Uploaded by Salman Khan

Gene Cloning: Recombinant DNA Technology Presentation

Gene Cloning
Genetic Engineering
• Genetic engineering can be defined as a modification of the
genetic properties of an organism by the use of recombinant
DNA technology.
• Recombinant DNA technology is the joining together of DNA
molecules from two different species.
• Recombinant DNA technology has many benefits, such as the
ability to improve health and improve the quality of food.
• The three important applications are: (1) Applications in Crop
Improvement (2) Applications in Medicines and (3) Industrial
Gene cloning
• A clone can be defined as an identical copy.
• Gene cloning means making many copies of gene.
• By definition, DNA cloning is a Molecular Biology technique that
allows us to get multiple copies of identical DNA sequence or
For cloning, we need the following
1. A source of the DNA of interest: any
DNA sequence which produces
functional protein. For example, insulin
gene, pest resistant gene, growth
2. Host Cells: We need host cells in
which to introduce plasmids and
amplify the gene of interest. Usually
Escherichia coli is used.
2. Plasmids: Plasmids are circular double
stranded DNA molecule present inside the
bacteria. The structure of plasmid contain:
a. Origin of replication (ORI): due to which it
have the capability to self replicate itself.
b. Restriction enzyme site: at this site
restriction enzyme can cut the DNA strands
thus allow to insert any foreign DNA.
c. Ampicillin resistant gene: used to
separate non recombinant bacteria from
recombinant bacteria.
Restriction enzymes: these are molecular
scissors which have the capability to cut
specific DNA sequences.
Steps involved in cloning
• Step I: Gene of interest, is inserted into a circular DNA molecule
called a vector, to produce a recombinant DNA molecule.
• For this purpose, plasmids are used as vector. Plasmid is cut
from restriction site with the help of restriction enzyme. Then
gene of interest is joined inside plasmid with the help of ligase
enzyme. The plasmid containing foreign gene is called
recombinant plasmid.
• Step II: The recombinant plasmid is then introduced into bacteria
(E.coli). This process is called transformation.
• For this purpose, bacteria is treated with chemicals and heat
which will create pores in the cell membrane. Recombinant
plasmid enter through these pores inside the bacteria.
• Step III: then bacteria
containing recombinant
plasmid is grown on media to
make many copies of gene.
• As after transformation some
recombinant plasmid enter
the bacteria, while in some
bacteria plasmid donor enter.
The select recombinant
bacteria ampicillin resistance
is used. For this purpose,
bacteria is grown on media
containing antibiotic
ampicillin. Those bacteria
which contain recombinant
plasmid will grow as they
have the capability to resist to
antibiotic while all other
bacteria die.
• Step IV: Within the host cell
the plasmid multiplies,
producing numerous identical
copies, not only of itself but
also of the gene that it carries.
• When the host cell divides,
copies of the recombinant
DNA molecule are passed to
the next generation and
further vector replication
takes place.
• After a large number of cell
divisions, a colony, or clone,
of identical host cells is
produced. Each cell in the
clone contains one or more
copies of the recombinant
DNA molecule; the gene
carried by the recombinant
molecule is now said to be
• Through recombinant DNA techniques, bacteria have been
created that are capable of synthesizing human insulin, human
growth hormone and hepatitis B vaccine, and other medically
useful substances.