Uploaded by Jennifer Crisman

Tone Analysis Foldable Worksheet

Name:______________________________________________Date:__________Grade: _____/20
Tone (author’s words) Foldable instructions:
_____1. Create a hot dog foldable. Divide the inside into four sections. Write the title “Examples of
Tone” on the front somewhere.
_____2. Write this list of stories that you have read on the back of the foldable.
a. What is a Knight? pg 210
b. The Wise Old Woman pg 8
c. Amigo Brothers pg 18
d. Medieval England pg 636
e. Out of the Dust (choose a chapter)
f. The Scholarship Jacket pg 472
g. A Crush pg 419
h. The Truth About the World (handout)
i. Names vs. Nombres pg 494
j. Rosa Parks poem pg 104
k. Rosa Parks: My Story pg 107
_____3. On the first inside fold, write the names of four of your stories- one on each section.
_____4. On the other inside fold, create a t-chart in each section. Write claim on one side of the t-chart
and evidence on the other side of the t-chart.
_____5. Analyze each story and write what your claim of tone is for each story and two pieces of
evidence supporting your claim.
_____6. Look at the example of the foldable if you are confused about constructing the foldable.
_____7. Look at your notes if you are confused what tone is.
_____8. Staple the foldable to the back of this paper and put them in the drawer for a grade.
(For the teacher)
Foldable Rubric
Followed all directions creating foldable.
Handwriting is legible.
All assignment information is present.
Spelling/grammar/complete sentences.
Exceeded expectation. (color, extra information)