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Kashmir Conflict: History, Politics, and Human Rights

In the subcontinent at the time of partition there were 580 small and big princely
states. Special constitutional status had been given to these states. These states
were given a choice to acquiesce with either of the two countries India or Pakistan
under the partition plan. At the time when the partition plan was declared the
Congress leaders began exerting pressure on the Maharaja of Kashmir for the
ingress of India in Kashmir. The Maharaja concur and sign a legal petition for
ingress of India in Kashmir. New roads were constructed rapidly that connects
Kashmir to India. In this manner a massive part of Kashmir land was made a part
of India, in opposition to the will of most of her population. Pakistani soldiers
also went to Kashmir however it was past the point of no return. The first plane
conveying Indian soldiers had landed as of now there. India took the Kashmir
issue to the United Nations in January 1948 and made an undertaking to hold
referendum in Kashmir. Both the countries concur to truce on the request of
United Nations. Kashmir had perpetual status of article 370 of the Indian
constitution which gave distinct self-governing to the region of Kashmir.
Kashmir is the Muslim majority state. Many Muslims Kashmiris resist in
opposition of Indian occupation which were suffering from human right violence,
large number of people were killed and many people were evanescent. There was
a blind use of violence by the Indian soldiers in the Kashmir and also to those
who were fighting against it. The young people of Kashmir who pelt stones were
met with intense reaction by bullets, pellets and other deadly means. In Kashmir
an environment was encompassed by civilian deaths, encounters, bar bed wires,
routine curfews, interruption of media transmission, limitations on rights and
In compeer Kashmir therefore, the Indian democracy experience was marked
by strands of public assemblies and voting on the other hand. In 1990s the Indian
acknowledged the regularly held elections in Kashmir as a celebrations of
democracy but Kashmiris consider voting. in the elections. for the need of bread,
roads, water and. electricity. Kashmir was. held under the occupation. as one of
the most militarized region of the world and despite of the legal democratic
execution of elections was marked by the extensive and continuous loosen up
displeasure which results in the mass uprising. These dissent which persistent the
call for freedom. The sort of democracy in Kashmir was not of identity but of a
discrepancy, an extraction of surveillance to the radial .otherness of .democratic
hope that cannot be satisfying within the restriction of elections alone in the
distressed environment of Kashmir.
When the Kashmiri people protest and chant slogans of .resistance against the
Indian .occupation they were aware of persuasion of that public assembly. When
they pelting stone and chant slogans they met with munitions or pellets it show
that they were not a part of Indian democratic preoccupation. Pellet guns have not
been used in the political protest in the world which especially target their eyes.
The violence that has been .experienced by most of Kashmiri people in the name
of Indian democracy is not limited to pellets which is noticeable and easily
In 5th August 2019 the Indian parliament idecree aabrogation of article 370 of
Indian constitution which deprive Kashmir from entitlement such as the right to
a constitutionl and a flag of its own. The loss of the special status also evokes the
abrogation of article 35A which gave special rights and freedom to people of
Kashmir. After the abolition of article 370 the citizens of the India can buy
property in the Kashmir and live there permanently. The government affirm that
the abrogation was carried out for the economic development and growth of the
region. To prevent the protests against it the government cut landline, interruption
media transmission and political leaders were arrested in the Kashmir. This is the
true face of Indian Democracy in Kashmir.