blocco_211 Plot Plot Plot Plot Nodo Mix Blocco_213 Plot Plot Plot Ingr. Tubo Plot Tubo Cur va Plot Blocco_235 Plot Nodo Mix Plot Plot Blocco_35 Plot Blocco_215 Blocco_318 Nodo m-n Blocco_219 Blocco_131 Diaframm a Blocco_117 Plot Plot Nodo m -n Blocco_137 Plot Blocco_316 Blocco_223 Blocco_118 Blocco_125 Tubo Blocco_221 Blocco_126 Plot Plot Tubo Blocco_224 Tubo Plot Blocco_119 Plot Plot Plot Blocco_324 Plot Condizioni Uscita Nodo Blocco_326 n-1 Blocco_203 Blocco_201 Blocco_202 Plot Blocco_204 Blocco_9 Tubo Nodo Condizioni Uscita Blocco_129 Condizioni Uscita Condizioni Uscita Plot Plot Plot Blocco_123 Blocco_228 Plot Blocco_302 Plot Nodo Blocco_331 Condizioni Uscita Plot Nodo Mix Blocco_330 Blocco_328 Plot Blocco_304 Blocco_57 Condizioni Uscita Blocco_233 Plot Plenum Blocco_52 (portapalette) Blocco_303 Blocco_301 Plot Blocco_227 Plot Plot Plot Plot Condizioni Ingresso Plot Condizioni Uscita Plot Plot Blocco_229 Plenum Plot Plot Curva Plot Nodo Mix Plenum Blocco_231 portapalette Blocco_327 Plot Nodo Blocco_51 n-1 Plot Blocco_128 Plot Plot Nodo Blocco_323 n-1 Plot Plot Plot Nodo Blocco_230 Blocco_28 Spillamento Plot Nodo Plenum Plot Plot Tubo Blocco_305 Tubo Blocco_132 Plot Plot Plenum Plot Plenum Blocco_121 portapalette Plot Condizioni Ingresso Plot Blocco_325 Plot Spillam ento Plot Nodo Blocco_120 n-1 Nodo Blocco_222 n-1 Plot Plot Tubo Plot Blocco_6 Spillamento Nodo Blocco_127 n-1 Plot Blocco_49 Blocco_226 Plot Condizioni Ingresso Blocco_101 Plot Nodo Blocco_225 n-1 Tubo Ingr. Tubo Blocco_322 Plot Plot Plot Blocco_105 Blocco_321 Tubo Blocco_19 Sostegno Plenum Ingr. Tubo Ingr. Tubo Plot Blocco_306 Plot Plot Plot Plot Plot Nodo m-n Blocco_320 Blocco_24 Plot Ingr. Tubo Blocco_220 Ingr. Tubo Nodo Ingr. Tubo Plot Blocco_319 Tubo Plot Plot Condizioni Blocco_56 Uscita Plot Plenum Plot Condizioni Uscita Blocco_138 Plot Plot Ingr. Tubo Plot Plot Ingr. Tubo Blocco_130 Plot Plot Plot Diaframm a Plenum Plenum Diffusore (div.-div.) Nodo 1-n Nodo Blocco_116 Plot Plot Blocco_803 Plot Plot Plot Plot Feritoia Nodo Mix Blocco_317 Plot Plot Plot Blocco_217 Blocco_218 Nodo Plenum Nodo 1-n Plenum Blocco_336 Plot Blocco_802 Nodo Blocco_20 Blocco_307 Blocco_115 Diaframma Nodo Blocco_315 n-1 Feritoia Blocco_11 Blocco_12 Plot Plot Plot Nodo (vel.2) Plenum Blocco_13 Plot Blocco_33 Plenum Plot Plot 1 = Choked Tenute ad una aletta Nodo (vel.2) Ingr. Tubo Blocco_308 Nodo 1-n Condizioni Uscita Blocco_206 Nodo n-1 Blocco_314 Blocco_216 Plot Plot Plot Plot Diafram ma Blocco_214 Plot Blocco_313 Tubo Blocco_309 Plot Blocco_207 Blocco_312 Tubo Ingr. Tubo Blocco_311 Plot Curva Valvola Blocco_310 Blocco_208 Blocco_106 Blocco_114 Curva Tubo Blocco_209 Blocco_112 Tubo Tubo Blocco_210 Plot Blocco_111 Plot Curva Blocco_107 Curva Blocco_110 Tubo Blocco_109 Blocco_108 Condizioni Uscita Plenum Blocco_332 portapalette Plot Plot Plot Plot Plot Blocco_329 Plot Plot 401 Plot 402 Condizioni Ingresso Tubo Blocco_500 Blocco_501 Plot 403 Plot Plot 401 Blocco_503 Blocco_502 Plot 402 Plot 403 Spillam ento Condizioni Ingr esso Tubo Blocco_400 Blocco_401 Condizioni Uscita Nodo Blocco_403 Blocco_402 Plot Plot Plot Plot Condizioni Ingresso Diffusore (conv.-div.) Blocco_4 Nodo (vel.1) Plenum Spillamento Ingr. Tubo Tubo Blocco_21 Plot Blocco_22 Plot Blocco 405 Unione 1-3D1 Plot Plot Plot Plot Plot_23 Plot 425 Ingr. Tubo Tubo Blocco_29 Blocco_30 Nodo n-1 Plenum (portapalette) Condizioni Uscita Blocco_32 Blocco_33 Tv1 78 pale Plot Blocco_48 Blocco_31 Plot 425 Condizioni Uscita Blocco_424 Plot 425 Condizioni Uscita Flow Function Blocco_526 Blocco_535 1 = Choked 1 Flow Function Condizioni Ingresso Plot 409 Plot 408 Nodo Plot Plot 3D Plot Tenute Plenum Blocco_59 Blocco_61 Blocco_62 Plot Plot Plot Blocco_36 Plenum Rot. Blocco_46 (piede pala) Nodo Mix Plenum Rot. Blocco_422 (piede pala) Plot 