Republic of the Philippines Department of Education NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE-MALABON CITY MALABON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL M. NAVAL ST., HULONG-DUHAT, MALABON CITY SCIENCE 8: BIOTECHNOLOGY Name: _____________________________________________ Teacher: __________________________________________ WORKSHEET 1.19 Section: ______________ Date: _________________ KREB’S CYCLE Learning Competency: Explain the different cell functions. Instructional Objective: Describe the process of the Krebs cycle DIRECTIONS: Fill in the molecules created or released during the Krebs Cycle from the loop of words inside the box. Some words can be used more than once. Pyruvate Decarboxylation Carbon ATP FADH2 CO2 NAD+ Oxaloacetate Hydrogen Two Acetyl-CoA Coenzyme A Citrate NADH Glucose A. Pyruvate Oxidation (1) _______________ enters the mitochondrion from the cytoplasm. One (2)_______________ atom is removed via (3)__________________________ and (4)_____________________ is removed using (5)____________. (6) ________________ becomes attached to the remaining carbon atoms, creating (7) _______________, which enters the Krebs cycle. B. Krebs Cycle (8) ______________________ enters the cycle then combines with (9) __________________ to make the six-carbon compounds. During the eight steps of the Krebs cycle, (10) _____________ undergoes a number of reactions, releasing (11) _________ and (12) ______________. (13) ____________ is eventually converted into (14) _______________________ to used again during Krebs cycle. C. Products of the Krebs Cycle (15) __________________is release as waste. (16) ___________ and (17) ___________ move to the next stage of cellular respiration. Energy is release in the form of (18) ____________. A glucose molecule produces (19) ________ molecules of ATP because two molecules of (20) _____________ are created from each molecules of glucose. Address: M. Naval St., Hulong-Duhat, Malabon City 1470 Telephone Number: (02) 8 361 2174 | 8 373 3263 | 8 372 8808 E-mail Address: Republic of the Philippines Department of Education NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE-MALABON CITY MALABON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL M. NAVAL ST., HULONG-DUHAT, MALABON CITY Part II. Sequence the events by assigning numbers (1-5) to show the order in which they occur during the Krebs cycle. ______ a. Citric acid releases a CO2 molecule and a hydrogen atom to form a five-carbon compound. ______ b. A four-carbon compound is converted into oxaloacetic acid. ______ c. A five-carbon compound releases a CO2 molecule to form a four-carbon compound. ______ d. A molecule of acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetic acid to produce citric acid. ______ e. A four-carbon compound releases a hydrogen atom to form another four-carbon compound. Part III. The figure below shows the Krebs cycle. Using the information contained in the passage, write the name of the compound at each lettered block on the lines below the figure. Use the following labels: “4- carbon compound,” “5-carbon compound,” “Oxaloacetic acid,” and “Citric acid.” You will use a label more than once. Reference: Section 7-1: Glycolysis and Fermentation. (n.d.). Retrieved from ocuments/Biology/Unit%203%20Metabolism/Respiration%20reading%20review.pdf Address: M. Naval St., Hulong-Duhat, Malabon City 1470 Telephone Number: (02) 8 361 2174 | 8 373 3263 | 8 372 8808 E-mail Address: