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The Dressmaker Chapter 1 Summary Worksheet

The Dressmaker – Chapter 1 summary:
Setting/context – Where exactly is the chapter set
physically and time.
Key moments – dot point.
Characters we are introduced to -brief outline
Myrtle Dunnage:
Sargeant Farrat:
Molly Dunnage:
Edward McSwiney:
Barney McSwiney:
Big Idea/Issues/Values
What it means?
“She heard the car door slam so
turned on her heel and headed
west” p6
Fear /distrust
Tilly does not want to see anyone when
she arrives in Dungatar as she feels
everyone judges her.
She “saw a flash of wet blood on Past trauma/ secrets
the dry grass” pg7
“My name is Tilly….everyone will Transformation/
know soon enough” pg7
Sergeant Farrat hadn’t seen
Molly in years but “ Mae
McSwiney kept an eye on her”
“This is what they’ve done to
you” pg 9