3D 0.001*0.5 Plot Blocco_408 Tubo Rot. (inclinato) Blocco_134 Unione 1-3D blocco 37 Tubo Rot. (inclinato) Plot 3d Plot Plenum Rot. (shaft cover) Plot 424 Plot 424 Plot 423 Tubo Rot. (inclinato) Blocco_45 Blocco_410 Blocco_545 Plot 423 Plot 422 Blocco_39 Tubo Rot. (radiale) Plot 424 Plenum Rot. Blocco_533 (piede pala) Plenum Rot. Blocco_524 (piede pala) Blocco_421 Nodo 3-1D Blocco_38 Plot 423 Tubo Rot. (inclinato) Blocco_523 Plenum Rot. Tubo Rot. Blocco_542 (inclinato) Blocco_532 Plot 422 Blocco_420 Plot 3D (assoradiale) Plot 422 Plot 422 Plenum Rot. Plot 415 Plot 416 Plot 417 Plenum Rot. (piede pala) Plot 423 Tubo Rot. (inclinato) Blocco_42 Plot 3D Plot 414 Plot Blocco_60 Plot Plot 411 Display Blocco_409 Blocco_135 Plot 424 Blocco_41 Blocco_407 Tenute Condizioni Uscita Plot Blocco_40 Tenute Blocco_510 Plot 410 Plot Plenum Condizioni Uscita Blocco_136 Plot Condizioni Uscita Blocco_35 1 = Choked Plot 411 Tubo Rot. (inclinato) Tenute Plot Blocco_546 Plot Plenum Rot. Blocco_406 Radiale Display1 1 = Choked Plot 426 Flow Function Blocco_34 Blocco_507 Blocco_508 Blocco_509 Nodo (vel.2) Blocco_28 1 = Choked Tubo Condizioni Uscita Plot Plot Plenum Blocco_27 39 rami Plot Tenute Nodo Tenute Plot 410 Plot Plot Nodo n-1 Blocco_23 Plot Ingr. Tubo Plot 408 Tubo Blocco_25 Blocco_26 Blocco_7 Plot 407 Plot 409 Plot Nodo (vel.2) Blocco_24 Plenum Blocco_8 Blocco_5 Plot 406 Plenum Rot. Blocco_506 Radiale Plot Plot Plot 405 Blocco_404 Plot 407 Blocco_334 Plot 404 Plot 406 Blocco 505 Unione 1-3D1 Condizioni Uscita PLOT53 Plot Plot 405 Blocco_504 Nodo Blocco_133 n-1 Condizioni Blocco_53 Uscita Plot 404 Condizioni Uscita Nodo Tubo Rot. (rad.-ass.) Blocco_43 Plot 418 Plenum Rot. (assor adiale) Blocco_541 Blocco_522 Plot 3D (assoradiale) Blocco_531 Plot 419 Plot 420 Plenum Rot. Radiale Plenum Rot. Plot 422 (assor adiale) Blocco_44 Plot 421 Blocco_540 Plenum Rot. Passaggio Rot. Assiale Blocco_412 [10.8 600 50] Blocco_413 Brusco Restr. Rot. Blocco_414 Tubo Rot. Oriz. Blocco_415 Brusco Allarg. Rot. Tubo Rot. Oriz. Blocco_416 Blocco_417 Brusco Restr. Rot. Tubo Rot. Oriz. Blocco_418 0 steps Steps1 Plot 422 Blocco_419 conv conv Convergenza1 Plot 422 Plot 414 Passaggio Rot. Plot 415 Plenum Rot. Assiale Plot 416 Brusco Restr. Rot. Plot 417 Tubo Rot. Oriz. Plot 419 Plot 418 Brusco Allarg. Rot. Plot 419 Brusco Restr. Rot. Tubo Rot. Oriz. Plot 420 Tubo Rot. Oriz. Plot 420 Brusco Restr. Rot. Blocco_539 Plot 421 Tubo Rot. Oriz. Plot 421 Nodo Blocco_521 Blocco_511 Blocco_512 Blocco_513 Blocco_514 Blocco_515 Blocco_516 Blocco_517 Blocco_518 Blocco_519 Plenum Rot. Plot 421 Brusco Restr. Rot. Plot 421 Tubo Rot. Oriz. Blocco_520 Plot 421 (assoradiale) Plot 421 Brusco Restr. Rot. Nodo Blocco_530 Blocco_528 V94.3A Tubo Rot. Oriz. Blocco_529 Plot 421 Blocco_537 Blocco_538 Plot 422 Figure 4. Simplified network modeling the secondary air system of the Ansaldo V94.3A gas turbine The SASAC cooling network solver The Secondary Air System (SASAC) code is developed in Ansaldo and it runs in Matlab/Simulink® environment. A network diagram (Fig.4) represents the secondary air system, whose components are graphically connected together (within the Simulink working sheet) through their input/output ports to form the entire cooling/sealing system of the gas turbine. Thanks to the graphical interface of the environment, the arrangement of the air system and the effects of flow passage size on pressure losses can be easily investigated. The SASAC library makes available several modules (dark grey marked blocks in the upper part of figure 4) for the description of typical flow elements (such as pipes with blunt or smoothed inlet-outlet pressure losses, bends, branches, etc.) useful to describe the external system supplying sealing air and coolant for turbine vanes. In addition to the