Article Population-Level Modeling to Account for Multigenerational Effects of Uranium in Daphnia magna Pierre-Albin Biron,† Sandrine Massarin,‡ Frédéric Alonzo,‡,* Laurent Garcia-Sanchez,‡ Sandrine Charles,† and Elise Billoir†,§ Université de Lyon, F-69000, Lyon; Université Lyon 1; CNRS, UMR5558, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, F-69622, Villeurbanne, France ‡ Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), DEI, SECRE, LME, Cadarache, France § Plateforme de Recherche ROVALTAIN en Toxicologie Environnementale et Ecotoxicologie, 1 avenue de la gare - BP 15173 - Alixan, F-26958, Valence Cedex 9, France Downloaded via NAGASAKI UNIV on March 24, 2022 at 01:26:48 (UTC). See for options on how to legitimately share published articles. † ABSTRACT: As part of the ecological risk assessment associated with radionuclides in freshwater ecosystems, toxicity of waterborne uranium was recently investigated in the microcrustacean Daphnia magna over a three-generation exposure (F0, F1, and F2). Toxic effects on daphnid life history and physiology, increasing over generations, were demonstrated at the organism level under controlled laboratory conditions. These effects were modeled using an approach based on the dynamic energy budget (DEB). For each of the three successive generations, DEBtox (dynamic energy budget applied to toxicity data) models were fitted to experimental data. Lethal and sublethal DEBtox outcomes and their uncertainty were projected to the population level using population matrix techniques. To do so, we compared two modeling approaches in which experimental results from F0, F1, and F2 generations were either considered separately (F0-, F1-, and F2-based simulations) or together in the actual succession of F0, F1, and F2 generations (multi-F-based simulation). The first approach showed that considering results from F0 only (equivalent to a standard toxicity test) would lead to a severe underestimation of uranium toxicity at the population level. Results from the second approach showed that combining effects in successive generations cannot generally be simplified to the worst case among F0-, F1-, and F2-based population dynamics. ■ generations.9 In contrast, results with copper suggested that daphnids may develop a resistance with an increasing survival rate when parents were previously exposed.10 These contrasting results highlight the necessity for multigenerational tests, as toxic effects observed over one generation may under- or overestimate the real effects of pollutants on a longer term. In the case of depleted uranium (U), a previous study demonstrated an increase in sensitivity across three generations of D. magna.11 A dynamic energy budget approach applied to toxicology (DEBtox) was used to address possible mechanisms of action of depleted U.12 DEBtox models mechanistically describe how metabolic costs induced by toxicant exposure come at the expense of energy-dependent processes, including somatic growth and reproduction.13,14 The previous study shows that a decrease in carbon assimilation efficiency is likely and sufficient to explain observed effects in D. magna exposed to depleted U. This mechanism has been confirmed by complementary assimilation measurements using radiolabeled INTRODUCTION Today it is recognized that ecological risk assessment can markedly improve its biological relevance by considering responses to contaminant exposure at the population level rather than at the organism level.1 From this prospective, population models are particularly helpful tools that allow multiple toxic effects observed under laboratory experiments on organism survival and fecundity to be combined into one population-level endpoint, such as the asymptotic population growth rate. Priority has been recently given to the use of matrix population models2 for their prospective potential in modeling population health, including the effects of toxic compounds on the different age or development stages of organisms within populations.3−6 Studying toxic effects under multigenerational exposure regimes represents another key issue to improve the ecological relevance of risk assessment because natural populations can be exposed to toxicants over several generations. Until now, such multigenerational studies are scarce and their outcomes vary widely among tested pollutants. In Daphnia magna, exposure to waterborne nickel showed increasing effects on growth across two generations7 and