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Strength Training & Nutrition Resources: Book & Podcast List

recommedation list
Check out all articles, videos and podcasts by Joe Defranco and Luka Hocevar
Some great reads you might like to checkout are: ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and
Prescription, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everything to Take Action, The Back Mechanic,
Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, and Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual
and Movement Therapists. Some cool podcasts you could try too are Phil Learney, Personal Trainer
Collective, and The Fit Pro Masterclass all on Apple Podcasts and Mastery Podcast by Marc Coles on
Brad Schonfeld, Chris Beardsley, Stronger by Science, Renaissance Periodization.
The thing you will notice is that all of these are based on scientific evidence, with this
information all the other information becomes significantly easier to understand and use in the
proper context.
Renaissance Periodization
RP Diet 2.0
Scientific Principles of Hypertrophy / Strength Training