Modelling of a HIPPS with AltaRica RAMS seminar 03.03.2017 Yun Zhang Antoine Rauzy Kunnskap for en bedre verden Issues • Reliability assessment of complex system raises a number of challenging issues: – – – – How to design model efficiently? How to reuse parts/components of models? How to validate models? How to have a quality assurance on the outputs of the modeling process? – How to maintain models throughout the life-cycle of systems? – How to better integrate reliability engineering with other disciplines? … Kunnskap for en bedre verden 2 Categories of modelling languages Is there a generic/unified modeling framework to assess reliability of complex systems? Guarded Transitions Systems as implemented in AltaRica Kunnskap for en bedre verden 3 Problem statement • We focus on modelling of a HIPPS with AltaRica • The problem is mainly about o how to design a maintenance model to help assessing condition monitoring and optimization of maintenance policies given the description of constraints • But it could also be relevant for problems like o how to analyze production of the system o how to do risk analysis o … Kunnskap for en bedre verden 4 System description Logic solver (LS) 2oo3 1oo2 Shut down valves (SDV) Kunnskap for en bedre verden Sensors (S) 5 Features of the HIPPS • Components: – Continuously monitored components (logic solver and sensors) – Periodically tested components (shutdown valves) • Objectives: – Reduce number of maintenance interventions – Minimize system downtime Kunnskap for en bedre verden 6 Step 0. Block diagram S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden SDV LS SDV 7 Step 1. Repairable component W F Logic solver (LS) 2oo3 1oo2 Sensors (S) Shut down valves (SDV) W F W F Kunnskap for en bedre verden W F W F W F 8 Finite state automaton for repairable component failure _state = WORKING _state = FAILED repair Kunnskap for en bedre verden 9 Step 2. Tested component W F Logic solver (LS) 2oo3 1oo2 Sensors (S) Shut down valves (SDV) W F W F Kunnskap for en bedre verden W F W F W F 10 Finite state automaton for a tested component repair _state = WORKING failure _state = FAILED_UNDETECED _phase = OPERATION _ phase = OPERATION _state = FAILED_DETECTED _ phase = OPERATION OPERATION PHASE startTest TEST PHASE completeTest _state = WORKING _phase = TEST Kunnskap for en bedre verden startTest completeTest _state = FAILED_UNDETECTED _phase = TEST startTest completeTest _state = FAILED_DETECTED _phase = TEST 11 Step 3. Periodic maintenance 1PT/month W F OP 0 Logic solver (LS) OP PT OP PT PT MT 2oo3 1oo2 Sensors (S) Shut down valves (SDV) W 1MT/year F W F Kunnskap for en bedre verden W F W F W F 12 Finite state automaton for a monitored component _state = FAILED_DETECTED _phase = MAINTENANCE _state = WORKING _phase = MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PHASE startMaintenance OPERATION PHASE completeMaintenance _state = WORKING _phase = OPERATION Kunnskap for en bedre verden failure startMaintenance _state = FAILED_DETECTED _ phase = OPERATION 13 Finite state automaton for a tested component _state = WORKING _phase = MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PHASE startMaintenance OPERATION PHASE TEST PHASE completeMaintenance _state = WORKING _phase = OPERATION startTest _state = FAILED_UNDETECTED _phase = MAINTENANCE startMaintenance failure _state = FAILED_UNDETECTED completeTest _state = WORKING _phase = TEST Kunnskap for en bedre verden _ phase = OPERATION startTest completeTest _state = FAILED_UNDETECTED _phase = TEST _state = FAILED_DETECTED _phase = MAINTENANCE startMaintenance _state = FAILED_DETECTED _ phase = OPERATION startTest completeTest _state = FAILED_DETECTED _phase = TEST 14 Step 4. Condition based maintenance W F Logic solver (LS) 2oo3 1oo2 Sensors (S) Shut down valves (SDV) W F W F Kunnskap for en bedre verden W F W F W F 15 Our knowledge about the state of the system maybe different from actual state of the system… HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S LS S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden Actuators SDV SDV SDV LS SDV 16 working State at different levels degraded System working failed System level HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden LS Actuators SDV SDV Sub-system level component level 17 working State at different levels degraded System working failed System level HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden LS Actuators SDV SDV Sub-system level component level 18 working State at different levels degraded System working failed System level HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden LS Actuators SDV SDV Sub-system level component level 19 working State at different levels degraded System degraded failed System level HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden LS Actuators SDV SDV Sub-system level component level 20 working State at different levels degraded System failed failed System level HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden LS Actuators SDV SDV Sub-system level component level 21 working State at different levels degraded System failed failed System level HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden LS Actuators SDV SDV Sub-system level component level 22 working State at different levels degraded System failed failed System level HIPPS Controller Sensors S S S Kunnskap for en bedre verden LS Actuators SDV SDV Sub-system level component level 23 Component states Components S1 working failed detected S2 working failed detected S3 working failed detected LS working failed detected SDV1 working failed undetected failed detected SDV2 working failed undetected failed detected Kunnskap for en bedre verden 24 Sub-system states Sub-system working degraded failed Sensors 3 working 2 working 1 or 0 working Logic solver 1 working Shutdown valves 2 working Kunnskap for en bedre verden 0 working 1 working 0 working 25 System states System working degraded failed Sensors (and) working or degraded (and) degraded (or) failed Logic solver (and) working (and) working (or) failed Shutdown valves (and) working or degraded (and) degraded (or) failed Kunnskap for en bedre verden 26 Finite state automaton for decision rules condition=working _phase=operation OPERATION condition=degraded _phase=operation condition=failed _phase=operation completeTest [1] startTest [1439] completeTest [1] startTest [1439] condition=degraded _phase=test condition=working _phase=test TEST condition=failed _phase=test condition!=working? startMaintenance [0] completeMaintenance [24] condition=degraded _phase = maintenance MAINTENANCE completeTest [1] startTest [1439] condition!=working? startMaintenance [0] condition=failed _phase= maintenance completeMaintenance [24] command {operation, test, maintenance} Kunnskap for en bedre verden condition {working, degraded, failed} 27