Global Trade Nodal Points: Mediterranean & Central Asia

Mediterranean Sea Trade
Jenn Forcillo, Ally DeForge, Amanda Karp, Cera Paslawsky
-The Mediterranean Sea was vital for merchants and travelers of
ancient times because it allowed for easy trade and exchange of
cultures and their beliefs.
-the Mediterranean Sea is a sea connected to the Atlantic Ocean
surrounded by the Mediterranean region and almost completely
enclosed by land : north of it is Anatolia and Europe, South of it is North
Africa, and East is Levant.
What was the Mediterranean Sea Lane?
-Helps to connect the areas around the Mediterranean Sea.
-Traders in the Mediterranean uses ships with square sails and
oars, while Indian Ocean sails were triangular sails and had no
-Unlike trade along the silk road, Mediterranean trade was
made completely of middle men
What was traded along the Sea Lane?
-olive oil
-Copper ingots
-Perishable Goods {food,
textiles, slaves, animal skins}
-crafted goods
-Raw materials {iron, lead, tin,
Technologies of the Mediterranean Sea Lanes
Technologies of the Mediterranean Sea Lanes
Advances in navigation (geographical,
astronomical, and cosmographical advances)
The Mediterranean typically exported animal skins, precious metals,
and exotic African animals for Asian zoos in return for spice and art.
The Silk Road was probably the main trade route that goods were
transported to and from the Mediterranean Sea.
AP World Themes
The Mediterranean sea lanes connect the people, empires and
civilizations of North Africa, Asia, and Europe through
trade. Being that it is almost completely enclosed in
land, the Mediterranean affects the vast amount of land it
is surrounded by.
The five themes of AP World relate to the trade network of
the Mediterranean Sea and its large umbrella of areas it
trades with.
AP World Themes
AP World Theme 1-Interaction between humans and the environment
The Mediterranean Sea is quite large, and on trade routes, multiple stops were
made at different places, leading to settlement in and migration towards these
areas. Also, the long journeys across the sea aided in the technological advances
in regards to ships and navigation
AP World Theme 2- Development and Interaction of cultures
Although trade routes were designed for the exchange of goods and materials
they became a way to share religion, ideas, languages, art, science, and
technology. Specifically Alexander The Great’s spread of Greek knowledge and
ideas throughout the Mediterranean region.
AP World Themes
AP World Theme 3-State-building and forms of government
While the Mediterranean is connected to many civilizations, and has a variety of
different forms of government, the most notorious battles over government in the
region were the Punic Wars. The Roman Empire was considered to rule the trade
networks that went through the Mediterranean, but had to fight against Carthage
for full control.
AP World Theme 4- Creation, expansion, and interaction of economic systems
Each society, empire, or civilizations that took part in the trade network produced or had different materials or goods,
creating a system of supply and demand.Soon it expanded, reaching all and around it, making it’s way into Africa and
connecting with the Silk Road to reach far east. Ivory, spices, slaves, wine, weapons and many other materials were
traded, and expanded the economic system of the Mediterranean Sea.
AP World Themes
AP World Theme 5-Development and transformation of social structures
As trade increased along the Mediterranean sea lanes, so did demand. Increasing
the need for a work force, or in some societies, slaves. Social classes were
created by having a merchant class, a working class, slaves, and the aristocratic
class who owned the land or goods.
Historiographical Perspective
Although Immanuel Wallerstein’s World-Systems Theory focuses on the times of 1460 and
on, his historiographical perspective can be adopted to fit the Mediterranean sea lanes.
Wallerstein divides the world into core countries, semi-periphery countries, and and
periphery countries. The core countries revolve around higher skill and capital intensive
production. Wallerstein defines his world system “as a unit with a single division of
labor and multiple cultural systems”, some characteristics of a core country are
economically diversified, extensive bureaucracy, and powerful militaries. Although the
Mediterranean trade routes connect many different places, it was often controlled by
one central empire, mainly the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire fits all the
characteristics given and represents the Mediterranean sea lanes in regards to the
trade and economic system of Rome, and so it falls under Wallerstein’s World-Systems
One time period that the Mediterranean Sea Trade takes place during
is the Byzantine Empire, which occurred from the 4th C.E. to 1453.
The Mediterranean Sea Trade allowed Byzantine to flourish because
of its location on the Mediterranean.
Europe was linked to the IOT through the Mediterranean Sea Trade
between 600 C.E. and 1450.
Significance and Importance
- Friedrich Hegel said about the Mediterranean: "For the three quarters of the globe,
the Mediterranean Sea is similarly the uniting element and the centre of World
- The trade route lead to cultural diffusion and cross cultural exchange.
Specifically through Rome and Greece trading with China and India.
- It was unique and had a larger importance because it connected three continents;
Africa, Asia, and Europe. Most of the Western population was centered around
this trade route.
- It also allowed products of Asia to pass into Europe.
Significance and Importance
- Large civilizations were able to flourish. It was a highway for merchants from
phoenicia, carthage, greece, sicily, and rome (who called it Mare Nostrum). Rome
had dominicane during their golden age. The trade route led to a rivalry for power
and dominance. After Rome’s dominance, the Byzantine empire and the Arabs had
- Along with opening trade and creating cultural diffusion, it created conflicts and
tension between societies.
The Central Asia region (CA) comprises the countries of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz
Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. It is a diverse region with a
mix of upper middle and low income countries with major strategic importance
due to their geographic location and natural resource endowments.
The Central Asia Regional Trade activity, launched
in FY 2013, is informing governments and
stakeholders on number of components of a
successful trade-agenda in the region, including
analysis of outcomes and policies and
recommendations to make trade integration more
However, the trade flows of Central Asia have an important bearing on
transportation challenges. Within the region, distances are substantial and access
to major markets involves very long travel distances.
Facilitating cross-border trade in Central Asia
Throughout history, Central Asia benefitted from being on the Silk Road,
connecting East Asia to the Middle East and Europe. Today, with its young and
educated population, natural resources and strategically advantageous location,
the region has immense potential for economic development.Trade in agricultural
goods, in particular, offers a great many opportunities for export to both regional
and international markets.
Public-private dialogue and pilot projects
In order to ensure transparency in the decision making process and to protect the interests of all the
parties involved, the project promotes a public-private dialogue on trade facilitation issues.
Achieved results:
Recommendations of the private sector have been taken up into the action plan of the National Trade
Facilitation committees in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The Electronic Pre-Declaration (EPD) of the TIR Convention is applied and can be used by traders in
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyztan and Uzbekistan for easy transit procedures.
At the border crossing point Dostuk in Kyrgyzstan technical and administrative conditions were
established that allow officers from different border agencies to share information on shipments and