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Run-on Sentences: Definition, Examples, and Correction

Run-on Sentences
A run on / infused sentence is two sentences joined with just a
comma or no conjunctions at all or even a comma.
A run-on sentence occurs when two or more independent clauses
(also known as complete sentences) are connected improperly.
You no longer belong to our class, you can join another one.
To fix a run on sentence or a comma splice, use
A semi colon
A colon
A dash
One of the FANBOYS (For,and,nor,but,or,yet,so)
A period
1. Use periods:
independent clause. Independent clause.
He was hungry. He bought a burrito.
2. Use a conjunction:
He was hungry, so he bought a burrito.
NOTE that a comma, if necessary, comes before the conjunction
When you join two independent clauses with one of the
FANBOYS and the subject is the same in the two sentences , you
may omit the subject from the second sentence but in these
case you must omit the comma before FANBOYS
She plays soccer and goes swimming every Wednesday.
3. Use the semicolon ( ; )
He was hungry; he bought a burrito.
4. Use a transition word or phrase preceded by a semi colon
and followed by a comma
Transition words or phrases can join two independent
.................; thus,...............
..................; therefore,........
..................; as a result,.........
WRONG: He was tired, however, he finished the race.
CORRECT: He was tired; however, he finished the race.
If the transition word or phrase does not come on the border
between the two independent clauses but it comes in the middle
of the second independent clause, it should be preceded by a
comma and followed by a comma.
Kevin is stupid. I, however, like him.
5- Another way to fix a run on sentence is to change one of the
two independent clauses into a participial phrase.
WRONG: The company expanded rapidly, it currently employs
people in more than a dozen countries.
Correction: The company expanded rapidly, currently employing
people in more than a dozen countries.
A past participle is a verb form (written, spoken, done, etc.)
A present participle is a verb form ( speaking, writing, etc)
6- Another way to fix a run on sentence is to change one of the
two independent clauses into a prepositional phrase.
WRONG: A large number of massive stones were used in its
construction, some of them featured elaborate carvings.
Correction: A large number of massive stones were used in its
construction, some with elaborate carvings.
7- Another way to fix a run on sentence is to change one of the
two independent clauses into a noun phrase.
WRONG: She carries the pots and vases to the kiln, it is an oven
designed to bake pottery.
Correction: She carries the pots and vases to the kiln, an oven
designed to bake pottery.
8- Another way to fix a run on sentence is to change one of the
two independent clauses into a verbal phrase.
WRONG: People go to the Gulf of Mexico, there they sunbathe,
fish, and swim.
Correction: People go to the Gulf of Mexico to sunbathe, fish, and
A complex sentence is two or more sentences joined together
with subordinate conjunctions so that we can have ONE
independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
Two independent clauses:
1- Julia is stupid.
2- She can make it in the ACT.
Although Julia is stupid, she can make it in the ACT.
Although Julia is stupid, (dependant/subordinate clause)
she can make it in the ACT (independent clause)
Relative pronouns:
Relative pronouns are subordinate conjunctions and they must
be used immediately after the nouns they refer to
Yesterday I met Suzy who lives next door.
Relative pronouns introduce dependent clauses
Sometimes they are preceded by a comma and followed by a
comma, and some other times they are not.
“who” is a subordinate conjunction and can function as a
subject of a sentence so it must be followed by a verb.
“whom” cannot replace the subject of a sentence but it replaces
the object of a sentence so it cannot be followed by a verb.
Yesterday I saw two people, one of whom is my friend.
All relative clauses can be essential or non-essential except the
relative clause which begins with “that......”
“that” relative clause is ALWAYS essential.
A non-essential relative clause is preceded and followed by a
Trump, who was the ex-president of the US, has caught a
serious disease.
 You just replace the comma with one of the 5 choices
without change in the sentence
 NEVER use a comma before “that”
 NEVER use a comma between a subject and verb especially
when the verb immediately follows the subject