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HRG101-2 OFFER LETTER- Wally Walter- Safety Kavieng

: 03/06/2022
: Wally Walter
Address: Djaul Street Kavieng
Phone: 72483233
Email: walterkolish@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Wally Walter,
We are pleased to offer you the appointment with our company under the following terms and conditions:
1) Position
: Safety Officer
2) Department
: Engineering
3) Reporting To
: Project Manager- Kavieng
4) Point of Hire/Project
: Kavieng- NIP
5) Date of Commencement
: 6 June, 2022
6) Base Salary
: KINA 6.50/hour or (K 14,196. 00 /Annum)
Subject to the working attendance record.
7) Air Fare
: Not Applicable
8) Accommodation
: Not Applicable
9) Probation
: 3 months from the date of your commencement of employment. The probation
period can be extended to another 3 months at the sole discretion of the
10) Validity
: This appointment is only valid for Thirty (30) days from the date of issue.
11) Confirmation
: Upon completion of probation period, subject to your performance, you will be
confirmed in your appointment in writing.
12) Notice of Termination
Under probation
After probation
: Either party may terminate this contract of service by giving notice or paying
salary in-lieu of notice, it subjects to Employment Act 1978 of Papua New Guinea
and both parties are required to adhere to and comply with said Act.
: Either party may terminate this contract of service by giving notice or paying
salary in-lieu of notice, it subjects to Employment Act 1978 of Papua New Guinea
and both parties are required to adhere to and comply with said Act
Right of Immediate Termination :
The decision to dismiss without notice or payment in-lieu of notice will be rested
with the Company in case of following reasons and such as but not limited to
serious neglect of duties, misconduct, disclosure of confidential information
pertaining to products & services & remunerations, insubordination, breach of
any terms & conditions of this appointment letter, violation of rules and
regulations of the Company, violation of government laws, found to be mentally
or physically unfit due to illness with the affirmation of licensed medical
practitioner and any others related.
13) Working Hours
: Normal Hours is 8am to 5pm.
However, subject to management critical work, hours maybe extended or
reduced. Normal working hours shall not exceed 84 per fortnight.
14) Overtime Claim
: As per Overtime Policy
For management staff, supervisory level and employees on incentive and pierce
rate basis that overtime is not applicable.
15) Annual Leave
: Urban Employment
14 days (12 days paid leave)
16) Sick Leave
: Urban Employment
9 days
17) Public Holiday
: You shall be entitled to the gazetted public holidays that will be published by the
18) Superannuation Fund
: As per Superannuation Act 2000
19) Workers’ Compensation
: As per Workers Compensation Act 1978
20) Right to Transfer
: The Company maintains the right to transfer and/or relocate an employee to any
of the company’s section, department, branches and project sites or any job
within the Company, whether in the same location or at a different location that
such transfer or relocation will not diminish the terms and conditions of
employment currently accorded to the employee at the sole discretion of the
Company and shall not be disputed.
21) Retirement Age
: 55 years old as per Employment Act 1978. The Company at its discretion, decides
to re-employ you on yearly contract basis.
22) Medical Benefits
: You are entitled to a medical benefits which is covering consultation, treatment
and medicines prescribed by the Company’s doctor or public/private
clinics/hospitals. The coverage does not include dental, optical, major surgery and
traditional medical treatment. The Reimbursement of expenses subjects to the
Final discretion of the Company.
23) Increment
Increment is subjected to Performance Appraisal at the sole discretion of the
24) Duties & Responsibilities
You are required to perform all duties and responsibilities assigned to you, which
may vary at the discretion of the management, faithfully and conscientiously.
25) Undertaking Indemnification :
The Employee shall work exclusively for the benefit of the Company. The
Employee is required to carry out and warrant that he/she will comply with the
undertakings & obligations set forth in this Employment Contract and shall
indemnify the company of any actual losses, damages, costs and expenses,
including attorney fee, incurred as a result of the breach of this agreement or his
wilful act, omission, fraud and negligence.
26) Confidentiality & Unauthorized
Disclosure of Information : The unauthorized disclosure of Information is strictly prohibited, so the employee
shall undertake the duties and responsibilities to keep all the relevant information as
highly confidential within/after the employee’s service with the Company. In case of any
violation of this clause, it shall lead to either an immediate termination or legal action
against the misconduct of employee.
27) Return of Company Property :
Upon termination of this Agreement, the Employee shall deliver all property
(including keys, records, notes, data, memoranda, models, and tool equipment)
that is in the Employee's possession or under the Employee's control which is
Employer's property or related to Employer's business. Such obligation shall be
governed by any separate confidentiality or proprietary rights agreement signed
by the Employee.
All damaged items must be returned to Employer prior to issuance of
replacements. The cost of replacement will be charged to Employee if the
damaged items are not returned to Employer.
28) Other Employment
Employee is strictly undertake any other remuneration employment for any other
employer including directorship of other companies.
29) Other terms and conditions
Subject to Employee Handbook and Statutory Laws of Government.
Congratulations and welcome to the company!
Yours sincerely
------------------------------------------------William Leves
Managing Director
I, ______________________________________ fully understand and agree to accept and abide by the terms and
conditions of employment.