aforementioned elements, there are modules typical for the internal cooling system of Vx4.3A gas turbines, where air is led through the disc-type rotor (blocks in the lower part of Fig. 4). The most important modules and some relating reference are listed. From the point of view of implementation, the flow system elements are classified into distributed and lumped loss modules. For distributed loss elements both energy and momentum equations are written (in the relative system of reference for rotating elements); whereas for lumped loss modules (such as sudden contractions/expansions) only the momentum equation is implemented and the energy balance is reduced to the assumption Ttot=const (for stationary elements). Depending on the characteristics of the secondary air system elements, they have been modeled either by the basic equation for flow through an orifice or expressing the pressure losses as a multiple of the dynamic head by a loss coefficient (incompressible flow-type approach). Several CFD analyses (e.g. [18]) have been carried out by the authors of the code to modify and/or calibrate the several correlations, taken from literature, for the calculation of loss and discharge coefficients. In a second stage, the entire code has been tuned by means of gas turbine design data and field measurements. From the point of view of calculation, pressure is obtained in correspondence of the nodes of the air system network (light grey marked blocks in figure 4). They represent, in most of cases, chambers of some volume in the turbine. In the modules for stationary “chambers” the law of conservation of energy and proper correlations to compute the quota of kinetic energy converted into static pressure are implemented. Specific algorithms are implemented for the flow elements used to model chambers with rotating walls and stationary casing. For instance, in the case of rim cavities, the core temperature in the net wheel space is calculated by summing the bulk gas temperature and the windage temperature rise [16]. • Elements for the conditions change from an absolute to a relative system of reference. • Rotating elements for the modelization of air flow through rotating passages, rotating bores and between rotor disks [11], [12], [13], [14] and [15]. • Static elements to describe the flow exchange between the hot gas stream and the sealing air occurring in the statorrotor cavities [16]. • Elements for labyrinth seals [17]. 5 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME SIMULATION RESULTS The bulk temperature computation assumes a flow-weighted mixing of injected coolant flow and mainstream ingestion flow. The windage temperature rise takes into account the rotor drag. On the turbine side in Fig. 4 the boundary elements of the network are, respectively, the modules for the leakage flows through roots and the modules for the stationary and rotating blades. They are described by black-box elements within which the blade characteristic curves (pressure ratio -versus- reduced mass flow) are implemented. Flow functions are calculated by a procedure based on SRBC and ANSYS [5], which are the programs in use at Ansaldo Energia Gas turbine Department to model the internal cooling network of turbine blades and vanes. It follows that the characteristic curves of cooling passages calculated by SASAC take into account inside the matching with the flow function of row cooling networks. This fact is fundamental; otherwise it would not be easy to consider them directly within the code for cycle analysis as well as to distinguish the influence of single row coolant variation on global performances of the gas turbine. Steady-state computation of the network leads to the solution of a highly non-linear system of equations made of