on offspring size across seven generations.8 Similarly, increasing sensitivity of daphnid reproduction and survival to americium-241 was observed across three © 2011 American Chemical Society Received: Revised: Accepted: Published: 1136 August 1, 2011 November 21, 2011 November 24, 2011 November 24, 2011 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 1136−1143 Environmental Science & Technology Article in D. magna. Whereas stress functions accounting for sublethal toxic effects are assumed to depend on internal concentration resulting from bioaccumulation in organisms in the standard DEBtox,14 Massarin et al. (2011)12 showed that effects of depleted U on assimilation were immediate and could be linked to external concentration directly. A rapid kinetics was consistent with the observation of severe damages to the intestine epithelial cells. Hence in agreement with Massarin et al. (2011)12 the stress function for assimilation sA was directly linked to exposure concentration c by food and microscope observations of histological damages on the intestinal epithelium.11,12 Having described toxic effects of depleted U on D. magna life history and physiology, consequences at the population level remain to be examined. The aim of this study is to explore how increasing effects at the individual level among the three successive generations (hereafter referred to as F0, F1, and F2) may alter population responses to U. To do so, DEBtox and survival models are first fitted to survival, growth and reproduction data reported in Massarin et al. (2010).11 Outcomes are then projected from the organism to the population levels using two modeling approaches. In the first approach, uranium effect on asymptotic population growth rate is evaluated in each generation considered separately, assuming that the population behaves asymptotically either like F0, F1, or F2. In the second approach, combined probability of population extinction is investigated, assuming that the population behaves successively like F0, like F1 and finally like F2. sA (c) = max(0, kA(c − NECA )) (1) that is, sA is null below a sublethal toxicity threshold NECA and proportional to the excess above NECA with an effect intensity coefficient kA. Growth and reproduction processes were respectively modeled by the following eqs 2 and 316 given for ad libitum conditions: ■ dl 2 (t , c) = rB (1 − sA (c) − l(t , c)) dl 2 − sA (c) L with l(0, c) = l0 = 0 Lm MATERIAL AND METHODS Experimental Data. Body length, fecundity, and survival data were taken from previously performed experiments with daphnids exposed to waterborne depleted U.11 Briefly, D. magna was continuously exposed at four treatments corresponding to depleted U concentrations of 0, 10, 25, and 75 μg L−1 for three generations F0, F1, and F2. F0 was initiated with freshly released neonates (<24 h) from the fifth brood obtained from cultures. F1 and F2 were launched with individuals aged <24 h from the fifth brood from previous generations, exposed under the same conditions as their parents. Survival and reproduction were monitored daily for 21−24 days using three replicate bottles containing 20 daphnids each. Body length was measured in neonates and in adults at depositions of brood 1, brood 3, and brood 5 using five replicate daphnids per treatment. All experiments were performed under optimal laboratory conditions for the tested species, meeting the reproductive requirements of OECD guidelines15 in the control. Organism-Level Modeling. Toxic effects of depleted U on somatic growth and reproduction were modeled at the organism level using equations of the DEBtox model14 modified by Billoir et al. (2008a).16 Massarin et al. (2011)12 recently showed that among the five possible modes of action proposed by the DEBtox approach (increase in maintenance costs, an increase in growth costs, a decrease in assimilation, an increase in egg production costs, or a mortality during oogenesis) depleted U likely acted through a decrease in carbon assimilation R (t , c ) = (2) Rm ⎛ ⎜(1 − sA (c))(l(t , c))2 3⎜ 1 − lp ⎝ ⎞ ⎛ 1 + l(t , c) ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ − l p3⎟⎟ if l(t , c) ≥ l p ⎝ 1 + (1 − sA (c)) ⎠ ⎠ R(t , c) = 0 otherwise with R(0, c) = 0 (3) where at time t and exposure concentration c, l(t,c) is the scaled body length (divided by the maximum body length, Lm) and R(t,c) is the reproduction rate (number of eggs per mother per day). All parameters are defined in Table 1. For