1 Issa Strength and Conditioning Certification Exam Student Name Institution Course Number Instructor Date ATHLETE FITNESS 2 Issa Strength and Conditioning Certification Exam The Rio Olympics was a successful opportunity for my career as an athletic trainer. Attending the Olympics allowed me to exchange contacts with one of the best Kenyan runners Millicent Ndoro. The athlete called me a week ago to prepare for an up marathon in three weeks to participate in the 100m sprint race. Millicent, being a runner, the two most important tests are the doping test and the blood tests. The blood tests place the role of ensuring that the athlete is physically fit to participate in the race and the speed accelerator test to understand their capability for sprinting race. Blood tests have become the most crucial test for the athlete. Unlike before, the test is not only the tool of determining whether the athlete is clean from doping, but it also gives an idea of the fitness status of the athlete (Shuli, 2017). After conducting a blood test for Millicent, the results showed a clear picture of her body's fitness. Millicent's tests gave both positive and negative effects. The first test was her blood level was the blood level that came out perfectly. The average blood level showed that she lived an excellent athlete lifestyle in diet (Hooper & Schumacher, 2018). The other positive result is in terms of nutrition. The test showed that the athlete feeds a good diet which improves her energy level and body performance. On the flip side, the results also had some negative signs. The results have shown a risk of immune system problems (Hooper & Schumacher, 2018). After a short conversation with Millicent, it was clear that she has been overtraining the body hence overworking the immune system. After the blood test, a speed accelerator test is crucial for any professional sprinter (Shuli, 2017). In this test, the runner performs a warm-up then different speed tests are conducted using a timer. I ran several 30 m speed tests with Millicent, 50 m speed tests, 100 m speed tests, and ATHLETE FITNESS 3 150 m speed tests. The different tests help to understand the acceleration time and how the athlete picks it up. After a comparison between the first 30m time, the time between 30m and 50 m, and the final between 50m and 100 m gives us the speed endurance for Millicent's results showed that she is ready for the race. Her acceleration is between 30m and 50m. In this regard, Millicent has shown persistence for all the tests. She can hold her breath to the end of the race. Millicent's test results have created new goals for the next test to be done in two weeks. The first important goal is to stabilize Millicent's immune system by reducing the training time. The other way to stabilize her immunity is by increasing the sleeping time and boost energy (Hooper & Schumacher, 2018). By the use of vitamins, she can make her immunity stronger hence reducing the chances of illness. The other important goal is to maintain her excellent nutrition results. Millicent's new diet recommendation helps to keep her nutrition intact till the day of the race. ATHLETE FITNESS 4 References Hooper, J., & Schumacher, Y. (2018). Athlete Performance Monitoring in Anti-Doping. Integrative Physiology, 530-546. Shuli, G. (2017). Re-held Race Endangers Rules. Law Review, 277-289.