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Poultry Production Exam for Agricultural Technology Students

Batuila, Baleno, Masbate
Name: _______________________
Date: ____________________
Year: ________________________
Score: ____________________
Multiple Choice
Direction. Read and understand the question carefully and select the best answer.
1. What is the scientific name of chicken?
a. Gallus gallus
c. Struthio camelus
b. Coturnix coturnix
d. Gallus Domesticus
2. A collective term for birds used either for breeding, egg production, meat production and
a. Fowl
c. Poultry
b. Birds
d. Selection
3. A commercial meat type chicken usually raised up to six weeks of age.
a. Rooster
c. Layer
b. Chicken
d. Broiler
4. It is caused by a combination of genetic and environment factors and it usually occurs when
the birds are stressed by a poor management practice.
a. Downtime
c. Selection
b. Culling
d. Cannibalism
5. If the birds have to fight for food and water or if the birds are always hungry, they will
increase pecking because of what?
a. Unbalanced diet
c. Abrupt changes in environment
b. Excessive light
d. Absence of feed or water
6. It occurs when the uterus stretches and takes longer to properly return into the body cavity
after the egg is laid.
a. Prolapse
c. Cannibalism
b. Culling
d. Disease
7. It is very common during the first week of birds lives because younger chicks do not have
the ability to control their body temperature.
a. Fowl cholera
c. Avian malaria
b. Heat Stress
d. Necrotic enteritis
8. It occurs when the birds transfer heat from its skin surface.
a. Radiation
c. Ingestion
b. Conduction
d. Digestion
9. It occurs when the birds lose excess body heat by transferring it to cooler object.
a. Radiation
c. Ingestion
b. Conduction
d. Digestion
10. The following are the most common symptoms of poultry stress except.
a. Weight loss
c. Increased feed conversion ratio
b. Reduced egg production d. None of the above
11. The usefulness of a protein feedstuff depends upon its ability to furnish essential amino
acid required by the birds.
a. Energy supplements
c. Mineral supplement
b. Protein supplements
d Vitamin supplement
12. This is required by poultry for skeletal development in growing birds for eggshell
formation in laying hens and other regulatory processes in the bod.
a. Energy supplement
c. Mineral supplement
b. Protein supplement
d. Vitamin supplement
13. These products exert many of the same effect as the antibiotics.
a. Arsenicals and nitrofurans
c. Antioxidants
b. Drugs
d. Vaccine
14. An actual reduction of nutrient intake below minimum requirements of birds?
a. Ad libitum feeding
c. Ration
b. Restricted feeding
d. Creep feeding
15. Nutrient present in the diet for poultry to absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
a. Fatty acid
c. Amino acid
b. Carbohydrates
d. Fat
16. A group of organic compounds that poultry require in small quantities.
a. Vitamins
c. Protein
b. Minerals
d. Water
17. It is the glandular stomach where digestion primarily begins.
a. Proventriculus
c. Crop
b. Ventriculus
d. Duodenal loop
18. It is located near the liver and is an organ whose is not definitely known.
a. Pancreas
c. Intestinal Microflora
b. Spleen
d. Duodenum
19. This refers to the organ in the wall of the cloaca that places the sperm inside female’s
reproductive tract.
s. Vas deferens
c. Papilla
b. Isthmus
d. Vagina
20. This one insect that derived their nourishment for the whole or part of their existence from
the body of any other creature.
a. Disease
c. Abnormalities
b. Ailment
d. Parasite
____________ 1. It refers to the amount of feed consumed by an individual within twenty-four
____________ 2. Is any ingredient or materials fed to animals for purpose of sustaining them.
____________ 3. The primary reason of using this in poultry feeds because of its growth
stimulating effect.
_____________ 4. It uses to prevent rancidity in poultry feeds.
_____________ 5. This is essential for the development of normal tissue necessary for metabolic
_____________ 6. It composed of a mixture of ground and powdered form of feedstuff.
_____________ 7. These are given to chicks (2-3 weeks old) and a compressed mash feed which
vary in size.
_____________ 8. This method is being used if only two feed ingredients are available.
_____________ 9. It provides poultry the energy and material needed for the development of bone,
flesh, feather and eggs.
_____________ 10. A substance that a plant or an animal takes into the system for the repair of
wasted tissues and for maintenance of natural condition.
_____________ 11. An energy source for animals and make up the largest portion of poultry diet.
_____________ 12. It softens feed and carries it through the digestive tract, this is also one of the
most important nutrients.
_____________ 13. A complex compound made up of smaller units called amino acids.
_____________ 14. It provides the most accessible route for substances to enter the body.
_____________ 15. It is an out-pocketing of the esophagus and is located just outside the body
cavity in the neck region.
_____________ 16. A flexible tube that connects the mouth with the rest of the digestive tract.
_____________ 17. It often referred as mechanical stomach, and made up to two sets of strong
muscle that act as the bird’s teeth.
_____________18. A commercial product made up of small stones, and can be used as supplement
to chicken feed.
_____________19. This is where the digestive waste mix with water from the urinary system.
_____________20. A small organ of insignificant appearance and is situated among the folds of
the small intestine.
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong, then
write the correct answer. (2 points each)
_________1. Diseases are spread by free lying birds, by germs which stick to the feet of visitors
or the flock caretaker by disease birds coming in contact with healthy ones.
________ 2. Some of the poultry diseases are heredity; that is, they are passed from the parent
stock to chick through the egg.
________ 3. Fowl cholera is a disease which usually appears during the hot months of the summer
and which very seldom appears during cold and wet weather.
________ 4. Fowl typhoid is an infectious and rapidly fatal disease of all domestic birds.
________ 5. The large intestine is actually shorter than the small intestine.
________ 6. The crop is a flexible tube that connects the mouth with the rest of the digestive tract.
________ 7. Protein are a group of organic compounds that poultry require in small quantities.
________ 8. Phosphorus is important in bone development, and it is part of cell membranes and
is required for many metabolic functions.
________ 9. Commercial poultry diets typically contain methionine and lysine supplements.
________10. Non- essential amino acids are those that cannot be made in adequate amounts to
meet the needs of the animal.
________11. The essential amino acids are those that the body can generate in sufficient quantities
as long as the appropriate starting material is available.
________12. Pellets compressed mash feed which vary in size
________13. Vitamins is the largest cost item in broiler production, representing 60 to 75 percent
of the total cost.
_______ 14. The usefulness of a protein feedstuff depends upon its ability to furnish the essential
amino acids required by the bird, the digestibility of the protein, and the presence or absence of
toxic substances.
_______ 15. Restricted feeding during the growing period means an actual reduction of nutrient
intake below minimum requirements of birds.
1-5. Give at least 5 factors of cannibalism.
6-10. What are the 5 sources of nutrients?
11-15. Give at least 5 digestive parts of a chicken.
16-20. What are the common signs of poultry stress in broiler chicken?
21-25. Give at least 5 common poultry diseases.
26-30. Give at least 5 common poultry abnormalities.