controls, the daily survival probability was assumed independent of age. For exposed organisms, potential effects were modeled by a stress function ss to survival, analog to sA: ss(c) = max(0, ks(c − NECs)) (4) where NECS is the lethal toxicity threshold and kS is the effect intensity coefficient for survival. Table 1. Parameters Involved in the Organism-Level Models (DEBtox and Survival) and Their Prior Distributionsa symbol dimension interpretation prior distribution L0 Lm rB lp Rm NECA kA m NECS kS mm mm d−1 (−) egg. d−1 μg L−1 μg−1 L (−) μg L−1 μg−1 L initial volumetric length maximum volumetric length Von Bertalanffy growth rate scaled length at puberty maximum reproduction rate no effect concentration for the stress on assimilation intensity coefficient for the stress on assimilation blank daily probability of death no effect concentration for the stress on survival intensity coefficient for the stress on survival Norm(1, 0.12) T(0,) Norm(4.77, 0.592) T(L0,) Norm(0.11, 0.032) T(0,) Norm(0.49, 0.072) T(L0/Lm,) Norm(10.74, 3.622) T(0,) logUnif(−4,4.31) logUnif(−10, log((1−lp)/(75-NECA))) logUnif(−10,−4.5) logUnif(−4,4.31) logUnif(−15,0) source expert Billoir Billoir Billoir Billoir expert none Billoir expert none knowledge et al. (2008b)17 et al. (2008b)17 et al. (2008b)17 et al. (2008b)17 knowledge et al. (2011)18 knowledge a (−) means dimensionless. Norm(me, sd2) denotes a normal distribution with a mean me and a variance sd2. T(a,b) denotes interval censoring between bounds a and b (see Plummer (2010)19 for details). logUnif(inf, sup) denotes a loguniform distribution, meaning that the natural logarithm of the random variable is uniformally distributed between inf and sup. 1137 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 1136−1143 Environmental Science & Technology Article The probability S(t,c) to be alive at time t and exposure concentration c was given by S(t , c) = ((1 − m)(1 − ss(c)))t (5) where m is the blank daily probability of death. Parameters of effect models at the organism level (Table 1) were estimated for each experimental generation F0, F1, and F2 separately. Estimation was carried out by Bayesian inference, a technique which combines prior probability distributions of parameters and data likelihood to return parameter estimates as posterior distributions. Prior distributions were chosen according to available information,17,18 and were identical for all generations (Table 1). Data likelihood was assumed binomial for survival (number of survivors conditional on the number at the previous time point) and normal for growth (body length in mm). Likelihood for reproduction data, expressed as the time-cumulative number of eggs per mother Rcum (t,c) = ∫ 0t R (t,c) dt, was assumed negative binomial parametrized so that its mean equaled the model output. Growth and reproduction models (eqs 1−3) were fitted simultaneously because they were interdependent and shared common parameters (NECA and kA). Survival model (eqs 4 and 5) was fitted separately. In the first generation (F0), no organism died in the range of concentrations tested. Hence, the stress function for survival ss was set to 0 independent of the concentration. Bayesian inference was performed using Markov Chains Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms implemented in the rjags R package.19 For each estimation process, three independent MCMC chains were run in parallel. For each chain, after an initial burn-in period of 150 000 iterations, the Bayesian algorithm was run for 25 000 000 iterations and parameter posterior distributions were sampled every 500 iterations. Replicated data were simulated and recorded for posterior predictive checking.20 Population-Level Modeling. Outcomes of organism-level modeling (survival and DEBtox) were projected to the population level using age-classified population models with a time step of one day. Life-cycle graphs were represented with 21 age-classes per generation (Figure 1, A and B). Survival and fecundity rates were specific of both age and generation. In each generation F (F0, F1, or F2), daphnids were assumed to pass from age i to i+1 according to age- and generationspecific survival rates Pi,F(c) calculated considering the survival function SF(t, c) (eq 5) calibrated for F and assuming a birth pulse model and a prebreeding census:21 S (t(i + 1), c) Pi,F(c) = F SF(t(i), c) Figure 1. life-cycle graphs considered in the two approaches for population-level modeling: (A) F0-, F1-, and F2-based populations and (B) multi-F-based population. a1 denotes the first adult age-class. Two different approaches were considered in order to project toxic effects from the organism to the population. First, population dynamics were based on experimental results from generations F0, F1, and F2 considered separately (Figure 1, A). This approach aimed to investigate whether experimental results from F0, F1, and F2 might yield significantly different impacts on λ. Results were respectively referred to as F0-, F1-, and F2based populations. The asymptotic population growth rate (λ) was calculated as the dominant eigenvalue of the Leslie matrix (21 × 21) where fecundity rates were reported in the first row, and survival rates in the subdiagonal. Note that λ (also known as finite rate of population increase) relates to another common population index, the intrinsic rate of population increase r, with r = ln(λ). In the framework of matrix population models, any asymptotic population growth rate (λ) below 1 predicted theoretical population extinction. Second, experimental results from the different generations were considered jointly using a population model which accounted for the three successively exposed generations (Figure 1, B). This approach aimed to explore cases where the population might go extinct in generation F0 and F1. Results were referred to as multi-F-based population. To do so, daphnids in F0 (respectively F1) produced offspring in F1 (respectively F2) while daphnids in subsequent generations were assumed to be similar to those in (6) A term G21,F(c) = 0.95× P20,F(c) was added to loop into the last age-class of each generation, as calibrated for D. magna.22 Age- and generation-specific fecundity rates Feci,F(c) were calculated from DEBtox reproduction functions RF(t, c) (eq 3) calibrated for each generation F (F0, F1, or F2). Daphnid offspring are released as free-swimming neonates three days after egg deposition in the brood pouch. For this reason, a delay of three days was introduced in eq 7 to account for maturation from eggs to neonates. We assumed a birth pulse model and a prebreeding census:21 Feci ,F(c) = ∫i i+1 P1,F(c)RF(t − 3, c)dt (7) 1138 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 1136−1143 Environmental Science & Technology Article Table 2. Posterior Distributions (I.E. Estimates) of the Parameters of the Organism-Level Models (DEBtox and Survival)a F0 F1 F2 symbol dimension mode (95% CI) mode (95% CI) mode (95% CI) L0 Lm rB lp Rm NECA kA m NECS kS mm mm d−1 (-) egg. d−1 μg L−1 μg−1 L (−) μg L−1 μg−1 L 0.97 (0.93−1.1) 4.3 (4.2−4.4) 0.14 (0.13−0.16) 0.57 (0.55−0.60) 11 (10−12) 0.10 (0.021−4.0) 1.8 × 10−3 (1.5−2.0) × 10−3 0.11 × 10−3 (0.051−0.79) × 10−3 ne ne 1.0 (0.93−1.1) 4.4 (4.3−4.7) 0.10 (0.089−0.11) 0.58 (0.54−0.61) 12 (11−14] 7.1 (1.1−7.8) 6.1 × 10−3 (5.5−6.6) × 10−3 0.23 × 10−3 (0.056−1.7) × 10−3 23 (18−24) 2.2 × 10−3 (1.7−2.9) × 10−3 1.0 (0.90−1.1) 4.4 (4.1−4.5) 0.12 (0.10−0.13) 0.57 (0.52−0.60) 14 (12−16) 0.044 (0.02−0.87) 5.7 × 10−3 (5.2−6.4) × 10−3 0.08 × 10−3 (0.081−3.52) × 10−3 2.4 (0.16−53) 0.4 × 10−3 (0.0−12) × 10−3 a (−) means dimensionless and ne is for not estimated. Empirical statistics of posterior distributions are given as the mode and the 95% credibility intervals (calculated as (2.5−97.5% percentiles) of posterior distributions). sensitive to U than F1- and F2-based populations, in accordance with observations at the organism level. Overlapping confidence intervals indicated that sensitivities of F1- and F2based populations did not significantly differ. Uncertainty was larger for F2-based population-level projection compared to F1-based. In generation F0, organism-level effects of depleted U were limited to sublethal endpoints (no mortality) and F0-based population-level impacts remained weak: at the highest tested concentration (75 μg L−1) the asymptotic population growth rate was (94−96)% of its control value. F1- and F2-based population-level effects of depleted U were much stronger than in the F0-based population, resulting from both sublethal and lethal effects at the organism level. For example, at 50 μg L−1 the asymptotic population growth rate λ was (83−87)% of its control value for F1 and (70−90)% for F2. Multi-F-Based Population. The extinction probability of the multi-F-based population remained null below 26 μg L−1 then increased from 0 to 1 between 26 and 72 μg L−1 (Figure 3, B). At exposure concentrations from 26 