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Flutter Interview Questions and Answers

Flutter Technical Interview Questions and
Q. What is the name of the command you use to verify you
have setup your flutter environment correctly?
flutter run
flutter expert
flutter doctor
flutter master
Q. What operator evaluates and returns the value between two
?? operator
? operator
&& operator
None of the above
Q. When you build the Flutter app the first time, it will take a
longer time?
Q. Which of the following tests a single widget?
Unit Tests
Widget Tests
Interactive Tests
Integration Tests
Q. What are the subclasses of Key?
GlobalKey and LocalKey
None of the above
Q. Why does Flutter use Dart?
R. What are different build modes in flutter?
Q. What are different types of Streams?
Q. pubspec.yaml file does not contain?
Project general settings
Project dependencies
Project language
Project assets
Q. What is the difference between runApp() and main() in
Q. What kinds of apps can I build with Flutter?
Q. What is tree shaking in Flutter?
Q. Does Flutter come with a testing framework?
Q. Explain different types of widget testing?
Q. What do you mean by pubspec.yaml file
Q. What do you understand about tween animation?
Q. What is try catch in flutter?
R. When to use mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment.
Q. Differentiate between Column and Container
Q. What is difference between InkWell and GestureDetector?
Q. What is the difference between a Stack and a Column in
Q. Write the difference between SizedBox Vs Container.
Q. Does Flutter come with a dependency injection framework?
Q. Explain BuildContext.
Q. Name two database packages mostly used in Flutter.
Q. What is Flutter Provider?
Q. What do you mean by Null-aware operators?
Q. How to access screen size in the future?
Q. Define setState()
Q. What is the difference between WidgetsApp and
Q. What are various state management approaches?
Q. What do you understand from ‘State’? What is the use of
the setState() method?
Q. Explain the lifecycle of a StatefulWidget?
Q. What is rootBundle?
Q. What is AssetBundle?
Q. What is deep linking in Flutter?
Q. How many routes are there in Flutter?
Q. How do you update value in flutter?
Q. What is initializer list in Dart?
Q. What is lazy Singleton in Flutter?
Q. What is Typedef in flutter?
Q. How do you make a static class in flutter?
Q. What is true about a Flutter Widget?
Every Widget is a dart object
Every Widget is visible on the screen
Every Widget is compiled to a platform-specific equivalent UI element.
Q. What is “Widget Tree”?
“Widget tree” means that you build your UI with a combination of Widgets
“Widget tree” means the Widgets are typically pretty complex objects
“Widget tree” means that you have to use a certain amount of widgets to see
something on the screen.
Q. Why do you need to call setState((){…}) in a StatefulWidget
(when changing some internal data)?
Without setState(), the widget does not change its property value and hence it will not
re-run the build() method. Hence updates aren’t reflected on the screen.
Without setState(), the Widget does change its property value but it will not re-rrun the
build() method. Hence updates aren’t reflected on the screen.
setState() has no direct impact but is a good convention as it maked it really clear that
you want to actively change some data.
Q. What is true about final?
Properties or variables marked as final can’t change at compile time.
Properties or variables marked as final can’t change at runtime.
Properties or variables marked as final can’t change at all.
Q. How much space does a Column take by default?
All available vertical space on the screen
As little space as its content requires.
The height needs to be configured.
Q. How to style Flutter Widgets?
With a separate styling language.
Via a global config file.
Via constructor arguments.
Q. What is the difference between ListView(children: […]) and
ListView.builder() builds deleted unnecessary application data.
ListView builds widgets as required (i.e when they can be seen)
ListView.builder() builds widgets as required (i.e when they can be seen)
Q. SDK represents____
Software Development Knowledge
Software Data Kit
Software Database Kit
Software Development Kit
Q. The Dart language can be compiled
Both AOT and JIT
None of the above
Q. What are the advantages of Flutter?
Cross-platform Development
Faster Development
UI Focused
All of the above
Q. Which widget enables us to have a specific height or width
between the widgets?
Q. Are stateless widgets mutable or immutable?
Q. Which widget is utilized to wrap the Column, Container,
Row, or other widgets. This widget inserts the filling size
around the child widget?
Q. Which of the following properties must we utilize for
adding the label, inline, and icon suggestion text to the
TextField widget?