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Diagnostic Matrix: IT Student Challenges & Solutions

Diagnostic matrix
Preparatory work
Reflect on the following logical flow of questions.
1. Profile of your typical trainee participant: What kind of profession does your
student/staff have? Or what kind of profession will they have after graduation? In case
you have more than one type of students, choose one and reply to all following
questions based on the one you chose.
Computer engineer
Mobile telecommunications companies (Korek telecom, Asia cell, Zain, Etc)
IT specialist (private sector)
IT support employer (government sector)
2. What is one specific topic of the professional domain of your students that you tackle in
your teaching? (e.g. water management; soil analysis, dairy production, cultural
awareness… )
Programming Languages (java, c++,etc.)
3. Main tasks for your students within that topic: Within the scope of the topic chosen in
question 2, what are the main tasks that your students need to perform in their daily
work or future job? Please reflect well on that and list as many as possible. For
example, for Dairy production:
Processing milk
Managing hygiene standards
Packing & Transporting, etc.
Create mobile Application
Design Websites
4. Main challenges: In the execution of those tasks, what are 3 main challenges that your
typical student is likely to face in practice? Be as specific as possible.
Lack of resources
Poor time management
Software Licence
Diagnostic matrix
5. From the above preparatory work, choose one challenge, and fill in the matrix below to
diagnose what students need to learn to meet that challenge well when they go back
into the real-life professional context.
Diagnostic matrix
TO HAND IN: Please upload your completed Diagnostic matrix into your
(NB: Replace the questions with your own answers…)
Real-life challenge
Undesired Behaviour
Negative effect
Time management
Lack of pre-background
Undesired to profession
Lack of Self Confidence
Difficulty involving
Post-Training Behaviour (or
Desired Behaviour)
Diagnostic assessment
System update
Positive effect
lack of resources
Software driver license issue
Qualifier candidates
Meet global standards
Looking at your list of Desired behaviors, can you already come up with 3-4 learning tasks or
skills building topics you could include in your lectures or your project?
Soft skills
Psychological training
Interview tips and tricks
Leadership skills