to 68 μg L−1, the population extinction was exclusively due to criterion C3 (F2based λ below 1), meaning that the population would become extinct in the long term. Between 68 and 72 μg L−1, extinction was caused either by criterion C2 (no reproduction in F1) or by criterion C3. Above 72 μg L−1, extinction was exclusively due to criterion C2 (no reproduction in F1). Extinction due to criterion C1 (no reproduction in F0) did not occur within the tested concentration range. F2. According to the life-cycle graph (Figure 1, B), three successive extinction criteria were considered: • criterion C1: extinction in F0 if Feci,F0(c) = 0 whatever the age i, • criterion C2: extinction in F1 if the population survived F0 and Feci,F1(c) = 0 whatever the age i, • criterion C3: extinction in subsequent generations if the population survived F0 and F1 and F2-based asymptotic population growth rate becomes lower than 1. Monte Carlo simulations were performed in order to take account of model uncertainty at the organism level. For each generation, 1000 parameter sets were drawn from their joint posterior distribution (Table 2). For each parameter set, survival and fecundity rates were then calculated (eqs 6 and 7) over the range of uranium concentrations (from 0 to 75 μg L−1 with a concentration increment of 1 μg L−1) and the corresponding λ and extinction probability were derived. ■ RESULTS Organism-Level Modeling. Parameter estimates obtained from the three distinct generations F0, F1, and F2 (Table 2) were compared according to their 95% credibility intervals (calculated as (2.5−97.5% percentiles) of posterior distributions). Concerning nontoxicological parameters, parameter estimates obtained for the three generations were not significantly different among generations (Table 2), except the body growth rate rB which was significantly higher for F0 than F1. Toxicity threshold estimates (NECA, NECS) were not significantly different among generations. In contrast, intensity coefficients of sublethal stress functions (kA) were significantly higher in generations F1 and F2 than in generation F0, indicating an increase in sensitivity to uranium when maternal pre-exposure occurred. For the three considered life history traits (growth, reproduction, and survival), posterior predictive checking was performed (Figure 2). Second generation organisms (F1) exposed to 75 μg L−1 did not reproduce. Hence, no third generation data (F2) could be collected for this exposure concentration. Almost all observed data were within the corresponding 95% credibility interval of replicated data (Figure 2), denoting a good quality of fit. F0-, F1-, and F2-Based Populations. Relative asymptotic population growth rate (compared to the control) varied significantly among generations on the range of depleted U concentration (Figure 3, A). The F0-based population was less ■ DISCUSSION Uranium concentrations range from 0.02 to 6 μg L−1 in natural freshwaters and may reach 2 mg L−1 in the vicinity of uraniferous sites, reflecting the composition of surrounding rocks.23 Higher concentrations, exceeding background values, have been reported in some ecosystems due to human activities such as mining, extraction, refining, and processing of uranium for nuclear fuel or weapons.24 Ecotoxicological values calculated from laboratory toxicity tests on a wide range of species showed a great variability among studies.25 In cladocerans, both acute and chronic toxicity differed among tested species mainly as a result of differences in alkalinity, hardness and pH,26−30 which strongly influences uranium speciation and bioavailability.31 In D. magna, water concentrations causing 50%-lethality at 48 h ranged from 0.39 to 51.9 mg L−1 and 50%-effect on 21-day reproduction was reported from 91 to 520 μg L−1.32−34 Data used in this paper were collected under the water conditions 1139 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 1136−1143 Environmental Science & Technology Article Figure 2. posterior predictive checking for growth, reproduction and survival (first, second and third row, respectively) of D. magna exposed to depleted U over three successive generations (first, second, and third column, respectively). Observed data (points) and corresponding 95% credible intervals of replicated data distributions (segments) were superimposed for a visual assessment of goodness-of-fit. Time points were slightly shifted horizontally among treatments for clarity. Treatments