FAMOUS EDUCATORS: JONATHAN KOZOL 1 I am most known for my passionate advocacy of social equality of unrepresented children due to inequalities based on race, and socioeconomic factors in the public schools sector. I am also a passionate advocate of child-centered learning, and I have written a variety of books about education in America. Death of an Early Age was my first book, which was about my first year as a teacher in the public school system, and my more recent book About Fire in the Ashes, which is about “the outcasts of our nation's ingenuity.” I believe our schools are still very much segregated by race and economic factors even in today’s society. If all our children are of equal value in the eyes of God, then why not in the eyes of America? Our public educational system is unjust, undemocratic, and the archaic way we finance public education, our children come into the classroom with a price tag printed on their forehead. The little ones I write about are the cheap children, that is just unacceptable in a nation that would like to view itself as a good society. For these obvious reasons I have pushed for the simple equalities these children deserve. My educational ideas were influenced by seeing the inequalities in the United States public educational system, social inequalities in our country during the 1960s. There was this event I will never forget the summer of 1964 when 3 students from Ohio were murdered by the Ku Klux Klan, and becasue they were a mix of races, the nation paid attention. That moment in time changed my perspective on education from then on. I was a Harvard graduate, with no teaching certification so I started out as a substitute in Boston. Teaching was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, and I grew an admiration for teachers and all that they do. I survived my first day as a kindergarten sub, and then ultimately became a fourth and fifth grade teacher. This was when my journey to draw attention to the social, racial and socioeconomic inequalities in public schools began. FAMOUS EDUCATORS: JONATHAN KOZOL 2 One can still see influences of me in today’s American education because race segregation is still evident in today’s public education system. My passion for education writing has resulted in many awards, and my experience as a former educator, as well as being an advocate for equitable public education are all reasons behind my drive and ideology of an equally distributed education system. I believe my attention to the inequalities in public education are still very much present today. I delivered a message at Duke University titled, “Savage Inequalities in the Public Schools of a Divided Nation: The Challenge for Courageous and Inspired Teachers in the Wake of Ferguson and Charlottesville.” During my speech I stated “I wish I could stand here tonight and tell you there’s been dramatic progress…but it wouldn’t be the truth. The savage inequalities in funding between the wealthy and poor districts in America have not diminished over the years.” Our nation has done little to change the inequalities these students face everyday. I believe there needs to be a serious change. I would like every student of teaching to remember my ideology of equality for these underserved students, and remind themselves of the outside unequal factors that affect their daily lives. Remember these are the children that need the most guidance from their teachers, they need that nurture, and that feeling of importance to motivate their learning journey. Children in most inner city schools do not get that feeling of warmth and motivation from their teachers, due to many outstanding factors outside of their control. I hope my work and progress towards change will motivate students of teaching to be that teacher that makes a difference in these students’ lives, change their perspective of the world, and help me become motivated to be that change in the world we so desperately need. FAMOUS EDUCATORS: JONATHAN KOZOL 3 Reference Page YouTube. (2014, August 12). Jonathan Kozol: Education in America [full]. YouTube. Retrieved June 16, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgPOso3OTqo&t=1701s Jonathan Kozol: Year of transforming education: Allegheny College. Allegheny.edu. (n.d.). Retrieved June 16, 2022, from https://sites.allegheny.edu/yote/speakers/jonathan-kozol/#:~:text=Ten%20years%20later%2C%2 0in%20The,Board%20of%20Education Granados, A. (2017, October 26). Jonathan Kozol: The Savage Inequalities of Public School. EducationNC. Retrieved June 16, 2022, from https://www.ednc.org/savage-inequalities-public-school/#:~:text=Jonathan%20Kozol%2C%20a ward%2Dwinning%20education,1991%20are%20still%20present%20today