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Analytical Chemistry: Measurements & Tools Presentation

Chemical Measurements and Analy3cal Tools What is ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY? • The science of measuring the qualita3ve and / or the quan3ta3ve chemical nature of a substance. ©Bank of Japan • One of the most ancient fields of science, even earlier than the concept of “science” itself. 1
The only Zodiac sign which is not an animal is an ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY tool!!! Created by Stellarium 0.16.0 Common Analy3cal Tools BureYe PipeYe Graduated cylinder Volumetric flask Syringe Electronic balance Photo credit: Prenhall.com Volumetric glassware Filter paper 2
Add the “Science Flavor” • Calibra3on ─ To verify your protocol is precise enough to be repeated by any other individuals. • Chemical analysis ─ Details given in later lectures. Experiments must be repeated before concluding. • Interpreta3on and publica3on of results ─ Always use sta3s3cs for analysis. Communicate in interna3onal standards. Calibra3on of Experimental Procedures • Environmental factors are important ─ Factors such as temperature, humidity and air flow could affect results. • Follow standard experimental protocols ─ Beware of bubbles when using volumetric equipment. • Calibra3on of apparatus ─ Make sure the read out value can be repeated and understood by the global community 3
Le Système Interna3onal d‘Unités, SI Units h e k NA Might be redefined on 2018! SI Derived Units and Concentra3on Units • Litre is not an SI unit! • Concentra3on units: ─ Molarity (M): mole(solute) / L(solu3on) ─ Molality (m): mole(solute) / kg(solvent) ppm b pp
─ Weight percent (wt%): kg(solute) / kg(solu3on) ─ Volume percent (vol%): L(solute) / L(solu3on) 4
SI Prefixes Prefix Factor Prefix Factor Name Symbol 1024 deci d 10−1 Z 1021 cen3 c 10−2 exa E 1018 milli m 10−3 peta P 1015 micro μ 10−6 tera T 1012 nano n 10−9 G 109 pico p 10−12 mega M 106 femto f 10−15 kilo k 103 aYo a 10−18 hecto h 102 zepto z 10−21 deca da 101 yocto y 10−24 Name Symbol yoYa Y zeYa giga • The SI unit for mass is “kg”! • Widely used with non-­‐SI units as well. Take-­‐home Message Analy3cal chemistry is a field of science that measures and communicates the chemical nature of maYer! 5