were represented in different shades of gray. that both increased uranium bioavailability and respected physiological limits of D. magna, as suggested by Zeman et al. (2008).34 Their calculated concentration of 14 μg L−1 yielding 10% chronic effect on reproduction after 21 days was therefore consistent with our estimated NEC for growth and reproduction, the 95% CI of which ranged from 0.020 to 7.75 μg L−1 independent of the generation. Effects on survival rose from no observed mortality up to a concentration of 75 μg L−1 in generation F0, to 15% mortality after 23 days at 25 μg L−1 and 100% mortality after 16 days at 75 μg L−1 in generation F1. Even though NEC for survival was not determined in F0, the estimated 95% CI ranged from 0.157 to 52.5 μg L−1, independent of the generation. This is consistent with the uranium concentration yielding 50% acute lethality after 48 h of 390 μg L−1 reported by Zeman et al. (2008).34 In a recent study Massarin et al. (2011)12 assessed the mode of action of depleted U by fitting DEBtox models to the same data set. This previous study considered reproduction expressed as the produced mass of eggs whereas the present study considered the number of offspring for the sake of demographic projection. Nevertheless, our results were in agreement with earlier findings that changes in uranium toxicity across generations are related to an increase in intensity coefficient, rather than to a reduction in NEC.12 In fact, on the basis of 95% credibility intervals changes in NEC for growth and reproduction was not significantly different among generations, whereas the estimated intensity coefficient was significantly greater for F1 and F2 than for F0. From a statistical point of view, the larger uncertainty of inference results and population-level projection obtained for F2 as compared to F0 and F1 (Figure 3, A) can be explained by the smaller number of data. In fact, because of mortality and lack of reproduction in F1, the toxicity test for F2 was performed with one less exposure concentration (75 μg L−1) than for F0 and F1, and a reduced initial number of organisms (10 instead of 20) at 25 μg L−1. In the Bayesian framework, parameters are considered as random variables having probability distributions that reflect uncertainty. This provides explicit and complete information for any comparison of interest (for instance between-generation comparisons in our case) and enables the translation of uncertainty into projection and/or extrapolation simulations, as done to assess population-level impacts. At the population level, the first approach adopted may seem inconsistent in the context of multigeneration studies. Indeed, matrix models are meant to describe the dynamics of successive generations, whereas they were used as projection tools for the effects experimentally observed in one generation at a time and for the three experimental generations independently (F0-, F1-, and F2-based populations, Figure 1, A), as done in Raimondo et al. (2009).5 Such an approach can only address the following scenarios. What if risk assessment relied on population-level projection of ecotoxicity tests performed with organisms: whose parents were not exposed (F0-like)? whose parents were exposed (F1-like)? whose parents and grand-parents were exposed (F2-like)? Actually, F0-like daphnids produced F1-like offspring and F1-like daphnids produced F2-like offspring. The multi-Fbased population model we proposed (Figure 1, B) attempted to mimic this process and our results showed that in the case of uranium effects observed on generations F1 and F2 combined. The extinction probability was the result of what happened in both F1 and F2. In other words, the population extinction occurred sometimes before a third-generation was reached, 1140 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 1136−1143 Environmental Science & Technology Article speculative in absence of additional experimental results. In fact, uranium effects may further increase in severity in subsequent generations or reflect the development of a resistance in D. magna. Understanding the underlying mechanisms which cause the observed increase in uranium effects across generations would allow extrapolating from one exposed generation to the next. However, experiments designed by Massarin et al. (2010)11 aimed to show potential changes in effects over generations, not to explain underlying mechanisms. Increasing sensitivity to uranium across