conservation equations and phenomenological correlations. Once the boundary conditions (in terms of total/static pressure/temperature, inlet/outlet flow rate, etc.) are applied to specific modules of the network, the solution is performed in four nested iterations: Performance Calculation For the simulation of the gas turbine cycle, ESMS code is applied. The gas turbine is simulated splitting the compressor in six parts so each cooling extraction can be simulated. Each turbine stage is represented by a different module (for a better modeling of cooling air injections); then splitters, mixtures and ducts are used. As it can be seen in figure 5, ESMS code permits to realise a network of modules having a considerable relation with the actual layout of the GT described in figure 2. Results of ESMS runs have been compared with data given by Ansaldo Performance Code (APC Code). APC models the gas turbine components by means of non-dimensional performance maps. These curves are interpolated by the code to match the characteristics of compressor and turbine in order to define the working point of the gas turbine. Bleeds are taken into account in the compressor curves and in the calculation of the shaft power balance by proper correction factors, avoiding the modelization of the secondary air system. ESMS Code Validation In order to validate the code, it is compared with results from APC code in off-design conditions varying the ambient temperature. For this simulation, the base load condition is imposed for the ambient temperature of 15iC, and then the code is run in off-design condition. Mainly, the power output and the thermodynamic efficiency are compared (Fig. 6 and 7, respectively). Increasing the ambient temperature, the output power and thermodynamic efficiency decreases because the air density decreases. A good agreement is present for all range considered, particularly for high ambient temperature. Figure 8 shows the compressor pressure ratio trend. It decreases with ambient temperature following the characteristic curve. Even in this figure, there is a good agreement for high temperature, whereas for low temperature the pressure ratio is underestimated. • Computation of the mass flow rate throughout determined loss elements (rotating/stationary pipes/passages), for given the pressure differential across the element. • Computation of the pressure at the inlet of the remaining stationary/rotating pipes/passages, for given outlet pressure and mass flow (obtained at the previous iterative step). • Computation of the node/chamber pressures to solve the system of mass conservation equations applied to the nodes/chambers, letting the nodal temperature to be fixed. • Computation of the temperature in nodes/chambers and at the outlet of the distributed loss elements, for given mass flows. Being the secondary air network strictly interconnected, at the initial step the algorithm identifies the flow elements to be considered for the computation of mass flows in order to accelerate the convergence of the solution. In the remaining modules the inlet pressure is calculated from outlet pressure and mass flow. In transient analysis the accumulations of mass, energy and momentum are described by means of fluid-dynamic capacities, thermal capacities and fluid-dynamic inductances, which together govern the convergence of the solution. The user can try to input different values in the code for the relaxation factors in order to accelerate the convergence. IN OUT 12 FUEL 1 2 3 E2 E1 5 4 I1 6 I2 E3 13 7 8 27 9 10 22 23 28 24 25 26 31 34 40 37 35 30 33 38 39 14 15 16 OUT 11 36 17 32 18 19 20 21 29 Figure 5. Flowchart of Ansaldo V94.3A gas turbine enclosing the cooling/sealing air path 6 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME 300 280 