LAB # 3 Abstract: A major aim in systems biology is to build computational models of biological and physiological systems for simulation and understanding of complex biological systems. Computational modeling is systemic modeling of complicated processes using a mechanistic approach with the help of computer programs, physics, and mathematics. Computational models of biological systems help in understanding manner of development of complex diseases, promoting optimization of treatment strategies and discoveries of new drugs. Computational modeling of engineering complexities in medicine provides insights for the advancement of medical technology. Use of computational modeling in biomedical engineering involves many engineering applications in medical physics, diagnosis of diseases and techniques used for monitoring which include heart’s electrical activity, monitoring hemodynamic activity, bioimpedance methods and magnetic drug targeting. COMSOL Multiphysics is an interactive Multiphysics simulation software which provides with graphical user interface along with Multiphysics and single physics modeling capabilities. This software is used in all engineering fields for simulation of designs, devices, and processes. In this research, computational model of Electrical Impedance Plethysmography (EIP) system is designed using COMSOL Multiphysics software, and behavior of system with respect to two physics i.e., electrical currents and heat transfer in solids is analyzed. The measurement results include response of system at 1V, 5V and 9V electric potentials with respect to four properties which include electric potential, electric field norm, temperature, and isothermal contours. 1. Introduction Modeling is creating visual representation of a real-world system. It is used to study the system when system’s input and output is unpredictable. So, a modeling is done to test the predicted output and for analyzing behavior of the system. A model is a small structure design or simplest representation of a system having all same features, characteristics and parameters of that system or structure. A model has a resemblance to real system as its prototype and anatomical structure is designed same as real system. Real world processes replication is called simulation. Model simulation is act of simulating a model by applying input stimulus and analyzing the output. Biological or physiological systems and processes simulation is termed bio simulation. So modeling is representation of simplified models of complex biological systems and bio simulation is prediction of dynamics and behavior of system or process. Biological and physiological model is a system representing a real human complex biological process. Studying real complicated systems is one of the chief goals for which modeling, and simulation is done. Different types of models include graphical model, qualitative model, hybrid model and multi-scale model. Graphical model is pictural representation of a realistic system. Qualitative model is a real-valued model proper abstraction and describes qualitative relationship between parameters. Hybrid model the system is partitioned as inner part which consists of molecules of particular interest and outer part which consists of remaining atoms in system. Multiscale model is studying biological system at multiple level. In this research COMSOL Multiphysics is used to design and simulate the graphical model of EIP system. In EIP system current is injected into the system of interest using electrodes. Blood volume is inversely proportional to the electrical impedance of the body segment. Pulsatile blood volume increase in the body segment results in decrease in the electrical impedance. The electrical yield great information about disorders related to blood volume. 2. Basic Idea: The basic idea of research is to design and simulate the 2D model of EIP system. The system is analyzed with respect to two physics including heat transfer in solids and electric currents. Change in system behavior in response to electric stimulus and heat provided is observed. Injecting Electrode Ground Electrode Copper block Iron Block Figure 1. Basic idea of research 3. Material and Method Model Design From model wizard select space dimension as 2D , select physics > AC/DC > electric currents > add. Select another physics > heat transfer in solids. Select stationary > study > done. Geometry includes 3 rectangles of specified height and width with mm unit. Add material. The electrodes are of copper material while the big base block is of iron material. 2mm 2mm 0.5mm 0.5mm 5mm 20 mm Figure 2: 2d Model of the Block Material Design Material design includes adding material and its properties in model geometry. Click on material > add material from library > add iron material in big block > add copper material in electrodes. One electrode is electric potential electrode which is boundary heat source and user defined value is set to 0.1 while another electrode is ground electrode. Temperature is provided at the base of big block and value is set to 310.15 k. The material properties added are shown below Property Value Electrical conductivity (S/m) Relative permittivity Copper (7*10^6) Iron (not set) Copper (0.5) Iron (5) Table 1: Material properties added to model Physics Type: Electric currents physics is added to analyze behavior of system in response to electrical stimulus. The electric potential is varied from 1V to 10 V and system output is predicted. Heat transfer in solids physics is also added and system response is observed by keeping value of normal body temperature at base and providing heat source through potential electrode. 4. RESULTS: The electric potential electrode generates voltage and current which moves from higher potential to lower potential i.e., towards ground electrode. After model designing model simulation is done. Click on mesh > study >compute. Figure 3. Geometry of model Figure 4. Mesh of model geometry Model is computed and electric potentials are shown by colors. The color near the electrode indicates the electrode voltage and different colors indicate different voltages. Near the electric potential electrode there is stronger electric field and mesh lines are closer. (10,2) coordinate Figure 5. Model Computation Voltage is varied from 1 V to 10 V and simulation results of system for voltage 1V, 5V and 9V are shown below. (a) Electric potential (b) Electric field norm (c) Isothermal contours Figure 6. Results for 1V (a) Electric potential (b) Electric field norm (c) Isothermal contours Figure 7. Results for 5V (a) Electric potential (b) Electric field norm (d) Isothermal contours Figure 8. Results for 9V Different potential values and temperature values taken at coordinates (10,2) are shown below. Voltage (V) Temperature (K) 0.49823 310.15 0.99647 310.15 1.4947 310.15 1.9929 310.15 2.4912 310.15 2.9894 310.15 3.4876 310.15 3.9859 310.15 4.4841 310.15 4.9824 310.15 Table 1. Potential and temperature values Graph is drawn showing voltage values at (10,2) coordinates. The graph shows the increase in voltage with the increase in electric potential. Potential values are less for 1V and increase drastically up to 10V. Figure 9. Graph of potential values Figure 10. Temperature Graph is drawn showing temperature value at (10,2) coordinates. The graph shows there is no drastic change in temperature and value remains constant for every change in voltage. Figure 11. Graph of Temperature values 5. Discussion Modeling is visual representation of real-world system. Modeling of real human system physiological and biological processes is termed bio-simulation. Computed solution of Multiphysics software is used for graphical modeling of biological system. The physics studied is electric currents and thermal physics. Behavior of the system with respect to four properties i.e., electric potential, electric field norm, temperature, and isothermal contours is observed. Model designing includes geometry, material type and physics addition. Visual representation is obtained by meshing and computing the design and output is predicted. The output shows movement of current from higher potential electrode to lower potential electrode i.e., ground electrode. High voltage near electric potential electrode indicates stronger electric field whereas the temperature value remains constant. 6. References [1] Babu, J. P., et al. "Impedance plethysmography: basic principles." Journal of Postgraduate Medicine 36.2 (1990): 57. [2] Zi, Zhike. "Sensitivity analysis approaches applied to systems biology models." IET systems biology 5, no. 6 (2011): 336-346. 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