generations may be due to (1) a reduced energy investment per offspring, as suggested by the observed reduction in mass of eggs in exposed females, (2) genetic alterations occurring in germinal cells and transmitted to the progeny35 and/or (3) direct exposure of embryos in the brood chamber36 in generations F1 and F2 (but not in generation F0 which was exposed from the neonate stage). Additional experiments are necessary to address these different hypotheses and clarify the underlying mechanisms or to examine effects of uranium in a longer term (to stabilization across generations?). One underlying assumption of our modeling approach is that sensitivity to uranium is comparable among daphnids from different instars and equal to that experimentally observed for the fifth brood.11 However, susceptibility might vary depending on instar number, as demonstrated with another metal. In fact, daphnids from early instars were smaller and were shown to be more sensitive to cadmium toxicity than daphnids from late instars.37 Thus one can hypothesize that susceptibility to uranium might differ among instars, inducing stronger effects in early F1 cohorts than in late ones. Conversely, if sensitization is a gradual process, one can expect that an early F1 cohort might be less susceptible than a late F1 cohort. Such scenarios may have different consequences for population dynamics, affecting to some extent conclusions from our modeling approach. The population level is acknowledged to be ecologically more relevant than the organism. In this context, ecological risk assessment would markedly improve with the consideration of realistic environmental conditions,38 especially food regimes in the context of this study, in which the toxicant affects food acquisition and assimilation. Constant ad libitum food, as in our study, is not representative of the natural situation in which population responses to uranium may differ under episodically limited food levels. Including realistic food regimes in the model requires first experimental studies of uranium effects at different food levels. The severity of uranium effects could be reduced with decreasing food, as was observed with cadmium39 or lindane.40 To conclude, the coupling of DEBtox and survival models with matrix population models proves to be a relevant tool. However, our study suggests that matrix population models can be misleading if multigenerational aspects are omitted. In the case of uranium, considering solely first-generation daphnids leads to a severe underestimation of the population response. Furthermore, our results showed that the effects observed in successive generations combined such that population dynamics cannot generally be simplified by examining only the most affected among several generations. Figure 3. population-level endpoints derived in the two approaches for population-level modeling: (A) asymptotic growth rate of F0-, F1-, and F2-based populations and (B) probability of extinction of the multi-Fbased population along with the stacked area chart of the three criteria (C1−C3). sometimes from the third-generation onward. This demonstrates that the effects experimentally observed in successive generations have to be accounted for in a combined way and gives credence to the multi-F-based approach. Our multi-F-based population model described the dynamics of a theoretical population in which the two first generations behaved like F0 and F1, and every following generation like F2. This simple assumption was made as a first attempt to project results of multigenerational toxicity tests to higher levels of biological organization. Simulating changes in effect severity from F3 onward would be very relevant, but would remain highly ■ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *Phone: +33 4 42 19 95 79; e-mail: 1141 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 1136−1143 Environmental Science & Technology ■ Article cadmium concentrations in laboratory aquatic microcosms. Ecotox. Environ. Saf. 2011, 74, 693−702. (19) Plummer, M. JAGS Version 2.2.0 User Manual; 2010. (20) Gelman, A. A Bayesian formulation of exploratory data analysis and goodness-of-fit testing. Int. Stat. Rev. 2003, 71, 369−382. (21) Caswell, H. Matrix Population Models−construction, Analysis, And Interpretation, 2nd ed.; Sinauer Associates: Sunderlands, Massachussets, 2001. (22) Billoir, E.; Péry, A. R. R.; Charles, S. 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