260 240 ESMS code APC code 220 200 ESMS code APC code 180 260 WGT (MW) WGT (MW) 280 240 160 140 120 100 80 220 60 40 20 200 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 0.70 45 Tamb (°C) 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 min/min_nom Figure 6. Comparison of ESMS and APC codes: GT power vs. ambient temperature Figure 9. Comparison of ESMS and APC codes: GT power vs. inlet mass flow rate in FSNL condition 0.42 18 0.41 17 ESMS code APC code 0.40 16 ESMS code APC code 15 0.39 14 0.38 β ηGT 0.75 13 0.37 12 0.36 11 0.35 10 0.34 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 9 0.70 45 0.75 0.80 Tamb (°C) Figure 7. Comparison of ESMS and APC codes: GT efficiency vs. ambient temperature ESMS code APC code β Texh (K) 18 17 16 15 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.90 0.95 1.00 Figure 10. Comparison of ESMS and APC codes: Compressor pressure ratio vs. inlet mass flow in FSNL 20 19 0.85 min/min_nom 30 35 40 45 860 840 820 800 780 760 740 720 700 680 660 640 620 600 580 560 540 520 500 0.70 ESMS code APC code 0.75 0.80 Tamb (°C) 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 m in/m in_nom Figure 8. Comparison of ESMS and APC codes: Compressor pressure ratio vs. ambient temperature Figure 11. Comparison of ESMS and APC codes: Exhaust temp. vs. inlet mass flow in FSNL condition Presented results show that the ambient temperature increasing makes decrease the pressure ratio and, fixing the inlet temperature of turbine, the inlet temperature of hot gas in each stage increases. From the point of view of cooling and sealing flows, the compressor pressure ratio decreases, so the air temperature growth decreases, but the inlet temperature of first compressor stage is higher. Figure 9, 10 and 11 show the comparison between ESMS and APC codes for the main parameters of the simulation in Full Speed No Load (FSNL) condition (with the ambient temperature fixed to ISO condition). In this case, the VIGV is used to decrease the power, so the inlet air mass flow rate is decreased. 7 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME 20% 12% Extraction Δ p 10% 0% 4% 0 -10% 45 FSNL 0% -20% -30% -40% E1 I1 E3 E2 I2 Comp. Outlet 45 -8% E1 I1 E2 I2 -12% E3 Comp. outlet FSNL -16% Figure 12. Pressure deviation to Base Load ISO 15iC condition for extraction points Figure 14. Temperature deviation to Base Load ISO 15iC condition for extraction points GT stage inlet Δ p 10% GT stage inlet Δ T 10% 0% 0% 0 45 FSNL -10% -10% -20% -20% -40% 0 -4% -50% -30% Extraction Δ T 8% I Stage II Stage -30% III Stage IV Stage -40% 0 45 I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage FSNL GT outlet -50% -50% Figure 15. Deviation to Base Load ISO 15iC condition of temperature at turbine stage inlet Figure 13. Deviation to Base Load ISO 15iC condition of pressure at turbine stage inlet 20% Results of FSNL simulation are compared with the two extreme standard conditions for ambient temperature, named respectively “cold day” and “hot day”, corresponding to 0iC and 45iC of compressor inlet temperature. Simulation results are related to the base load ISO 15iC operating condition. In the cold day case, the pressure ratio increases both for extraction points in the compressor (Fig. 12) and for gas turbine stages (Fig. 13); these pressures decrease for 45 C. This is mainly due mainly to the variation of pressure ratio (Fig. 8). In FSNL condition, the pressure in the coolant extraction points and in the turbine decreases as well as variations of ambient temperature. Fig. 14 and fig. 15 show the temperature respectively at the extraction points and at the inlet of turbine stages. These parameters are very important to determine the blade temperature using SRBC procedure [5]. Some works in literature assume to scale