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Clinical Learning Plan: Skills & Medication Admin Goals

Learning Plan - Goals for Consolidation
Name: Sophia Mazzotta 130600182
Clinical Supervisor: Renae Dixon
Facility Placement: Villa Colombo Long Term Care
PNC520 section: AA
Write 3 SMART Goals
I will watch procedure/skills videos at
least once a week to educate myself
about specific procedures and skills
that pertain to my department. I will
have reached my goal by completing
at least 10 videos.
I will improve my medication
administration skills (Injections).
Since I have not had much practice
with needles, I will do this by
memorizing the 10 rights & doing my
safety checks before preparing the
med & after. I will have reached my
goal by completing at least 10
injection meds.
Identify your learning activities – 3 for each goal
Volunteer to assist other nurses if they may be doing any type of
skill/procedure. Even if I have done it before, I still would love to watch and
take the opportunity to learn
Participate in skills that I have not done before. With my preceptor’s
supervision I will lead the skill.
Familiarize myself with a new electronic medical device I have not used
before. By doing so I will be able to know what I am looking for if ever I
need to grab it.
Offer to prepare medication for my preceptors’ patients, while she checks it
after to make sure I did everything correct
Offer to Administer IM, SubQ, dermal injections.
Offer to assist with preparation of mini bags.
- Always pausing at the bedside and do a mental check to make sure bed is
Every day at clinical, I will pay
at working level.
attention to use proper body
mechanics to avoid injuries. I will
- If I know I will not be able to handle a patient by myself, I will always stop
incorporate back strengthening
and ask for help for the safety of myself & the patient.
exercises into my workout routines
and consider my physical limitations
- Encourage other nurses to always ask me for help if they need it. Helping
at work. The goal will be achieved if I
other nurses proper body mechanics promotes safety for all
can follow through until the end of
the semester.
Refer to https://www.cno.org/globalassets/docs/qa/2019/smart-goals-2019.pdf
A SMART goal is:
Specific. A specific goal is detailed, focused and clearly stated. Everyone reading the goal should know exactly what you want to learn.
Measurable. A measurable goal is quantifiable, meaning you can see the results.
Attainable. An attainable goal can be achieved based on your skill, resources and area of practice.
Relevant. A relevant goal applies to your current role and is clearly linked to your key role responsibilities.
Time-limited. A time-limited goal has specific timelines and a deadline.
Identify your learning activities by saying how will you achieve each goal.