Uploaded by Adnan ÇOKSEZEN


As a senior leader of the organization today, I want to communicate with you about the
changes that await our organization and us. All the members will experience the change process,
and we will all evolve and develop with the new changes as individuals and as an organization. It
is entirely acceptable that you may have questions regarding the shift our organization will
experience; you can reach out to me regarding your questions or any other stuff you want to talk
to me about; my door is always open for every person and every idea. As an organization that
puts communication at the center of its operations, we will continue to exchange ideas and
communicate during the whole process. The changes will solve many problems that our
organization has experienced in the past, and it will also prevent any future issues that our
organization might encounter in the future. A bright future awaits our organization and every
member of it; with new changes, our organization will keep improving itself. Furthermore, it will
also give us the ability to improve ourselves. If you have any questions or ideas regarding the
transition process, do not hesitate to communicate with each other and with me.
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