the coolant mass flow rates with respect to the inlet mass flow rate of the gas turbine in any operating conditions. Simulation results notice that this hypothesis is quite correct only for ambient temperature variations, but it is not more valid for FSNL condition (Fig. 16). This effect is mainly due to the no-linear Coooling/sealing air Δ m 10% 0% -10% 0 45 FSNL -20% -30% -40% I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Stage -50% Figure 16. Deviation to Base Load ISO 15iC condition of coolant mass flow for turbine stages phenomena occurring in static and rotating cooling passages and they are more relevant for strong variations. Globally, the coolant mass flow rate is about 15i% (constant) for all ambient temperatures investigated, but this value decreases to about 12i% of inlet air mass flow rate at FSNL. 8 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME 1.25 Desing point 1.20 1.15 2nd stage blade 1.00 0.80 2nd stage circuit 0.60 0.40 1 2 0.20 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 old design point 0.90 0.00 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 ps2/p01 0.85 Figure 17. Characteristic curve of secondary air passage nd and 2 stage blade of V94.3A gas turbine 10.0% new design point +10% compressor pressure ratio 1.20 Feeding pressure Non-dimensional reduced mass flow 1.40 0.80 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coolant mass flow 2 nd stage blade cooling air Δ m (E3i extraction) nd Figure 19. Characteristic curves of 2 system in different design conditions 7.5% horizontally in the gaps between the blade roots and enters the downstream rim cavity (contained between the turbine disk and the shroud ring of the 2nd stage vanes). The flow of sealing air gives a contribution to cool the blade roots. The flow characteristic of the compressor-turbine rotor assembly has been calculated running the fluid network in SASAC for different values of outlet mass flow rate. As shown in Fig. 17, the matching between the characteristic curve of the secondary air circuit and the flow function of the blade cooling network defines the working point of the system, given the rotational speed as a parameter (data are normalized with respect to Base Load reference values). Note that the flow function of the blade moves (rising or dropping) on the “pressure ratio-reduced mass flow” plane (circuit pressure ratio is defined as the extraction total pressure divided by the static pressure in the turbine) in function of two main parameters: 5.0% 2.5% 0.0% +2.5% +5% +7.5% +10% +12.5% stage blade cooling +15% Compressor pressure ratio nd Figure 18. Deviation of 2 stage blade coolant mass flow for different compressor pressure ratios Secondary Air Flow Calculation The method to calculate the set of flow functions implemented in the ESMS program for the cooling air system of V94.3A gas turbine is outlined. As an example, the cooling air passage for the 2nd stage turbine blade of the V94.3A model is considered. In this case, air extracted from the compressor is led through the rotor assembly, where a series of rotating bores, passages and restrictors are present. As indicated in the detail in Fig. 17, the airflow path starts at the station 1 (corresponding to the trailing edge of the 12th compressor stage) and it ends at the blade root (station 2 where the static pressure, ps2, is indicated). Note the analogy with the network model in Fig. 4. The system provides cooling air for blades, roots and part of the sealing air for the downstream rotor-stator cavity. The 2nd stage blades are cooled by film cooling (at the leading edge) and convection cooling. Air enters the blade through three separate channels in the root and exits both leading edge film cooling holes and trailing edge slots. Sealing