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Stylistic Analysis of Scientific Text: Linguistics Control Work

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Дніпропетровський національний університет ім. Олеся Гончара
Факультет української й іноземної філології та мистецтвознавства
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Кафедра англійської філології
з дисципліни: «Актуальні проблеми лексикології та стилістики
основної іноземної мови»
«Stylistic analysis of a scientific text»
студент гр. УА 21м-1з
Воробйов Д.О.
кандидат філологічних наук,
Сафонова Наталія Анатоліївна
Stylistic analysis of the scientific text
Text reference: Buddhism by Eman M. Elshaikh (READ: Buddhism (article) | Khan
The main concern of this article is to pinpoint and outline the issue of origin,
basis and principles of one of the biggest religions, that is also considered as a
philosophy and a moral discipline – Buddhism.
The language in the text cannot be perceived as a formal one, the author uses
informal tone creating a link connection between author and a reader. The examples
of such behavior are:
“Imagine you're a young Indian prince living in the sixth-century BCE. You
have every material thing you could want in life. Soon, you will inherit your family's
wealth and become a powerful warrior prince. But one day, you pop your head out
of the palace and see that the world can be a pretty rough place for people who
aren't rich princes. What do you do?”
“Four truths? Eight paths? This is starting to sound like math. Don't worry.
Math is suffering. This is not math.”
Though this article is using an informal way of conveying information, it has
the indicators of the article written in scientific style, because it is straightforward
and specific, it balances common ways of providing information with discipline
specific vocabulary. The text in the article is backed up with graphical data, quotes,
additional notes and links to the other scientific articles and information resources.
This text can be fully used to educate other on the subject of Buddhism.
One of the most important functions of the analysed article is that it can and
must be used to educate and provide information on a complex phenomenon of
religion with understandable and accessible choice of words and text structure which
provides the development of thought sequences about the articles main subject.
The article starts with a quote “Buddhism began with a young prince’s
spiritual epiphany, then traveled with missionaries, merchants, and political power
across Asia. As it moved, it changed along with the communities that adopted it.”,
which informs us about the content provided below in the text, from this quote we
can observe and construct a certain build and structure of the information we are yet
to have contact with.
Information in paragraphs is linked throughout the whole text, it corresponds
with its titles, occurring questions in the article are being answered immediately.
Paragraphs and its content:
 Origins – origin and belief basis of Buddhism;
 Calcus of enlightenment – explaining of core system of Buddhism and
 Buddhism and social change – Evolution of accessibility of Buddhism and
its types;
 From one Buddha to many Buddhisms – Flexibility and domestication of
Buddhism as a religion and philosophy.
Though author uses informal language, the composition of the text tends to stick
to the main idea of discourse, the structure of the sentences is not complicated, in
the end of the article there is a bibliography section.