air passes • Temperature of hot gas over blade surface. • Static pressure at the outlet of film cooling holes and trailing edge slots. The static pressure profile around the blade is calculated by a CFD analysis performed in Base Load ISO 15iC operating condition; then it is averaged over the airfoil in order to use a unique value for the blade outlet static pressure. Total pressure and temperature at the extraction points (named respectively p01 and T01 in Fig. 17) are calculated by averaging, over the radial direction, the outputs of the through-flow compressor code. Variations of extraction pressure and temperature make the characteristic of air passage in the rotor translate up and down. Matching the flow functions in Fig. 17 for different values of the blade outlet pressure allows defining a unique curve of 9 Downloaded From: on 12/17/2013 Terms of Use: Copyright © 2006 by ASME the secondary air passage. It is in order to calculate the bleed reduced mass flow as a function of circuit pressure ratio. This method allows taking into account, stage by stage, both the cooling passage characteristic and the row cooling network curve in the same function. Integration of SAS solver with cycle analysis code also permits to investigate the effects of new design solutions on each circuit of the air system. As an example, consider the case of improving the compressor design in order to increase pressure ratio and efficiency. It is clear that a reliable evaluation of intermediate extractions plays a fundamental rule to provide the right boundary conditions to the analysis of compressor performances. ESMS/SASAC integrated codes give the necessary information. They also make easier any type of sensitivity analysis involving the parameters of the design problem, such as illustrated in figure 18 (comparison is performed in Base Load ISO 15iC condition). In this case it is convenient plotting the relative total pressure at blade entrance as function of the mass flow rate, in order to represent the matching between flow functions, as illustrated in Fig. 19. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. CONCLUSION A modular-structured program, the ESMS, has been set up that can model Brayton cycles performed by air-cooled gas turbines, including the calculation of the secondary air system. The paper describes the application of the program to the heavy-duty Ansaldo Energia gas turbine V94.3A. Selected thermodynamic parameters from the performance code APC, in use at Ansaldo Energy Gas turbine Department, permitted the tuning of ESMS in design conditions. Good agreement was found in critical off-design operating points between the results of ESMS and data obtained from field and by different codes, proving that ESMS has turned out to be a valuable tool for the thermodynamic analysis of heavyduty gas turbines. Results also show that the ESMS code may be used to investigate the complex interactions between secondary air system, compressor and turbine. For this application, ESMS makes easier the introduction of the characteristic curves of cooling/sealing air network with respect of most of commercial CAC codes. Considering that decreasing of emissions and increasing of thermal efficiency are driving the competition in the today’s market of heavy-duty gas turbines, the research efforts in codes valuable for the optimization of the secondary air system design are fundamental. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. REFERENCES 1. K. J. Kutz, 1994, “Simulation of the Secondary Air System of Aero Engines”, ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, April, 1994, vol. 116 p. 306. 2. B. Becker, 2002, “Robust gas turbine design”, ASME paper no. GT2002-30159. 3. 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